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Ben-Zion, Ziv ; Korem, Nachshon ; Fine, Naomi B. ; Katz, Sophia ; Siddhanta, Megha ; Funaro, Meliassa C. ; Duek, Or ; Spiller, Tobias R. ; Danböck, Sarah K. ORCID: 0000-0001-9989-1146 ; Levy, Ifat ; Harpaz-Rotem, Ilan (2024) Structural neuroimaging of hippocampus and amygdala subregions in posttraumatic stress disorder: A scoping review. Open Access Biological Psychiatry: Global Open Science Amsterdam 4 1 120-134 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Rückert, Annelie ; Neuburger, Max (2024) Internationales Symposium: Law and Nature – Towards a New Legal Approach. Open Access Natur und Recht Heidelberg 46 8 537-539 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Buchanan, Erin M. ; Lewis, Savannah C. ; Paris, Bastien ; Berkessel, Jana (2023) The Psychological Science Accelerator’s COVID-19 rapid-response dataset. Open Access Scientific Data London 10 Article 87 1-15 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Freudenberg, Alexander ; Vandenplas, Jeremie ; Schlather, Martin ; Pook, Torsten ; Evans, Ross ; Napel, Jan ten (2023) Accelerated matrix-vector multiplications for matrices involving genotype covariates with applications in genomic prediction. Open Access Frontiers in Genetics Lausanne 14 Article 1220408 1-9 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bombieri, Marco ; Rospocher, Marco ; Ponzetto, Simone Paolo ORCID: 0000-0001-7484-2049 ; Fiorini, Paolo (2023) Machine understanding surgical actions from intervention procedure textbooks. Open Access Computers in Biology and Medicine New York, NY ; Amsterdam [u.a.] 152 Article 106415 1-12 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Cheng, Cindy ; Desvars-Larrive, Amélie ; Ebbinghaus, Bernhard ORCID: 0000-0001-9838-8813 ; Hale, Thomas ; Howes, Alexandra ; Lehner, Lukas ; Messerschmidt, Luca ; Nika, Angeliki ; Penson, Steve ; Petherick, Anna ; Xu, Hanmeng ; Zapf, Alexandander John ; Zhang, Yuxi ; Zweig, Sophia Alison (2022) Capturing the COVID-19 crisis through public health and social measures data science. Open Access Scientific Data London 9 Article 520 1-9 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Astley, Christina M. ; Tuli, Gaurav ; Mc Cord, Kimberley A. ; Cohn, Emily L. ; Rader, Benjamin ; Varrelman, Tanner J. ; Chiu, Samantha L. ; Deng, Xiaoyi ; Stewart, Kathleen ; Farag, Tamer H. ; Barkume, Kristina M. ; LaRocca, Sarah ; Morris, Katherine A. ; Kreuter, Frauke ORCID: 0000-0002-7339-2645 ; Brownstein, John S. (2021) Global monitoring of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic through online surveys sampled from the Facebook user base. Open Access Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America : PNAS Washington, DC 118 51, Article e2111455118 1-10 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Salomon, Joshua A. ; Reinhart, Alex ; Bilinski, Alyssa ; Chua, Eu Jing ; La Motte-Kerr, Wichada ; Rönn, Mittu M. ; Reitsma, Marissa B. ; Morris, Katherine A. ; LaRocca, Sarah ; Farag, Tamer H. ; Kreuter, Frauke ORCID: 0000-0002-7339-2645 ; Rosenfeld, Roni ; Tibshirani, Ryan J. (2021) The US COVID-19 Trends and Impact Survey: continuous real-time measurement of COVID-19 symptoms, risks, protective behaviors, testing, and vaccination. Open Access Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America : PNAS Washington, DC 118 51, Article e2111454118 1-9 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Balietti, Stefano ORCID: 0000-0002-6056-6765 ; Getoor, Lise ; Goldstein, Daniel G. ; Watts, Duncan J. (2021) Reducing opinion polarization: Effects of exposure to similar people with differing political views. Open Access Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America : PNAS Washington, DC 118 52, Article e2112552118 1-11 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Berkessel, Jana ; Gebauer, Jochen E. ; Joshanloo, Mohsen ; Bleidorn, Wiebke ; Rentfrow, Peter J. ; Potter, Jeff ; Gosling, Samuel D. (2021) National religiosity eases the psychological burden of poverty. Open Access Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America : PNAS Washington, DC 118 39, Article e2103913118 1-6 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Shiraef, Mary A. ; Hirst, Cora ; Weiss, Mark A. ; Naseer, Sarah ; Lazar, Nikolas ; Beling, Elizabeth ; Straight, Erin ; Feddern, Lukas ; Taylor, Noah Rusk ; Jackson, Cayleigh ; Yu, William ; Bhaskaran, Aadya ; Mattar, Layth ; Amme, Matthew ; Shum, Maggie ; Mitsdarffer, Mary Louise ; Sweere, Johanna ; Brantley, Susanna E. ; Schenoni, Luis L. ; Lewis-Beck, Colin (2021) COVID Border Accountability Project, a hand-coded global database of border closures introduced during 2020. Open Access Scientific Data London 8 Article 253 1-11 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Scharkow, Michael ; Mangold, Frank ; Stier, Sebastian ORCID: 0000-0002-1217-5778 ; Breuer, Johannes (2020) How social network sites and other online intermediaries increase exposure to news. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America : PNAS Washington, DC 117 6 2761-2763 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Schreck, Nicholas ; Piepho, Hans-Peter ; Schlather, Martin (2019) Best prediction of the additive genomic variance in random-effects models. Open Access Genetics Oxford 213 2 379-394 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Pook, Torsten ; Schlather, Martin ; Campos, Gustavo de los ; Mayer, Manfred ; Schoen, Chris Caroline ; Simianer, Henner (2019) HaploBlocker: Creation of subgroup-specific haplotype blocks and libraries. Genetics Oxford 212 4 1045-1061 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Schreck, Nicholas (2018) From estimation to prediction of genomic variances : allowing for linkage disequilibrium and unbiasedness. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]


Münzer, Stefan ; Fehringer, Benedict C. O. F. ORCID: 0000-0002-3988-964X ; Kühl, Tim (2016) Standardized norm data for three self-report scales on egocentric and allocentric environmental spatial strategies. Data in Brief Amsterdam [u.a.] 8 Sep. 803-811 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Pinger, Pia (2016) Transgenerational effects of childhood conditions on third generation health and education outcomes. Economics and Human Biology Amsterdam [u.a.] 23 103-120 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Ha, Ngoc-Thuy ; Gross, Josef Johann ; Dorland, Annette von ; Tetens, Jens ; Thaller, Georg ; Schlather, Martin ; Bruckmaier, Rupert ; Simianer, Henner (2015) Gene-based mapping and pathway analysis of 2 metabolic traits in dairy cows. Open Access PLOS ONE San Francisco, CA 10 3 1-15 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Ober, Ulrike ; Huang, Wen ; Magwire, Michael ; Schlather, Martin ; Simianer, Henner ; Mackay, Trudy F. C. (2015) Accounting for genetic architecture improves sequence based genomic prediciton for a Drosophila fitness trait. Open Access PLOS ONE San Francisco, CA 10 7 1-17 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Berger, Swetlana ; Schlather, Martin ; Campos, Gustavo de los ; Weigend, Steffen ; Preisinger, Rudolf ; Erbe, Malena ; Simianer, Henner (2015) A scale-corrected comparison of linkage disequilibrium levels between genic and non-genic regions. Open Access PLOS ONE San Francisco, CA 10 10 1-19 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Ober, Ulrike ; Malinowski, Alexander ; Schlather, Martin ; Simianer, Henner (2013) The expected linkage disequilibrium in finite populations revisited. Mannheim [Bericht]

Aklin, Michael ; Bayer, Patrick ; Harish, S. P. ; Urpelainen, Johannes (2013) Understanding environmental policy preferences : New evidence from Brazil. Ecological Economics Amsterdam 94 28-38 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bayer, Patrick ; Marcoux, Christopher ; Urpelainen, Johannes (2013) Leveraging private capital for climate mitigation : Evidence from the Clean Development Mechanism. Ecological Economics Amsterdam [u.a.] 96 14-24 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bayer, Patrick ; Urpelainen, Johannes ; Wallace, Jeremy (2013) Who uses the Clean Development Mechanism? An empirical analysis of projects in Chinese provinces. Global Environmental Change Amsterdam [u.a.] 23 2 512-521 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Ober, Ulrike ; Ayroles, Julien F. ; Stone, Eric A. ; Richards, Stephen ; Zhu, Dianhui ; Gibbs, Richard A. ; Stricker, Christian ; Gianola, Daniel ; Schlather, Martin ; Mackay, Trudy F. C. ; Simianer, Henner (2012) Using Whole-Genome Sequence Data to Predict Quantitative Trait Phenotypes in Drosophila melanogaster. Open Access PLoS Genetics San Francisco, Calif. 8 5 1-14 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Ober, Ulrike ; Erbe, Malena ; Long, Nanye ; Porcu, Emilio ; Schlather, Martin ; Simianer, Henner (2011) Predicting genetic values : a kernel-based best linear unbiased prediction with genomic data. Genetics Oxford 188 3 695-708 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kohring, Matthias ; Marcinkowski, Frank ; Donk, André ; Metag, Julia ; Friedemann, Anne (2011) Das Bild der Nanotechnologie in deutschen Printmedien. Eine frameanalytische Langzeitstudie. Publizistik Wiesbaden 56 2 199-219 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Ober, Ulrike ; Erbe, Michael ; Schlather, Martin ; Simianer, Henner Kernel-based BLUP with genomic data. Erhardt, Georg Vol.: Methods and tools: Statistical methods - linear and non-linear models - Lecture Sessions 0126-0129 In: 9th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production : proceedings; Leipzig, Germany; August 1-6,2010 (2010) Leipzig WCGALP 2010 (Leipzig, Germany) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]


Višak, Tatjana (2003) The moral relevance of naturalness. Drees, Willem B. Is nature ever evil? : Religion, science, and value London [u.a.] 41-44 [Buchkapitel]

Višak, Tatjana (2003) The normative relevance of disputes in primatology. Drees, William B. Is nature ever evil? : Religion, science, and value London [u.a.] 313-320 [Buchkapitel]


Gesang, Bernward (2002) Biomedizinische Ethik : Aufgaben, Methoden, Selbstverständnis. Ethica Münster [4] [Buch]

Kohring, Matthias ; Matthes, Jörg (2002) The face(t)s of biotech in the nineties: how the German press framed modern biotechnology. Public Understanding of Science London [u.a.] 11 2 143-154 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Einsiedel, Edna ; Allansdottir, Agnes ; Allum, Nick ; Bauer, Martin W. ; Berthomier, Anne ; Chatjouli, Aigli ; Cheveigné, Suzanne de ; Downey, Robin ; Gutteling, Jan M. ; Kohring, Matthias ; Leonarz, Martina ; Manzoli, Federica ; Olofsson, Anna ; Przetalski, Andrzej ; Rusanen, Timo ; Seifert, Franz ; Stathopoulou, Angeliki ; Wagner, Wolfgang (2002) Brave new sheep: The clone named Dolly. Bauer, Martin W. Biotechnology - the making of a global controversy Cambridge [u.a.] 313-347 [Buchkapitel]


Kohring, Matthias ; Görke, Alexander ; Ruhrmann, Georg (2001) Das Bild der Gentechnologie in den internationalen Medien - eine Inhaltsanalyse meinungsführender Zeitschriften. Hampel, Jürgen Gentechnik in der Öffentlichkeit : Wahrnehmung und Bewertung einer umstrittenen Technologie Frankfurt ; New York 292-318 [Buchkapitel]

Bauer, Martin W. ; Kohring, Matthias ; Allansdottir, Agnes ; Gutteling, Jan M. (2001) The dramatisation of biotechnology in elite mass media. Gaskell, George Biotechnology, 1996 - 2000 : the years of controversy London 35-52 [Buchkapitel]

Gaskell, George ; Allum, Nick ; Wagner, Wolfgang ; Nielsen, Torben Hviid ; Jelsøe, Erling ; Kohring, Matthias ; Bauer, Martin W. (2001) In the public eye: Representations of biotechnology in Europe. Gaskell, George Biotechnology, 1996 - 2000 : the years of controversy London 53-79 [Buchkapitel]

Hampel, Jürgen ; Pfenning, Uwe ; Kohring, Matthias ; Görke, Alexander ; Ruhrmann, Georg (2001) Biotechnology boom and market failure: two sides of the German coin. Gaskell, George Biotechnology, 1996 - 2000 : the years of controversy London 191-203 [Buchkapitel]


Görke, Alexander ; Kohring, Matthias ; Ruhrmann, Georg (2000) Gentechnologie in der Presse : Eine internationale Langzeitanalyse von 1973 bis 1996. Publizistik Wiesbaden 45 1 20-37 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Gaskell, George ; Allum, Nick ; Bauer, Martin ; Durant, John ; Allansdottir, Agnes ; Bonfadelli, Heinz ; Boy, Daniel ; Cheveigné, Suzanne de ; Fjaestad, Björn ; Gutteling, Jan M. ; Hampel, Jürgen ; Jelsøe, Erling ; Correia Jesuino, Jorge ; Kohring, Matthias ; Kronberger, Nicole ; Midden, Cees ; Nielsen, Torben Hviid ; Przestalski, Andrzej ; Rusanen, Timo ; Sakellaris, George ; Torgersen, Helge ; Twardowski, Tomasz ; Wagner, Wolfgang (2000) Biotechnology and the European public. Nature Biotechnology : The Science and Business of Biotechnology New York, NY 18 9 935-938 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kohring, Matthias ; Görke, Alexander (2000) Genetic engineering in the international media: An analysis of opinion-leading magazines. New Genetics and Society London [u.a.] 19 3 345-363 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Kohring, Matthias ; Görke, Alexander ; Ruhrmann, Georg (1999) Das Bild der Gentechnologie in den internationalen Medien - eine Inhaltsanalyse meinungsführender Zeitschriften. Hampel, Jürgen Gentechnik in der Öffentlichkeit : Wahrnehmung und Bewertung einer umstrittenen Technologie Studien zur Kommunikationswissenschaft Frankfurt ; New York 292-318 [Buchkapitel]


Hampel, Jürgen ; Ruhrmann, Georg ; Kohring, Matthias ; Görke, Alexander (1998) Germany. Durant, John Biotechnology in the public sphere : a European sourcebook ; this book has been produced as a pt. of a Concerted Action funded by the European Community (Contract B104-CT95-0043) Reihe Wirtschaft und Kultur im Gespräch London 63-76 [Buchkapitel]


Woerner, Claudia (1995) Vermeidung, Entsorgung und Wiederverwertung von Hausmüll und hausmüllähnlichen Abfällen : Betrachtungen zur Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft der Deutschen Abfallwirtschaft. Mannheim [Buch]

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