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Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Vandepoele, Louis
ORCID: 0000-0002-2398-3279
Managing the “downside” of downsizing: Firms' impression offsetting around downsizing announcements.
Journal of Management Studies : JMS Oxford 61 1 3684-3716 [Zeitschriftenartikel]
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Binder, Philipp Dennis
The effectiveness of verbal mimicry in activist hedge fund campaigns.
Journal of Management : JOM Thousand Oaks, CA tba tba 1-32 [Zeitschriftenartikel]
Mertens, Marc J.
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Just look! How visual impression management facilitates activist hedge fund campaign success.
(2024) 44th Annual Conference of the Strategic Management Society, SMS (Istanbul, Turkey) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]
Mertens, Marc J.
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
The Power of visuals: How visual impression management facilitates activist hedge fund campaign success.
(2024) 4th International Conference of the Global Research Foundation for Corporate Governance 2024 (London, UK) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]
Mertens, Marc J.
ORCID: 0000-0002-0199-8939
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Just look! How visual impression management facilitates activist hedge fund campaign success.
(2024) 40th EGOS Colloquium (European Group for Organization Studies) 2024 (Milano, Italy) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]
Mertens, Marc J.
ORCID: 0000-0002-0199-8939
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Just look! How visual impression management facilitates activist hedge fund campaign success.
(2024) BERD@NFDI Research Symposium 2024 (Mannheim, Germany) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]
Mertens, Marc J.
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Just look! How visual impression management facilitates activist hedge fund campaign success.
(2024) 84th Annual Academic Conference of theVerband der Hochschullehrerinnen und Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB), Entrepreneurship, Digitalization, Sustainability (Lüneburg, Germnay) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Wiersema, Margarethe
Binder, Philipp Dennis
"Dear CEO and board": how activist investors' confidence in tone influences campaign success.
Organization Science Hanover, MD 34 4 1487-1508 [Zeitschriftenartikel]
Wecker, Brigitte
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
"Crowd contamination"? Spillover effects in the context of misconduct allegations.
Gabbioneta, Claudia
Clemente, Marco
Greenwood, Royston
Organizational wrongdoing as the "foundational" grand challenge : consequences and impact Research in the Sociology of Organizations Bingley [u.a.] 85 53-72 [Buchkapitel]
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Block, Jörn
Moritz, Alexandra
Dismissed! Exploratory insights into the relative importance of selection criteria in M&A target screening processes.
(2023) SMS 43rd Annual Conference (Toronto, Canada) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Miller, C. Chet
The interplay between procedural rationality and political behavior in strategic decision making.
(2023) SMS 43rd Annual Conference (Toronto, Canada) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]
Wecker, Brigitte
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Misbehave like nobody’s watching? Investor attention to corporate misconduct and its implications.
Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings 2023 1 (2023) Chicago, IL The 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (Boston, MA) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Hoisl, Karin
Jerusalem, Martin
Searching for the gem: The influence of target knowledge distinctiveness on acquisition likelihood and premium.
(2021) SMS 41st Annual Conference (Online) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]
Wecker, Brigitte
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Investor response to firm recidivism: an expectancy violations theory perspective.
(2021) Society and Organizations Institute (S&O) Research Day 2021 (Paris, France, Online) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]
Müller-Stewens, Günter
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Corporate Strategy : Wege zur nachhaltigen Wertsteigerung.
Stuttgart [Buch]
Wecker, Brigitte
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Investor response to firm recidivism: An expectancy violations theory perspective.
(2020) 36th EGOS Colloquium, European Group of Organizational Studies (Online) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Zimmermann, Martin
Investor response to workforce downsizing: The influence of industry waves, macroeconomic outlook, and firm performance.
Journal of Management : JOM Thousand Oaks, CA 45 5 1775-1801 [Zeitschriftenartikel]
Wecker, Brigitte
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
"Doing well" despite "doing bad"? Investor response to repeated illegal behavior.
Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings 2019,1 Article 13275 (2019) Chicago, IL 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (Boston, MA) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Wiersema, Margarethe
Analyzing analyst research: A review of past coverage and recommendations for future research.
Journal of Management : JOM Thousand Oaks, CA 44 1 218-248 [Zeitschriftenartikel]
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Blechschmitt, Florian
Determinants and performance implications of turnaround duration.
Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management 2018,1 1 12023 (2018) Chicago, IL Academy of Management Annual Meeting (Chicago, IL) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]
Zimmermann, Martin
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Incentivized to downsize? Exploring managers’ motivation to engage in workforce downsizing.
Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management 2018 1 13965 (2018) Chicago, IL Academy of Management Annual Meeting (Chicago, IL) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Determinants of divestiture completion duration – A behavioral learning perspective.
(2018) EURAM 2018, European Academy of Management Conference (Reykjavik, Iceland) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Heinzl, Armin
Maug, Ernst
ORCID: 0000-0002-2866-6926
Mannheim business research insights.
Mannheim 2-2018 [Bericht]
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Mammen, Jan
Luger, Johannes
Sell-offs and firm performance : a matter of experience?
Journal of Management : JOM Thousand Oaks, Calif. 45 5 1359-1387 [Zeitschriftenartikel]
Zimmermann, Martin
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Cross-country differences in investor response to workforce downsizing.
Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management 2017 13352 (2017) Chicago, IL Academy of Management Conference (Atlanta, GA) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]
Wecker, Brigitte
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
The good in being notoriously bad: Repeated acts of corporate illegality and investor reactions.
Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management 2017 1 10961 (2017) Chicago, IL Academy of Management 2017 Annual Meeting (Atlanta, GA) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]
Biemann, Torsten
Brauer, Matthias
The world as a casino: Bandit models in strategy and organization science research.
Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management 2017 17051 (2017) Chicago, IL Academy of Management 2017 Annual Meeting (Atlanta, GA) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Zimmermann, Martin
Ursprung, Tobias
The Uster buyout - the fabric of a private equity transaction.
CASE Beds, UK ; Wellesley, MA 317-0081-1 [Bericht]
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Blechschmitt, Florian
Pfizer-Allergan – the rise and fall of a mega-merger.
CASE Beds, UK ; Wellesley, MA 317-0080-1 [Bericht]
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Laamanen, Tomi M. M.
"Running for the exit": The influence of divestiture experience on divestiture completion times.
Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management 2016 1 13512 (2016) Chicago, IL Academy of Management Annual Meeting (Anaheim, CA) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]
Zimmermann, Martin
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Investor information processing and workforce downsizing performance.
Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management 2016 1 13713 (2016) Chicago, IL Academy of Management Annual Meeting (Anaheim, CA) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Investor response to acquisitions of developed market targets by emerging market acquirers.
(2016) Strategic Management Society Special Conference "Contextualizing Strategic Management in Asia: Institutions, Innovation and Internationalization" (Hongkong, China) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]
Blechschmitt, Florian
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Organizational resilience: On the linkage between volatility absorption and performance recovery.
Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management 2016 1 13179 (2016) Chicago, IL Academy of Management Annual Meeting (Anaheim, CA) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]
Alscher, Alexander
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Path dependence in the evolution of the business portfolio configuration of large multi-business firms.
International Studies of Management and Organization : ISMO Abingdon [u.a.] 45 4 287-318 [Zeitschriftenartikel]
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Patterns in the strategic evolution of large multi-business firms.
International Studies of Management and Organization : ISMO Abingdon [u.a.] 45 4 283-286 [Zeitschriftenartikel]
Laamanen, Tomi
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Junna, Olli
Performance of Acquirers of Divested Assets: Evidence from the U.S. Software Industry.
Strategic Management Journal Chichester [u.a.] 35 6 914-925 [Zeitschriftenartikel]
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Laamanen, Tomi
Workforce downsizing and firm performance : an organizational routine perspective.
Journal of Management Studies : JMS Hoboken, NJ 51 8 1311-1333 [Zeitschriftenartikel]
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
The effects of short-term and long-term oriented managerial behavior on medium-term financial performance.
Journal of Business Economics and Management Abingdon 14 2 386-402 [Zeitschriftenartikel]
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Heitmann, Mark
Antecedents and temporal dynamics of strategic divergence in multinational corporations: Evidence from Europe.
Journal of World Business Greenwich, Conn. [u.a.] 48 1 110-121 [Zeitschriftenartikel]
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Divestitures and Firm Performance: The Moderating Role Internal and External Experience.
(2013) Academy of Management Annual Meeting (Lake Buena Vista, Fla.) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Selling what you love: Divestiture activity in family-controlled firms.
(2013) Academy of Management Annual Meeting (Lake Buena Vista, Fla.) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]
Schimmer, Markus
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Firm Performance and Aspiration Levels as Determinants of a Firm's Strategic Repositioning within Strategic Group Structures.
Strategic Organization Thousand Oaks, Calif. 10 4 406-435 [Zeitschriftenartikel]
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Wiersema, Margarethe
Industry Divestiture Waves: How a Firm’s Position Influences Investor Returns.
Academy of Management Journal : AMJ Briarcliff Manor, NJ 55 6 1472-1492 [Zeitschriftenartikel]
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Experiential learning in sell-offs.
(2012) Academy of Management Annual Meeting (Boston, Mass.) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Decision rationality in complex and political contexts.
(2012) Academy of Management Annual Meeting (Boston, Mass.) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Workforce Downsizing and Firm Performance: Does Family Ownership Make a Difference?
(2011) Academy of Management Annual Meeting (San Antonio, Tex.) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Mammen, Jan
Luger, Johannes
Sell-offs and Firm Performance: A Matter of Experience?
(2011) Strategic Management Society Conference (Miami, Fla.) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Schimmer, Markus
Performance effects of corporate divestiture programs.
Journal of Strategy and Management Bingley [u.a.] 3 2 84-109 [Zeitschriftenartikel]
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
The implications of magnitude, timing, and realization of workforce downsizing on firm profitability.
Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management 2010 1 1-6 In: 70th Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM) 2010 "Dare to Care" (2010) Chicago, IL 70th Academy of Management Annual Meeting (Montréal, Canada) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Stüssi, Thomas
Performance implications of exit timing in industry divestiture waves.
Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management Chicago, Ill. 2010 1 1-4 [Zeitschriftenartikel]
Müller-Stewens, Günter
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Synergien: Wie Synergienpotential optimal genutzt wird.
IO New Management Zürich 2010 9 30-33 [Zeitschriftenartikel]
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Müller-Stewens, Günter
Turning the conglomerate discount into a premium: a framework for corporate centers of multi-business firms.
Performance Stuttgart 3 1 6-11 [Zeitschriftenartikel]
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Müller-Stewens, Günter
Private Equitisierung? Verlieren Konzerne den Wettbewerb um Eigentumsrechte gegenüber Private-Equity-Gesellschaften?
Performance Stuttgart 2 2 14-23 [Zeitschriftenartikel]
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Corporate and divisional manager involvement in divestitures - A contingent analysis.
British Journal of Management : BJM Oxford 20 3 341-362 [Zeitschriftenartikel]
Müller-Stewens, Günter
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Corporate Strategy & Governance : Wege zur nachhaltigen Wertsteigerung im diversifizierten Unternehmen.
Stuttgart [Buch]
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Wiersema, Margarethe
The Influence of Strategic Motives and Competitive Context on Decision Comprehensiveness.
(2009) Academy of Management Annual Meeting (Chicago, Ill.) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Laamanen, Tomi
Waizenegger, Florian
Performance Dynamics of Oscillating Growth: A Comparison of Organic and Acquisitive Growth Paths.
(2009) Strategic Management Society Conference (Washington, DC) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Laamanen, Tomi
Junna, Olli
Performance of Acquirers of Divested Assets: Bottom Fishers of the U.S. Software Industry.
(2009) Academy of Management Annual Meeting (Chicago, Ill.) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]
Brauer, Matthias
ORCID: 0000-0001-7162-7917
Schimmer, Markus
Performance Effects of Corporate Divestiture Programs: Evidence from the Global Insurance Industry.
(2009) Academy of Management Annual Meeting (Chicago, Ill.) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]
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