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Anzahl der Einträge: 45.


Albrecht, Carmen-Maria ; Heinrich, Daniel ; Mathew, Joseph Together we can make it: Exploring why consumers engage in boycotts. Campbell, Colin L. 71 In: The Customer is NOT Always Right? Marketing Orientationsin a Dynamic Business World Proceedings of the 2011 World Marketing Congress (2017) Cham 2011 Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress (WMC) (Reims, France) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Albrecht, Carmen-Maria ; Hattula, Stefan ; Lehmann, Donald R. (2017) The relationship between consumer shopping stress and purchase abandonment in task-oriented and recreation-oriented consumers. Open Access Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science New York, NY 45 5 720-740 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Mathew, Joseph ; Spake, Deborah F. ; Albrecht, Carmen-Maria Branding Universities: An Updated View of Factors Underlying College Choice. Campbell, Colin L. 370-372 In: The Customer is NOT Always Right? Marketing Orientationsin a Dynamic Business World Proceedings of the 2011 World Marketing Congress (2017) Cham 2011 Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress (WMC) (Reims, France) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]


Albrecht, Carmen-Maria ; Häger, Pietro How to offer luxury products on the Internet : the influence of online assortment decisions and online purchase options on brand equity. Open Access Kim, Juran 173-174 In: 2016 Global Marketing Conference at Hong Kong "Bridging Asia and the World: Global Platform for Interface between Marketing and Management" : 21st-24th July, 2016 Conrad Hong Kong, Hong Kong : proceedings (2016) Hong Kong 2016 Global Marketing Conference (Hong Kong, Hong Kong) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Albrecht, Carmen-Maria ; Hattula, Stefan ; Bornemann, Torsten ; Hoyer, Wayne D. (2016) Customer response to interactional service experience - The role of interaction environment. Open Access Journal of Service Management Bingley 27 5 704-729 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Albrecht, Carmen-Maria ; Finkel, Ariane Stephanie Dominique ; Nothhelfer, Katja What if the CEO is perceived as a corporate psychopath? The effects of perceived corporate psychopathy on product, stock and employer attractiveness. Open Access Kim, Juran 436-437 In: Bridging Asia and the World: Global Platform for Interface Between Marketing and Management : 2016 Global Marketing Conference,Conference Proceedings (2016) Hong Kong 2016 Global Marketing Conference (Hong Kong, China) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]


Albrecht, Carmen-Maria ; Bauer, Hans H. Measuring brand stress and identifying consumers' coping strategies: An exploratory study in Germany. Sharma, Dheeraj 22-23 In: Cultural perspectives in a global marketplace : proceedings of the 2010 Cultural Perspecives in Merketing Conference; Lille France July 16, 2010 (2015) Cham 2010 Academy of Marketing Science Cultural Perspectives in Marketing (CPM) Conference (Lille, France) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]


Albrecht, Carmen-Maria ; Hattula, Stefan ; Bornemann, Torsten ; Hoyer, Wayne D. Asymmetric Effects of Causal Attribution in Service Encounters. Bigné Alcañiz, J. Enrique The Proceedings of the 43rd EMAC Conference 165 In: Paradigm shifts & interactions : conference proceedings : EMAC 2014, European Marketing Academy, 43rd Annual Conference, Valencia, June 3-6 (2014) Brussels [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Albrecht, Carmen-Maria ; Hattula, Stefan ; Bornemann, Torsten ; Würth, Julian You are Forgiven: Cause Uncontrollability and Negative Emotional Contagion. Botti, Simona Advances in Consumer Research 41 541-542 In: Making a difference : proceedings, vol. XLI ; [the 44th Annual Conference of the Association for Consumer Research (ACR) was held at ... Chicago, Ill., October 2 - 6, 2013] (2014) Duluth, Minn. [Konferenzveröffentlichung]


Albrecht, Carmen-Maria ; Backhaus, Christof ; Gurzki, Hannes ; Woisetschläger, David M. (2013) Value Creation for Luxury Brands through Brand Extensions: An Investigation of Forward and Reciprocal Effect. Marketing : Zeitschrift für Forschung und Praxis ; ZFP München 35 2 91-103 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Albrecht, Carmen-Maria ; Heinrich, Daniel ; Campbell, Colin ; Lammel, Manuela (2013) Exploring Why Consumers Engage in Boycotts: Toward a Unified Model. Journal of Public Affairs Malden, Mass. 13 2 180-189 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Albrecht, Carmen-Maria ; Backhaus, Christof ; Gurzki, Hannes ; Woisetschläger, David M. (2013) Drivers of Brand Extension Success: What Really Matters for Luxury Brands. Psychology & Marketing New York, NY 30 8 647-659 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Albrecht, Carmen-Maria ; Bauer, Hans H. ; Bergner, Kai ; Gogia, Tamara ; Sprott, David E. Self-Efficacy and Self-Prophecy Effects on Preventive Health Behavior. Arnold, Todd J. AMA Winter and Summer Educators' Conference Proceedings 23 235 In: Marketing in the socially-networked world : challenges of emerging, stagnant & resurgent markets ; Chicago, Illinois, USA, 17 - 19 August 2012 (2013) Chicago, Ill. ; Red Hook, NY AMA Summer Educators Conference 2012 [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Albrecht, Carmen-Maria ; Bauer, Hans H. ; Bergner, Kai ; Gogia, Tamara ; Sprott, David E. Predicting Preventive Health Behavior: The Effects of Self-Prophecy and Self-Efficacy. Salisbury, Linda 11 In: The Changing Role of Policy in Consumer Well-Being : 2013 Marketing & Public Policy Conference, May 30 – June 1, 2013 Washington, D.C. (2013) Washington, DC [Konferenzveröffentlichung]


Bauer, Hans H. ; Albrecht, Carmen-Maria ; Heinrich, Daniel (2012) Love Actually? Measuring and Exploring Consumers' Brand Love. Fournier, Susan Consumer-Brand Relationships : Theory and Practice London [u.a.] 137-150 [Buchkapitel]


Albrecht, Carmen-Maria ; Stokburger-Sauer, Nicola Adolescents' perceived brand stress: Concept, measurement, and relevance. Makovec Brencic, Maja Proceedings ... EMAC Conference 40 231 In: The Day After: Inspiration, Innovation, Implementation : EMAC 40th Conference, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics, Slovenia, 24-27 May 2011; Conference proceedings (2011) Ljubljana 40th EMAC Annual Conference 2011 (Ljubljana, Slovenia) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]


Heinrich, Daniel ; Bergner, Kai ; Albrecht, Carmen-Maria ; Bauer, Hans H. ; Exler, Stefanie Borrowed plumes: What drives us to buy counterfeit brands? Manning, Kenneth C. Proceedings of the ... Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science 20 56-57 In: 2010 AMA Marketing and Public Policy Conference Proceedings "Sustainability and Society" : May 20–22, 2010, Westin Tabor Center, Denver, CO (2010) Chicago, IL 2010 AMA Marketing and Public Policy Conference (Denver, CO) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Albrecht, Carmen-Maria ; Bauer, Hans H. Measuring Brand Stress and Identifying Consumers’ Coping Strategies: An Exploratory Study in Germany. (2010) 2010 Cultural Perspectives in Marketing Conference (Lille, Frankreich) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Albrecht, Carmen-Maria ; Bauer, Hans H. Measuring brand stress and identifying consumers' coping strategies: An exploratory study in Germany. Proceedings of the ... Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science 97-99 In: 2010 AMS Cultural Perspectives in Marketing (CPM) Conference, IESéG : Lille, France, July 21–24 2010 (2010) Coral Gables, Fla. 2010 Academy of Marketing Science Cultural Perspectives in Marketing (CPM) Conference (Lille, France) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Albrecht, Carmen-Maria ; Stokburger-Sauer, Nicola ; Bauer, Hans H. Investigating adolescents' perceived brand stress: Scale development, antecedents and consequences. Manning, Kenneth C. Proceedings of the ... Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science 20 3 In: 2010 AMA Marketing and Public Policy Conference Proceedings "Sustainability and Society" : May 20–22, 2010, Westin Tabor Center, Denver, CO (2010) Chicago, IL 2010 AMA Marketing and Public Policy Conference "Sustainability and Society" (Denver, CO) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Bauer, Hans H. ; Albrecht, Carmen-Maria ; Finkel, Ariana S. D. (2010) Personenmarken erfolgreich managen : ein markenpersönlichkeitsbasierter Steuerungsansatz. Open Access Management Know-how Mannheim M120 [Arbeitspapier]


Bauer, Hans H. ; Albrecht, Carmen-Maria (2009) Nachfrageseitige Diffusions- und Adoptionsfaktoren zur Schätzung des Marktpotenzials von modifiziertem Buchenholz. Forst und Holz Hannover 64 6 21-23 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Albrecht, Carmen-Maria (2009) Einkaufsstress : Messung, Determinanten und Konsequenzen. Wiesbaden [Dissertation]

Bauer, Hans H. ; Heinrich, Daniel ; Albrecht, Carmen-Maria What is Love? Investigating Consumers Love for their Brands. Campbell, Colin L. Marketing in Transition: Scarcity, Globalism, & Sustainability : Proceedings of The 14th Biennial World Marketing Congress, Oslo 418 In: Proceedings of The 14th Biennial World Marketing Congress Marketing in Transition: Scarcity, Globalism, & Sustainability : July 22-25, 2009, Oslo, Norway (2009) Ruston, Louis. [u.a.] [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Bauer, Hans H. ; Albrecht, Carmen-Maria ; Heinrich, Daniel All you need is Love: Assessing Consumers’ Brand Love. Kamins, Michael AMA Winter and Summer Educators' Conference Proceedings 20 252-253 In: AMA Summer Educators' Conference 2009: Enhancing Knowledge Development in Marketing : Proceedings of a meeting held 7-10 August 2009, Chicago, Illinois, USA (2009) Red Hook, NY [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Albrecht, Carmen-Maria What is Love? Investigating Consumers' Love for their Brands. (2009) 2009 Academy of Marketing Science World Markeing Congress (Oslo, Norwegen) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Albrecht, Carmen-Maria What is Love? Investigating Consumers Love for their Brands. (2009) World Marketing Congress (Oslo, Norwegen) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Albrecht, Carmen-Maria To Shop or not to Shop: Consumers’ Privacy Concerns and Their Impact on Online Shopping. (2009) World Marketing Congress (Oslo, Norwegen) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]


Bauer, Hans H. ; Albrecht, Carmen-Maria ; Bryant, Melchior D. ; Haber, Tobias E. The Consumer Strikes Back - Assessing Antecedents to Boycott Participation. Brown, Tom J. AMA Winter and Summer Educators' Conference Proceedings 19 350-351 In: Marketing theory and applications : Winter Educators' Conference 2008 ; proceedings of a meeting held 15-18 February 2008, Austin, Texas (2008) Red Hook, NY [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Bauer, Hans H. ; Albrecht, Carmen-Maria ; Haber, Tobias E. ; Neumann, Marcus M. (2008) Branding mittels irrelevanter Attribute. Bauer, Hans H. Erfolgsfaktoren der Markenführung München 119-132 [Buchkapitel]

Bauer, Hans H. ; Huber, Frank ; Albrecht, Carmen-Maria (2008) Meilensteine erfolgreicher Markenführung: Ein Leitfaden für eine kritische Diskussion über die eigene Marke. Bauer, Hans H. Erfolgsfaktoren der Markenführung München 1-14 [Buchkapitel]

Bauer, Hans H. ; Albrecht, Carmen-Maria ; Haber, Tobias E. Brand Stress and How Consumers Cope With it? - An Exploratory Study. Robinson, Leroy Developments in Marketing Science 31 In: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science : Vancouver, B.C., Canada, May 28-31, 2008 (2008) Coral Gables, Fla. [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Bauer, Hans H. ; Albrecht, Carmen-Maria An Exploratory Study of Consumers’ Shopping Stress, its Antecedents and its Consequences. Robinson, Leroy Developments in Marketing Science 31 In: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science : Vancouver, B.C., Canada, May 28-31, 2008 (2008) Coral Gables, Fla. [Konferenzveröffentlichung]


Bauer, Hans H. ; Huber, Frank ; Albrecht, Carmen-Maria (2007) Erfolgsfaktoren der Markenführung : Know-how aus Forschung und Management. München [Buch]

Bauer, Hans H. ; Albrecht, Carmen-Maria ; Neumann, Marcus M. ; Haber, Tobias E. (2007) Die Wirkung irrelevanter Attribute in der Markenkommunikation. Marketing : Zeitschrift für Forschung und Praxis ; ZFP München 29 2 73-89 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bauer, Hans H. ; Albrecht, Carmen-Maria ; Haber, Tobias E. ; Neumann, Marcus M. The Effects of Irrelevant Attributes in Brand Communications. Dixon, Andrea L. AMA Winter and Summer Educators' Conference Proceedings 18 134 In: AMA Winter Educators' Conference 2007: Marketing Theory and Applications : proceedings of a meeting held 16-19 February 2007, San Diego, California (2007) Red Hook, NY [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Albrecht, Carmen-Maria ; Stokburger-Sauer, Nicola ; Bauer, Hans H. The Dark Side of Brands: An Empirical Study of Adolescents' Perceived Brand Stress. 36th EMAC Conference, May 22-25, 2007, Reykjavik, Iceland ; proceedings In: Flexible marketing in an unpredictable world : proceedings of the 36th EMAC conference held 22-25 May 2007, Reykjavik, Iceland (2007) Reykjavik, Iceland [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Bauer, Hans H. ; Stokburger-Sauer, Nicola ; Albrecht, Carmen-Maria Can Brands Do Harm? Antecedents to and Consequences of Adolescents' Perceived Brand Stress. Mohr, Jakki J. AMA Winter and Summer Educators' Conference Proceedings 18 359-360 In: AMA Summer Educators' Conference 2007: Enhancing Knowledge Development in Marketing : proceedings of a meeting held 3-6 August 2007, Washington, DC (2007) Red Hook, NY [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Phelps, Lonnie ; Stone, George W. ; Joseph, Mathew ; Berken, Ashley ; Albrecht, Carmen-Maria An Exploratory Study on the Treatment of Ethics in Undergraduate Business Principles Textbooks. DeMoranville, Carol W. 2007 Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Verona, Italy, July 10-14 2007 ; proceedings 288-292 In: Marketing theory and practice in an inter-functional world : the 13th Biannual World Marketing Congress, Academy of Marketing Science, Verona, Italy, July 11-14, 2007 (2007) Coral Gables, FL [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Bauer, Hans H. ; Haber, Tobias E. ; Albrecht, Carmen-Maria ; Laband, Tom (2007) Viral Advertising. Bauer, Hans H. Interactive Marketing im Web 2.0+ : Konzepte und Anwendungen für ein erfolgreiches Marketingmanagement im Internet München 267-282 [Buchkapitel]

Bauer, Hans H. ; Martin, Isabel ; Albrecht, Carmen-Maria (2007) Virales Marketing als Weiterentwicklung des Empfehlungsmarketing. Bauer, Hans H. Interactive Marketing im Web 2.0+ : Konzepte und Anwendungen für ein erfolgreiches Marketingmanagement im Internet München 57-72 [Buchkapitel]

Bauer, Hans H. ; Haber, Tobias E. ; Laband, Tom ; Albrecht, Carmen-Maria (2007) Virales Marketing : nachfragerseitige Determinanten des Weiterleitens viraler Videoclips im Internet. Open Access Reihe: Wissenschaftliche Arbeitspapiere / Institut für Marktorientierte Unternehmensführung Mannheim W114 [Arbeitspapier]


Bauer, Hans H. ; Haber, Tobias E. ; Neumann, Marcus M. ; Albrecht, Carmen-Maria (2006) Enhancing Customer Trust in E-Commerce through Web Portals. Proceedings of the ... Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science Coral Gables, Fla. 29 57-61 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bauer, Hans H. ; Albrecht, Carmen-Maria ; Kühnl, Christina (2006) Aspekte der Einführungsstrategie als Erfolgsfaktoren von Produktinnovationen : eine qualitative Studie. Open Access Reihe: Wissenschaftliche Arbeitspapiere / Institut für Marktorientierte Unternehmensführung Mannheim W109 [Arbeitspapier]


Bauer, Hans H. ; Albrecht, Carmen-Maria ; Stokburger-Sauer, Nicola (2005) Markenstress bei Jugendlichen : Entwicklung eines Messinstruments am Beispiel von Kleidung. Open Access Reihe: Wissenschaftliche Arbeitspapiere / Institut für Marktorientierte Unternehmensführung Mannheim W088 [Arbeitspapier]

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