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Tödtmann, Benjamin Josef David (2024) Essays on the corporate information environment. Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]


Bischof, Jannis ; Brüggemann, Ulf ; Daske, Holger (2023) Asset reclassifications and bank recapitalization during the financial crisis. Open Access Management Science Cantonsville, MD 69 1 75-100 [Article]

Cascino, Stefano ; Daske, Holger ; DeFond, Mark ; Florou, Annita ; Gassen, Joachim ; Hung, Mingyi (2023) Reflections on the 20-year anniversary of worldwide IFRS adoption. Journal of International Accounting Research Sarasota, Fla. 22 3 85-96 [Article]

Becker, Kirstin ; Daske, Holger ; Pelger, Christoph ; Zeff, Stephen A. (2023) IFRS adoption in the United States: An analysis of the role of the SEC’s Chairs. Open Access Journal of Accounting and Public Policy Amsterdam 42 3, Article 107016 1-19 [Article]


Mütsch, Philipp Maximilian (2022) Essays on Non-Financial Disclousures. Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Seregni, Carol (2022) Essays on firms' transparency. Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]


Becker, Kirstin (2018) Essays on accounting regulation and its socio-economic environment. Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Wutzler, Juliane (2018) Essays on voluntary disclosure in corporate narratives. Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]


Trimble, Madeline (2017) The status and reporting effects of international financial reporting standards adoption across the globe. Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]


Bischof, Jannis ; Daske, Holger (2016) Interpreting the European Union’s IFRS endorsement criteria: The case of IFRS 9. Open Access Accounting in Europe Abingdon [u.a.] 13 2 129-168 [Article]

Elfers, Ferdinand (2016) Market discipline and disclosure regulation for financial institutions. Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]


El Chamaa, Marwan (2015) Essays on implied cost of capital estimation and implementation for corporates and banks: In association with customer satisfaction, equity market discipline and an estimation approach. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]


Bischof, Jannis ; Daske, Holger ; Sextroh, Christoph (2014) Fair value‐related information in analysts’ decision processes: Evidence from the financial crisis. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting : JBFA Hudson, NY 41 3/4 363-400 [Article]

Sextroh, Christoph (2014) The environment of corporate financial reporting in capital markets : regulation, communication, and processing of accounting information. Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Reck, Robert (2014) Sprachkulturelle Determinanten von Textinformationen in internationalen Geschäftsberichten. Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]


Daske, Holger ; Hail, Luzi ; Leuz, Christian ; Verdi, Rodrigo (2013) Adopting a label: Heterogeneity in the economic consequences around IAS/IFRS adoptions. Journal of Accounting Research Malden, Mass. [u.a.] 51 3 495-547 [Article]

Bischof, Jannis ; Daske, Holger (2013) Mandatory disclosure, voluntary disclosure, and stock market liquidity: Evidence from the EU bank stress tests. Journal of Accounting Research Malden, Mass. [u.a.] 51 5 997-1029 [Article]

Scholz, Michael (2013) Securitization and Credit Risk: Evidence from Retained Interest in Securitized Mortgages. Open Access Mannheim [Working paper]


Artz, Martin (2012) Controlling der Kundenzufriedenheit. Homburg, Christian Kundenzufriedenheit Wiesbaden 249-272 [Book chapter]

Daske, Holger (2012) Mark Lang and Mark Maffett, Economic Effects of Transparency in International Equity Markets: A Review and Suggestions for Future Research, Foundations and Trends® in Accounting (Hanover, MA: now Publishers Inc. 2011, ISBN 978-1-60198-448-7. The Accounting Review Sarasota, FL 87 5 1821-1823 [Review]


Artz, Martin (2011) Slack in Marketing- und Vertriebsbudgets - Ressourcenverschwendung oder notwendige Flexibilität in der Marktbearbeitung? Controlling München 23 1 47-55 [Article]

Artz, Martin (2011) Anreiz- und Vergütungssysteme im Vertrieb. Homburg, Christian Handbuch Vertriebsmanagement Wiesbaden 299-326 [Book chapter]

Artz, Martin ; Schröder, Mark (2011) Durchsetzung von Zielpreisen in dezentralen Landesgesellschaften über Transferpreise. Homburg, Christian Preismanagement auf Busines-to-Business Märkten Wiesbaden 237-261 [Book chapter]


Daske, Holger (2010) Manipulation des Börsenkurses durch gezielte Informationspolitik im Rahmen von Squeeze-Outs? - Eine empirische Untersuchung am deutschen Kapitalmarkt. Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung : Zfbf Wiesbaden 62 2 254-288 [Article]


Daske, Holger ; Hail, Luzi ; Leuz, Christian ; Verdi, Rodrigo (2008) Mandatory IFRS Reporting Around the World: Early Evidence on the Economic Consequences. Journal of Accounting Research Oxford [u.a.] 46 5 1085-1142 [Article]


Daske, Holger ; Richardson, Scott A. ; Tuna, Irem (2005) Do short sale transactions precede bad news events? SSRN Working Paper Series Rochester, NY [Working paper]

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