CSR as a selling of indulgences : an experimental investigation of customers’ perceptions of CSR activities depending on corporate reputation

Konze, Anne-Kathrin ; Edinger-Schons, Laura Marie

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1057/s41299-016-0005-0
URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/306029772...
Additional URL: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1057/s41299-0...
Document Type: Article
Year of publication: 2016
The title of a journal, publication series: Corporate Reputation Review
Volume: 19
Issue number: 3
Page range: 263-280
Place of publication: London
Publishing house: Palgrave Macmillan
ISSN: 1479-1889 , 1363-3589
Publication language: English
Institution: Business School > Sustainable Business (Edinger-Schons 2015-2022)
Subject: 330 Economics
Keywords (English): corporate social responsibility , corporate credibility , corporate reputation , impression formation
Abstract: Companies are increasingly investing in CSR whereby companies with a bad reputation are no exception. The study at hand empirically examines customers’ evaluations of corporate credibility as a reaction to companies’ CSR engagement contingent on the firms’ corporate reputation. Drawing from psychological theories on contrast and recency effects, a conceptual framework is derived which proposes that firms with a bad reputation will benefit more from engaging in CSR compared to those with a favorable reputation. The framework is put to test using a large (N = 1,717), cross-industry sample (including evaluations of 71 independent firms from varying industries), and a between-subjects experimental design (CSR info is given versus no CSR info is given). Results confirm that, indeed, whereas companies with a bad reputation significantly benefit from CSR in terms of an increase in corporate credibility, there is no positive effect of CSR for companies with a good reputation.
Additional information: Mädchenname d. 1. Verfasserin: Ulke, Anne-Kathrin

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