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Arnold, Lena ; Fleischmann, Fenella (2024) Group boundaries in the Netherlands: how religion and ethnicity matter for social integration. European Sociological Review Oxford tba tba 1-16 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Abdul-Rida, Chadi ; Baykara-Krumme, Helen (2016) Staying in Turkey or marrying to Europe? Understanding transnational marriages from the country-of-origin perspective. European Sociological Review Oxford 32 6 704-715 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Abdul-Rida, Chadi (2016) Familiärer Einfluss auf die Partnerwahl von türkischstämmigen Personen in Deutschland. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie : KZfSS Wiesbaden 68 1 139-162 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Abdul-Rida, Chadi (2016) Familialistische vs. individualistische Partnerwahl. Eine Untersuchung der Partnerschaftsqualität bei türkischstämmigen Personen. Zeitschrift für Soziologie : ZfS Berlin 45 5 357-374 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Abdul-Rida, Chadi ; Nauck, Bernhard (2014) Migration and child well-being. Ben-Aryē, Āšēr ; Casas, Ferran ; Frønes, Ivar ; Korbin, Jill E. Handbook of child well-being : theories, methods and policies in global perspective Dordrecht [u.a.] 5 3101-3142 [Buchkapitel]

Amit, Karin ; Bagno, Olena ; Bridges, William P. ; Devoretz, Don J. ; Haberfeld, Yitchak ; Kogan, Irena ; Logan, John R. ; Raijman, Rebeca ; Semyonov, Moshe (2012) Economic Integration of Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union in Four Countries. Hagira : Journal of Migration 1 51-79 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Brzoska, Patrick ; Abdul-Rida, Chadi (2016) Participation in cancer screening among female migrants and non-migrants in Germany: A cross-sectional study on the role of demographic and socioeconomic factors. Open Access Medicine Baltimore, MD 95 30, Article e4242 1-7 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Baranowska, Anna ; Gebel, Michael ; Kotowska, Irena E. (2011) The role of fixed term contracts at labour market entry in Poland : stepping stones, screening devices, traps or search subsidies. Work, Employment & Society Los Angeles, CA [u.a.] 25 4 777-793 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Dollmann, Jörg ; Kogan, Irena (2021) COVID-19–associated discrimination in Germany. Open Access Research in Social Stratification and Mobility Amsterdam [u.a.] 74 Article 100631 1-10 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Dollmann, Jörg ; Kogan, Irena ; Weißmann, Markus When your accent betrays you : the role of foreign accents in school-to-work transition of ethnic minority youth in Germany. (2021) 18th IMISCOE Annual Conference (Belval, Luxembourg, Online) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Dollmann, Jörg ; Kogan, Irena ; Weißmann, Markus (2020) Speaking accent-free in L2 beyond the critical period: The compensatory role of individual abilities and opportunity structures. Open Access Applied Linguistics London 41 5 787-809 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Dollmann, Jörg ; Kogan, Irena COVID-19-associated discrimination in Germany: realistic and symbolic threats. (2020) COVID-19 Work in Progress Conference (Online) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]


Grauenhorst, Thomas (2024) Structural position and inequality tolerance in international perspective. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Gutfleisch, Tamara ; Kogan, Irena (2024) Gender disparities in mathematics achievement by ethnic origin: evidence from Germany. Soziale Welt : SozW Baden-Baden 75 2 198-246 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Grauenhorst, Thomas (2023) Structural position and inequality tolerance in international perspective. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Garcia, San Juanita ; Jiménez, Tómas R. ; Holmes, Seth M. ; Kogan, Irena ; Vassenden, Anders ; Yang, Lawrence H. ; Zhou, Min (2023) Migration, stigma, and lived experiences : A conceptual framework for centering lived experiences. Open Access Yang, Lawrence H. ; Eger, Maureen A. ; Link, Bruce G. Migration stigma : understanding prejudice, discrimination, and exclusion Cambridge, Mass. 75-97 [Buchkapitel]

Gutfleisch, Tamara ; Kogan, Irena Choosing STEM in higher education: intersectional patterns by gender and ethnic origin in Germany. (2023) TIY 2023, Transitions in Youth (Edinburgh, UK) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Gutfleisch, Tamara ; Kogan, Irena (2022) Parental occupation and students' STEM achievements by gender and ethnic origin: Evidence from Germany. Open Access Research in Social Stratification and Mobility Amsterdam [u.a.] 82 Article 100735 1-12 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Gutfleisch, Tamara ; Kogan, Irena Gender disparities in STEM (=science, technology, engineering, mathematics) scholastic achievement by ethnic origin: evidence from Germany. (2022) ECSR Annual Conference 2022 (Amsterdam, Netherlands) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Gutfleisch, Tamara ; Kogan, Irena Parental occupation and STEM scholastic achievements by gender and ethnic origin: evidence from Germany. (2022) RC28 Spring Meeting 2022: Social Stratification and Social Policy for a Post-Covid19 World (London, UK) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Gentrup, Sarah ; Lorenz, Georg ; Kristen, Cornelia ; Kogan, Irena (2020) Self-fulfilling prophecies in the classroom: Teacher expectations, teacher feedback and student achievement. Open Access Learning and Instruction Amsterdam [u.a.] 66 Article 101296 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Gentrup, Sarah ; Lorenz, Georg ; Rahmann, Susanne ; Stanat, Petra ; Kristen, Cornelia ; Kogan, Irena Effekte von Lehrkrafterwartungen auf das Lehrkrafthandeln und die Leistungsentwicklung von Grundschulkindern. (2017) 5. GEBF-Tagung 2017 (Heidelberg, Germany) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Gebel, Michael ; Giesecke, Johannes (2011) Labour market flexibility and inequality : the changing skill-based temporary employment and unemployment risks in Europe. Social Forces : SF Chapel Hill, NC 90 1 17-39 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Gebel, Michael ; Noelke, Clemens (2011) The tansition from school to work in Central and Eastern Europe: theory and methodology. Kogan, Irena Making the transition : Education and labour market entry in Central and Eastern Europe Stanford, Calif. 29-57 [Buchkapitel]

Gebel, Michael (2011) Hard times for the less educated. Kogan, Irena Making the transition : Education and labour market entry in Central and Eastern Europe Standford, Calif. 58-84 [Buchkapitel]

Gebel, Michael (2011) Familiäre Einkommensarmut und kindlicher Bildungserfolg. Berger, Peter A. Reproduktion von Ungleichheit durch Arbeit und Familie Wiesbaden 259-278 [Buchkapitel]

Gebel, Michael (2010) Early career consequences of temporary employment in Germany and the United Kingdom. Work, Employment & Society Los Angeles, CA [u.a.] 24 4 641-660 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Gebel, Michael (2010) Temporary employment at labour market entry : individual risk patterns and career consequences. Mannheim [Dissertation]

Gebel, Michael ; Kogan, Irena Tertiary education landscape and labour market chances of the higly educated in Central and Eastern Europe. (2010) Higher education and beyond – Inequalities regarding entrance to higher education and educational credentials (Ascona, Switzerland) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Gebel, Michael ; Kogan, Irena "What kind of higher education pays off? An analysis of labour market entry of higher education graduates in Ukraine" and "Making the transition: education and labor market entry in Central and Eastern Europe". (2009) EDUC Workshop (Tallinn, Estonia) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Gebel, Michael ; Kogan, Irena Education and labour market entry in Ukraine. (2008) RC28 Summer Meeting 2008 (Palo Alto, CA) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Gebel, Michael ; Kogan, Irena Education and labour market entry in Ukraine. (2008) TIY 2008, 16th Annual Workshop of the European Research Network on Transitions in Youth (Bamberg, Germany) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]


Heyne, Stefanie ; Kuhlemann, Jana ORCID: 0000-0002-6238-3436 ; Kogan, Irena (2025) Partnership preferences in modern migration societies: religious homophily among young muslims and christians in Germany. Open Access European Journal of Population = Revue Européenne de Démographie Dordrecht [u.a.] 41 1-23 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Heyne, Stefanie ; Kuhlemann, Jana ORCID: 0000-0002-6238-3436 ; Kogan, Irena Are male Muslim immigrants perceived as a particular threat in Western countries? Evidence from a factorial survey experiment in Germany. (2024) Ungleichheit und Zusammenhalt. Gemeinsame Tagung der DGS-Sektion "Soziale Ungleichheit und Sozialstrukturanalyse" @ Cluster 2 des Forschungsinstituts Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt (Bremen, Germany) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Heyne, Stefanie ; Kogan, Irena ; Kuhlemann, Jana ORCID: 0000-0002-6238-3436 Is it a match? The congruence of partnership preferences between Syrian and Afghan refugees and the German population. (2024) Experimental Research on Ethnic Diversity, Discrimination, and Pro-sociality in European Societies (Mannheim, Germany) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Heyne, Stefanie ; Kogan, Irena ; Kuhlemann, Jana ORCID: 0000-0002-6238-3436 Is it a match? The congruence of partnership preferences between Syrian and Afghan refugees and the German Population. (2024) European Population Conference 2024 (Edinburgh, UK) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Heyne, Stefanie ; Kogan, Irena ; Kuhlemann, Jana ORCID: 0000-0002-6238-3436 Is it a match? the congruence of partnership preferences between Syrian and Afghan refugees and the German population. (2024) ACES 2024, Sixth Annual Conference of Experimental Sociology (Torino, Italy) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Heyne, Stefanie ; Kogan, Irena ; Kuhlemann, Jana ORCID: 0000-0002-6238-3436 Is it a match? : the congruence in partnership preferences between Syrian and Afghan refugees and the German population. (2024) European Consortium for Social Research Annual Conference (Barcelona, Spain) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Heyne, Stefanie ; Kogan, Irena ; Kuhlemann, Jana ORCID: 0000-0002-6238-3436 Homophily in partnership preferences of migrants and natives in Germany: evidence from a factorial survey experiment. (2023) RC28 Spring Meeting 2023: Education and Social Inequality across the Life Course (Paris, France) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Heyne, Stefanie ; Wolbring, Tobias (2022) Do mothers and fathers in Germany really prefer a traditional division of labor? The impact of working hours on life satisfaction reconsidered. Open Access Zeitschrift für Soziologie : ZfS Stuttgart 51 3 298-306 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Heyne, Stefanie ; Kuhlemann, Jana ORCID: 0000-0002-6238-3436 ; Kogan, Irena Attitudes towards partnerships with Afghan and Syrian refugees: evidence from a factorial survey experiment. (2022) Second Workshop on Immigration, Integration and Attitudes (Mannheim, Germany) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Heyne, Stefanie ; Kuhlemann, Jana ORCID: 0000-0002-6238-3436 ; Kogan, Irena Attitudes towards partnerships with Afghan and Syrian refugees: Evidence from a factorial survey experiment. (2022) 41. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie: Polarisierte Welten (Bielefeld, Germany) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Heldmann, Philipp ; Hollermeier, Nikolaus ; Kogan, Irena (2021) "Spitzenstellung in der sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung" errungen und verteidigt: Das Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung (MZES). Borgstedt, Angela ; Eichfelder, Sandra ; Gassert, Philipp Eine Universität für die Gesellschaft : 75 Jahre Neubegründung Wirtschaftshochschule und Universität Mannheim Ubstadt-Weiher 141-143 [Buchkapitel]

Heyne, Stefanie (2017) Culture and female labor force participation in international comparison. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Hove, Sven van (2016) Emotionale Integration von Personen mit Migrationshintergrund : Vielfältigkeit und Ursachen der emotionalen Integration bei Aussiedlern und Personen mit einem Migrationshintergrund aus der Türkei. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Heath, Anthony ; Kalter, Frank ; Kogan, Irena The children of immigrants longitudinal survey in four European countries. (2010) NORFACE Migration Programme Workshop (London, UK) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Huitfeldt, Henrik ; Johansen, Jens ; Kogan, Irena (2008) An analysis of labour market entry in Serbia and Ukraine. Fetsi, Anastasia ; Johansen, Jens Transition from education to work in EU neighbouring countries : results of an EFT innovation and learning project Luxembourg 47-75 [Buchkapitel]

Herzog, Hanna ; Nathanson, Roby ; Kogan, Irena (1999) Evaluation of the performance of women candidates in Israel's local elections: Lessons from the past, plans for the future. Tel Aviv [Arbeitspapier]


Jahn, Elke ; Springer, Angelina (2013) Arbeitslosenversicherung : Auch Selbstständige nehmen Unterstützung in Anspruch. IAB-Kurzbericht Nürnberg 26/2013 [Arbeitspapier]

Jacob, Konstanze ; Dollmann, Jörg ; Kalter, Frank ; Kogan, Irena What standard surveys can learn from immigrant surveys. (2011) 4th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA): Bringing together survey researchers in Europe (Lausanne, Switzerland) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]


Kuhlemann, Jana ORCID: 0000-0002-6238-3436 (2024) Linking refugees’ time perceptions and their time use. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies : JEMS Abingdon 50 18 4621-4641 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kogan, Irena ; Weißmann, Markus ; Dollmann, Jörg (2024) Police discrimination and police distrust among ethnic minority adolescents in Germany. Open Access Frontiers in Sociology Lausanne 9 Article 1231774 1-15 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Karaçay, İrem ; Bousselin, Audrey ; Benz, Robin ; Darmody, Merike ; Smyth, Emer (2024) Inequality in participation in shadow education in mathematics in Europe: An intersectional perspective. Open Access European educational research journal : EERJ London tba tba 1-20 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kosyakova, Yuliya ; Kogan, Irena (2024) The role of social capital in immigrants’ and refugees’ labour market integration: evidence from Germany. McDonald, Steve ; Côté, Rochelle ; Shen, Jing Handbook on inequality and social capital Cheltenham 288-304 [Buchkapitel]

Kogan, Irena ; Karaçay, İrem ; Alieva, Aigul ; Kroezen, Taylor ; Toom, Auli ; Kleemola, Katri Intersectional inequalities in academic achievement in primary and secondary education from a cross-country perspective. (2024) PIONEERED Final Conference (Belval, Luxembourg) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena ; Heyne, Stefanie ; Kuhlemann, Jana ORCID: 0000-0002-6238-3436 Partnership formation in the context of forced migration: the role of partner preferences among refugees from the Middle East and the German Population. (2024) Migration Observatory 8th Annual Conference: Immigrant Integration around the World (Turin, Italy) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kuhlemann, Jana ORCID: 0000-0002-6238-3436 ; Kogan, Irena ; Maddox, Amrei The role of family context in partner search among male refugees in Germany. (2024) 5. International CILS4EU User Conference (Mannheim, Germany) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena ; Kuhlemann, Jana ORCID: 0000-0002-6238-3436 The role of online dating for homogamy. (2024) 5. International CILS4EU User Conference (Mannheim, Germany) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kuhlemann, Jana ORCID: 0000-0002-6238-3436 ; Kogan, Irena Religion and partner search among young refugees, migrants, and natives in Germany. (2024) ECSR 2024 Conference (Barcelona, Spain) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kuhlemann, Jana ORCID: 0000-0002-6238-3436 ; Kogan, Irena Religion and partner search among young refugees, migrants, and natives in Germany. (2024) Gemeinsame Tagung der DGS-Sektion "Soziale Ungleichheit und Sozialstrukturanalyse" und des Cluster 2 des "Forschungsinstituts Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt (FGZ)": Ungleichheit und Zusammenhalt (Bremen, Germany) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena ; Schabinger, Jule (2023) Successful due to STEM? Labour market returns to STEM qualifications among skilled immigrants in Germany. European Societies London 25 4 574-605 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kogan, Irena ; Heyne, Stefanie ; Kuhlemann, Jana ORCID: 0000-0002-6238-3436 ; Abdul-Rida, Chadi (2023) Distinct boundaries? Preferences of immigrants’ descendants regarding partnerships with recent refugees from Syria and Afghanistan in Germany. Open Access Zeitschrift für Soziologie Berlin 52 4 379-390 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kogan, Irena ; Kosyakova, Yuliya (2023) Understanding immigrant labor market stratification: What can the case of recent refugee migration to Europe contribute? Gangl, Markus ; Platt, Lucinda ; Polavieja, Javier G. ; Werfhorst, Herman G. van de The Oxford handbook of social stratification Oxford C41S1-C41P167 [Buchkapitel]

Kogan, Irena ; Weißmann, Markus ; Dollmann, Jörg (2023) Defying discrimination? Germany’s ethnic minorities within education and training systems. Open Access Yang, Lawrence H. ; Eger, Maureen A. Migration stigma : understanding prejudice, discrimination, and exclusion Cambridge, Massachusetts 1-24 [Buchkapitel]

Kosyakova, Yuliya ; Kogan, Irena (2023) Arbeitsmarkt. Scharrer, Tabea ; Glorius, Birgit ; Kleist, J. Olaf ; Berlinghoff, Marcel Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung: Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Studium Baden-Baden 599-606 [Buchkapitel]

Kogan, Irena ; Dollmann, Jörg ; Weißmann, Markus The role of regional accent and dialect in ethnic minorities' youth transitions. (2023) AMLI2023, Approaches to Migration, Language, and Identity (Zürich, Switzerland) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena ; Karaçay, İrem ; Alieva, Aigul ; Kroezen, Taylor ; Toom, Auli ; Kleemola, Katri Intersectional inequalities in academic achievement in primary and secondary education from a cross-country perspective. (2023) ECSR Annual Conference 2023: “Effort and Social Inequality” (Madrid, Spain) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kuhlemann, Jana ORCID: 0000-0002-6238-3436 ; Krapf, Sandra (2022) Parental repartnering and child well-being: what role does coresidence play? Open Access Journal of Family Research : JFR Bamberg 34 2 823-846 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kosyakova, Yuliya ; Kogan, Irena (2022) Labor market situation of refugees in Europe: The role of individual and contextual factors. Open Access Frontiers in Political Science Lausanne 4 Article 977764 1-14 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kogan, Irena ; Karaçay, İrem ; Alieva, Aigul ; Kroezen, Taylor ; Kleemola, Katri ; Toom, Auli Intersectional inequalities along the dimensions of social origin, gender, and migration background in primary, secondary, and tertiary education from a cross-country perspective. (2022) LuxERA Conference 2022 (Belval, Luxembourg) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena ; Fong, Eric ; Reitz, Jeffrey G. (2020) Religion and integration among immigrant and minority youth. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies : JEMS Abingdon 46 17 3543-3558 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kogan, Irena ; Kalter, Frank (2020) An empirical-analytical approach to the study of recent refugee migrants in Germany. Open Access Soziale Welt : SozW Baden-Baden 71 1/2 3-23 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kogan, Irena ; Shen, Jing (2019) It's the economy! Perceptions of host-countries' institutions and individual life satisfaction of intra-European migrants. Open Access Frontiers in Sociology Lausanne 4 Article 42 1-16 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kogan, Irena ; Weißmann, Markus (2019) Religion and sexuality: Between- and within-individual differences in attitudes to pre-marital cohabitation among adolescents in four European countries. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies : JEMS Abingdon 46 17 3630-3654 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kalter, Frank ; Kogan, Irena ; Dollmann, Jörg (2019) Studying integration from adolescence to early adulthood: Design, content, and research potential of the CILS4EU-DE data. European Sociological Review Oxford 35 2 280-297 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kogan, Irena (2019) Still a safety net? Revisiting the role of vocational education and training in school-to-work transitions in Europe. Becker, Rolf Research handbook on the sociology of education Proceedings of the British Academy Cheltenham ; Northampton, MA 329-346 [Buchkapitel]

Kogan, Irena ; Dollmann, Jörg ; Weissmann, Markus When your accent betrays you : the role of foreign accents in school-to-work transition of the ethnic minority youth in Germany. (2019) ECSR Conference 2019 (Lausanne, Switzerland) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena ; Shen, Jing ; Siegert, Manuel (2018) What makes a satisfied immigrant? Host-country characteristics and immigrants’ life satisfaction in eighteen European countries. Journal of Happiness Studies Dordrecht [u.a.] 19 6 1783-1809 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kogan, Irena (2018) Ethnic minority youth at the crossroads: Between traditionalism and liberal value orientations. Kalter, Frank Growing up in diverse societies : the integration of children of immigrants in England, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden Proceedings of the British Academy Oxford 215 303-331 [Buchkapitel]

Klein, Oliver (2018) Unterschiede in der Wirkung frühkindlicher institutioneller Bildung und Betreuung für Kinder mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund in Deutschland. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Kogan, Irena Observing the unobservables: The role of foreign accents and cognitive abilities in school-to-work transitions of the ethnic minority youth in Germany. (2018) International Conference on Demographics, Immigration, and the Labor Market (Nürnberg, Germany) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena ; Weißmann, Markus Religion and sexuality: between- and within-individual differences in attitudes to pre-marital cohabitation among adolescents in four European countries. (2018) 39. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (Göttingen, Germany) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena ; Weißmann, Markus ; Dollmann, Jörg When your accent betrays you: the role of foreign accents in youth transitions of the ethnic minorities in Germany. (2018) TIY 2018, 26th Annual Workshop Transitions In Youth (Mannheim, Germany) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena When your accent betrays you: foreign accent and immigrant integration. (2018) ECSR Network Workshop (Tel Aviv, Israel) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena (2017) Skill production regimes and immigrant labor market integration. Scott, Robert A. Emerging trends in the social and behavioral sciences : an interdisciplinary, searchable, and linkable resource Hoboken, NJ 1-14 [Buchkapitel]

Kogan, Irena ; Weißmann, Markus ; Dollmann, Jörg Accent and language proficiency among Germany’s ethnic minority youth. (2017) ECSR 2017 Annual Conference, European Consortium for Sociological Research (Milano, Italy) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena ; Shen, Jing Immigrant life situation through the lenses of sending and receiving societies. (2017) RC28 Spring Meeting 2017: Social inequality and mobility revisted (Köln, Germany) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena (2016) Educational systems and migrant-specific labour market returns. Hadjar, Andreas Education systems and inequalities : international comparisons Bristol ; Chicago, IL 289-310 [Buchkapitel]

Kogan, Irena (2016) Arbeitsmarktintegration von Zuwanderern. Brinkmann, Heinz Ulrich Einwanderungsgesellschaft Deutschland : Entwicklung und Stand der Integration Wiesbaden 177-199 [Buchkapitel]

Kogan, Irena (2016) Integration policies and immigrants' labor market outcomes in Europe. Sociological Science N.N. 3 335-358 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kogan, Irena At school or at work? : comparing the role of vocational education and training in school‐to‐work transitions in German‐speaking and Eastern European countries. (2016) TIY 2016, 24th Annual Workshop of Transitions in Youth (Trento, Italy) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena ; Shen, Jing ; Siegert, Manuel What makes a satisfied immigrant? Host-country characteristics and immigrants’ life satisfaction in Europe. (2016) 3rd International ESS Conference (Lausanne, Switzerland) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena What makes a satisfied immigrant? Host country characteristics and immigrants’ life satisfaction in eighteen European countries. (2016) MIDA Closing Conference 2016, Migration and Inclusion in the Labour Market (København, Denmark) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena ; Shen, Jing The next Top Model? Body size and life satisfaction among the European Youth. (2016) ECSR Annual Conference 2016 (Oxford, UK) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena ; Shen, Jing ; Siegert, Manuel The right choice? : immigrants’ life satisfaction in the European receiving countries. (2015) ECSR Conference 2015 (Tallinn, Estonia) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena Integration policies and immigrants’ labour market outcomes. (2015) ECSR Spring School 2015 (Torino, Italy) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena Contesting the uncontested: the role of vocational education in school-to-work transitions. (2015) Education and Work: (Un-) Equal Transitions with a Special Focus on Central and Eastern Europe (Sofia, Bulgaria) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena Institutional embeddedness of immigrant integration. (2015) 02 Annual BAGSS Conference, Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences (Bamberg, Germany) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena (2014) Politiche migratorie, processi di selezione e inserimento occupazionale degli immigrati. Barbieri, Paolo Lavoro, istituzioni, diseguaglianze Studi e ricerche Bologna 677 271-290 [Buchkapitel]

Kalter, Frank ; Kogan, Irena (2014) Migrant Networks and Labor Market Integration of Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union in Germany. Social Forces : SF Oxford 92 4 1435-1456 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Klein, Oliver ; Kogan, Irena (2013) Does Reading to Children Enhance their Educational Success? Child Indicators Research Dordrecht 6 2 321-344 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kogan, Irena ; Weißmann, Markus (2013) Immigrants' initial steps in Germany and their later economic success. Advances in Life Course Research Amsterdam [u.a.] 18 3 185-198 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kogan, Irena ; Matković, Teo ; Gebel, Michael (2013) Helpful friends? Personal contacts and job entry among youths in transformation societies. International Journal of Comparative Sociology : IJCS Los Angeles, Calif. [u.a.] 54 4 277-298 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kogan, Irena Ethnic inequalities in the labour market: theoretical expectations and empirical evidence. (2013) Marie Jahoda Summer School of Sociology Vienna 2013: Migration & Inequality (Wien, Austria) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena Labour market situation of immigrants in Europe revisited. (2013) SGS-Kongress 2013: Ungleichheit und Integration in der Krise (Bern, Switzerland) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena Unfulfilled hopes? The impact of educational aspirations on students' well-being in Germany. (2013) RC28 Spring Meeting 2013 (Trento, Italy) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena ; Siegert, Manuel Unfulfilled hopes? The impact of educational aspirations on students' well-being in Germany. (2013) Migration: Global Development, New Frontiers (London, UK) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena (2012) Tertiary education landscape and labour market chances of the highly educated in Central and Estern Europe. European Sociological Review Oxford 28 6 701-703 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kogan, Irena (2012) Potenziale nutzen! Determinanten und Konsequenzen der Anerkennung von Bildungsabschlüssen bei Zuwanderern aus der ehemaligen Sowjetunion in Deutschland. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie : KZfSS Wiesbaden 64 1 67-89 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kogan, Irena ; Gebel, Michael ; Noelke, Clemens (2012) Educational systems and inequalities in educational attainment in Central and Eastern European countries. Studies of Transition States and Societies Tallinn ; Frankfurt, M. 4 1 69-83 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kogan, Irena All-or-nothing-thesis revisited: higher educational dropouts at the European labour markets. (2012) TIY 2012, 20th Annual Workshop TIY 2012, Transition in Youth (Nijmegen, Netherlands) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena Credential recognition among immigrants in Germany and their investment in host country education and training. (2012) RC28 Summer Meeting 2012 (Charlottesville, VA) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena Immigrants' initial steps in Germany and their later economic success. (2012) The Role of Institutional Practices for Building Successful Mutlicultural Societies (Toronto, Canada) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena The right skills for employment in Europe: The role of education. (2012) EU Conference New Skills and Jobs (Nikosia, Cyprus) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena The role of education for labour market entry. (2012) Bulgaria 2020 in Europe 2020: The Social Sciences Contribution (Sofia, Bulgaria) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena ; Kroneberg, Clemens Tolerance values among ethnic minority youths in Western European countries. (2012) 3rd Norface Migration Conference (Mannheim, Germany) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kroneberg, Clemens ; Kogan, Irena Tolerance values among ethnic minority youths in Western European countries. (2012) Workshop “First Analyses using CILS4EU”, Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Survey in Four European Countries (Mannheim, Germany) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena Value orientations of ethnic minority youths in four Western European countries. (2012) ECSR/EQUALSOC Conference: Economic Change, Quality of Life and Social Cohesion (Stockholm, Sweden) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena (2011) When informal is normal ... On the role of credentials and contacts for the job entry in Serbia. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility Amsterdam [u.a.] 29 4 445-458 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kogan, Irena (2011) The price of being an outsider : labour market flexibility and immigrants' employment path in Germany. International Journal of Comparative Sociology : IJCS London [u.a.] 52 4 264-283 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kogan, Irena (2011) Delayed Transition: Education and Labour Market Entry in Serbia. Kogan, Irena Making the transition : Education and labour market entry in Central and Eastern Europe Stanford, Calif. 141-165 [Buchkapitel]

Kogan, Irena ; Gebel, Michael (2011) When higher education pays off: education and labour market entry in Ukraine. Kogan, Irena Making the transition : Education and labour market entry in Central and Eastern Europe Stanford, Calif. 269-295 [Buchkapitel]

Kogan, Irena ; Gebel, Michael ; Noelke, Clemens (2011) Comparative analysis of social transformation, education systems and school-to-work transitions in Central and Eastern Europe. Kogan, Irena Making the transition : Education and labour market entry in Central and Eastern Europe Stanford, Calif. 320-354 [Buchkapitel]

Kogan, Irena Human capital transferability and immigrant investment in host country education and training. (2011) ECSR 20th Anniversary Conference 2011 (Dublin, Ireland) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena ; Kalter, Frank Migrant networks and labour market integration of immigrants from the Former Soviet Union in Germany. (2011) Norface Migration Network Conference on "Migration: Economic Change, Social Challenge" (London, UK) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena On the determinants and consequences of the recognition of education among immigrants in Germany. (2011) Between national closure and supranational governance: work , welfare and migrant integration in Germany and the EU (Toronto, Canada) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena On the relative worth of bachelor degrees: comparing bachelor graduates and dropouts in Croatia and Ukraine. (2011) RC28 Spring Meeting 2011 (Colchester, UK) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena Relative worth of bachelor degrees: comparing bachelor graduates and dropouts in Croatia and Ukraine. (2011) TIY 2011, Transitions in Youth (Tallinn, Estonia) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena (2010) Immigrant Investment in Host Country Vocational Education and Training. Peterson, Penelope L. International Encyclopedia of Education Amsterdam [u.a.] 8 280-288 [Buchkapitel]

Kogan, Irena (2010) Bildung, Arbeitsmarkt, Sozialstruktur. Huinink, Johannes Migration und regionale Entwicklung : Dokumentation ; [22. Bremer Universitäts-Gespräche am 19. und 20. November 2009] Oldenburg 49-58 [Buchkapitel]

Kogan, Irena Making the transition : education and labor market entry in Central- and Eastern Europe. (2009) 6th Annual Symposium of Japanese-German Frontiers of Science (Tokyo, Japan) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena ; Gebel, Michael Making the transition: education and labour market entry in Central and Eastern Europe. (2009) 17th Annual Workshop of the European Research Network on Transitions in YouthYouth: Transitions at Risk? (Dijon, France) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena Making the transition: education and labour market entry in Central and Eastern Europe. (2009) Development of Competencies in the World of Work and Education, DECOWE (Ljubljana, Slovenia) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena ; Gebel, Michael ; Noelke, Clemens Making the transition: education and labour market entry in Central and Eastern Europe. (2009) ECSR Conference 2009, European Consortium for Sociological Research (Paris, France) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena ; Lewin-Epstein, Noah ; Kalter, Frank ; Salikutluk, Zerrin Mobility aspiration of immigrant and native youth in Germany and Israel. (2009) ECSR Conference 2009, European Consortium for Sociological Research (Paris, France) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena (2008) Education systems of Central and Eastern European countries. Kogan, Irena ; Gebel, Michael ; Noelke, Clemens Europe enlarged : a handbook of education, labour and welfare regimes in Central and Eastern Europe Bristol 7-34 [Buchkapitel]

Kogan, Irena ; Cohen, Yinon (2008) Educational selectivity and labour market attainment of Jewish immigrants from the former Soviet Union in Israel and Germany in the 1990s. Kolb, Holger ; Egbert, Henrik Migrants and markets : perspectives from economics and other social sciences Amsterdam 104-119 [Buchkapitel]

Kogan, Irena (2008) The youth transition survey : a methodological note. Fetsi, Anastasia ; Johansen, Jens Transition from education to work in EU neighbouring countries : results of an EFT innovation and learning project Luxembourg 37-46 [Buchkapitel]

Kogan, Irena Immigrants’ economic situation and anti-immigrant sentiments in Europe. (2007) Third NECE Conference: Rethinking Citizenship Education in Migration Societies (Lisboa, Portugal) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena Jüdische Einwanderer in Deutschland und Israel: Die Rolle institutioneller Kontexte. (2007) International Conference 'Russian-speaking Jews in Israel and Germany' (Jerusalem, Israel) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena New immigrants in Germany. (2007) Equalsoc Soccult Meeting (Milano, Italy) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena The role of informal economy in the transition from school to work in Serbia. (2007) RC28 Spring Meeting 2007 (Brno, Czech Republic) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena The role of the informal economy in the transition from school to work in Serbia. (2007) TIY 2007, Annual workshop of the European Research Network on Transition in Youth (Ghent, Belgium) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena (2006) Improving grounds for comparative education research in Europe: evaluation of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 1997) for comparative research. EQUALSOC state of the art report - Research Group Education, Social Mobility and Social Cohesion (EDUC). [Arbeitspapier]

Kogan, Irena Evaluation of the International Standard Classification of Education, ISCED 1997. (2006) EQUALSOC Network of Excellence Conference and Research Group Workshop (Barcelona, Spain) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena Next year in Jerusalem ... or in Cologne? Labor market integration of Jewish Immigrants from the former Soviet Union in Israel and Germany in the 1990s. (2006) Joint workshop of the Network of excellence 'International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion' (IMISCOE) and the 'International Network of Economic Research' (INFER) (Osnabrück, Germany) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena Research on the structural assimilation of immigrants from the former Soviet Union in Germany. (2006) The Integration of Second-Generation Russians in Germany, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and Finland (Tallinn, Estonia) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena Transition from educational system to labour market in the European Union: a comparison between new and old members. (2006) RC28 Spring Meeting 2006 (Nijmegen, Netherlands) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena Youth unemployment in the enlarged Europe. (2006) ECSR Conference 2006 (Prague, Czech Republic) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena ; Cohen, Yinon Next year in Jerusalem ... or in Cologne? Selectivity patterns and economic progress of Jewish Immigrants from the former Soviet Union in Israel and Germany in the 1990s. (2005) RC28 Spring Meeting 2005 (Oslo, Norway) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kogan, Irena ; Schubert, Frank (2002) Youth transitions from education to working life in Europe: A general overview. Indicators on school-to-work transitions in Europe : evaluation and analyses of the LFS 2000 ad hoc module data on school-to-work transitions; indicator report Eurostat Arbeitspapier Luxemburg 21 [Buchkapitel]

Kalter, Frank ; Kogan, Irena (2002) Ethnic inequalities and labour market entry. Indicators on school-to-work transitions in Europe : evaluation and analyses of the LFS 2000 ad hoc module data on school-to-work transitions; indicator report Eurostat Arbeitspapier Luxemburg 21 [Buchkapitel]


Lorenz, Georg ; Kogan, Irena ; Gentrup, Sarah ; Kristen, Cornelia (2024) Non-native accents among school beginners and teacher expectations for future student achievements. Open Access Sociology of Education Thousand Oaks, CA 97 1 76-96 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Lorenz, Georg ; Gentrup, Sarah ; Kristen, Cornelia ; Stanat, Petra ; Kogan, Irena (2016) Stereotype bei Lehrkräften? Eine Untersuchung systematisch verzerrter Lehrererwartungen. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie : KZfSS Wiesbaden 68 1 89-111 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Lindemann, Kristina ; Kogan, Irena (2013) The role of language resources for labour market entry : comparing Estonia and Ukraine. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies : JEMS Abingdon 39 1 105-123 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Maddox, Amrei (2019) Parental influence on the ethnic partner choice within immigrant families in Europe. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Matković, Teo ; Kogan, Irena (2014) Relative worth of a bachelor degree: Patterns of labour market integration among drop-outs and graduates in sequential and integrated tertiary education systems. Acta Sociologica : AS London [u.a.] 57 2 101-118 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Matković, Teo ; Kogan, Irena (2012) All or nothing? The consequences of tertiary education non-completion in Croatia and Serbia. European Sociological Review Oxford 28 6 755-770 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Müller, Walter ; Kogan, Irena Education in Europe. (2006) Workshop "Handbook European Societies" (Berlin, Germany) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Müller, Walter ; Kogan, Irena ; Kalter, Frank ; Raffe, David ; Iannelli, Cristina ; Smyth, Emer ; Wolbers, Maarten ; Gangl, Markus (2002) Evaluation and analyses of the LFS 2000 ad hoc module data on school-to-work transitions: Recommendations on the replication of the module. Mannheim [Arbeitspapier]


Neugebauer, Martin (2015) Kommt es auf die Lehrkraft an? Empirische Studien zur Selektion in das Lehramt und zu Lehrereffekten bei der Entstehung ungleicher Bildungschancen. Open Access Aachen [Dissertation]

Neugebauer, Martin (2013) Kommt es auf den Lehrer an? Empirische Studien zur Selektion in das Lehramt und zu Lehrereffekten bei der Entstehung ungleicher Bildungschancen. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Noelke, Clemens ; Gebel, Michael ; Kogan, Irena (2012) Uniform inequalities: Institutional differentiation and the transition from higher education to work in post-socialist Central and Eastern Europe. European Sociological Review Oxford 28 6 704-716 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Noelke, Clemens ; Kogan, Irena ; Gebel, Michael (2010) Образователна експанзия и социално неравенство в страните от Централна и Източна Европа. Sociologičeski problemi = Soziologische Probleme Sofija ; Frankfurt, M. 42 1/2 94-117 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Roth, Tobias (2014) Die Rolle sozialer Netzwerke für den Erfolg von Einheimischen und Migranten im deutschen (Aus-)Bildungssystem. Open Access Aachen [Dissertation]

Roth, Tobias ; Salikutluk, Zerrin ; Kogan, Irena (2010) Auf die "richtigen" Kontake kommt es an! Soziale Ressource und die Bildungsaspirationen der Mütter von Haupt-, Real- und Gesamtschülern in Deutschland. Becker, Birgit Vom Kindergarten bis zur Hochschule Wiesbaden 179-212 [Buchkapitel]

Reimer, David ; Kogan, Irena ; Geist, Claudia ; Hausen, Cornelia Vater, Mutter, Kind? Der Familienbegriff in Deutschland und den USA. (2006) 33. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (Kassel, Germany) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]


Siegert, Manuel ; Roth, Tobias ; Kogan, Irena (2023) Gendered occupational aspirations: A comparison of young native-born and Turkish minority women. Open Access Weinert, Sabine ; Blossfeld, Gwendolin Josephine ; Blossfeld, Hans-Peter Education, competence development and career trajectories : analysing data of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) Cham 402-423 [Buchkapitel]

Soiné, Hannah ; Arnold, Lena ; Dollmann, Jörg ; Kriegel, Leonie ; Weißmann, Markus (2021) Junge Erwachsene und die Pandemie: Erkenntnisse der CILS4COVID-Befragung. MZES Fokus Mannheim Ausgabe 1 (Mai 2021) [Bericht]

Shen, Jing ; Kogan, Irena (2021) Gendered body mass and life satisfaction among youth in three Western European immigrant-receiving countries. Open Access Frontiers in Sociology Lausanne 6 Article 695374 1-11 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Shen, Jing ; Kogan, Irena (2020) Does the religious context matter? The causal effect of religious diversity on individual life satisfaction in the UK. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies : JEMS Abingdon 46 17 3722-3743 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Shen, Jing ; Kogan, Irena (2020) Immigrants’ relative income and life satisfaction: Comparison groups from a multi-generational perspective. Open Access Acta Sociologica : AS London [u.a.] 63 1 82-102 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Shen, Jing ; Kogan, Irena (2020) Job loss or income loss: How the detrimental effect of unemployment on men’s life satisfaction differs by immigration status. Open Access Frontiers in Sociology Lausanne 5 Article 10 1-14 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Soiné, Hannah ; Kriegel, Leonie ; Dollmann, Jörg (2020) The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on risk perceptions: differences between ethnic groups in Germany. European Societies London 23 Supp 1 S289-S306 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Shen, Jing ; Kogan, Irena How do host- and home-country labour market contexts matter? Unemployed immigrant men’s life satisfaction in Europe. (2020) 115th ASA Annual Meeting (San Francisco, CA, Online) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Shen, Jing ; Kogan, Irena Does Contextual Exposure Matter? Examining the Causal Effect of Religious Diversity on Life Satisfaction in the UK, 2009-2016. (2019) 114th ASA Annual Meeting (New York, NY) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Shen, Jing ; Kogan, Irena How do host- and home-country labour market contexts matter? Understanding the gap of life satisfaction between unemployed and employed immigrants men across European countries. (2019) RC28 Spring Meeting 2019 (Frankfurt, Germany) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Sand, Gregor (2018) Migration and well-being of older people in Europe. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Shen, Jing ; Kogan, Irena (2017) Contact use in job placement and its impact on the gender earnings gap in transitional urban China : evidence from Xiamen, 1999. International Sociology London ; Los Angeles, CA 32 1 130-154 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Scholten, Mirte (2017) Causes and consequences of higher-education non-completion in Germany. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Shen, Jing ; Kogan, Irena (2017) To Whom Is Contact Use Beneficial? The Impacts of Self-Selected Contact Use on Gender Income Differentials in the Transitional Economy of Urban China. Studies of Transition States and Societies Tallinn ; Frankfurt, M. 9 2 1-16 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Shen, Jing ; Kogan, Irena Financial well-being and the non-pecuniary costs of unemployment: how do immigration status and gender matter in life satisfaction of the unemployed population in the United Kingdom, 2009-2015? (2016) RC28 Summer Meeting 2016 (Bern, Switzerland) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Shen, Jing ; Kogan, Irena Fluid points of reference income and immigrants’ life satisfaction in multi-generational comparison: evidence from the United Kingdom, 2009-2015. (2016) RC28 Spring Meeting 2016 (Singapur, Republic of Singapore) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Shen, Jing ; Kogan, Irena Self-selected contact use and its impact on gender income differentials in urban China. (2015) Sunbelt 2015, XXXV International Sunbelt Social Network Conference (Brighton, UK) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Salikutluk, Zerrin (2014) Bildungsaspiration: Motivation oder Illusion? : eine mikroperspektivische Analyse der Bildungsaspirationen und Bildungsentscheidungen von Einheimischen und Migranten am Ende der Sekundarstufe I in Deutschland. Mannheim [Dissertation]

Siegert, Manuel ; Kogan, Irena Do they care? The impact of educational aspirations on students’ well-being in Germany. (2014) RC28 Spring Meeting 2014 (Budapest, Hungary) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Springer, Angelina (2013) Selbstständige Leistungsbezieher in der Arbeitslosenversicherung : Empirische Befunde zum Versicherungspflichtverhältnis auf Antrag. IAB-Forschungsbericht Nürnberg 15/2013 [Arbeitspapier]

Siegert, Manuel ; Kogan, Irena Do they care? The impact of parental educational aspirations on the subjective well-Bbeing of pupils with a migrant background in Germany. (2013) Migration and Well-Being: Research Frontiers (Tel Aviv, Israel) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Siegert, Manuel (2012) Die Innenseite der Integration. Mannheim [Dissertation]

Salikutluk, Zerrin ; Kogan, Irena ; Roth, Tobias Success of migrant children and youths in the educational systems of Israel and Germany. (2010) Migration and societal Integration (Berlin, Germany) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]


Tubergen, Frank van ; Kogan, Irena ; Kosyakova, Yuliya ; Pötzschke, Steffen (2024) Self-selection of Ukrainian refugees and displaced persons in Europe. Open Access Journal of Refugee Studies Oxford 37 1 72-96 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Tubergen, Frank van ; Wachter, Gusta G. ; Kosyakova, Yuliya ; Kogan, Irena (2024) Return intentions among Ukrainian refugees in Europe: A cross-national study. Open Access International Migration Oxford [u.a.] 62 5 181-198 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Weißmann, Markus ; Dollmann, Jörg ; Kogan, Irena (2023) Educational and school-to-work pathways of majority and ethnic minority youth in Germany: direct links and detours. Darmody, Merike ; Smith, Emer Post-school pathways of migrant-origin youth in Europe London ; New York, NY 82-104 [Buchkapitel]

Wiest, Delia ; Böhm, Alexandra ; Dütsch, Matthias ; Hofmann, Katrin ; Springer, Angelina ; Struck, Olaf (2011) Berufsfachlichkeit fördernde Ansätze der Organisations- und Personalentwicklung - Eine Dokumentation anhand des SFB-B2-Betriebspanels. Voss-Dahm, Dorothea Qualifizierte Facharbeit im Spannungsfeld von Flexibilität und Stabilität IAB-Kurzbericht Wiesbaden 289-301 [Buchkapitel]

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