Anzahl der Einträge: 35.
Portisch, Jan ORCID: 0000-0001-5420-0663 ; Hladik, Michael ; Paulheim, Heiko ORCID: 0000-0003-4386-8195
Background knowledge in schema matching: Strategy vs. data.
Hotho, Andreas ; Blomqvist, Eva ; Dietze, Stefan ; Fokoue, Achille ; Ding, Ying ; Barnaghi, Payam ; Haller, Armin ; Dragoni, Mauro ; Alani, Harith
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
In: The Semantic Web – ISWC 2021 : 20th International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC 2021, virtual event, October 24–28, 2021, proceedings
Berlin [u.a.]
ISWC 2021
Primpeli, Anna ORCID: 0000-0002-1783-2482 ; Bizer, Christian ORCID: 0000-0003-2367-0237
Graph-boosted active learning for multi-source entity resolution.
Hotho, Andreas ; Blomqvist, Eva ; Dietze, Stefan ; Fokoue, Achille ; Ding, Ying ; Barnaghi, Payam ; Haller, Armin ; Dragoni, Mauro ; Alani, Harith
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
In: The Semantic Web – ISWC 2021 : 20th international semantic web conference, ISWC 2021, virtual event, October 24–28, 2021, proceedings
Berlin [u.a.]
ISWC 2021 (20, 2021)
Singer, Philipp ; Niebler, Thomas ; Hotho, Andreas ; Strohmaier, Markus ORCID: 0000-0002-5485-5720
Alhajj, Reda ; Rokne, Jon
Encyclopedia of social network analysis and mining
New York, NY
1. A-F
Becker, Martin ; Lemmerich, Florian ; Singer, Philipp ; Strohmaier, Markus ORCID: 0000-0002-5485-5720 ; Hotho, Andreas
Driessen, Kurt ; Kocev, Dragi ; Robnik-Šikonja, Marko ; Spiliopoulou, Myra
MixedTrails: Bayesian hypothesis comparison on heterogeneous sequential data.
Special Issue: Journal track of ECML PKDD 2017
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery : DMKD
Norwell, Mass.
5 = special issue
Lemmerich, Florian ; Singer, Philipp ; Becker, Martin ; Espín-Noboa, Lisette ; Dimitrov, Dimitar ; Helic, Denis ; Hotho, Andreas ; Strohmaier, Markus ORCID: 0000-0002-5485-5720
Comparing hypotheses about sequential data: A Bayesian approach and its applications.
Altun, Yasemin ; Das, Kamalika ; Mielikäinen, Taneli ; Malerba, Donato ; Stefanowski, Jerzy ; Read, Jesse ; Žitnik, Marinka ; Ceci, Michelangelo ; Džeroski, Sašo
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
In: Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases : European conference, ECML PKDD 2017, Skopje, Macedonia, September 18–22, 2017, proceedings. Part 3
Berlin [u.a.]
(Skopje, Macedonia)
Lemmerich, Florian ; Singer, Philipp ; Becker, Martin ; Espín-Noboa, Lisette ; Dimitrov, Dimitar ; Helic, Denis ; Hotho, Andreas ; Strohmaier, Markus ORCID: 0000-0002-5485-5720
A Bayesian approach for comparing hypotheses
about sequential data and its applications.
Leyer, Michael
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
In: LWDA 2017 : Lernen, Wissen, Daten, Analysen (LWDA) conference proceedings, Rostock, Germany, September 11-13, 2017
Aachen, Germany
LWDA 2017
(Rostock, Germany)
Becker, Martin ; Mewes, Hauke ; Hotho, Andreas ; Dimitrov, Dimitar ; Lemmerich, Florian ; Strohmaier, Markus ORCID: 0000-0002-5485-5720
SparkTrails: A MapReduce implementation of HypTrails for comparing hypotheses about human trails.
Bourdeau, Jacqueline ; Hendler, James A. ; Nkambou, Roger ; Horrocks, Ian ; Zhao, Ben
In: WWW '16 Companion : Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on World Wide Web, May 11–15, 2016, Montreal, Canada
New York, NY
WWW '16
(Montreal, Canada)
Lemmerich, Florian ; Becker, Martin ; Singer, Philipp ; Helic, Denis ; Hotho, Andreas ; Strohmaier, Markus ORCID: 0000-0002-5485-5720
Mining subgroups with exceptional transition behavior.
Krishnapuram, Balaji ; Shah, Mohak
In: KDD ’16 : Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, August 13-17, 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA
New York, NY
KDD '16
(San Francisco, CA)
Singer, Philipp ; Helic, Denis ; Hotho, Andreas ; Strohmaier, Markus ORCID: 0000-0002-5485-5720
HypTrails: A Bayesian approach for comparing hypotheses about human trails on the Web.
Gangemi, Aldo ; Leonardi, Stefano ; Panconesi, Alessandro ; Gummadi, Krishna P. ; Zhai, ChengXiang
In: WWW '15 : Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web, May 18–22, 2015, Florence, Italy
New York, NY
WWW '15
(Florence, Italy)
Becker, Martin ; Singer, Philipp ; Lemmerich, Florian ; Hotho, Andreas ; Helic, Denis ; Strohmaier, Markus ORCID: 0000-0002-5485-5720
Photowalking the city: Comparing hypotheses about urban photo trails on Flickr.
Liu, Tie-Yan ; Scollon, Christie Napa ; Zhu, Wenwu
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
In: Social Informatics : 7th International Conference, SocInfo 2015, Beijing, China, December 9–12, 2015, proceedings
Berlin [u.a.]
SocInfo 2015
(Beijing, China)
Becker, Martin ; Singer, Philipp ; Lemmerich, Florian ; Hotho, Andreas ; Helic, Denis ; Strohmaier, Markus ORCID: 0000-0002-5485-5720
VizTrails: An information visualization tool for exploring geographic movement trajectories.
Yesilada, Yeliz ; Farzan, Rosta ; Houben, Geert-Jan
In: HT’15 : proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext & Social Media, September 1-4, 2015, Guzelyurt, Northern Cyprus
New York, NY
HT '15
(Guzelyurt, Northern Cyprus)
Becker, Martin ; Singer, Philipp ; Lemmerich, Florian ; Hotho, Andreas ; Helic, Denis ; Strohmaier, Markus ORCID: 0000-0002-5485-5720
Analyzing geo-spatial trails: Visualizing and
comparing movement hypotheses.
Bergmann, Ralph ; Görg, Sebastian ; Müller, Gilbert
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
In: LWA 2015 : Proceedings of the LWA 2015 Workshops: KDML, FGWM, IR, and FGDB, Trier, Germany, October 7-9, 2015
Aachen, Germany
LWA 2015
(Trier, Germany)
Doerfel, Stephan ; Zoller, Daniel ; Singer, Philipp ; Niebler, Thomas ; Hotho, Andreas ; Strohmaier, Markus ORCID: 0000-0002-5485-5720
How social is social tagging?
Chung, Chin-Wan ; Broder, Andrei ; Shim, Kyuseok ; Suel, Torsten
In: WWW '14 : Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on World Wide Web, April 7–11, 2014, Seoul, Korea
New York, NY
WWW '14
(Seoul, Korea)
Doerfel, Stephan ; Zoller, Daniel ; Singer, Philipp ; Niebler, Thomas ; Hotho, Andreas ; Strohmaier, Markus ORCID: 0000-0002-5485-5720
Evaluating assumptions about social tagging : A study of user behavior in BibSonomy.
Seidl, Thomas ; Hassani, Marwan ; Beecks, Christian
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
In: LWA 2014 : Proceedings of the 16th LWA Workshops: KDML, IR and FGWM, Aachen, Germany, September 8-10, 2014
Aachen, Germany
LWA 2014
(Aachen, Germany)
Helic, Denis ; Strohmaier, Markus ORCID: 0000-0002-5485-5720 ; Granitzer, Michael ; Scherer, Reinhold
Models of human navigation in information networks based on decentralized search.
Hotho, Andreas ; Stumme, Gerd
In: HT ’13 : The proceedings of 24rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, May 1-3, 2013, Paris, France
New York, NY
HT '13
(Paris, France)
Singer, Philipp ; Niebler, Thomas ; Strohmaier, Markus ORCID: 0000-0002-5485-5720 ; Hotho, Andreas
Computing semantic relatedness from human navigational paths on Wikipedia.
Schwabe, Daniel ; Almeida, Virgílio ; Glaser, Hartmut
In: WWW ’13 Companion : Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on World Wide Web, May 13-17, 2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
New York, NY
WWW '13
(Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Niebler, Thomas ; Singer, Philipp ; Benz, Dominik ; Körner, Christian ; Strohmaier, Markus ORCID: 0000-0002-5485-5720 ; Hotho, Andreas
How tagging pragmatics influence tag sense discovery in social annotation systems.
Serdyukov, Pavel ; Braslavski, Pavel ; Kuznetsov, Sergei O. ; Kamps, Jaap ; Rüger, Stefan ; Agichtein, Eugene ; Segalovich, Ilya ; Yilmaz, Emine
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
In: Advances in information retrieval : 35th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2013, Moscow, Russia, March 24-27, 2013, proceedings
Berlin [u.a.]
ECIR 2013
(Moscow, Russia)
Singer, Philipp ; Wagner, Claudia ; Strohmaier, Markus ORCID: 0000-0002-5485-5720
Factors influencing the co-evolution of social and content networks in online social media.
Atzmueller, Martin ; Chin, Alvin ; Helic, Denis ; Hotho, Andreas
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
In: Modeling and Mining Ubiquitous Social Media : international workshops MSM 2011, Boston, MA, USA, October 9, 2011, and MUSE 2011, Athens, Greece, September 5, 2011, revised selected papers
Berlin [u.a.]
MSM 2011
(Boston, MA)
Atzmueller, Martin ; Hotho, Andreas ; Strohmaier, Markus ORCID: 0000-0002-5485-5720 ; Chin, Alvin
Analysis of social media and ubiquitous data : international workshops MSM 2010, Toronto, ON, Canada, June 13, 2010, and MUSE 2010, Barcelona, Spain, September 20, 2010, revised selected papers.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Berlin [u.a.]
Bloehdorn, Stephan ; Blohm, Sebastian ; Cimiano, Philipp ; Giesbrecht, Eugenie ; Hotho, Andreas ; Lösch, Uta ; Maedche, Alexander ; Mönch, Eddie ; Sorg, Philipp ; Staab, Steffen ; Völker, Johanna
Combining Data-Driven and Semantic Approaches for Text Mining.
Fensel, Dieter
Foundations for the Web of Information and Services
Berlin [u.a.]
Benz, Dominik ; Körner, Christian ; Hotho, Andreas ; Stumme, Gerd ; Strohmaier, Markus ORCID: 0000-0002-5485-5720
One tag to bind them all: Measuring term abstractness in social metadata.
Antoniou, Grigoris ; Grobelnik, Marko ; Simperl, Elena ; Parsia, Bijan ; Plexousakis, Dimitris ; De Leenheer, Pieter ; Pan, Jeff
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
In: The Semanic Web: Research and Applications : 8th Extended Semantic Web Conference, ESWC 2011, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, May 29 – June 2, 2011, proceedings, Part II
Berlin [u.a.]
ESWC 2011
(Heraklion, Greece)
Körner, Christian ; Benz, Dominik ; Hotho, Andreas ; Strohmaier, Markus ORCID: 0000-0002-5485-5720 ; Stumme, Gerd
Stop thinking, start tagging: tag semantics emerge from collaborative verbosity.
Rappa, Michael ; Jones, Paul ; Zurko, Mary Ellen ; Freire, Juliana ; Chakrabarti, Soumen
In: WWW '10: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on World Wide Web, April 26-30, Raleigh, NC, USA
New York, NY
WWW '10
(Raleigh, NC)
Körner, Christian ; Benz, Dominik ; Hotho, Andreas ; Strohmaier, Markus ORCID: 0000-0002-5485-5720 ; Stumme, Gerd
Diani, Mario
Social bookmarking systems: Verbosity improves semantics.
Abstracts Sunbelt
In: Sunbelt 30 : International Sunbelt Social Network Conference, Riva del Garda Fiere Congressi, Riva del Garda (TN), Italy, June 29 - July 4, 2010, abstracts
Marietta, GA
XXX Sunbelt
(Riva del Garda, Italy)
[Präsentation auf Konferenz]
Hotho, Andreas ; Staab, Steffen ; Maedche, Alexander
Ontology-based Text Clustering.
In: IJCAI '01 : 17th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
San Francisco, Calif.
Workshop "Text Learning: Beyond Supervision" at IJCAI 2001
(Seattle, Wash.)
Hotho, Andreas ; Maedche, Alexander ; Staab, Steffen ; Zacharias, Valentin
On Knowledgeable Unsupervised Text Mining.
In: Text Mining 2002 Workshop
Philadelphia, Pa.
(Arlington, Va.)
Bozsak, Erol ; Ehrig, Marc ; Handschuh, Siegfried ; Hotho, Andreas ; Maedche, Alexander ; Motik, Boris ; Oberle, Daniel ; Schmitz, Christoph ; Staab, Steffen ; Stojanovic, Ljiljana ; Stojanovic, Nenad ; Studer, Rudi ; Stumme, Gerd ; Sure, York ; Tane, Julien ; Volz, Raphael ; Zacharias, Valentin
KAON - Towards a large scale Semantic Web.
Bauknecht , Kurt
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
In: E-commerce and web technologies : third International Conference, EC Web 2002, Aix-en-Provence, France, September 2 - 6, 2002; proceedings
Berlin [u.a.]
Hotho, Andreas ; Maedche, Alexander ; Staab, Steffen
Text Clustering Based on Good Aggregations.
In: Proceedings : 2001 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining
Los Alamitos, Calif. [u.a.]
Staab, Steffen ; Angele, Jürgen ; Decker, Stefan ; Erdmann, Michael ; Hotho, Andreas ; Maedche, Alexander ; Schnurr, Hans-Peter ; Studer, Rudi ; Sure, York
Semantic community Web portals.
Computer Networks : the International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking
Amsterdam [u.a.]
Staab, Steffen ; Angele, Jürgen ; Decker, Stefan ; Hotho, Andreas ; Maedche, Alexander ; Schnurr, Hans-Peter ; Studer, Rudi ; Sure, York
AI for the Web - Ontology-based Community Web Portals.
In: Proceedings : Seventeenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-2000); Twelfth Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference (IAAI-2000)
Cambridge, Mass. [u.a.]
(Austin, Tex.)
Maedche, Alexander ; Hotho, Andreas ; Wiese, Markus
Enhancing Preprocessing in Data-Intensive Domains using Online-Analytical Processing.
Kambayashi, Yahiko
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
In: Data warehousing and knowledge discovery : Second International Conference, DaWaK 2000, London, UK, September 4-6, 2000; proceedings
Berlin [u.a.]
(London, UK)
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