industry 4.0 , learning factories 4.0 , multidisciplinary digital competencies
As a result of Industry 4.0 and its increasing interconnectedness, the demand for multidisciplinary competencies is increasing, especially for technical and digital tasks. The first research question of this thesis is which multidisciplinary digital competencies technical vocational students should possess in the future in order to be adequately prepared for the requirements of Industry 4.0. The second research question explored whether Learning Factories 4.0 can support the desired development of competencies among technical vocational students.
Based on theoretical assumptions, two qualitative studies were conducted in which both corporate instructors and technical vocational teachers were asked which multidisciplinary digital competencies, in addition to their technical competencies, will be important for technical vocational students in the future. These competency dimensions and their interrelationships were then empirically tested and modified through a structural equation model. Finally, the development of competencies through the support of Learning Factories 4.0 in vocational schools was investigated.
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