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Heyne, Stefanie ; Kuhlemann, Jana ORCID: 0000-0002-6238-3436 ; Kogan, Irena (2025) Partnership preferences in modern migration societies: religious homophily among young muslims and christians in Germany. Open Access European Journal of Population = Revue Européenne de Démographie Dordrecht [u.a.] 41 1-23 [Article]


Kuhlemann, Jana ORCID: 0000-0002-6238-3436 (2024) Linking refugees’ time perceptions and their time use. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies : JEMS Abingdon 50 18 4621-4641 [Article]

Lorenz, Georg ; Kogan, Irena ; Gentrup, Sarah ; Kristen, Cornelia (2024) Non-native accents among school beginners and teacher expectations for future student achievements. Open Access Sociology of Education Thousand Oaks, CA 97 1 76-96 [Article]

Tubergen, Frank van ; Kogan, Irena ; Kosyakova, Yuliya ; Pötzschke, Steffen (2024) Self-selection of Ukrainian refugees and displaced persons in Europe. Open Access Journal of Refugee Studies Oxford 37 1 72-96 [Article]

Kogan, Irena ; Weißmann, Markus ; Dollmann, Jörg (2024) Police discrimination and police distrust among ethnic minority adolescents in Germany. Open Access Frontiers in Sociology Lausanne 9 Article 1231774 1-15 [Article]

Arnold, Lena ; Fleischmann, Fenella (2024) Group boundaries in the Netherlands: how religion and ethnicity matter for social integration. European Sociological Review Oxford tba tba 1-16 [Article]

Tubergen, Frank van ; Wachter, Gusta G. ; Kosyakova, Yuliya ; Kogan, Irena (2024) Return intentions among Ukrainian refugees in Europe: A cross-national study. Open Access International Migration Oxford [u.a.] 62 5 181-198 [Article]

Grauenhorst, Thomas (2024) Structural position and inequality tolerance in international perspective. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Karaçay, İrem ; Bousselin, Audrey ; Benz, Robin ; Darmody, Merike ; Smyth, Emer (2024) Inequality in participation in shadow education in mathematics in Europe: An intersectional perspective. Open Access European educational research journal : EERJ London tba tba 1-20 [Article]

Kosyakova, Yuliya ; Kogan, Irena (2024) The role of social capital in immigrants’ and refugees’ labour market integration: evidence from Germany. McDonald, Steve ; Côté, Rochelle ; Shen, Jing Handbook on inequality and social capital Cheltenham 288-304 [Book chapter]

Gutfleisch, Tamara ; Kogan, Irena (2024) Gender disparities in mathematics achievement by ethnic origin: evidence from Germany. Soziale Welt : SozW Baden-Baden 75 2 198-246 [Article]

Heyne, Stefanie ; Kuhlemann, Jana ORCID: 0000-0002-6238-3436 ; Kogan, Irena Are male Muslim immigrants perceived as a particular threat in Western countries? Evidence from a factorial survey experiment in Germany. (2024) Ungleichheit und Zusammenhalt. Gemeinsame Tagung der DGS-Sektion "Soziale Ungleichheit und Sozialstrukturanalyse" @ Cluster 2 des Forschungsinstituts Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt (Bremen, Germany) [Conference presentation]

Heyne, Stefanie ; Kogan, Irena ; Kuhlemann, Jana ORCID: 0000-0002-6238-3436 Is it a match? The congruence of partnership preferences between Syrian and Afghan refugees and the German population. (2024) Experimental Research on Ethnic Diversity, Discrimination, and Pro-sociality in European Societies (Mannheim, Germany) [Conference presentation]

Heyne, Stefanie ; Kogan, Irena ; Kuhlemann, Jana ORCID: 0000-0002-6238-3436 Is it a match? The congruence of partnership preferences between Syrian and Afghan refugees and the German Population. (2024) European Population Conference 2024 (Edinburgh, UK) [Conference presentation]

Heyne, Stefanie ; Kogan, Irena ; Kuhlemann, Jana ORCID: 0000-0002-6238-3436 Is it a match? the congruence of partnership preferences between Syrian and Afghan refugees and the German population. (2024) ACES 2024, Sixth Annual Conference of Experimental Sociology (Torino, Italy) [Conference presentation]

Heyne, Stefanie ; Kogan, Irena ; Kuhlemann, Jana ORCID: 0000-0002-6238-3436 Is it a match? : the congruence in partnership preferences between Syrian and Afghan refugees and the German population. (2024) European Consortium for Social Research Annual Conference (Barcelona, Spain) [Conference presentation]

Kogan, Irena ; Karaçay, İrem ; Alieva, Aigul ; Kroezen, Taylor ; Toom, Auli ; Kleemola, Katri Intersectional inequalities in academic achievement in primary and secondary education from a cross-country perspective. (2024) PIONEERED Final Conference (Belval, Luxembourg) [Conference presentation]

Kogan, Irena ; Heyne, Stefanie ; Kuhlemann, Jana ORCID: 0000-0002-6238-3436 Partnership formation in the context of forced migration: the role of partner preferences among refugees from the Middle East and the German Population. (2024) Migration Observatory 8th Annual Conference: Immigrant Integration around the World (Turin, Italy) [Conference presentation]

Kuhlemann, Jana ORCID: 0000-0002-6238-3436 ; Kogan, Irena ; Maddox, Amrei The role of family context in partner search among male refugees in Germany. (2024) 5. International CILS4EU User Conference (Mannheim, Germany) [Conference presentation]

Kogan, Irena ; Kuhlemann, Jana ORCID: 0000-0002-6238-3436 The role of online dating for homogamy. (2024) 5. International CILS4EU User Conference (Mannheim, Germany) [Conference presentation]

Kuhlemann, Jana ORCID: 0000-0002-6238-3436 ; Kogan, Irena Religion and partner search among young refugees, migrants, and natives in Germany. (2024) ECSR 2024 Conference (Barcelona, Spain) [Conference presentation]

Kuhlemann, Jana ORCID: 0000-0002-6238-3436 ; Kogan, Irena Religion and partner search among young refugees, migrants, and natives in Germany. (2024) Gemeinsame Tagung der DGS-Sektion "Soziale Ungleichheit und Sozialstrukturanalyse" und des Cluster 2 des "Forschungsinstituts Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt (FGZ)": Ungleichheit und Zusammenhalt (Bremen, Germany) [Conference presentation]


Kogan, Irena ; Schabinger, Jule (2023) Successful due to STEM? Labour market returns to STEM qualifications among skilled immigrants in Germany. European Societies London 25 4 574-605 [Article]

Weißmann, Markus ; Dollmann, Jörg ; Kogan, Irena (2023) Educational and school-to-work pathways of majority and ethnic minority youth in Germany: direct links and detours. Darmody, Merike ; Smith, Emer Post-school pathways of migrant-origin youth in Europe London ; New York, NY 82-104 [Book chapter]

Kogan, Irena ; Heyne, Stefanie ; Kuhlemann, Jana ORCID: 0000-0002-6238-3436 ; Abdul-Rida, Chadi (2023) Distinct boundaries? Preferences of immigrants’ descendants regarding partnerships with recent refugees from Syria and Afghanistan in Germany. Open Access Zeitschrift für Soziologie Berlin 52 4 379-390 [Article]

Kogan, Irena ; Kosyakova, Yuliya (2023) Understanding immigrant labor market stratification: What can the case of recent refugee migration to Europe contribute? Gangl, Markus ; Platt, Lucinda ; Polavieja, Javier G. ; Werfhorst, Herman G. van de The Oxford handbook of social stratification Oxford C41S1-C41P167 [Book chapter]

Siegert, Manuel ; Roth, Tobias ; Kogan, Irena (2023) Gendered occupational aspirations: A comparison of young native-born and Turkish minority women. Open Access Weinert, Sabine ; Blossfeld, Gwendolin Josephine ; Blossfeld, Hans-Peter Education, competence development and career trajectories : analysing data of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) Cham 402-423 [Book chapter]

Kogan, Irena ; Weißmann, Markus ; Dollmann, Jörg (2023) Defying discrimination? Germany’s ethnic minorities within education and training systems. Open Access Yang, Lawrence H. ; Eger, Maureen A. Migration stigma : understanding prejudice, discrimination, and exclusion Cambridge, Massachusetts 1-24 [Book chapter]

Grauenhorst, Thomas (2023) Structural position and inequality tolerance in international perspective. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Kosyakova, Yuliya ; Kogan, Irena (2023) Arbeitsmarkt. Scharrer, Tabea ; Glorius, Birgit ; Kleist, J. Olaf ; Berlinghoff, Marcel Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung: Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Studium Baden-Baden 599-606 [Book chapter]

Garcia, San Juanita ; Jiménez, Tómas R. ; Holmes, Seth M. ; Kogan, Irena ; Vassenden, Anders ; Yang, Lawrence H. ; Zhou, Min (2023) Migration, stigma, and lived experiences : A conceptual framework for centering lived experiences. Open Access Yang, Lawrence H. ; Eger, Maureen A. ; Link, Bruce G. Migration stigma : understanding prejudice, discrimination, and exclusion Cambridge, Mass. 75-97 [Book chapter]

Kogan, Irena ; Dollmann, Jörg ; Weißmann, Markus The role of regional accent and dialect in ethnic minorities' youth transitions. (2023) AMLI2023, Approaches to Migration, Language, and Identity (Zürich, Switzerland) [Conference presentation]

Gutfleisch, Tamara ; Kogan, Irena Choosing STEM in higher education: intersectional patterns by gender and ethnic origin in Germany. (2023) Transitions in Youth (TiY) 2023 (Edinburgh, UK) [Conference presentation]

Heyne, Stefanie ; Kogan, Irena ; Kuhlemann, Jana ORCID: 0000-0002-6238-3436 Homophily in partnership preferences of migrants and natives in Germany: evidence from a factorial survey experiment. (2023) RC28 Spring Meeting 2023: Education and Social Inequality across the Life Course (Paris, France) [Conference presentation]

Kogan, Irena ; Karaçay, İrem ; Alieva, Aigul ; Kroezen, Taylor ; Toom, Auli ; Kleemola, Katri Intersectional inequalities in academic achievement in primary and secondary education from a cross-country perspective. (2023) ECSR Annual Conference 2023: “Effort and Social Inequality” (Madrid, Spain) [Conference presentation]


Kuhlemann, Jana ORCID: 0000-0002-6238-3436 ; Krapf, Sandra (2022) Parental repartnering and child well-being: what role does coresidence play? Open Access Journal of Family Research : JFR Bamberg 34 2 823-846 [Article]

Heyne, Stefanie ; Wolbring, Tobias (2022) Do mothers and fathers in Germany really prefer a traditional division of labor? The impact of working hours on life satisfaction reconsidered. Open Access Zeitschrift für Soziologie : ZfS Stuttgart 51 3 298-306 [Article]

Kosyakova, Yuliya ; Kogan, Irena (2022) Labor market situation of refugees in Europe: The role of individual and contextual factors. Open Access Frontiers in Political Science Lausanne 4 Article 977764 1-14 [Article]

Gutfleisch, Tamara ; Kogan, Irena (2022) Parental occupation and students' STEM achievements by gender and ethnic origin: Evidence from Germany. Open Access Research in Social Stratification and Mobility Amsterdam [u.a.] 82 Article 100735 1-12 [Article]

Heyne, Stefanie ; Kuhlemann, Jana ORCID: 0000-0002-6238-3436 ; Kogan, Irena Attitudes towards partnerships with Afghan and Syrian refugees: evidence from a factorial survey experiment. (2022) Second Workshop on Immigration, Integration and Attitudes (Mannheim, Germany) [Conference presentation]

Kogan, Irena ; Karaçay, İrem ; Alieva, Aigul ; Kroezen, Taylor ; Kleemola, Katri ; Toom, Auli Intersectional inequalities along the dimensions of social origin, gender, and migration background in primary, secondary, and tertiary education from a cross-country perspective. (2022) LuxERA Conference 2022 (Belval, Luxembourg) [Conference presentation]

Gutfleisch, Tamara ; Kogan, Irena Gender disparities in STEM (=science, technology, engineering, mathematics) scholastic achievement by ethnic origin: evidence from Germany. (2022) ECSR Annual Conference 2022 (Amsterdam, Netherlands) [Conference presentation]

Gutfleisch, Tamara ; Kogan, Irena Parental occupation and STEM scholastic achievements by gender and ethnic origin: evidence from Germany. (2022) RC28 Spring Meeting 2022: Social Stratification and Social Policy for a Post-Covid19 World (London, UK) [Conference presentation]

Heyne, Stefanie ; Kuhlemann, Jana ORCID: 0000-0002-6238-3436 ; Kogan, Irena Attitudes towards partnerships with Afghan and Syrian refugees: Evidence from a factorial survey experiment. (2022) 41. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie: Polarisierte Welten (Bielefeld, Germany) [Conference presentation]


Soiné, Hannah ; Arnold, Lena ; Dollmann, Jörg ; Kriegel, Leonie ; Weißmann, Markus (2021) Junge Erwachsene und die Pandemie: Erkenntnisse der CILS4COVID-Befragung. MZES Fokus Mannheim Ausgabe 1 (Mai 2021) [Report]

Heldmann, Philipp ; Hollermeier, Nikolaus ; Kogan, Irena (2021) "Spitzenstellung in der sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung" errungen und verteidigt: Das Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung (MZES). Borgstedt, Angela ; Eichfelder, Sandra ; Gassert, Philipp Eine Universität für die Gesellschaft : 75 Jahre Neubegründung Wirtschaftshochschule und Universität Mannheim Ubstadt-Weiher 141-143 [Book chapter]

Shen, Jing ; Kogan, Irena (2021) Gendered body mass and life satisfaction among youth in three Western European immigrant-receiving countries. Open Access Frontiers in Sociology Lausanne 6 Article 695374 1-11 [Article]

Dollmann, Jörg ; Kogan, Irena (2021) COVID-19–associated discrimination in Germany. Open Access Research in Social Stratification and Mobility Amsterdam [u.a.] 74 Article 100631 1-10 [Article]

Dollmann, Jörg ; Kogan, Irena ; Weißmann, Markus When your accent betrays you : the role of foreign accents in school-to-work transition of ethnic minority youth in Germany. (2021) 18th IMISCOE Annual Conference (Belval, Luxembourg, Online) [Conference presentation]


Dollmann, Jörg ; Kogan, Irena ; Weißmann, Markus (2020) Speaking accent-free in L2 beyond the critical period: The compensatory role of individual abilities and opportunity structures. Open Access Applied Linguistics London 41 5 787-809 [Article]

Shen, Jing ; Kogan, Irena (2020) Immigrants’ relative income and life satisfaction: Comparison groups from a multi-generational perspective. Open Access Acta Sociologica : AS London [u.a.] 63 1 82-102 [Article]

Shen, Jing ; Kogan, Irena (2020) Does the religious context matter? The causal effect of religious diversity on individual life satisfaction in the UK. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies : JEMS Abingdon 46 17 3722-3743 [Article]

Kogan, Irena ; Fong, Eric ; Reitz, Jeffrey G. (2020) Religion and integration among immigrant and minority youth. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies : JEMS Abingdon 46 17 3543-3558 [Article]

Gentrup, Sarah ; Lorenz, Georg ; Kristen, Cornelia ; Kogan, Irena (2020) Self-fulfilling prophecies in the classroom: Teacher expectations, teacher feedback and student achievement. Open Access Learning and Instruction Amsterdam [u.a.] 66 Article 101296 [Article]

Shen, Jing ; Kogan, Irena (2020) Job loss or income loss: How the detrimental effect of unemployment on men’s life satisfaction differs by immigration status. Open Access Frontiers in Sociology Lausanne 5 Article 10 1-14 [Article]

Kogan, Irena ; Kalter, Frank (2020) An empirical-analytical approach to the study of recent refugee migrants in Germany. Open Access Soziale Welt : SozW Baden-Baden 71 1/2 3-23 [Article]

Kalter, Frank ; Kogan, Irena (2020) Refugee reception and first steps towards integration in Germany: A special case of general mechanisms? Soziale Welt : SozW Baden-Baden 71 1/2 [Journal/Publication series]

Soiné, Hannah ; Kriegel, Leonie ; Dollmann, Jörg (2020) The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on risk perceptions: differences between ethnic groups in Germany. European Societies London 23 Supp 1 S289-S306 [Article]

Shen, Jing ; Kogan, Irena How do host- and home-country labour market contexts matter? Unemployed immigrant men’s life satisfaction in Europe. (2020) 115th ASA Annual Meeting (San Francisco, CA, Online) [Conference presentation]

Dollmann, Jörg ; Kogan, Irena COVID-19-associated discrimination in Germany: realistic and symbolic threats. (2020) COVID-19 Work in Progress Conference (Online) [Conference presentation]


Kogan, Irena ; Shen, Jing (2019) It's the economy! Perceptions of host-countries' institutions and individual life satisfaction of intra-European migrants. Open Access Frontiers in Sociology Lausanne 4 Article 42 1-16 [Article]

Kogan, Irena ; Weißmann, Markus (2019) Religion and sexuality: Between- and within-individual differences in attitudes to pre-marital cohabitation among adolescents in four European countries. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies : JEMS Abingdon 46 17 3630-3654 [Article]

Kalter, Frank ; Kogan, Irena ; Dollmann, Jörg (2019) Studying integration from adolescence to early adulthood: Design, content, and research potential of the CILS4EU-DE data. European Sociological Review Oxford 35 2 280-297 [Article]

Maddox, Amrei (2019) Parental influence on the ethnic partner choice within immigrant families in Europe. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Kogan, Irena (2019) Still a safety net? Revisiting the role of vocational education and training in school-to-work transitions in Europe. Becker, Rolf Research handbook on the sociology of education Proceedings of the British Academy Cheltenham ; Northampton, MA 329-346 [Book chapter]

Kogan, Irena ; Dollmann, Jörg ; Weissmann, Markus When your accent betrays you : the role of foreign accents in school-to-work transition of the ethnic minority youth in Germany. (2019) ECSR Conference 2019 (Lausanne, Switzerland) [Conference presentation]

Shen, Jing ; Kogan, Irena Does Contextual Exposure Matter? Examining the Causal Effect of Religious Diversity on Life Satisfaction in the UK, 2009-2016. (2019) 114th ASA Annual Meeting (New York, NY) [Conference presentation]

Shen, Jing ; Kogan, Irena How do host- and home-country labour market contexts matter? Understanding the gap of life satisfaction between unemployed and employed immigrants men across European countries. (2019) RC28 Spring Meeting 2019 (Frankfurt, Germany) [Conference presentation]


Sand, Gregor (2018) Migration and well-being of older people in Europe. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Klein, Oliver (2018) Unterschiede in der Wirkung frühkindlicher institutioneller Bildung und Betreuung für Kinder mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund in Deutschland. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Kogan, Irena ; Shen, Jing ; Siegert, Manuel (2018) What makes a satisfied immigrant? Host-country characteristics and immigrants’ life satisfaction in eighteen European countries. Journal of Happiness Studies Dordrecht [u.a.] 19 6 1783-1809 [Article]

Kogan, Irena (2018) Ethnic minority youth at the crossroads: Between traditionalism and liberal value orientations. Kalter, Frank Growing up in diverse societies : the integration of children of immigrants in England, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden Proceedings of the British Academy Oxford 215 303-331 [Book chapter]

Kogan, Irena Observing the unobservables: The role of foreign accents and cognitive abilities in school-to-work transitions of the ethnic minority youth in Germany. (2018) International Conference on Demographics, Immigration, and the Labor Market (Nürnberg, Germany) [Conference presentation]

Kogan, Irena ; Weißmann, Markus Religion and sexuality: between- and within-individual differences in attitudes to pre-marital cohabitation among adolescents in four European countries. (2018) 39. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (Göttingen, Germany) [Conference presentation]

Kogan, Irena ; Weißmann, Markus ; Dollmann, Jörg When your accent betrays you: the role of foreign accents in youth transitions of the ethnic minorities in Germany. (2018) 26th Annual Workshop Transitions In Youth (TIY) (Mannheim, Germany) [Conference presentation]

Kogan, Irena When your accent betrays you: foreign accent and immigrant integration. (2018) ECSR Network Workshop (Tel Aviv, Israel) [Conference presentation]


Shen, Jing ; Kogan, Irena (2017) Contact use in job placement and its impact on the gender earnings gap in transitional urban China : evidence from Xiamen, 1999. International Sociology London ; Los Angeles, CA 32 1 130-154 [Article]

Heyne, Stefanie (2017) Culture and female labor force participation in international comparison. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Scholten, Mirte (2017) Causes and consequences of higher-education non-completion in Germany. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Kogan, Irena (2017) Skill production regimes and immigrant labor market integration. Scott, Robert A. Emerging trends in the social and behavioral sciences : an interdisciplinary, searchable, and linkable resource Hoboken, NJ 1-14 [Book chapter]

Shen, Jing ; Kogan, Irena (2017) To Whom Is Contact Use Beneficial? The Impacts of Self-Selected Contact Use on Gender Income Differentials in the Transitional Economy of Urban China. Studies of Transition States and Societies Tallinn ; Frankfurt, M. 9 2 1-16 [Article]

Gentrup, Sarah ; Lorenz, Georg ; Rahmann, Susanne ; Stanat, Petra ; Kristen, Cornelia ; Kogan, Irena Effekte von Lehrkrafterwartungen auf das Lehrkrafthandeln und die Leistungsentwicklung von Grundschulkindern. (2017) 5. GEBF-Tagung 2017 (Heidelberg, Germany) [Conference presentation]

Kogan, Irena ; Weißmann, Markus ; Dollmann, Jörg Accent and language proficiency among Germany’s ethnic minority youth. (2017) ECSR 2017 Annual Conference, European Consortium for Sociological Research (Milano, Italy) [Conference presentation]

Kogan, Irena ; Shen, Jing Immigrant life situation through the lenses of sending and receiving societies. (2017) RC28 Spring Meeting 2017: Social inequality and mobility revisted (Köln, Germany) [Conference presentation]


Lorenz, Georg ; Gentrup, Sarah ; Kristen, Cornelia ; Stanat, Petra ; Kogan, Irena (2016) Stereotype bei Lehrkräften? Eine Untersuchung systematisch verzerrter Lehrererwartungen. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie : KZfSS Wiesbaden 68 1 89-111 [Article]

Kogan, Irena (2016) Educational systems and migrant-specific labour market returns. Hadjar, Andreas Education systems and inequalities : international comparisons Bristol ; Chicago, IL 289-310 [Book chapter]

Kogan, Irena (2016) Arbeitsmarktintegration von Zuwanderern. Brinkmann, Heinz Ulrich Einwanderungsgesellschaft Deutschland : Entwicklung und Stand der Integration Wiesbaden 177-199 [Book chapter]

Kogan, Irena (2016) Integration policies and immigrants' labor market outcomes in Europe. Sociological Science N.N. 3 335-358 [Article]

Hove, Sven van (2016) Emotionale Integration von Personen mit Migrationshintergrund : Vielfältigkeit und Ursachen der emotionalen Integration bei Aussiedlern und Personen mit einem Migrationshintergrund aus der Türkei. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Kogan, Irena ; Shen, Jing ; Siegert, Manuel What makes a satisfied immigrant? Host-country characteristics and immigrants’ life satisfaction in Europe. (2016) 3rd International ESS Conference (Lausanne, Switzerland) [Conference presentation]

Kogan, Irena At school or at work? : comparing the role of vocational education and training in school‐to‐work transitions in German‐speaking and Eastern European countries. (2016) 24th Annual Workshop of Transitions in Youth (TIY) (Trento, Italy) [Conference presentation]

Kogan, Irena What makes a satisfied immigrant? Host country characteristics and immigrants’ life satisfaction in eighteen European countries. (2016) MIDA Closing Conference 2016, Migration and Inclusion in the Labour Market (København, Denmark) [Conference presentation]

Kogan, Irena ; Shen, Jing The next Top Model? Body size and life satisfaction among the European Youth. (2016) ECSR Annual Conference 2016 (Oxford, UK) [Conference presentation]

Shen, Jing ; Kogan, Irena Financial well-being and the non-pecuniary costs of unemployment: how do immigration status and gender matter in life satisfaction of the unemployed population in the United Kingdom, 2009-2015? (2016) RC28 Summer Meeting 2016 (Bern, Switzerland) [Conference presentation]

Shen, Jing ; Kogan, Irena Fluid points of reference income and immigrants’ life satisfaction in multi-generational comparison: evidence from the United Kingdom, 2009-2015. (2016) RC28 Spring Meeting 2016 (Singapur, Republic of Singapore) [Conference presentation]


Neugebauer, Martin (2015) Kommt es auf die Lehrkraft an? Empirische Studien zur Selektion in das Lehramt und zu Lehrereffekten bei der Entstehung ungleicher Bildungschancen. Open Access Aachen [Doctoral dissertation]

Kogan, Irena Integration policies and immigrants’ labour market outcomes. (2015) ECSR Spring School 2015 (Torino, Italy) [Conference presentation]

Shen, Jing ; Kogan, Irena Self-selected contact use and its impact on gender income differentials in urban China. (2015) Sunbelt 2015, XXXV International Sunbelt Social Network Conference (Brighton, UK) [Conference presentation]

Kogan, Irena Contesting the uncontested: the role of vocational education in school-to-work transitions. (2015) Education and Work: (Un-) Equal Transitions with a Special Focus on Central and Eastern Europe (Sofia, Bulgaria) [Conference presentation]

Kogan, Irena Institutional embeddedness of immigrant integration. (2015) 02 Annual BAGSS Conference, Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences (Bamberg, Germany) [Conference presentation]

Kogan, Irena ; Shen, Jing ; Siegert, Manuel The right choice? : immigrants’ life satisfaction in the European receiving countries. (2015) ECSR Conference 2015 (Tallinn, Estonia) [Conference presentation]


Roth, Tobias (2014) Die Rolle sozialer Netzwerke für den Erfolg von Einheimischen und Migranten im deutschen (Aus-)Bildungssystem. Open Access Aachen [Doctoral dissertation]

Kogan, Irena (2014) Politiche migratorie, processi di selezione e inserimento occupazionale degli immigrati. Barbieri, Paolo Lavoro, istituzioni, diseguaglianze Studi e ricerche Bologna 677 271-290 [Book chapter]

Kalter, Frank ; Kogan, Irena (2014) Migrant Networks and Labor Market Integration of Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union in Germany. Social Forces : SF Oxford 92 4 1435-1456 [Article]

Matković, Teo ; Kogan, Irena (2014) Relative worth of a bachelor degree: Patterns of labour market integration among drop-outs and graduates in sequential and integrated tertiary education systems. Acta Sociologica : AS London [u.a.] 57 2 101-118 [Article]

Salikutluk, Zerrin (2014) Bildungsaspiration: Motivation oder Illusion? : eine mikroperspektivische Analyse der Bildungsaspirationen und Bildungsentscheidungen von Einheimischen und Migranten am Ende der Sekundarstufe I in Deutschland. Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Siegert, Manuel ; Kogan, Irena Do they care? The impact of educational aspirations on students’ well-being in Germany. (2014) RC28 Spring Meeting 2014 (Budapest, Hungary) [Conference presentation]


Lindemann, Kristina ; Kogan, Irena (2013) The role of language resources for labour market entry : comparing Estonia and Ukraine. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies : JEMS Abingdon 39 1 105-123 [Article]

Klein, Oliver ; Kogan, Irena (2013) Does Reading to Children Enhance their Educational Success? Child Indicators Research Dordrecht 6 2 321-344 [Article]

Kogan, Irena ; Weißmann, Markus (2013) Immigrants' initial steps in Germany and their later economic success. Advances in Life Course Research Amsterdam [u.a.] 18 3 185-198 [Article]

Kogan, Irena ; Matković, Teo ; Gebel, Michael (2013) Helpful friends? Personal contacts and job entry among youths in transformation societies. International Journal of Comparative Sociology : IJCS Los Angeles, Calif. [u.a.] 54 4 277-298 [Article]

Kogan, Irena Ethnic inequalities in the labour market: theoretical expectations and empirical evidence. (2013) Marie Jahoda Summer School of Sociology Vienna 2013: Migration & Inequality (Wien, Austria) [Conference presentation]

Kogan, Irena Labour market situation of immigrants in Europe revisited. (2013) SGS-Kongress 2013: Ungleichheit und Integration in der Krise (Bern, Switzerland) [Conference presentation]

Kogan, Irena Unfulfilled hopes? The impact of educational aspirations on students' well-being in Germany. (2013) RC28 Spring Meeting 2013 (Trento, Italy) [Conference presentation]

Siegert, Manuel ; Kogan, Irena Do they care? The impact of parental educational aspirations on the subjective well-Bbeing of pupils with a migrant background in Germany. (2013) Migration and Well-Being: Research Frontiers (Tel Aviv, Israel) [Conference presentation]

Kogan, Irena ; Siegert, Manuel Unfulfilled hopes? The impact of educational aspirations on students' well-being in Germany. (2013) Migration: Global Development, New Frontiers (London, UK) [Conference presentation]


Noelke, Clemens ; Gebel, Michael ; Kogan, Irena (2012) Uniform inequalities: Institutional differentiation and the transition from higher education to work in post-socialist Central and Eastern Europe. European Sociological Review Oxford 28 6 704-716 [Article]

Matković, Teo ; Kogan, Irena (2012) All or nothing? The consequences of tertiary education non-completion in Croatia and Serbia. European Sociological Review Oxford 28 6 755-770 [Article]

Kogan, Irena (2012) Tertiary education landscape and labour market chances of the highly educated in Central and Estern Europe. European Sociological Review Oxford 28 6 701-703 [Article]

Kogan, Irena (2012) Potenziale nutzen! Determinanten und Konsequenzen der Anerkennung von Bildungsabschlüssen bei Zuwanderern aus der ehemaligen Sowjetunion in Deutschland. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie : KZfSS Wiesbaden 64 1 67-89 [Article]

Kogan, Irena ; Gebel, Michael ; Noelke, Clemens (2012) Educational systems and inequalities in educational attainment in Central and Eastern European countries. Studies of Transition States and Societies Tallinn ; Frankfurt, M. 4 1 69-83 [Article]

Siegert, Manuel (2012) Die Innenseite der Integration. Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Amit, Karin ; Bagno, Olena ; Bridges, William P. ; Devoretz, Don J. ; Haberfeld, Yitchak ; Kogan, Irena ; Logan, John R. ; Raijman, Rebeca ; Semyonov, Moshe (2012) Economic Integration of Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union in Four Countries. Hagira : Journal of Migration 1 51-79 [Article]

Kogan, Irena (2012) Central and Eastern Europe : higher education and labour markets in transition. European Sociological Review Oxford 28 6: Special issue [Journal/Publication series]

Kogan, Irena All-or-nothing-thesis revisited: higher educational dropouts at the European labour markets. (2012) 20th Annual Workshop TIY 2012, Transition in Youth (Nijmegen, Netherlands) [Conference presentation]

Kogan, Irena Credential recognition among immigrants in Germany and their investment in host country education and training. (2012) RC28 Summer Meeting 2012 (Charlottesville, VA) [Conference presentation]

Kogan, Irena Immigrants' initial steps in Germany and their later economic success. (2012) The Role of Institutional Practices for Building Successful Mutlicultural Societies (Toronto, Canada) [Conference presentation]

Kogan, Irena The right skills for employment in Europe: The role of education. (2012) EU Conference New Skills and Jobs (Nikosia, Cyprus) [Conference presentation]

Kogan, Irena The role of education for labour market entry. (2012) Bulgaria 2020 in Europe 2020: The Social Sciences Contribution (Sofia, Bulgaria) [Conference presentation]

Kogan, Irena ; Kroneberg, Clemens Tolerance values among ethnic minority youths in Western European countries. (2012) 3rd Norface Migration Conference (Mannheim, Germany) [Conference presentation]

Kroneberg, Clemens ; Kogan, Irena Tolerance values among ethnic minority youths in Western European countries. (2012) Workshop “First Analyses using CILS4EU”, Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Survey in Four European Countries (Mannheim, Germany) [Conference presentation]

Kogan, Irena Value orientations of ethnic minority youths in four Western European countries. (2012) ECSR/EQUALSOC Conference: Economic Change, Quality of Life and Social Cohesion (Stockholm, Sweden) [Conference presentation]


Kogan, Irena ; Noelke, Clemens ; Gebel, Michael (2011) Making the transition : Education and Labor Market Entry in Central and Eastern Europe. Stanford, Calif. [Book]

Kogan, Irena (2011) When informal is normal ... On the role of credentials and contacts for the job entry in Serbia. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility Amsterdam [u.a.] 29 4 445-458 [Article]

Kogan, Irena (2011) The price of being an outsider : labour market flexibility and immigrants' employment path in Germany. International Journal of Comparative Sociology : IJCS London [u.a.] 52 4 264-283 [Article]

Kogan, Irena (2011) Delayed Transition: Education and Labour Market Entry in Serbia. Kogan, Irena Making the transition : Education and labour market entry in Central and Eastern Europe Stanford, Calif. 141-165 [Book chapter]

Kogan, Irena ; Gebel, Michael (2011) When higher education pays off: education and labour market entry in Ukraine. Kogan, Irena Making the transition : Education and labour market entry in Central and Eastern Europe Stanford, Calif. 269-295 [Book chapter]

Kogan, Irena ; Gebel, Michael ; Noelke, Clemens (2011) Comparative analysis of social transformation, education systems and school-to-work transitions in Central and Eastern Europe. Kogan, Irena Making the transition : Education and labour market entry in Central and Eastern Europe Stanford, Calif. 320-354 [Book chapter]

Baranowska, Anna ; Gebel, Michael ; Kotowska, Irena E. (2011) The role of fixed term contracts at labour market entry in Poland : stepping stones, screening devices, traps or search subsidies. Work, Employment & Society Los Angeles, CA [u.a.] 25 4 777-793 [Article]

Gebel, Michael ; Giesecke, Johannes (2011) Labour market flexibility and inequality : the changing skill-based temporary employment and unemployment risks in Europe. Social Forces : SF Chapel Hill, NC 90 1 17-39 [Article]

Gebel, Michael ; Noelke, Clemens (2011) The tansition from school to work in Central and Eastern Europe: theory and methodology. Kogan, Irena Making the transition : Education and labour market entry in Central and Eastern Europe Stanford, Calif. 29-57 [Book chapter]

Gebel, Michael (2011) Hard times for the less educated. Kogan, Irena Making the transition : Education and labour market entry in Central and Eastern Europe Standford, Calif. 58-84 [Book chapter]

Gebel, Michael (2011) Familiäre Einkommensarmut und kindlicher Bildungserfolg. Berger, Peter A. Reproduktion von Ungleichheit durch Arbeit und Familie Wiesbaden 259-278 [Book chapter]

Jacob, Konstanze ; Dollmann, Jörg ; Kalter, Frank ; Kogan, Irena What standard surveys can learn from immigrant surveys. (2011) 4th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA): Bringing together survey researchers in Europe (Lausanne, Switzerland) [Conference presentation]

Kogan, Irena Human capital transferability and immigrant investment in host country education and training. (2011) ECSR 20th Anniversary Conference 2011 (Dublin, Ireland) [Conference presentation]

Kogan, Irena ; Kalter, Frank Migrant networks and labour market integration of immigrants from the Former Soviet Union in Germany. (2011) Norface Migration Network Conference on "Migration: Economic Change, Social Challenge" (London, UK) [Conference presentation]

Kogan, Irena On the determinants and consequences of the recognition of education among immigrants in Germany. (2011) Between national closure and supranational governance: work , welfare and migrant integration in Germany and the EU (Toronto, Canada) [Conference presentation]

Kogan, Irena On the relative worth of bachelor degrees: comparing bachelor graduates and dropouts in Croatia and Ukraine. (2011) RC28 Spring Meeting 2011 (Colchester, UK) [Conference presentation]

Kogan, Irena Relative worth of bachelor degrees: comparing bachelor graduates and dropouts in Croatia and Ukraine. (2011) Transitions in Youth (TiY) 2011 (Tallinn, Estonia) [Conference presentation]


Kogan, Irena (2010) Immigrant Investment in Host Country Vocational Education and Training. Peterson, Penelope L. International Encyclopedia of Education Amsterdam [u.a.] 8 280-288 [Book chapter]

Roth, Tobias ; Salikutluk, Zerrin ; Kogan, Irena (2010) Auf die "richtigen" Kontake kommt es an! Soziale Ressource und die Bildungsaspirationen der Mütter von Haupt-, Real- und Gesamtschülern in Deutschland. Becker, Birgit Vom Kindergarten bis zur Hochschule Wiesbaden 179-212 [Book chapter]

Noelke, Clemens ; Kogan, Irena ; Gebel, Michael (2010) Образователна експанзия и социално неравенство в страните от Централна и Източна Европа. Sociologičeski problemi = Soziologische Probleme Sofija ; Frankfurt, M. 42 1/2 94-117 [Article]

Gebel, Michael (2010) Early career consequences of temporary employment in Germany and the United Kingdom. Work, Employment & Society Los Angeles, CA [u.a.] 24 4 641-660 [Article]

Siegert, Manuel ; Kogan, Irena (2010) Einstellungen gegenüber ethnischen Minderheiten in Europa : Analysen mit dem European Social Survey. Bamberger Beiträge zur Soziologie Bamberg 6 1-88 [Book]

Gebel, Michael (2010) Temporary employment at labour market entry : individual risk patterns and career consequences. Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Kogan, Irena (2010) Bildung, Arbeitsmarkt, Sozialstruktur. Huinink, Johannes Migration und regionale Entwicklung : Dokumentation ; [22. Bremer Universitäts-Gespräche am 19. und 20. November 2009] Oldenburg 49-58 [Book chapter]

Gebel, Michael ; Kogan, Irena Tertiary education landscape and labour market chances of the higly educated in Central and Eastern Europe. (2010) Higher education and beyond – Inequalities regarding entrance to higher education and educational credentials (Ascona, Switzerland) [Conference presentation]

Heath, Anthony ; Kalter, Frank ; Kogan, Irena The children of immigrants longitudinal survey in four European countries. (2010) NORFACE Migration Programme Workshop (London, UK) [Conference presentation]

Salikutluk, Zerrin ; Kogan, Irena ; Roth, Tobias Success of migrant children and youths in the educational systems of Israel and Germany. (2010) Migration and societal Integration (Berlin, Germany) [Conference presentation]


Gebel, Michael ; Kogan, Irena "What kind of higher education pays off? An analysis of labour market entry of higher education graduates in Ukraine" and "Making the transition: education and labor market entry in Central and Eastern Europe". (2009) EDUC Workshop (Tallinn, Estonia) [Conference presentation]

Kogan, Irena Making the transition: education and labour market entry in Central and Eastern Europe. (2009) Development of Competencies in the World of Work and Education, DECOWE (Ljubljana, Slovenia) [Conference presentation]

Kogan, Irena Making the transition : education and labor market entry in Central- and Eastern Europe. (2009) 6th Annual Symposium of Japanese-German Frontiers of Science (Tokyo, Japan) [Conference presentation]


Kogan, Irena (2008) Education systems of Central and Eastern European countries. Kogan, Irena ; Gebel, Michael ; Noelke, Clemens Europe enlarged : a handbook of education, labour and welfare regimes in Central and Eastern Europe Bristol 7-34 [Book chapter]

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