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Skip to: 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1992 | 1990


Pohlan, Laura (2018) Essays on unemployment, job search behavior and policy interventions. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]


Walliczek, Katharina (2017) Empirical essays on the long-term consequences of early infant conditions for health, productivity, and family formation. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]


Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Bonev, Petyo ; Mammen, Enno (2016) Nonparametric instrumental variable methods for dynamic treatment evaluation. Open Access Working Paper Series Mannheim 16-02 [Working paper]

Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Drepper, Bettina (2016) Inference for shared-frailty survival models with left-truncated data. Econometric Reviews Philadelphia, PA [u.a.] 35 6 1075-1098 [Article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Pinger, Pia ; Schoch, Johannes (2016) Instrumental variable estimation of the causal effect of hunger early in life on health later in life. The Economic Journal Oxford [u.a.] 126 591 465-506 [Article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Pinger, Pia (2016) Transgenerational effects of childhood conditions on third generation health and education outcomes. Economics and Human Biology Amsterdam [u.a.] 23 103-120 [Article]

Hammerschmid, Anna (2016) Essays in empirical health, labor, and family economics. Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]


Paul, Alexander Gabriel (2015) Essays in the microeconometric analysis of child health determinants. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]


Weynandt, Michèle A. (2014) Essays in applied econometrics. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Schoch, Johannes (2014) Empirical essays on the effects of early life conditions on health later in life. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Bonev, Petyo (2014) Essays in nonparametric instrumental variable regression. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]


Dovern-Pinger, Pia Rosina (2013) Essays on skills, health and human inequality. Open Access Mannheim, Germany [Doctoral dissertation]

Drepper, Bettina (2013) The multivariate mixed proportional hazard model: Applications and extensions. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Lindeboom, Maarten ; Portrait, France (2013) The Dutch Potato Famine 1846-1847: A study on the relationships between early-life exposure and later-life mortality. Lumey, L. H. Early Life Nutrition and Adult Health and Development : Lessons from Changing Dietary Patterns, Famines and Experimental Studies New York, NY 229-249 [Book chapter]

Richardson, Katarina ; Berg, Gerard J. van den (2013) Duration dependence versus unobserved heterogenity in treatment effects: Swedish labor market training and the transition rate to employment. Journal of Applied Econometrics Chichester 28 2 325-351 [Article]

Doblhammer, Gabriele ; Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Lumey, Lambert H. (2013) A re-anylsis of the long-term effects on life expectancy of the Great Finnish Famine of 1866-68. Population Studies : a journal of demography London [u.a.] 67 3 309-322 [Article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Weynandt, Michèle A. (2013) Explaining differences between the expected and actual duration until return migration: economic changes. Schmollers Jahrbuch Berlin 133 2 249-262 [Article]

Costa Dias, Monica ; Ichimura, Hidehiko ; Berg, Gerard J. van den (2013) Treatment evaluation with selective participation and ineligibles. Journal of the American Statistical Association : JASA Abingdon 108 502 441-455 [Article]

Doblhammer, Gabriele ; Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Fritze, Thomas (2013) Economic conditions at the time of birth and cognitive abilities late in life: evidence from ten European countries. Open Access PLOS ONE San Francisco, CA 8 9 e74915 [Article]

Hofmann, Barbara ; Hohmeyer, Katrin (2013) Perceived economic uncertainty and fertility - evidence from a labor market reform. Journal of Marriage and Family Hoboken, NJ 75 2 503-521 [Article]

Caliendo, Marco ; Tatsiramos, Konstantinos ; Uhlendorff, Arne (2013) Benefit Duration, Unemployment Duration and Job Match Quality: A Regression Discontinuity Approach. Journal of Applied Econometrics Chichester [u.a.] 28 4 604-627 [Article]

Kluve, Jochen ; Rinne, Ulf ; Uhlendorff, Arne ; Zhao, Zhong (2013) The impact of training duration on employment outcomes : Evidence from LATE estimates. Economics Letters Amsterdam [u.a.] 120 3 487-490 [Article]

Rinne, Ulf ; Uhlendorff, Arne ; Zhao, Zhong (2013) Vouchers and Caseworkers in Training Programs for the Unemployed. Empirical Economics Berlin ; Heidelberg 45 3 1089-1127 [Article]

Haan, Peter ; Uhlendorff, Arne (2013) Intertemporal Labour Supply and Involuntary Unemployment. Empirical Economics Berlin ; Heidelberg 44 2 661-683 [Article]

Schneider, Hilmar ; Uhlendorff, Arne ; Zimmermann, Klaus F. (2013) Ökonometrie vs. Projektdesign: Lehren aus der Evaluation eines Modellprojekts zur Umsetzung des Workfare-Konzepts. Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik = Journal of Economics and Statistics Berlin 233 1 65-85 [Article]

Gámiz Pérez, María Luz ; Janys, Lena ; Martínez Miranda, María Dolores ; Nielsen, Jens Perch (2013) Bandwidth selection in marker dependent kernel hazard estimation. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis New York, NY [u.a.] 68 155-169 [Article]

Hofmann, Barbara ; Köhler, Markus (2013) New register data from the German public employment service on counseling and monitoring the unemployed. FDZ-Methodenreport / Forschungsdatenzentrum der Bundesagentur für Arbeit Nürnberg 09/13 [Working paper]

Kesternich, Iris ; Siflinger, Bettina ; Smith, James ; Winter, Joachim (2013) Individual behavior as a pathway between early-life shocks and adult health: Evidence from hunger episodes in post-war Germany. RAND Labor and Population Working Paper Series Santa Monica, Calif. 1015 [Working paper]


Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Pinger, Pia ; Schoch, Johannes (2012) Instrumental Variable Estimation of the Causal Effect of Hunger Early in Life on Health Later in Life. Open Access Working Paper Series Mannheim 12-02 [Working paper]

Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Drepper, Bettina (2012) Inference for shared-frailty survival models with left-truncated data. Open Access Working Paper Series Mannheim 12-05 [Working paper]

Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Pinger, Pia ; Schoch, Johannes (2012) Instrumental variable estimation of the causal effect of hunger early in life on health later in life. Open Access ZEW Discussion Papers Mannheim 12-019 [Working paper]

Effraimidis, Georgios (2012) Essays in multivariate duration models. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Horny, Guillaume ; Mendes, Rute ; Berg, Gerard J. van den (2012) Job durations with worker and firm specific effects: MCMC estimation with longitudinal employer-employee data. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics : JBES Alexandria, Va. [u.a.] 30 3 468-480 [Article]

Kluve, Jochen ; Schneider, Hilmar ; Uhlendorff, Arne ; Zhao, Zhong (2012) Evaluating continuous training measures using the Generalized Propensity Score. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A, Statistics in Society Oxford 175 2 587-617 [Article]

Hofmann, Barbara (2012) Short- and long-term ex-post effects of unemployment insurance sanctions. Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik = Journal of Economics and Statistics Berlin 232 1 31-60 [Article]

Hofmann, Barbara ; Krug, Gerhard ; Sowa, Frank ; Theuer, Stefan ; Wolf, Katja (2012) Wirkung und Wirkmechanismen zusätzlicher Vermittlungsfachkräfte auf die Arbeitslosigkeitsdauer : Analysen auf Basis eines Modellprojektes. Zeitschrift für Evaluation : ZfEv Münster 11 1 7-38 [Article]

Drepper, Bettina ; Effraimidis, Georgios (2012) Nonparametric identification of Dynamic Treatment Effects in Competing Risks Models. Mannheim [Working paper]

Kluve, Jochen ; Rinne, Ulf ; Uhlendorff, Arne ; Zhao, Zhong (2012) Endogenous exit bias in training programs for unemployed workers. IZA Discussion Paper Series Bonn 6565 [Working paper]

Caliendo, Marco ; Künn, Steffen ; Uhlendorff, Arne (2012) Marginal Employment, Unemployment Duration and Job Match Quality. IZA Discussion Paper Series Bonn 6499 [Working paper]

Haan, Peter ; Kemptner, Daniel ; Uhlendorff, Arne (2012) Bayesian procedures as a numerical tool for the estimation of dynamic discrete choice models. IZA Discussion Paper Series Bonn 6544 [Working paper]


Caliendo, Marco ; Falk, Armin ; Kaiser, Lutz C. ; Schneider, Hilmar ; Uhlendorff, Arne ; Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Zimmermann, Klaus F. (2011) The IZA Evaluation Dataset : towards evidence-based labor policy-making. International Journal of Manpower Bradford [u.a.] 32 7 731-752 [Article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Lindeboom, Maarten ; Portrait, France (2011) Conjugal bereavement effects on health and mortality at advanced ages. Journal of Health Economics Amsterdam [u.a.] 30 4 774-794 [Article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Doblhammer, Gabriele ; Christensen, Kaare (2011) Being born under adverse economic conditions leads to a higher cardiovascular mortality rate later in life : evidence based on individuals born at different stages of the business cycle. Demography New York, NY 48 2 507-530 [Article]

Graaf-Zijl, Marloes de ; Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Heyma, Arjan (2011) Stepping stones for the unemployed : the effect of temporary jobs on the duration until (regular) work. Journal of Population Economics Berlin ; Heidelberg 24 107-139 [Article]

Rinne, Ulf ; Schneider, Marc ; Uhlendorff, Arne (2011) Do the Skilled and Prime-Aged Unemployed Benefit More from Training? Effect Heterogeneity of Public Training Programs in Germany. Applied Economics Abingdon 43 25 3465-3494 [Article]

Caliendo, Marco ; Schmidl, Ricarda ; Uhlendorff, Arne (2011) Social networks, job search methods and reservation wages: Evidence for Germany. International Journal of Manpower Bradford [u.a.] 32 7 796-824 [Article]

Caliendo, Marco ; Uhlendorff, Arne (2011) Determinanten des Suchtverhaltens von Arbeitslosen : Ausgewählte Erkenntnisse basierend auf dem IZA Evaluationsdatensatz. Journal for Labour Market Research = Zeitschrift für Arbeitsmarktforschung Berlin [u.a.] 44 1/2 119-125 [Article]

Schneider, Hilmar ; Uhlendorff, Arne ; Zimmermann, Klaus F. (2011) Mit Workfare aus der Sozialhilfe? Lehren aus einem Modellprojekt. Journal for Labour Market Research = Zeitschrift für Arbeitsmarktforschung Berlin [u.a.] 44 1/2 197-203 [Article]

Gaudecker, Hans-Martin von ; Soest, Arthur van ; Wengström, Erik (2011) Heterogeneity in Risky Choice Behaviour in Broad Population. American Economic Review : AER Nashville, Tenn. 101 2 664-694 [Article]

García-Gómez, Pilar ; Gaudecker, Hans-Martin von ; Lindeboom, Maarten (2011) Health, disability and work : patterns for the working age population. International Tax and Public Finance New York, NY [u.a.] 18 2 146-165 [Article]


Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Doblhammer, Gabriele ; Christensen, Kaare (2010) Wirtschaftskrisen kosten zehn Monate Lebenszeit. Demografische Forschung aus erster Hand Rostock 7 2 3 [Article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Deeg, Dorly ; Lindeboom, Maarten ; Portrait, France (2010) The role of early-life conditilns in the cognitive decline due to adverse events later in life. The Economic Journal Oxford [u.a.] 120 548 F411-F428 [Article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Vuuren, Aico van (2010) The effect of search frictions on wages. Labour Economics Amsterdam [u.a.] 17 6 875-885 [Article]

Lindeboom, Maarten ; Portrait, France ; Berg, Gerard J. van den (2010) Long-run effects on longevity of a nutritional shock early in life: the Dutch Potato famine of 1846-1847. Journal of Health Economics Amsterdam [u.a.] 29 5 617-629 [Article]

Mendes, Rute ; Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Lindeboom, Maarten (2010) An empirical assessment of assortative matching in the labor market. Labour Economics Amsterdam [u.a.] 17 6 919-929 [Article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Vikström, Johan (2010) Sanktioner i arbetsloeshetsfoersaekringen. Ekonomisk debatt Stockholm 38 1 47-59 [Article]

Pinger, Pia (2010) Come back or stay? Spend here or there? Return and remittances: The case of Moldova. International Migration Oxford [u.a.] 48 5 142-173 [Article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Deeg, Dorly ; Lindeboom, Maarten ; Portrait, France (2010) The role of early-life conditilns in the cognitive decline due to adverse events later in life. IZA Discussion Paper Series Bonn 4780 [Working paper]


Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Doblhammer, Gabriele ; Christensen, Kaare (2009) Exogenous determinants of early-life conditions, and mortality later in life. Social Science & Medicine Amsterdam [u.a.] 68 9 1591-1598 [Article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Lindeboom, Maarten ; Lopez, Marta (2009) Inequality in individual mortality and economic conditions earlier in life. Social Science & Medicine Amsterdam [u.a.] 69 9 1360-1367 [Article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Crépon, Bruno ; Ferracci, Marc ; Jolivet, Grégory (2009) Active labor market policy effects in a dynamic setting. Journal of the European Economic Association : JEEA Oxford ; Malden, MA 7 2/3 595-605 [Article]

Gaudecker, Hans-Martin von ; Soest, Arthur van ; Wengström, Erik (2009) Heterogeneity in risky choice behaviour in a broad population. IZA Discussion Paper Series Bonn 4022 [Working paper]

Adda, Jérôme ; Banks, James ; Gaudecker, Hans-Martin von (2009) The impact of income shocks on health: Evidence from cohort data. Journal of the European Economic Association : JEEA Oxford ; Malden, MA 7 6 1361-1399 [Article]

García-Gómez, Pilar ; Gaudecker, Hans-Martin von ; Lindeboom, Maarten (2009) Health, disability and work : Patterns for the working age population. Penal paper / Netspar Utrecht 17 [Working paper]


Berg, Gerard J. van den (2008) Competing risks models. Durlauf, Steven N. The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Basingstoke 2 [Encyclopedic article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Horny, Guillaume ; Mendes, Rute (2008) Une étude empirique de la mobilité professionnelle avec employeurs et employés hétérogènes. Revue Économique / Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques Paris 59 3 631-639 [Article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Ours, Jan C. van ; Lomwel, Gijsbert van (2008) Nonparametric estimation of a dependent competing risks model for unemployment durations. Empirical Economics Berlin ; Heidelberg 34 3 477-491 [Article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Albrecht, James ; Vroman, Susan (2008) The aggregate labor market effects of the Swedish Knowledge. Review of Economic Dynamics Amsterdam 12 1 129-146 [Article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Doblhammer, Gabriele ; Christensen, Kaare (2008) Being born under adverse economic conditions leads to a higher cardiovascular mortality rate later in life - evidence based on individuals born at different stages of the business cycle. IZA Discussion Paper Series Bonn 3635 [Working paper]

Uhlendorff, Arne (2008) Transitions on the Labor Market : Unemployment, Transfer Receipt and the Low-Wage-Sector. Saarbrücken [Book]

Bergemann, Annette ; Berg, Gerard J. van den (2008) Active Labor Market Policy Effects for Women in Europe : A Survey. Annales d'économie et de statistique Paris 91/92 385-408 [Article]


Gaudecker, Hans-Martin von ; Scholz, Rembrandt D. (2007) Differential mortality by lifetime earnings in Germany. Demographic Research Norderstedt 17 Art. 4 83-108 [Article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den (2007) On the uniqueness of optimal prices set by monopolistic sellers. Journal of Econometrics Amsterdam [u.a.] 141 2 482-491 [Article]

Eckstein, Zvi ; Berg, Gerard J. van den (2007) Empirical labor search models: a survey. Journal of Econometrics Amsterdam [u.a.] 136 2 531-564 [Article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Abbring, Jaap H. (2007) The unobserved heterogeneity distribution in duration analysis. Biometrika London 94 1 87-99 [Article]


Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Bergemann, Annette (2006) Active Labor Market Policy Effects for Women in Europe : A Survey. Bonn [Working paper]

Berg, Gerard J. van den (2006) Revolutionary effects of new information technologies. The Economic Journal Oxford [u.a.] 116 509 F10-F28 [Article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Klaauw, Bas van der (2006) Counseling and monitoring of unemployed workers: theory and evidence from a controlled social experiment. International Economic Review Hoboken, NJ ; Malden, MA 47 3 895-936 [Article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Lindeboom, Maarten ; Portrait, France (2006) Economic conditions early in life and individual mortality. American Economic Review : AER Nashville, Tenn. 96 1 290-302 [Article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Lindeboom, Maarten ; Dolton, Peter (2006) Survey non-response and unemployment duration. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A, Statistics in Society Oxford 169 3 585-604 [Article]


Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Klaauw, Bas van der (2005) Job search monitoring and sanctions. CESifo DICE Report München 3 2 26-29 [Article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Abbring, Jaap H. ; Ours, Jan C. van (2005) The effect of unemployment insurance sanctions on the transition rate from unemployment to employment. The Economic Journal Oxford [u.a.] 115 505 602-630 [Article]


Gaudecker, Hans-Martin von ; Weber, Carsten (2004) Surprises in a growing market niche: An evaluation of the German private life annuities market. The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice Basingstoke 29 3 394-416 [Article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Klaauw, Bas van der ; Ours, Jan C. van (2004) Punitive sanctions and the transition rate from welfare to work. Journal of Labor Economics : JOLE Chicago, Ill. 22 1 211-241 [Article]


Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Ridder, Geert (2003) Measuring labor market frictions: a cross-country comparison. Journal of the European Economic Association : JEEA Cambridge, Mass. 1 1 224-244 [Article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Abbring, Jaap H. (2003) The identifiability of the mixed proportional hazards competing risks model. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B, Statistical Methodolgy London 65 3 701-710 [Article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Abbring, Jaap H. (2003) The non-parametric identification of treatment effects in duration models. Econometrica : Journal of the Econometric Society Evanston, Ill. 71 5 1491-1517 [Article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Lomwel, Gijsbert van ; Ours, Jan C. van (2003) Unemployment dynamics and age. Annales d'économie et de statistique Amiens [u.a.] Nr.70 1-29 [Article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den (2003) Multiple equilibria and minimum wages in labor markets with informational frictions and heterogeneous production technologies. International Economic Review Hoboken, NJ ; Malden, MA 44 4 1337-1357 [Article]


Gautier, Pieter A. ; Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Ours, Jan C. van ; Ridder, Geert (2002) Worker turnover at the firm level and crowding out of lower educated workers. European Economic Review : EER Amsterdam 46 3 523-538 [Article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Holm, Anders ; Ours, Jan C. van (2002) Do stepping-stone jobs exist? Early career paths in the medical profession. Journal of Population Economics Berlin ; Heidelberg 15 4 647-665 [Article]

Lindeboom, Maarten ; Portrait, France ; Berg, Gerard J. van den (2002) An econometric analysis of the mental-health effects of major events in the life of older individuals. Health Economics New York, NY ; Weinheim [u.a.] 11 6 505 - 520 [Article]

Eckstein, Zvi ; Berg, Gerard J. van den (2002) Métodos empiricos para el estudio de los mercados de trabajo con fricciones de búsqueda. Información comercial española Madrid 66 9-19 [Article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Vuuren, Aico van (2002) Using firm data to assess the performance of equilibrium search models of the labor market. Annales d'économie et de statistique Amiens [u.a.] 67/68 227-256 [Article]


Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Klaauw, Bas van der (2001) Combining micro and macro unemployment duration data. Journal of Econometrics Amsterdam [u.a.] 102 2 271-309 [Article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Ours, Jan C. van ; Pradhan, Menno P. (2001) The declining price anomaly in Dutch Dutch rose auctions. American Economic Review : AER Nashville, Tenn. 91 4 1055-1062 [Article]

Grogan, Louise ; Berg, Gerard J. van den (2001) The duration of unemployment in Russia. Journal of Population Economics Berlin ; Heidelberg 14 3 549-568 [Article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den (2001) Duration models: specification, identification, and multiple durations. Heckman, James J. Handbook of Econometrics Amsterdam [u.a.] 5 3381-3460 [Book chapter]

Abbring, Jaap H. ; Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Ours, Jan C. van (2001) Business cycles and compositional variation in U.S. unemployment. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics : JBES Alexandria, Va. [u.a.] 19 4 436-448 [Article]

Richardson, Katarina ; Berg, Gerard J. van den (2001) The effect of vocational employment training on the individual transition rate from unemployment to work. Swedish Economic Policy Review Stockholm 8 2 175-213 [Article]


Bontemps, Christian ; Robin, Jean-Marc ; Berg, Gerard J. van den (2000) Equilibrium search with continuous productivity dispersion: theory and nonparametric estimation. International Economic Review Hoboken, NJ ; Malden, MA 41 2 305-358 [Article]

Koning, Pierre ; Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Ridder, Geert (2000) Semi-nonparametric estimation of an equilibrium search model. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics Oxford [u.a.] 62 3 327-356 [Article]

Ommeren, Jos van ; Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Gorter, Cees (2000) Estimating the marginal willingness to pay for commuting. Journal of Regional Science Oxford 40 3 541 - 563 [Article]

Vuuren, Aico van ; Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Ridder, Geert (2000) Measuring the equilibrium effects of unemployment benefits dispersion. Journal of Applied Econometrics Chichester 15 6 547-574 [Article]


Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Ours, Jan C. van (1999) Duration dependence and heterogeneity in French youth unemployment durations. Journal of Population Economics Berlin [u.a.] 12 2 273-285 [Article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den (1999) Empirical inference with equilibrium search models of the labor market. The Economic Journal Oxford [u.a.] 109 456 F283-F306 [Article]

Bontemps, Christian ; Robin, Jean-Marc ; Berg, Gerard J. van den (1999) An empirical equilibrium job search model with search on the job and heterogeneous workers and firms. International Economic Review Hoboken, NJ ; Malden, MA 40 4 1039-1074 [Article]

Dolton, Peter ; Lindeboom, Maarten ; Berg, Gerard J. van den (1999) A taxonomy of survey non-response and its relation to labor market behavior. Haltiwanger, John C. The Creation and Analysis of Employer-Employee Matched Data Contributions to Economic Analysis Amsterdam [u.a.] 241 439-460 [Book chapter]


Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Lindeboom, Maarten (1998) Attrition in panel survey data and the estimation of multi-state labor market models. Journal of Human Resources : JHR Madison, Wis. 33 2 458-478 [Article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Ridder, Geert (1998) An empirical equilibrium search model of the labor market. Econometrica : Journal of the Econometric Society Evanston, Ill. 66 5 1183-1221 [Article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Ours, Jan C. van (1998) On the detection of state dependence using aggregate outflow data: comments on previous studies. The Economic Journal Oxford [u.a.] 108 450 1422-1430 [Article]


Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Ridder, Geert Empirical equilibrium search models. Advances in Economics and Econometrics : Theory and Applications; world congress 7 82-128 In: Advances in Economics and Econometrics : Theory and Applications; world congress (1997) Cambridge [Conference or workshop publication]

Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Gorter, Cees (1997) Job search and commuting time. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics : JBES Alexandria, Va. [u.a.] 15 2 269-281 [Article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den (1997) Association measures for durations in bivariate hazard rate models. Journal of Econometrics Amsterdam [u.a.] 79 2 221-245 [Article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Ours, Jan C. van (1997) Eyeballing state dependence and unobserved heterogeneity in aggregate unemployment duration data. Research in Labor Economics : RLE Bingley [u.a.] 16 369-394 [Article]


Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Ours, Jan C. van (1996) Unemployment dynamics and duration dependence. Journal of Labor Economics : JOLE Chicago, Ill. 14 1 100-125 [Article]


Berg, Gerard J. van den (1995) Wage dispersion and mobility. Economic Modelling Amsterdam [u.a.] 12 1 15-27 [Article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den (1995) Explicit expressions for the reservation wage path and the unemployment duration density in nonstationary job search models. Labour Economics Amsterdam [u.a.] 2 2 187-198 [Article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Lindeboom, Maarten (1995) Durations in panel data subject to attrition: a note on estimation in the case of a stock sample. Statistica Neerlandica Oxford 49 3 282-293 [Article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Ridder, Geert ; Koning, Pierre (1995) Structural and frictional unemployment in an equilibrium search model with heterogeneous agents. Journal of Applied Econometrics Chichester 10 Supp.1 S133 - S151 [Article]


Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Lindeboom, Maarten (1994) Heterogeneity in models for bivariate survival. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B, Statistical Methodolgy Oxford [u.a.] 56 1 49-60 [Article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Ours, Jan C. van (1994) Unemployment dynamics and duration dependence in France, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom. The Economic Journal Oxford [u.a.] 104 423 432-443 [Article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den (1994) The effects of changes of the job offer arrival rate on the duration of unemployment. Journal of Labor Economics : JOLE Chicago, Ill. 12 3 478-498 [Article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den ; Ridder, Geert ; Lindeboom, Maarten (1994) Attrition in longitudinal panel data and the empirical analysis of labor market behavior. Journal of Applied Econometrics Chichester 9 4 421-435 [Article]


Berg, Gerard J. van den (1992) A structural dynamic analysis of job turnover and the costs associated with moving to another job. The Economic Journal Oxford [u.a.] 102 414 1116-1133 [Article]


Berg, Gerard J. van den (1990) Nonstationarity in job search theory. The Review of Economic Studies Oxford 57 2 255-277 [Article]

Berg, Gerard J. van den (1990) Search behavior, transitions to nonparticipation and the duration of unemployment. The Economic Journal Oxford [u.a.] 100 402 842-865 [Article]

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