Designing an international large-scale assessment of professional competencies and employability skills: emerging avenues and challenges of OECD's PISA-VETRausch, Andreas ; Abele, Stephan ; Deutscher, Viola ; Greiff, Samuel ; Kis, Viktoria ; Messenger, Sally ; Shackleton, Jenny ; Tramonte, Lucia ; Ward, Michael ; Winther, Esther
Rausch, Andreas
Abele, Stephan
Deutscher, Viola
Greiff, Samuel
Kis, Viktoria
Messenger, Sally
Shackleton, Jenny
Tramonte, Lucia
Ward, Michael
Winther, Esther
Google Scholar: Rausch, Andreas ; Abele, Stephan ; Deutscher, Viola ; Greiff, Samuel ; Kis, Viktoria ; Messenger, Sally ; Shackleton, Jenny ; Tramonte, Lucia ; Ward, Michael ; Winther, Esther ORCID: Rausch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0749-2496 ; Abele, Stephan ; Deutscher, Viola ORCID: 0000-0002-9714-6465 ; Greiff, Samuel ; Kis, Viktoria ; Messenger, Sally ; Shackleton, Jenny ; Tramonte, Lucia ; Ward, Michael ; Winther, Esther Download StatisticsYou have found an error? Please let us know about your desired correction here: E-Mail Actions (login required)