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Wandelt, Sebastian ; Blom, Henk ; Krömer, Marius Magnus ORCID: 0000-0002-2344-6764 ; Li, Daochun ; Mitici, Mihaela ; Ryley, Tim ; Stumpf, Eike ; Wang, Kun ; Yang, Bin ; Zanin, Massimiliano ; Sun, Xiaoqian (2024) DESIGN and be SMART: Eleven engineering challenges to achieve sustainable air transportation under safety assurance in the year 2050. Journal of the Air Transport Research Society Amsterdam [u.a.] tba tba 100045 [Article]

Herr, Raphael M. ; Diehl, Katharina ; Schneider, Sven ; Osenbrügge, Nina ORCID: 0009-0008-8330-6027 ; Memmer, Nicole ; Sachse, Steffi ; Hoffmann, Stephanie ; Wachtler, Benjamin ; Herke, Max ; Pischke, Claudia R. ; Novelli, Anna ; Hilger-Kolb, Jennifer (2024) Which meso-level characteristics of early childhood education and care centers are associated with health, health behavior, and well-being of young children? Findings of a scoping review. Open Access International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health : IJERPH Basel 18 9, Article 4973 1-26 [Article]

Bubak, Alexander ; Rolf, Benjamin ; Reggelin, Tobias ; Lang, Sebastian ; Stuckenschmidt, Heiner ORCID: 0000-0002-0209-3859 (2024) An LSTM network-based genetic algorithm for integrated procurement and scheduling optimisation. Open Access International Journal of Production Research London tba tba 1-30 [Article]


Zhuang, Jihan ; Bach, Amadeus ; van Vlijmen, Bruis H. C. ; Reichelstein, Stefan ; Chueh, William ; Onori, Simona ; Benson, Sally M. (2023) A decision-making model for retired Li-ion batteries. Open Access Mannheim [Working paper]

Egloffstein, Marc ORCID: 0000-0002-2377-7889 ; Ifenthaler, Dirk ORCID: 0000-0002-2446-6548 Modularizing MOOCs for professional learning: Prospects and challenges for instructional design. 1-4 In: 2023 IEEE Learning with MOOCS (LWMOOCS) : proceedings (2023) Cambridge, MA IEEE Learning With MOOCs (LWMOOCS) 2023 (Cambridge, MA) [Conference or workshop publication]


Franci, Barbara ; Staudigl, Mathias (2022) Mini-batch stochastic three-operator splitting for distributed optimization. IEEE Control Systems Letters New York, NY 6 2882-2887 [Article]


Glenk, Gunther ORCID: 0000-0003-2540-838X ; Reichelstein, Stefan (2021) Energy conversion and storage: the value of reversible Power-to-Gas systems. Open Access Mannheim [Working paper]

Gilan, Donya ; Müssig, Markus ; Hahad, Omar ; Kunzler, Angela ; Samstag, Simon ; Röthke, Nikolaus ; Thrul, Johannes ; Kreuter, Frauke ORCID: 0000-0002-7339-2645 ; Bosnjak, Michael ; Sprengholz, Philipp ; Betsch, Cornelia ; Wollschläger, Daniel ; Tüscher, Oliver ; Lieb, Klaus (2021) Protective and risk factors for mental distress and its impact on health-protective behaviors during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic between march 2020 and march 2021 in Germany. Open Access International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health : IJERPH Basel 18 17, Article 9167 1-12 [Article]

Wozniak, Antal ; Wessler, Hartmut ORCID: 0000-0003-4216-5471 ; Chan, Chung-hong ORCID: 0000-0002-6232-7530 ; Lück, Julia (2021) The event-centered nature of global public spheres: The UN Climate Change Conferences, Fridays for Future, and the (limited) transnationalization of media debates. Open Access International Journal of Communication : IJoC Los Angeles, Calif. 15 Article 20210005 688-714 [Article]


Samara, Adam ; Rempe, Felix ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 Modelling arterial travel time distribution using copulas. Paper TuBT8.5 1-6 In: The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems September 20 - 23, 2020 Virtual Conference : program (2020) Piscataway, NJ IEEE ITSC 2020 (Online) [Conference or workshop publication]

Faulwasser, Timm ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Worthmann, Karl (2020) Mathematical innovations fostering the energy transition – Control and optimization. Special Issue: Mathematical innovations fostering the energy transition – Control and optimization Automatisierungstechnik : AT Berlin 68 12 = special issue 982-984 [Article]


Diete, Alexander ; Sztyler, Timo ; Stuckenschmidt, Heiner ORCID: 0000-0002-0209-3859 (2018) Exploring semi-supervised methods for labeling support in multimodal datasets. Open Access Sensors Basel 18 8 Article 2639 [Article]


Aklin, Michael ; Bayer, Patrick ; Harish, S. P. ; Urpelainen, Johannes (2015) The political economy of energy access : Survey evidence from India on state intervention and public opinion. Energy Research & Social Science Amsterdam [u.a.] 10 250-258 [Article]


Richter, Andrea (2014) A Game-Theoretic Approach For Multi-Loop Control System Design. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Schaffrin, André ; Reibling, Nadine (2014) Household energy and climate mitigation policies : Investigating energy practices in the housing sector. Energy Policy Amsterdam [u.a.] 77 1-10 [Article]


Rau, Pei-Luen Patrick ; Li, Ye ; Liu, Jun (2013) Effects of a Social Robot's Autonomy and Group Orientation on Human Decision-Making. Open Access Advances in Human-Computer Interaction New York, NY 2013 1 1-13 [Article]

Bayer, Patrick ; Dolan, Lindsay ; Urpelainen, Johannes (2013) Global patterns of renewable energy innovation, 1990–2009. Energy for Sustainable Development Amsterdam [u.a.] 17 3 288-295 [Article]


Elasmar, Sherine Rady Abdel Ghany (2012) Information-theoretic environment modeling for mobile robot localization. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Merchán Alba, José Fernando (2012) Untersuchungen zur Mikrointegration optischer Übertragungssysteme im Kurzstreckenbereich. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Geiger, David ; Rosemann, Michael ; Fielt, Erwin ; Schader, Martin Crowdsourcing information systems - definition typology, and design. Open Access Huang, Ming-Hui Paper 53 In: ICIS 2012 : Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2012) (2012) Atlanta, Ga. Thirty Third International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2012) (Orlando, Fla.) [Conference or workshop publication]


Pott, Peter Paul (2008) Untersuchung von Kinematiken für handgehaltene Roboter. Open Access None [Doctoral dissertation]


Harter, Matthias (2007) Untersuchung der kapazitiven Eigenschaften von 3D-Clusterstrukturen in einer 0,35 µm CMOS-Technologie und deren mögliche kryptografische Anwendungen. Open Access None [Doctoral dissertation]

Fügenschuh, Armin ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Herty, Michael Water contamination detection. Oberweis, Andreas 2 501-518 In: eOrganisation: Service-, Prozess-, Market-Engineering : 8. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik, Karlsruhe, 28. Februar - 2. März 2007 (2007) Karlsruhe WI 2007 (Karlsruhe, Germany) [Conference or workshop publication]


Kemper, Alfons ; Kilger, Christoph ; Moerkotte, Guido (1994) Function materialization in object bases: design, realization, and evaluation. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering : TKDE New York, NY ; Piscataway, NJ 6 4 587-608 [Article]


Kemper, Alfons ; Moerkotte, Guido (1993) Basiskonzepte objektorientierter Datenbanksysteme. Informatik-Spektrum Heidelberg ; Berlin 16 2 69-80 [Article]

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