Digital transformation in learning organizations

Helbig, Christian ; Hofhues, Sandra ; Egloffstein, Marc ; Ifenthaler, Dirk

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URN: urn:nbn:de:bsz:180-madoc-583718
Document Type: Book chapter
Year of publication: 2021
Book title: Digital transformation of learning organizations
Page range: 237-244
Publisher: Ifenthaler, Dirk ; Hofhues, Sandra ; Egloffstein, Marc ; Helbig, Christian
Place of publication: Cham
Publishing house: Springer International Publishing
ISBN: 978-3-030-55877-2 , 978-3-030-55878-9
Publication language: English
Institution: Business School > Wirtschaftspädagogik, Technologiebasiertes Instruktionsdesign (Ifenthaler 2015-)
Pre-existing license: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Subject: 370 Education
Abstract: This concluding chapter takes a summarizing look at the contributions of the anthology, guided by two overarching questions: What dimensions are involved in the digital transformation of learning organizations? Which design perspectives can be used for digital transformation in learning organizations? In conclusion, this chapter leads back to the starting point of the anthology: the project #ko.vernetzt and the question of what significance the dimensions and design perspectives of digital transformation have in learning organizations.

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BASE: Helbig, Christian ; Hofhues, Sandra ; Egloffstein, Marc ; Ifenthaler, Dirk

Google Scholar: Helbig, Christian ; Hofhues, Sandra ; Egloffstein, Marc ; Ifenthaler, Dirk

ORCID: Helbig, Christian, Hofhues, Sandra, Egloffstein, Marc ORCID: and Ifenthaler, Dirk ["search_editors_ORCID" not defined] Ifenthaler, Dirk, Hofhues, Sandra, Egloffstein, Marc ORCID: and Helbig, Christian

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