Vocational competencies made visible - measuring tomorrow’s potential at the workplaceWinther, Esther ; Festner, Dagmar ; Sangmeister, Julia ; Klotz, Viola Katharina
Winther, Esther
Festner, Dagmar
Sangmeister, Julia
Klotz, Viola Katharina
Google Scholar: Winther, Esther ; Festner, Dagmar ; Sangmeister, Julia ; Klotz, Viola Katharina ORCID: Winther, Esther ; Festner, Dagmar ; Sangmeister, Julia ; Klotz, Viola Katharina ORCID: 0000-0002-9714-6465 Page ViewsYou have found an error? Please let us know about your desired correction here: E-Mail Actions (login required)