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Skip to: 2023 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2012 | 2011 | 2003 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996


Reuter, Marco (2023) Essays in market and mechanism design. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]


Merkel, Sebastian (2018) Essays on belief-driven stock price fluctuations. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Bubeck, Johannes (2018) Essays on monetary policy, investors and elections. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]


Momsen, Katharina (2017) Essays in experimental economics. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]


Balzer, Benjamin (2016) Essays in mechanism design. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Hoffmann, Timo (2016) Essays in experimental economics. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]


Weiergräber, Stefan (2015) Essays on estimating network effects and switching costs. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]


Walsh, Christopher (2014) Estimating deterministics in univariate time series. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]


Ruhmer-Krell, Isabel (2012) Essays in applied microeconomics. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Niepel, Verena (2012) Essays on skills, school choice and their long-term consequences. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]


Bucher-Koenen, Tabea (2011) Financial literacy, cognitive abilities, and long-term decision making : Five essays on individual behavior. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]


Kohn, Karsten ; Missong, Martin (2003) Estimation of Quadratic Expenditure Systems Using German Household Budget Data. Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik = Journal of Economics and Statistics Berlin 223 4 422-448 [Article]

Gall, Thomas (2003) Lotteries, Inequality, and Market Imperfection : Galor and Zeira Go Gambling. GK Working Paper Series Mannheim 03-01 [Working paper]


Vogelgesang, Ulrike (2001) Investigating Microfinance: Caja Los Andes, Bolivia. GK Working Paper Series Mannheim 01-01 [Working paper]

Vogelgesang, Ulrike (2001) Microfinance in Times of Crisis: The Effects of Competition, Rising Indebtedness, and Economic Crisis on Repayment Behaviour. GK Working Paper Series Mannheim 01-06 [Working paper]

Glaser, Markus ; Weber, Martin (2001) Momentum and Turnover: Evidence from the German Stock Market. GK Working Paper Series Mannheim 01-07 [Working paper]

Groh, Christian (2001) Network Formation. GK Working Paper Series Mannheim 01-04 [Working paper]

Vogelgesang, Ulrike (2001) The impact of microfinance loans on the clients' enterprises: Evidence from Caja Los Andes, Bolivia. GK Working Paper Series Mannheim 01-03 [Working paper]

Groh, Christian (2001) Who Wants to be a Millionaire: Are simple questions optimal? GK Working Paper Series Mannheim 01-05 [Working paper]

Siebenmorgen, Niklas (2001) Risk Perception and Diversification Behavior in Investment Decisions. Berlin [Book]


Zimper, Alexander (2000) A Remark On D. Bernheim's Sufficiency Condition For The Uniqueness Of Rationalizable Strategy Profiles. GK Working Paper Series Mannheim 00-05 [Working paper]

Weiss, Matthias (2000) Employment Effects of Skill-Biased Technical Change When Benefits are Linked to Indices of Standards of Living. GK Working Paper Series Mannheim 00-02 [Working paper]

Cherdron, Malte (2000) Interconnection, Termination-Based Price Discrimination, and Network Competition in a Mature Telecommunications Market. GK Working Paper Series Mannheim 00-03 [Working paper]

Szalay, Dezsö (2000) Optimal Delegation. GK Working Paper Series Mannheim 00-01 [Working paper]

Zimper, Alexander (2000) Rational Preference Orderings With A Discontinuity Structure. GK Working Paper Series Mannheim 00-04 [Working paper]

Scheuermann, Ingo F. (2000) Venture capital finance under incomplete information. Berlin [Doctoral dissertation]

Barth, Jörn (2000) Worst-Case Analysen des Ausfallrisikos von Finanzderivaten unter Berücksichtigung von Markteinflüssen. Hamburg [Book]


Barth, Jörn (1999) A Simple Credit Risk Model with Individual and Collective Components. GK Working Paper Series Mannheim 99-01 [Working paper]

Groh, Christian (1999) Bargaining Power in Repeated Negotiations with Outside Options. GK Working Paper Series Mannheim 99-08 [Working paper]

Groh, Christian (1999) The Effects of Competition on Bargaining Power in Repeated Bilateral Negotiations. GK Working Paper Series Mannheim 99-05 [Working paper]

Barth, Jörn (1999) Credit Risk : Worst Case Scenarios of Homogenic Swap Portfolios. GK Working Paper Series Mannheim 99-02 [Working paper]

Löffler, Gunter (1999) Die Verarbeitung von Gewinnprognosen auf dem deutschen Aktienmarkt. Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung : Zfbf Wiesbaden 51 2 128-147 [Article]

Szalay, Dezsö (1999) Financial Contracting, R&D and Growth. GK Working Paper Series Mannheim 99-03 [Working paper]

Ludden, Ulrike (1999) Optimal Capital Income Taxation and Redistribution. GK Working Paper Series Mannheim 99-10 [Working paper]

Scheuermann, Ingo F. (1999) Optimal financing contracts for vertical R&D alliances in presence of competing beneficaries. GK Working Paper Series Mannheim 99-07 [Working paper]

Scheuermann, Ingo F. (1999) Segmentation in the German market for venture capital. GK Working Paper Series Mannheim 99-06 [Working paper]

Groh, Christian (1999) Sequential Moves and Comparative Statics in Strategic Market Games. GK Working Paper Series Mannheim 99-04 [Working paper]

Scheuermann, Ingo F. (1999) The incentive effects of call provisions in venture capital contracts. GK Working Paper Series Mannheim 99-09 [Working paper]

Löffler, Gunter (1999) Refining the Carlson-Parking Method. Economics Letters Amsterdam 64 2 167-171 [Article]


Winter, Joachim (1998) Does firms' financial status affect plant-level investment and exit decisions? Open Access Rationalitätskonzepte, Entscheidungsverhalten und ökonomische Modellierung Mannheim 98-48 [Working paper]

Löffler, Gunter (1998) Biases in Analyst Forecasts : Cognitive, Strategic, or Second-best? International Journal of Forecasting Amsterdam [u.a.] 261-275 [Article]

Löffler, Gunter (1998) Der Beitrag von Finanzanalysten zur Informationsverarbeitung : Eine empirische Untersuchung für den deutschen Aktienmarkt. Wiesbaden [Book]

Rheinbaben, Joachim von (1998) Finance and contracting under imperfect information. Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Pfister, Dirk (1998) Imitationsverhalten und Preisentwicklung von Wertpapieren. Frankfurt a. M. [u.a.] [Book]

Kilka, Michael (1998) Internationale Diversifikation von Aktienportfolios : Erklärungen zum Home Bias. Frankfurt a. M. [u.a.] [Book]


Ruckes, Martin ; Rheinbaben, Joachim von (1997) A Firms Optimal Number of Bank Relationships and the Extend of Information Disclosure. GK Working Paper Series Mannheim 97-01 [Working paper]

Rheinbaben, Joachim von (1997) Intertemporal Renegotiation in Prinzipal-agent Problems. GK Working Paper Series Mannheim 97-02 [Working paper]


Pfister, Dirk ; Ruckes, Martin ; Scharf, Christian (1996) Why the Ownership Structure of Specialist Rights Matters for Investors. GK Working Paper Series Mannheim 96-01 [Working paper]

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