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Skip to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1985 | 1984


Menkveld, Albert J. ; Dreber, Anna ; Holzmeister, Felix ; Huber, Jürgen ; Johannesson, Magnus ; Kirchler, Michael ; Neusüß, Sebastian ; Razen, Michael ; Weitzel, Utz ; Abad-Días, David ; Abudy, Menachem ; Adrian, Tobias ; Ait-Sahalia, Yacine ; Akmansoy, Olivier ; Alcock, Jamie T. ; Alexeev, Vitali ; Aloosh, Arash ; Amato, Livia ; Amaya, Diego ; Angel, James J. ; Avetikian, Alejandro T. ; Bach, Amadeus ; Baidoo, Edwin ; Bakalli, Gaetan ; Bao, Li ; Barbon, Andrea ; Bashchenko, Oksana ; Bindra, Parampreet C. ; Bjønnes, Geir H. ; Black, Bernard S. ; Black, Jeffrey R. ; Scharnowski, Stefan ORCID: 0000-0002-3755-1821 ; Theissen, Erik ORCID: 0000-0003-4460-8168 ; et. al. (2024) Nonstandard Errors. Open Access The Journal of Finance Hoboken, NJ [u.a.] 79 3 2339-2390 [Article]

Reichelstein, Stefan (2024) Corporate carbon emission statements: A double entry system. Accountability in a Sustainable World Quarterly Paris 2 2 58-63 [Article]

Easton, Peter ; Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X ; Kurtz, Jochen ; Landaverde Lorenzo, Teresa ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2024) Accounting for corporate carbon emissions. Accountability in a Sustainable World Quarterly Paris 2 2 64-72 [Article]

Bach, Amadeus ; Onori, Simona ; Reichelstein, Stefan ; Zhuang, Jihan (2024) Fair market valuation of electric vehicle batteries in second life applications. Open Access Mannheim [Working paper]

Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X (2024) Decision-useful carbon information. Open Access Mannheim [Working paper]

Reichelstein, Stefan (2024) Corporate carbon accounting: balance sheets and flow statements. Open Access Review of Accounting Studies Dordrecht [u.a.] 29 3 2125-2156 [Article]

Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X ; Meier, Rebecca ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2024) Assessing the costs of industrial decarbonization. Open Access ZEW Discussion Papers Mannheim 24-061 [Working paper]

Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X (2024) Corporate carbon accounting: Current practices and opportunities for research. Open Access Mannheim [Working paper]


Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X ; Kelnhofer, Anton ; Meier, Rebecca ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2023) Cost-efficient pathways to decarbonizing Portland cement production. Open Access Mannheim [Working paper]

Cohen, Shira ; Kadach, Igor ; Ormazabal, Gaizka ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2023) Executive compensation tied to ESG performance: International evidence. Open Access Journal of Accounting Research Oxford [u.a.] 61 3 805-853 [Article]

Kaplan, Robert S. ; Ramanna, Karthik ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2023) Getting a clearer view of your company’s carbon footprint. Harvard Business Review : HBR Boston, MA [u.a.] 2023 Digital Article, 03.04.2023 1-12 [Article]

Landaverde Lorenzo, Teresa ; Liebmann, Patrick ; Meier, Rebecca ; Sutherland, Margot ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2023) Heidelberg materials: Assessing product carbon footprints. Case studies Stanford, CA SM-365 [Working paper]

Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X (2023) Toward decision-useful carbon information. Open Access Mannheim [Working paper]

Comello, Stephen ; Reichelstein, Julia ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2023) Corporate carbon reporting: Improving transparency and accountability. Open Access One Earth Amsterdam 6 7 803-810 [Article]

Reichelstein, Stefan (2023) Corporate carbon disclosures. Accountability in a Sustainable World Quarterly Paris 3 85-89 [Article]

Friedl, Gunther ; Reichelstein, Stefan ; Bach, Amadeus ; Blaschke, Maximilian ; Kemmer, Lukas (2023) Applications of the levelized cost concept. Open Access Journal of Business Economics : JBE = Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft : ZfB Berlin [u.a.] 93 6/7 1125-1148 [Article]

Zhuang, Jihan ; Bach, Amadeus ; van Vlijmen, Bruis H. C. ; Reichelstein, Stefan ; Chueh, William ; Onori, Simona ; Benson, Sally M. (2023) A decision-making model for retired Li-ion batteries. Open Access Mannheim [Working paper]

Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X ; Kelnhofer, Anton ; Meier, Rebecca ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2023) Cost-efficient pathways to decarbonizing Portland cement production. Open Access ZEW Discussion Papers Mannheim 23-023 [Working paper]

Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X ; Holler, Philip ORCID: 0000-0002-6702-9807 ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2023) Advances in power-to-gas technologies: Cost and conversion efficiency. Open Access Energy & Environmental Science Cambridge tba tba 1-13 [Article]

Meier, Rebecca (2023) Deep decarbonization: measurement and cost. Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Comello, Stephen ; Reichelstein, Julia ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2023) Corporate carbon reporting: Improving transparency and accountability. Open Access ZEW Discussion Papers Mannheim 23-026 [Working paper]

Reichelstein, Stefan (2023) Corporate carbon accounting: balance sheets and flow statements. Open Access Mannheim [Working paper]

Reichelstein, Stefan (2023) Carbon emission statements: Balance sheets and flow statements. Open Access ZEW Discussion Papers Mannheim 23-065 [Working paper]


Comello, Stephen ; Reichelstein, Julia ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2022) Corporate carbon reduction pledges: An effective tool to mitigate climate change? Open Access Advances in Social Innovation Mannheim tba tba [Article]

Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2022) Reversible Power-to-Gas systems for energy conversion and storage. Open Access Nature Communications London 13 Article 2010 1-10 [Article]

Comello, Stephen ; Reichelstein, Julia ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2022) Transparency on the Path to Net-Zero. Open Access Mannheim [Working paper]

Bach, Amadeus ; Lauer, Clemens (2022) Kritische Würdigung des Gesetzes zur Stärkung der Finanzmarktintegrität. KoR : Zeitschrift für internationale und kapitalmarktorientierte Rechnungslegung Düsseldorf 22 2, KOR1387709 73-79 [Article]

Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2022) The economic dynamics of competing power generation sources. Open Access Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Oxford ; Amsterdam 168 1-9 [Article]

Bach, Amadeus ; Drechsler, Jannes ; Funck, Julian (2022) Die Einordnung von verbrieften derivativen Geschäften unter den steuerlichen Termingeschäftsbegriff am Beispiel von Optionsscheinen. Steuer und Wirtschaft : StuW Köln 99 3 212-225 [Article]

Kaplan, Robert S. ; Ramanna, Karthik ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2022) Measuring product carbon footprints from cradle to gate. Open Access Mannheim [Working paper]

Reichelstein, Stefan (2022) Corporate Carbon Emission Statements. Open Access Mannheim [Working paper]

Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X ; Holler, Philip ORCID: 0000-0002-6702-9807 ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2022) Advances in Power-to-Gas technologies: cost and conversion efficiency. Open Access Mannheim [Working paper]

Cohen, Shira ; Kadach, Igor ; Ormazabal, Gaizka ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2022) Executive compensation tied to ESG performance: International evidence. Open Access ZEW Discussion Papers Mannheim 22-051 [Working paper]

Reichelstein, Stefan (2022) Corporate carbon emission statements. Open Access ZEW Discussion Papers Mannheim 22-052 [Working paper]

Cohen, Shira ; Kadach, Igor ; Ormazabal, Gaizka ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2022) Executive compensation tied to ESG performance: International evidence. Open Access Mannheim [Working paper]


Dutta, Sunil ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2021) Capacity rights and full-cost transfer pricing. Management Science Cantonsville, MD 67 2 1303-1325 [Article]

Comello, Stephen ; Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2021) Transitioning to clean energy transportation services: Life-cycle cost analysis for vehicle fleets. Open Access Applied Energy Amsterdam [u.a.] 285 Article 116408 1-11 [Article]

Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X ; Meier, Rebecca ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2021) Clean energy technologies: Dynamics of cost and price. Open Access Mannheim [Working paper]

Comello, Stephen ; Reichelstein, Julia ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2021) Corporate carbon reduction pledges: An effective tool to mitigate climate change? Open Access Mannheim [Working paper]

Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2021) Energy conversion and storage: the value of reversible Power-to-Gas systems. Open Access Mannheim [Working paper]

Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2021) Intermittent versus dispatchable power sources: An integrated competitive assessment. Open Access TRR 266 Accounting for Transparency Working Papers Series Mannheim 58 [Working paper]

Comello, Stephen ; Reichelstein, Julia ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2021) Transparency of the "Net-Zero by 2050 Club". Open Access Mannheim [Working paper]

Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X ; Meier, Rebecca ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2021) Cost dynamics of clean energy technologies. Open Access Schmalenbach Journal of Business Research : SBUR Wiesbaden 73 2 179-206 [Article]

Downar, Benedikt ; Ernstberger, Jürgen ; Reichelstein, Stefan ; Schwenen, Sebastian ; Zaklan, Aleksandar (2021) The impact of carbon disclosure mandates on emissions and financial operating performance. Open Access Review of Accounting Studies Dordrecht [u.a.] 26 3 1137-1175 [Article]

Comello, Stephen ; Reichelstein, Julia ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2021) Corporate carbon reduction pledges: An effective tool to mitigate climate change? Open Access ZEW Discussion Papers Mannheim 21-052 [Working paper]

Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2021) Energy conversion and storage: The value of reversible Power-to-Gas systems. Open Access ZEW Discussion Papers Mannheim 21-053 [Working paper]

Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X ; Meier, Rebecca ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2021) Cost dynamics of clean energy technologies. Open Access ZEW Discussion Papers Mannheim 21-054 [Working paper]

Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2021) Intermittent versus dispatchable power sources: An integrated competitive assessment. Open Access ZEW Discussion Papers Mannheim 21-065 [Working paper]

Bolton, Patrick ; Reichelstein, Stefan ; Kacperczyk, Marcin T. ; Leuz, Christian ; Ormazabal, Gaizka ; Schoenmaker, Dirk (2021) Mandatory corporate carbon disclosures and the path to net zero. Open Access Management and Business Review : MBR Columbia, USA 2021 Digital Article, Fall 2021 [Article]

Bolton, Patrick ; Kacperczyk, Marcin T. ; Leuz, Christian ; Ormazabal, Gaizka ; Reichelstein, Stefan ; Schoenmaker, Dirk (2021) Mandatory Corporate Carbon Disclosures and the Path to Net Zero. CEPR Policy Insight London 111 [Working paper]

Comello, Stephen ; Reichelstein, Julia ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2021) Intertemporal Corporate Carbon Reporting. Open Access Mannheim [Working paper]


Germeshausen, Robert ; Wölfing, Nikolas (2020) How marginal is lignite? Two simple approaches to determine price-setting technologies in power markets. Open Access Energy Policy Amsterdam [u.a.] 142 111482 [Article]

Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2020) Synergistic value in vertically integrated power‐to‐gas energy systems. Open Access Production and Operations Management Hoboken, NJ 29 3 526-546 [Article]

Downar, Benedikt ; Ernstberger, Jürgen ; Reichelstein, Stefan ; Schwenen, Sebastian ; Zaklan, Aleksandar (2020) The impact of carbon disclosure mandates on emissions and financial operating performance. Open Access Mannheim [Working paper]

Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2020) Buffering the volatility in power markets: Reversible Power-to-Gas systems. Open Access Mannheim [Working paper]

Downar, Benedikt ; Ernstberger, Jürgen ; Reichelstein, Stefan ; Schwenen, Sebastian ; Zaklan, Aleksandar (2020) The impact of carbon disclosure mandates on emissions and financial operating performance. Open Access ZEW Discussion Papers Mannheim 20-038 [Working paper]

Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X Cost competitiveness of alternative energy technologies. (2020) TRR 266 Accounting for Transparency Annual Conference 2020 (Online) [Conference presentation]

Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X Economics of green hydrogen and policy implications for rapid decarbonization. (2020) German Hydrogen Scale-up: Strategy and Delivery (Online) [Conference presentation]

Comello, Stephen ; Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2020) Cost-efficient transition to clean energy transportation services. Open Access Mannheim [Working paper]

Comello, Stephen ; Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2020) Cost-efficient transition to clean energy transportation services. Open Access ZEW Discussion Papers Mannheim 20-054 [Working paper]

Baumgarte, Felix ; Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X ; Rieger, Alexander (2020) Business models and profitability of energy storage. Open Access iScience Amsterdam [u.a.] 23 10, Article 101554 1-27 [Article]


Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2019) Economics of converting renewable power to hydrogen. Open Access Nature Energy London 4 Febr. 216-222 [Article]

Comello, Stephen ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2019) The emergence of cost effective battery storage. Open Access Nature Communications London 10 Article 2038 1-9 [Article]

Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X Shared capacity and levelized cost with application to power-to-gas. (2019) 81. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung des VHB (Rostock, Germany) [Conference presentation]

Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X (2019) Shared capacity and levelized cost with application to power-to-gas technology. Open Access MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research Cambridge, MA [Working paper]

Dutta, Sunil ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2019) Capacity rights and full cost transfer pricing. Open Access Berkeley, CA [Working paper]

Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2019) Synergistic value in vertically integrated power-to-gas energy systems. Open Access Mannheim [Working paper]


Comello, Stephen ; Reichelstein, Stefan ; Sahoo, Anshuman (2018) The road ahead for solar PV power. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Oxford ; Amsterdam 92 744-756 [Article]

Reichelstein, Stefan ; Sahoo, Anshuman (2018) Relating product prices to long‐run marginal cost: Evidence from solar photovoltaic modules. Contemporary Accounting Research : CAR = Recherche Comptable Contemporaine Oxford ; Toronto 35 3 1464-1498 [Article]

Comello, Stephen ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2018) Economic analysis of battery storage systems : a levelized cost approach. Working Papers Stanford, CA 3696 [Working paper]

Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2018) Operational volatility and synergistic value in vertically integrated energy systems. Working Papers Stanford, CA 3665 [Working paper]

Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X Shared capacity and levelized cost with application to power-to-gas. (2018) 15th Annual Conference for Management Accounting Research (Vallendar, Germany) [Conference presentation]

Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X The prospects for renewable hydrogen production. (2018) Seventh Mannheim Energy Conference, ZEW (Mannheim, Germany) [Conference presentation]

Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X Operational volatility and synergistic value in hybrid energy systems. (2018) XIX. Symposium zur ökonomischen Analyse der Unternehmung, GEABA (Frankfurt, Germany) [Conference presentation]

Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X Shared capacity and levelized cost with application to power-to-gas. (2018) Herbsttagung "Sustainability in Global Value Chains", VHB (Augsburg, Germany) [Conference presentation]


Psarras, Peter C. ; Comello, Stephen ; Bains, Praveen ; Charoensawadpong, Panunya ; Reichelstein, Stefan ; Wilcox, Jennifer (2017) Carbon capture and utilization in the industrial sector. Environmental Science & Technology : ES & T Columbus, OH 51 19 11440-11449 [Article]

Comello, Stephen ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2017) Cost competitiveness of residential solar PV : the impact of net metering restrictions. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Oxford ; Amsterdam 75 46-57 [Article]

Comello, Stephen ; Reichelstein, Stefan ; Sahoo, Anshuman ; Schmidt, Tobias S. (2017) Enabling micro-grid development in rural India. World Development Amsterdam [u.a.] 93 94-107 [Article]

Mookherjee, Dilip ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2017) Dominant strategy implementation of Bayesian incentive compatible allocation rules. Martimort, David The economic theory of incentives ; 1 The international library of critical writings in economics Cheltanham [u.a.] 338 526-547 [Book chapter]

Mookherjee, Dilip ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2017) Implementation via augmented revelation mechanisms. Martimort, David The economic theory of incentives ; 1 The international library of critical writings in economics Cheltanham [u.a.] 338 306-330 [Book chapter]

Edlin, Aaron S. ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2017) Holdups, standard breach remedies, and optimal investment. Martimort, David The economic theory of incentives ; 2 The international library of critical writings in economics Cheltanham [u.a.] 338 56-79 [Book chapter]

Melumad, Nahum D. ; Mookherjee, Dilip ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2017) Hierarchical decentralization of incentive contracts. Martimort, David The economic theory of incentives ; 2 The international library of critical writings in economics Cheltanham [u.a.] 338 683-701 [Book chapter]

Reichelstein, Stefan ; Bebb, Donna ; Comello, Stephen (2017) Restructuring a utility : RWE's carve-out of innogy. Case studies Stanford, CA SM278 [Report]

Reichelstein, Stefan ; Rohlfing-Bastian, Anna (2017) Relevante Kosten für Investitionsentscheidungen. Controlling & Management Review Wiesbaden 61 5 58-62 [Article]

Comello, Stephen ; Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2017) Levelized cost of electricity calculator : a user guide. Stanford, CA [Working paper]

Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2017) Prospects for renewable hydrogen production. Working Papers Stanford, CA 3664 [Working paper]

Psarras, Peter C. ; Comello, Stephen ; Bains, Praveen ; Charoensawadpong, Panunya ; Reichelstein, Stefan ; Wilcox, Jennifer (2017) Carbon capture and utilization in the industrial sector. Working Papers Stanford, CA 3493 [Working paper]

Reichelstein, Stefan ; Sahoo, Anshuman (2017) Relating product prices to long-run marginal cost : evidence from solar photovoltaic modules. Working Papers Stanford, CA 3069 [Working paper]

Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X Synergistic value of hybrid energy systems. (2017) ETH PhD Academy on Sustainability and Technology 2017 (Zürich, Switzerland) [Conference presentation]

Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X Synergistic value of hybrid energy systems. (2017) IKEM Summer Academy ‘Energy and the Environment’ 2017 (Berlin, Germany) [Conference presentation]

Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X Synergistic value of hybrid energy systems. (2017) 7th Energy Colloquium of the Munich School of Engineering (München, Germany) [Conference presentation]

Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X Is renewable energy bad for business? (2017) 6th Lindau Meeting on Economics Sciences (Lindau, Germany) [Conference presentation]


Nezlobin, Alexander ; Rajan, Madhav V. ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2016) Structural properties of the price-to-earnings and price-to-book ratios. Review of Accounting Studies Dordrecht [u.a.] 21 2 438-472 [Article]

Farhat, Kim ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2016) Economic value of flexible hydrogen-based polygeneration energy systems. Applied Energy Amsterdam [u.a.] 164 857-870 [Article]

Comello, Stephen ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2016) The U.S. investment tax credit for solar energy : alternatives to the anticipated 2017 step-down. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Oxford ; Amsterdam 55 591-602 [Article]

Reichelstein, Stefan ; Bebb, Donna (2016) Sustainable investing at generation investment management. Case studies Stanford, CA SM257 [Report]

Reichelstein, Stefan ; Schifrin, Debra (2016) ENGIE: strategic transformation of an energy conglomerate. Case studies Stanford, CA SM256 [Report]

Comello, Stephen ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2016) Cost competitiveness of residential solar PV : the impact of net metering restrictions. Working Papers Stanford, CA 3418 [Working paper]

Comello, Stephen ; Reichelstein, Stefan ; Sahoo, Anshuman ; Schmidt, Tobias S. (2016) Enabling mini-grid development in rural India. Working Papers Stanford, CA 3382 [Working paper]


Reichelstein, Stefan ; Rohlfing-Bastian, Anna (2015) Levelized product cost : concept and decision relevance. The Accounting Review Sarasota, FL 90 4 1653-1682 [Article]

Reichelstein, Stefan ; Sahoo, Anshuman (2015) Time of day pricing and the levelized cost of intermittent power generation. Energy Economics Amsterdam [u.a.] 48 97-108 [Article]

Nezlobin, Alexander ; Reichelstein, Stefan ; Wang, Yanruo (2015) Managerial performance evaluation for capacity investments. Review of Accounting Studies Dordrecht [u.a.] 20 1 283-318 [Article]

Reichelstein, Stefan ; Drabkin, Davina (2015) SolarCity : rapid innovation. Case studies Stanford, CA SM232 [Report]

Sahoo, Anshuman ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2015) Are the recent declines in solar PV module prices sustainable? Stanford Energy Journal Stanford, CA 2015 6 5 May [Article]

Reichelstein, Stefan ; Comello, Stephen (2015) The US Investment Tax Credit for solar energy : alternatives to the anticipated 2017 step-down. Working Papers Stanford, CA 3280 [Working paper]


Comello, Stephen ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2014) Incentives for early adoption of carbon capture technology. Energy Policy Amsterdam [u.a.] 74 579-588 [Article]

McNicols, Maureen ; Rajan, Madhav V. ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2014) Conservatism correction for the market-to-book ratio and Tobin’s q. Review of Accounting Studies Dordrecht [u.a.] 19 4 1393-1435 [Article]

Reichelstein, Stefan ; Makridis, Christos (2014) Global carbon emissions : an interactive illustration. Case studies Stanford, CA SM234 [Report]

Comello, Stephen ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2014) A case study in internal carbon pricing : Royal Dutch Shell. Weiss, Maxfield Corporate use of carbon prices : commentary from corporations, investors and thought leaders New York, NY 14 [Book chapter]

Comello, Stephen ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2014) A better way to cut power-plant emissions. Bloomberg New York, NY [u.a.] 2014 21. April [Article]

Rajan, Madhav V. ; Reichelstein, Stefan ; Nezlobin, Alexander (2014) Capital investments and financial ratios. Working Papers Stanford, CA 3052 [Working paper]


Reichelstein, Stefan ; Yorston, Michael (2013) The prospects for cost competitive solar PV power. Energy Policy Amsterdam [u.a.] 55 117-127 [Article]

Reichelstein, Stefan ; Rosenthal, Sara ; Sahoo, Anshuman (2013) KiOR - the quest for cellulosic biofuels. Case studies Stanford, CA E427 [Report]

Reichelstein, Stefan ; Sahoo, Anshuman (2013) Time of day pricing and the levelized cost of intermittent power generation. Working Papers Stanford, CA 3067 [Working paper]

Reichelstein, Stefan ; Rohlfing-Bastian, Anna (2013) Levelized product cost : concept and decision relevance. Working Papers Stanford, CA 3068 [Working paper]

McNicols, Maureen ; Hiemann, Moritz ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2013) The diversification discount : fundamentals or accounting rules? Working Papers Stanford, CA 3570 [Working paper]


Hiemann, Moritz ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2012) The dual role of transfer prices in multinational firms: Divisional performance measurement and tax optimization. The European Financial Review London 2012 Oct. [Article]

Nezlobin, Alexander ; Rajan, Madhav V. ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2012) Dynamics of rate-of-return regulation. Management Science Cantonsville, MD 58 5 980-995 [Article]

Hiemann, Moritz ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2012) Transfer pricing in multinational corporations : an integrated management- and tax perspective. Schön, Wolfgang Fundamentals of International Transfer Pricing in Law and Economics MPI Studies in Tax Law and Public Finance Berlin ; Heidelberg 1 3-18 [Book chapter]


Ederhof, Merle ; Rajan, Madhav V. ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2011) Discretion in managerial bonus pools. Foundations and Trends in Accounting : FTACC Hanover, MA 5 4 243-316 [Article]

İşlegen, Özge ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2011) Carbon capture by fossil fuel power plants: An economic analysis. Management Science Cantonsville, MD 57 1 21-39 [Article]

Hoyt, David ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2011) REI’s solar energy program. Case studies Stanford, CA BE17 [Report]

Hoyt, David ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2011) Environmental sustainability at REI. Case studies Stanford, CA SM196 [Report]

Rajan, Madhav V. ; Reichelstein, Stefan ; Nezlobin, Alexander (2011) Dynamics of rate-of-return regulation. Working Papers Stanford, CA 2041 [Working paper]


Dutta, Sunil ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2010) Decentralized capacity management and internal pricing. Review of Accounting Studies Dordrecht [u.a.] 15 3 442-478 [Article]

Rajan, Madhav V. ; Reichelstein, Stefan ; Nezlobin, Alexander (2010) Stability properties of the rate-of-return regulation process. Working Papers Stanford, CA 2042 [Working paper]


İşlegen, Özge ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2009) The economics of carbon capture. The Economists' Voice Berlin ; Boston, MA 6 12 1-5 [Article]

Rajan, Madhav V. ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2009) Depreciation rules and the relation between marginal and historical cost. Journal of Accounting Research Oxford [u.a.] 47 3 823-865 [Article]

Rajan, Madhav V. ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2009) Objective versus subjective indicators of managerial performance. The Accounting Review Sarasota, FL 84 1 209-237 [Article]

Reichelstein, Stefan ; İşlegen, Özge (2009) Carbon capture by fossil fuel power plants : an economic analysis. Working Papers Stanford, CA 2033 [Working paper]


Rajan, Madhav V. ; Reichelstein, Stefan ; Soliman, Mark T. (2007) Conservatism, growth, and return on investment. Review of Accounting Studies Dordrecht [u.a.] 12 2/3 325-370 [Article]

Gow, Ian ; Reichelstein, Stefan Capital budgeting : the role of cost allocations. Waldmann, Karl-Heinz Operations Research Proceedings 2006 115-121 In: Operations Research Proceedings 2006 : selected papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), jointly organized with the Austrian Society of Operations Research (ÖGOR) and the ... SVOR (2007) Berlin ; Heidelberg Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (Karlsruhe, Germany) [Conference or workshop publication]

Baldenius, Tim ; Dutta, Sunil ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2007) Cost allocation for capital budgeting decisions. The Accounting Review Sarasota, FL 82 4 837-867 [Article]

Baldenius, Tim ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2007) Managerial Accounting. Köhler, Richard Handwörterbuch der Betriebswirtschaft Enzyklopädie der Betriebswirtschaftslehre Stuttgart 1 Sp. 1109-1117 [Encyclopedic article]


Rajan, Madhav V. ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2006) Subjective performance indicators and discretionary bonus pools. Journal of Accounting Research Oxford [u.a.] 44 3 585-618 [Article]

Baldenius, Tim ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2006) External and internal pricing in multidivisional firms. Journal of Accounting Research Oxford [u.a.] 44 1 1-28 [Article]

Rajan, Madhav V. ; Reichelstein, Stefan ; Soliman, Mark T. (2006) Conservatism, growth, and return on investment. Working Papers Stanford, CA 1956 [Working paper]


Dutta, Sunil ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2005) Accrual accounting for performance evaluation. Review of Accounting Studies Dordrecht [u.a.] 10 4 527-552 [Article]

Baldenius, Tim ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2005) Incentives for efficient inventory management : the role of historical cost. Management Science Cantonsville, MD 51 7 1015-1164 [Article]

Baldenius, Tim ; Bastian, Nicole ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2005) Market-based transfer pricing : a synthesis of recent studies. Weber, Jürgen Internationalisierung des Controllings : Standortbestimmung und Optionen Schriften des Center for Controlling & Management (CCM) Wiesbaden 16 113-128 [Book chapter]

Dutta, Sunil ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2005) Accrual accounting for performance evaluation. Working Papers Stanford, CA 1886 [Working paper]


Rajan, Madhav V. ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2004) A perspective on "Asymmetric information, incentives and intrafirm resource allocation". Management Science Cantonsville, MD 50 12 1615-1623 [Article]

Baldenius, Tim ; Melumad, Nahum D. ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2004) Integrating managerial and tax objectives in transfer pricing. The Accounting Review Sarasota, FL 79 3 591-615 [Article]

Bastian, Nicole ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2004) Transfer pricing at Timken. Case studies Stanford, CA A190 [Report]

Reichelstein, Stefan ; Dutta, Sunil (2004) Stock price, earnings and book value in managerial performance measures. Working Papers Stanford, CA 1873 [Working paper]


Dutta, Sunil ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2003) Leading indicator variables, performance measurement and long-term versus short-term contracts. Journal of Accounting Research Oxford [u.a.] 41 5 837-866 [Article]

Reichelstein, Stefan ; Reiter, Stanley Game forms with minimal message spaces. (2003) 35 Years of MEDS and Management Theory : 65th Birthday Celebration of Morton Kamien / Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University (Evanston, IL) [Conference presentation]

Reichelstein, Stefan Measuring managerial performance. (2003) 65. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung des Verbandes der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V. (Zürich, Switzerland) [Conference presentation]

Reichelstein, Stefan ; Baldenius, Tim (2003) External and internal pricing in multidivisional firms. Working Papers Stanford, CA 1825 [Working paper]


Dutta, Sunil ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2002) Controlling investment decisions : depreciation- and capital charges. Review of Accounting Studies Dordrecht [u.a.] 7 2/3 253-281 [Article]

Reichelstein, Stefan (2002) Responsibility Accounting. Küpper, Hans-Ulrich Handwörterbuch Unternehmensrechnung und Controlling Enzyklopädie der Betriebswirtschaftslehre Stuttgart 3 Sp. 1703-1713 [Encyclopedic article]

Reichelstein, Stefan ; Dutta, Sunil (2002) Leading indicator variables, performance measurement and long-term versus short-term contracts. Working Papers Stanford, CA 1756 [Working paper]


Mookherjee, Dilip ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2001) Incentives and coordination in hierarchies. Advances of Theoretical Economics = The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics Berkeley, CA 1 1 Article 4 [Article]

Baldenius, Tim ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2001) Sub-Micron Devices Inc. Case studies Stanford, CA A170 [Report]

Reichelstein, Stefan ; Dutta, Sunil (2001) Controlling investment decisions : depreciation and capital charges. Working Papers Stanford, CA 1722 [Working paper]


Reichelstein, Stefan (2000) Providing managerial incentives : cash flows versus accrual accounting. Journal of Accounting Research Oxford [u.a.] 38 2 243-269 [Article]

Baldenius, Tim ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2000) Comparative statics of monopoly pricing. Economic Theory Berlin [u.a.] 16 2 465-469 [Article]


Dutta, Sunil ; Reichelstein, Stefan (1999) Asset valuation and performance measurement in a dynamic agency setting. Review of Accounting Studies Dordrecht [u.a.] 4 3/4 235-258 [Article]

Dutta, Sunil ; Reichelstein, Stefan (1999) Performance measurement in multi-period agencies. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics : JITE Tübingen 155 1 158-175 [Article]

Baldenius, Tim ; Fuhrmann, Gregor ; Reichelstein, Stefan (1999) Zurück zu EVA. Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis : BFuP Herne 51 1 53-65 [Article]

Baldenius, Tim ; Reichelstein, Stefan ; Sahay, Savita A. (1999) Negotiated versus cost-based transfer pricing. Review of Accounting Studies Dordrecht [u.a.] 4 2 67-91 [Article]


Baldenius, Tim ; Reichelstein, Stefan (1998) Alternative Verfahren zur Bestimmung innerbetrieblicher Verrechnungspreise. Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung : Zfbf Wiesbaden 50 3 236-259 [Article]

Marschak, Thomas ; Reichelstein, Stefan (1998) Network mechanisms, informational efficiency and hierarchies. Journal of Economic Theory : JET Amsterdam [u.a.] 79 1 106-141 [Article]


Mookherjee, Dilip ; Reichelstein, Stefan (1997) Budgeting and hierarchical control. Journal of Accounting Research Oxford [u.a.] 35 2 129-155 [Article]

Melumad, Nahum D. ; Mookherjee, Dilip ; Reichelstein, Stefan (1997) Contract complexity, incentives and the value of delegation. Journal of Economics & Management Strategy : JEMS Malden, Mass. [u.a.] 6 1 257-289 [Article]

Reichelstein, Stefan (1997) Investment decisions and managerial performance evaluation. Review of Accounting Studies Dordrecht [u.a.] 2 2 157-180 [Article]

Reichelstein, Stefan (1997) Macho-Stadler, I., and Pérez-Castrillo , J. D.: An Introduction to the Economics of Information. XIV, 277 pp. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1997. Soft-cover 17.99. Journal of Economics Wien [u.a.] 66 3 314-315 [Review]


Edlin, Aaron S. ; Reichelstein, Stefan (1996) Holdups, standard breach remedies, and optimal investment. American Economic Review : AER Nashville, Tenn. 86 3 478-501 [Article]


Melumad, Nahum D. ; Mookherjee, Dilip ; Reichelstein, Stefan (1995) Hierarchical decentralization of incentive contracts. The RAND Journal of Economics Oxford [u.a.] 26 4 654-672 [Article]

Edlin, Aaron S. ; Reichelstein, Stefan (1995) Specific investment under negotiated transfer pricing : an efficiency result. The Accounting Review Sarasota, FL 70 2 275-291 [Article]

Marschak, Thomas ; Reichelstein, Stefan (1995) Communication requirements for individual agents in networks and hierarchies. Ledyard, John O. The economics of informational decentralization : complexity, efficiency and stability; essays in honor of Stanley Reiter Schriften des Center for Controlling & Management (CCM) Boston, MA [u.a.] 311-346 [Book chapter]


Reichelstein, Stefan (1994) Constructing incentive schemes for government contracts : an application of agency theory. Bower, Anthony G. Essays in the economics of procurement Rand Report ; MR-462-OSD Santa Monica, CA 462 119-140 [Book chapter]


Reichelstein, Stefan (1992) Constructing incentive schemes for government contracts : an application of agency theory. The Accounting Review Sarasota, FL 67 4 712-731 [Article]

Mookherjee, Dilip ; Reichelstein, Stefan (1992) The revelation approach to Nash implementation. Economics Letters Amsterdam [u.a.] 39 3 309-313 [Article]

Melumad, Nahum D. ; Mookherjee, Dilip ; Reichelstein, Stefan (1992) A theory of responsibility centers. Journal of Accounting & Economics Amsterdam [u.a.] 15 4 445-484 [Article]

Reichelstein, Stefan (1992) Agency. Newman, Peter The new Palgrave dictionary of money & finance Enzyklopädie der Betriebswirtschaftslehre London [u.a.] 1, A-E [Encyclopedic article]

Mookherjee, Dilip ; Reichelstein, Stefan (1992) Dominant strategy implementation of Bayesian incentive compatible allocation rules. Journal of Economic Theory : JET Amsterdam [u.a.] 56 2 378-399 [Article]


Kirby, Alison J. ; Reichelstein, Stefan ; Sen, Pradyot K. ; Paik, Tae-Young (1991) Participation, slack, and budget-based performance evaluation. Journal of Accounting Research Malden, MA [u.a.] 29 1 109-128 [Article]


Mookherjee, Dilip ; Reichelstein, Stefan (1990) Implementation via augmented revelation mechanisms. The Review of Economic Studies Oxford 57 3 453-475 [Article]


Melumad, Nahum D. ; Reichelstein, Stefan (1989) Value of communication in agencies. Journal of Economic Theory : JET Amsterdam [u.a.] 47 2 334-368 [Article]


Reichelstein, Stefan ; Reiter, Stanley (1988) Game forms with minimal message spaces. Econometrica / The Econometric Society New York [u.a.] 56 3 661-692 [Article]


Melumad, Nahum D. ; Reichelstein, Stefan (1987) Centralization versus delegation and the value of communication. Journal of Accounting Research Malden, MA [u.a.] 25 Suppl. 1-18 [Article]

Reichelstein, Hans-Egon ; Reichelstein, Stefan (1987) Leistungsanreize bei öffentlichen Aufträgen. Wehrtechnik : WT Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler ; Koblenz [u.a.] 19 3 44-49 [Article]

Reichelstein, Stefan (1987) A note on feasible implementations. Economics Letters Amsterdam [u.a.] 25 4 315-318 [Article]


Osband, Kent ; Reichelstein, Stefan (1985) Information-eliciting compensation schemes. Journal of Public Economics Amsterdam [u.a.] 27 1 107-115 [Article]


Reichelstein, Stefan ; Osband, Kent (1984) Incentives in government contracts. Journal of Public Economics Amsterdam [u.a.] 24 2 257-270 [Article]

Reichelstein, Stefan (1984) Smooth versus discontinuous mechanisms. Economics Letters Amsterdam [u.a.] 16 3/4 239-242 [Article]

Reichelstein, Stefan (1984) Incentive compatibility and informational requirements. Journal of Economic Theory : JET Amsterdam [u.a.] 34 1 32-51 [Article]

Reichelstein, Stefan (1984) A note on allocations attainable through Nash equilibria. Journal of Economic Theory : JET Amsterdam [u.a.] 32 2 384-390 [Article]

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