Utilizing learning analytics for teaching success

Yau, Jane Yin-Kim ; Ifenthaler, Dirk

URL: https://www.learntechlib.org/p/219676/
Dokumenttyp: Konferenzveröffentlichung
Erscheinungsjahr: 2021
Buchtitel: EdMedia + Innovate Learning : 2021 Conference, June 6-8, 2021, online
Seitenbereich: 330-338
Veranstaltungstitel: EdMedia + Innovate Learning - World Conference on Educational Media and Technology
Veranstaltungsort: Online
Veranstaltungsdatum: 06.-08.07.2021
Herausgeber: Bastiaens, Theo
Ort der Veröffentlichung: Waynesville, NC
Verlag: AACE
ISBN: 978-1-939797-56-8
Verwandte URLs:
Sprache der Veröffentlichung: Englisch
Einrichtung: Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaftslehre > Wirtschaftspädagogik, Technologiebasiertes Instruktionsdesign (Ifenthaler 2015-)
Fachgebiet: 370 Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen
Abstract: Learning analytics are utilized to support learners’ educational needs as well as to enhance their study success, for example, via the use of real-time prompts, motivational dashboards, appropriate learning interventions, which have been shown to increase students' academic performance as well as their course retention rates. The combination of student, learning and curriculum profiles consisting of static and dynamic parameters enable analytics to be computed and academic interventions to take place. In this paper, we present the results of a systematic review conducted from the teachers’ perspective concerning how analytics can be deployed to adjust/adapt the curriculum to suit better students’ educational needs in order to increase their study success. 35 key studies were identified and (a small scale of) empirical evidence that analytics have been successful in influencing positively study success via teachers’ academic curriculum intervention was obtained. These interventions include curriculum instruction re-design and pedagogical-adjusted decision-making based on the interpretations of the analytics obtained from the student, learning and curriculum profiles. Specifically, via analytics, teachers could rapidly visualize common course pathways and identify any difficulties students experienced in real-time in order to increase their learning experiences, effectiveness and/or outcomes.

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