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Bucher, Hannah ; Stroppe, Anne-Kathrin ; Burger, Axel M. ; Faas, Thorsten ; Schoen, Harald ; Debus, Marc ORCID: 0000-0002-7151-7942 ; Roßteutscher, Sigrid ; Cohen, Denis ; Huber, Robert A. ; Jankowski, Michael ; John, Melvin ; Menzner, Jan ; Schimpf, Christian H. ; Schnaudt, Christian ; Steiner, Nils D. ; Traunmüller, Richard ; Unkelbach, Fabienne ORCID: 0000-0002-9107-3533 ; Vogel, Vera ; Wegscheider, Carsten ; Welz, Robert ; Wuttke, Alexander ORCID: 0000-0002-9579-5357 (2022) Special issue conclusion : The GLES Open Science Challenge 2021 in hindsight: experiences gained and lessons learned. Open Access Politische Vierteljahresschrift : PVS Wiesbaden ; Baden-Baden 64 1 207-219 [Article]


Grunow, Daniela ; Sachweh, Patrick ; Schimank, Uwe ; Traunmüller, Richard (2023) What we have learned about social integration: conclusion. Open Access Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie : KZfSS Wiesbaden 75 Suppl. 1 415-430 [Article]

González, Belén ; Traunmüller, Richard (2023) The political consequences of wartime sexual violence: Evidence from a list experiment. Open Access Journal of Peace Research London [u.a.] 61 6 1035-1050 [Article]


Helbling, Marc ORCID: 0000-0002-9672-4569 ; Maxwell, Rahsaan ; Munzert, Simon ; Traunmüller, Richard (2022) The importance of citizenship for deserving COVID-19 treatment. Open Access Humanities and Social Sciences Communications London 9 Article 302 1-8 [Article]

Helbling, Marc ORCID: 0000-0002-9672-4569 ; Jäger, Felix ORCID: 0000-0002-2787-2525 ; Traunmüller, Richard (2022) Muslim bias or fear of fundamentalism? A survey experiment in five Western European democracies. Open Access Research & Politics : R&P London 9 1 1-6 [Article]

Hanson, Tim ; Helbling, Marc ORCID: 0000-0002-9672-4569 ; Maxwell, Rahsaan ; Traunmüller, Richard ; Gemenis, Kostas ; Littvay, Levente (2021) Developing a COVID-19 module for the European Social Survey. Open Access Measurement Instruments for the Social Sciences : MISS Heidelberg ; New York 3 Article 9 1-6 [Article]


Koos, Carlo ; Traunmüller, Richard (2024) The gendered costs of stigma: How experiences of conflict-related sexual violence affect civic engagement for women and men. Open Access American Journal of Political Science : AJPS Hoboken, NJ tba tba 1-16 [Article]


Murr, Andreas ; Traunmüller, Richard ; Gill, Jeff (2022) Computing quantities of interest and their uncertainty using Bayesian simulation. Open Access Political Science Research and Methods : PSRM Cambridge 11 3 623-632 [Article]

Mettang, Olivia ; Euchner, Eva-Maria ORCID: 0000-0002-4928-9023 ; Fischer, Lisa ; Menzner, Jan ORCID: 0000-0002-0622-7076 (2023) Securing moral authority: A cross-national analysis of protestant engagement in the implementation of morality policies in Western Europe. Open Access Voluntas : International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations Dordrecht [u.a.] tba tba 1-12 [Article]


Revers, Matthias ; Traunmüller, Richard (2020) Is free speech in danger on university campus? Some preliminary evidence from a most likely case. Open Access Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie : KZfSS Wiesbaden 72 3 471-497 [Article]

Rudolph, Lukas ; Däubler, Thomas ; Menzner, Jan ORCID: 0000-0002-0622-7076 (2022) Das Potenzial offener Listen für die Wahl von Frauen zum Bundestag. Ergebnisse eines Survey-Experiments. Open Access Politische Vierteljahresschrift : PVS Wiesbaden ; Baden-Baden 63 3 441-468 [Article]


Stoetzer, Lukas F. ; Leemann, Lucas ; Traunmüller, Richard (2024) Learning from polls during electoral campaigns. Open Access Political Behavior New York, NY 46 1 543-564 [Article]

Stoetzer, Lukas F. ; Munzert, Simon ; Lowe, Will ; Çalı, Başak ; Gohdes, Anita R. ; Helbling, Marc ORCID: 0000-0002-9672-4569 ; Maxwell, Rahsaan ; Traunmüller, Richard (2022) Affective partisan polarization and moral dilemmas during the COVID-19 pandemic. Open Access Political Science Research and Methods : PSRM Cambridge 11 2 429-436 [Article]

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