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Skip to: 2024 | 2021 | 2020 | 2012 | 2011 | 2006 | 2004 | 2002 | 1997


Rostam-Afschar, Davud ORCID: 0000-0002-9358-998X (2024) Econometricks: Short guides to econometrics. Open Access Mannheim [Working paper]


Chen, Li ; Lee, Jinyeop ; Liew, Matthew ORCID: 0000-0002-2073-1500 (2021) Combined mean-field and semiclassical limits of large fermionic systems. Open Access Journal of Statistical Physics New York [u.a.] 182 Article 24 1-41 [Article]

Hertling, Claus Bondal, Alexey ; Kapranov, Mikhail ; Kohno, Toshitake ; Takahashi, Atsushi ; Yoshinaga, Masahiko (2021) Rank 2 bundles with meromorphic connections with poles of Poincaré rank 1 :. Special issue on primitive forms and related topics in honor of Kyoji Saito for his 77th birthday Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications : SIGMA Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar 17 Article 082 1-73 [Article]


Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 (2020) Nuclear accidents: how can mathematicians help to save lives? Lindner, Ewald ; Micheletti, Alessandra ; Nunes, Cláudia Mathematical modelling in real life problems: case studies from ECMI-Modelling Weeks Mathematics in Industry Cham 33 45-58 [Book chapter]


Schroer, Nicolai (2012) Design and evaluation of the IBL BOC for the ATLAS experiment at CERN. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]


Fertig, Matthias (2011) Vector Wave Propagation Method : Ein Beitrag zum elektromagnetischen Optikrechnen. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]


Khomich, Andrei (2006) Using FPGA Co-processors for Improving the execution Speed of Pattern Recognition Algorithms in ATLAS LVL2 Trigger. Open Access None [Doctoral dissertation]


Hertling, Claus ; Marcolli, Matilde (2004) Frobenius manifolds : quantum cohomology and singularities ; a publication of the Max-Planck-Institute for Mathematics, Bonn. Aspects of Mathematics = Aspekte der Mathematik. E Wiesbaden 36 [Book]


Klug, Róbert (2002) Entwurf und Aufbau mikrooptischer Systeme für die Mess- und Übertragungstechnik. Open Access None [Doctoral dissertation]

Wagner, Achim ; Kliem, Herbert (2002) Dispersive ionic space charge relaxation in solid polymer electrolytes. - I. Experimental system polyethylene oxide. Journal of Applied Physics Melville, NY 91 10 6630-6637 [Article]

Wagner, Achim ; Kliem, Herbert (2002) Dispersive ionic space charge relaxation in solid polymer electrolytes. - II. Model and simulation. Journal of Applied Physics Melville, NY 91 10 6638-6649 [Article]

Brenner, Karl-Heinz ; Kümmel, Peter ; Krackhardt, Ulrich Wellenoptische Optimierung des Schreib-/Lesekopfes für die hochdichte optische Speicherung. Symposium SYSI In: E-Verhandlungen 2002 Symposium Simulation in Physik, Informatik und Informationstechnik (2002) Bad Honnef [Conference or workshop publication]


Binz, Ernst ; Oellers, Peter The mass-squared operator and the Einstein-Hilbert action for rescaled Lorentz metrics (in memoriam R. Domiaty). Gruber, Bruno Symmetries in science IX : [The international Symposium "Symmetries in Science IX" was held at the Collegium Mehrerau in Bregenz, during the period August 6 - 10, 1996] In: Symmetries in science IX : [The international Symposium "Symmetries in Science IX" was held at the Collegium Mehrerau in Bregenz, during the period August 6 - 10, 1996] (1997) New York, NY [Conference or workshop publication]

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