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Schimmele, Alexander ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (2023) A note on bivariate survival functions following a law of uniform seniority. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal Basingstoke 2023 9 907-915 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Fuchs, Sebastian ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (2021) On order statistics and Kendall's tau. Statistics and Probability Letters Amsterdam 169 Article 108972 1-7 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Fuchs, Sebastian ; McCord, Yann ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (2018) Characterizations of copulas attaining the bounds of multivariate Kendall's tau. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications Dordrecht [u.a.] 178 2 424-438 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Gütschow, Tobias ; Hess, Klaus Th. ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (2018) Separation of small and large claims on the basis of collective models. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal Stockholm 2018 6 529-544 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Schmidt, Klaus D. (1992) Stochastische Modellierung in der Erfahrungstarifierung. Blätter der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik e.V. Berlin ; Heidelberg 20 4 441-455 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. ; Waldschaks, Gerd Common extensions of order bounded vector measures. Rendiconti del Circolo matematico di Palermo, Ser. 2 / Supplemento 28 117-124 In: Measure theory, Oberwolfach 1990 : proceedings of the conference held at Oberwolfach, March 18 - 24, 1990 (1992) Palermo Conference on Measure Theory (Oberwolfach, Germany) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]


Schmidt, Klaus D. ; Waldschaks, Gerd (1991) Common extensions of positive vector measures. Portugaliae Mathematica Zürich 48 2 155-164 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Schmidt, Klaus D. (1990) Convergence of Bayes and credibility premiums. ASTIN Bulletin : The Journal of the International Actuarial Association Cambridge 20 2 167-172 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1990) Daugavet's equation and orthomorphisms. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society : PAMS Providence, RI 108 4 905-911 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Schmidt, Klaus D. (1989) A note on positive supermartingales in ruin theory. Blätter der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik e.V. Berlin ; Heidelberg 19 2 129-132 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1989) Positive homogeneity and multiplicativity of premium principles on positive risks. Insurance : Mathematics and Economics Amsterdam [u.a.] 8 4 315-319 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1989) A Lebesgue decomposition for vector measures. Methods of Operations Research Frankfurt a. M. 58 581-582 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1989) Jordan decompositions of generalized vector measures. Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series Harlow 214 [Buch]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1989) The lattice property of uniform amarts. The Annals of Probability New York, NY [u.a.] 17 1 372-378 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Schmidt, Klaus D. (1988) On the modulus of L- and M-weakly compact operators. Indagationes Mathematicae / Proceedings Amsterdam [u.a.] 91 1 89-92 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. Minimal clans: a class of ordered partial semigroups including Boolean rings and lattice–ordered groups. Jürgensen, Helmut Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1320 300-341 In: Semigroups, theory and applications : proceedings of a conference, held in Oberwolfach, FRG, Feb. 23 - Mar.1, 1986 (1988) Berlin ; Heidelberg [u.a.] Conference on Semigroups (Oberwolfach, Germany) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1988) Acknowledgement of priority. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae Dordrecht [u.a.] 11 3 295 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Schmidt, Klaus D. (1987) Embedding theorems for intervals. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik : ZAMM Weinheim 67 5 T448-T449 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. A sequential Lebesgue-Radon-Nikodym theorem and the Lebesgue decomposition of martingales. The Annals of Probability 285-292 In: Transactions of the Tenth Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes : held at Prague, from July 7 to 11, 1986 (1987) Dordrecht 10. Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes (Prague, Czech Republic) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1987) The Andersen–Jessen theorem revisited. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society Cambridge 102 2 351-361 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Schmidt, Klaus D. (1986) Decompositions of vector measures in Riesz spaces and Banach lattices. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society Cambridge 29 1 23-39 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1986) Embedding theorems for classes of convex sets. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae Dordrecht [u.a.] 5 3 209-237 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. Embedding theorems for cones and applications to classes of convex sets occurring in interval mathematics. Nickel, Karl Lecture Notes in Computer Science 212 159-173 In: Interval Mathematics 1985 : Proceedings of the International Symposium Freiburg i.Br., Federal Republic of Germany, September 23-26, 1985 (1986) Berlin [u.a.] Interval Mathematics 1985 (Freiburg, Br., Germany) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1986) Embedding theorems for classes of convex sets in a hypernormed vector space. Analysis Berlin ; München [u.a.] 6 1 57-96 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1986) On Radström's embedding theorem in a hypernormed vector space. Methods of Operations Research Frankfurt a. M. 53 159-170 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Schmidt, Klaus D. Decompositions of vector measures. Brucker, Peter Methods of Operations Research 50 389-400 In: Tagungsbericht : IX. Symposium on Operations Research : University Osnabrück, August 27 - 29, 1984 = Proceedings (1985) Frankfurt a. M. 9. Symposium on Operations Research (Osnabrück, Germany) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1985) A common abstraction of Boolean rings and lattice ordered groups. Compositio mathematica Cambridge 54 1 51-62 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Schmidt, Klaus D. On the jordan decomposition for vector measures. Beck, Anatole Lecture Notes in Mathematics 990 198-203 In: Probability in Banach Spaces IV : Proceedings of the seminar held in Oberwolfach, Germany, July 1982 (1983) Berlin ; Heidelberg [u.a.] Probability in Banach Spaces IV (Oberwolfach, Germany) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1983) On Radstroem's embedding theorem. Methods of Operations Research Frankfurt a. M. 46 335-338 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Gut, Allan ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (1983) Amarts and set function processes. Lecture Notes in Mathematics Berlin ; Heidelberg [u.a.] 1042 [Buch]

Bauer, Sebastian W. ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (1983) Irregular-grid finite-difference simulation of Lake Geneva surge. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering New York, NY [u.a.] 109 10 1285-1297 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Schmidt, Klaus D. (1982) On a result of Cobzas on the Hahn decomposition. Archiv der Mathematik : ADM = Archives of Mathematics Berlin ; Heidelberg 39 6 564-567 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1982) A general Jordan decomposition. Archiv der Mathematik : ADM = Archives of Mathematics Berlin ; Heidelberg 38 1 556-564 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Schmidt, Klaus D. (1981) Generalized martingales and set function processes. Methods of Operations Research Frankfurt a. M. 44 167-178 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1981) On the convergence of a bounded amart and a conjecture of Chatterji. Journal of Multivariate Analysis : JMVA Amsterdam [u.a.] 11 1 58-68 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Schmidt, Klaus D. (1980) Théorèmes de structure pour les amartingales en processus de fonctions d'ensembles à valeurs dans un espace de Banach. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences / Série A, Sciences Mathématique Paris 290 22 1069-1072 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1980) Théorèmes de convergence pour les amartingales en processus de fonctions d'ensembles à valeurs dans un espace de Banach. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences / Série A, Sciences Mathématique Paris 290 1103-1106 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1980) On the value of a stopped set function process. Journal of Multivariate Analysis : JMVA Amsterdam [u.a.] 10 1 123-134 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Schmidt, Klaus D. (1979) Sur la convergence d’une amartingale bornee et un théorème de Chatterji. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences / Série A, Sciences Mathématique Paris 289 3 181-183 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1979) Espaces vectoriels reticules, décompositions de Riesz, et caractérisations de certains processus de fonctions d’ensembles. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences / Série A, Sciences Mathématique Paris 289 2 75-78 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1979) Sur la valeur d'un processus de fonctions d'ensembles. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences / Série A, Sciences Mathématique Paris 288 7 431-434 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Schmidt, Klaus D. (1978) Sur l'espérance d'une semiamartingale arrêtée. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences / Série A, Sciences Mathématique Paris 287 8 663-665 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

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