Applying insights from behavioral finance and learning theory in designing a financial education serious game for secondary school students

Schultheis, Julia ; Aprea, Carmela

Document Type: Book chapter
Year of publication: 2021
Book title: Game-based learning across the disciplines
Page range: 3-24
Publisher: Aprea, Carmela ; Ifenthaler, Dirk
Place of publication: Cham, Switzerland
Publishing house: Springer
ISBN: 978-3-030-75141-8 , 978-3-030-75142-5
Publication language: English
Institution: Business School > Wirtschaftspädagogik, Design and Evaluation instruktionaler Systeme (Aprea 2018-)
Subject: 370 Education

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BASE: Schultheis, Julia ; Aprea, Carmela

Google Scholar: Schultheis, Julia ; Aprea, Carmela

ORCID: Schultheis, Julia ORCID: 0000-0002-6853-8136 ; Aprea, Carmela ["search_editors_ORCID" not defined] Aprea, Carmela ; Ifenthaler, Dirk ORCID: 0000-0002-2446-6548

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