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Anzahl der Einträge: 12.


Martens, Moritz ; Majster-Cederbaum, Mila (2012) Deadlock-freedom in component systems with architectural constraints. Formal Methods in System Design Dordrecht [u.a.] 41 2 129-177 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Martens, Moritz (2009) Establishing Properties of Interaction Systems. Open Access None Mannheim [Dissertation]


Martens, Moritz ; Majster-Cederbaum, Mila Using Architectural Constraints for Deadlock-Freedom of Component Systems with Multiway Cooperation. Chin, Wei-Ngan Theoretical aspects of software engineering : 3rd International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering, Tianjin, China; proceedings 225-232 In: 2009 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering : (TASE 2009) ; Tianjin, China, 29 - 31 July 2009 (2009) Piscataway, NJ [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Martens, Moritz Liveness in Interaction Systems. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science : ENTCS 215 57-74 (2008) Amsterdam [u.a.] [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Majster-Cederbaum, Mila ; Martens, Moritz Compositional analysis of deadlock-freedom for tree-like component architectures. De Alfaro, Luca Proceedings of the 8th ACM & IEEE International conference on Embedded software, EMSOFT 2008, Atlanta, GA, USA, October 19-24, 2008 199-206 In: Proceedings of the 8th ACM & IEEE International conference on Embedded software, EMSOFT 2008, Atlanta, GA, USA, October 19-24, 2008 (2008) New York, NY [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Majster-Cederbaum, Mila ; Martens, Moritz ; Minnameier, Christoph ; Gössler, Gregor ; Graf, Susanne ; Sifakis, Joseph A Polynomial-Time checkable sufficient Condition for Deadlock-Freedom of Component-Based Systems. Leeuwen, Jan van Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4362 888-899 In: SOFSEM 2007: Theory and Practice of Computer Science : 33rd Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science; Harrachov, Czech Republic, January 20-26, 2007; proceedings (2007) Berlin [u.a.] [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Majster-Cederbaum, Mila ; Martens, Moritz ; Gössler, Gregor ; Graf, Susanne ; Sifakis, Joseph ; Minnameier, Christoph An Approach to Modelling and Verification of Component Based Systems. SOFSEM 2007: Theory and Practice of Computer Science : 33nd Conference on Current Trendsin Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Harrachov, Czech Republic, January 20-26, 2007, Proceedings In: SOFSEM 2007: Theory and Practice of Computer Science : 33nd Conference on Current Trendsin Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Harrachov, Czech Republic, January 20-26, 2007, Proceedings (2007) Berlin; Heidelberg [u.a.] [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Majster-Cederbaum, Mila ; Martens, Moritz ; Gössler, Gregor ; Graf, Susanne ; Sifakis, Joseph Ensuring Properties of Interaction Systems by Construction. (2007) Berlin; Heidelberg [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Majster-Cederbaum, Mila ; Martens, Moritz Robustness in Interaction Systems. Derrick, John Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4574 325-340 In: Formal techniques for networked and distributed systems - FORTE 2007 : 27th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, Tallinn, Estonia, June 27 - 29, 2007; proceedings (2007) Berlin [u.a.] [Konferenzveröffentlichung]


Martens, Moritz (2007) Liveness in Interaction Systems. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Majster-Cederbaum, Mila ; Martens, Moritz (2007) Robustness in Interaction Systems. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Martens, Moritz ; Minnameier, Christoph ; Majster-Cederbaum, Mila (2006) Deciding Liveness in Component-Based Systems is NP-hard. Open Access Manuskripte / Reihe Informatik Mannheim 06-17 [Arbeitspapier]

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