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Ansari, Asim ; Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 ; Heitmann, Mark ; Bremer, Lucas (2018) Building a social network for success. Journal of Marketing Research : JMR Chicago, Ill. 55 3 321-338 [Article]

Albrecht, Carmen-Maria ; Hattula, Stefan ; Lehmann, Donald R. (2017) The relationship between consumer shopping stress and purchase abandonment in task-oriented and recreation-oriented consumers. Open Access Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science New York, NY 45 5 720-740 [Article]

Albrecht, Carmen-Maria ; Finkel, Ariane Stephanie Dominique ; Nothhelfer, Katja What if the CEO is perceived as a corporate psychopath? The effects of perceived corporate psychopathy on product, stock and employer attractiveness. Open Access Kim, Juran 436-437 In: Bridging Asia and the World: Global Platform for Interface Between Marketing and Management : 2016 Global Marketing Conference,Conference Proceedings (2016) Hong Kong 2016 Global Marketing Conference (Hong Kong, China) [Conference or workshop publication]

Albrecht, Carmen-Maria ; Häger, Pietro How to offer luxury products on the Internet : the influence of online assortment decisions and online purchase options on brand equity. Open Access Kim, Juran 173-174 In: 2016 Global Marketing Conference at Hong Kong "Bridging Asia and the World: Global Platform for Interface between Marketing and Management" : 21st-24th July, 2016 Conrad Hong Kong, Hong Kong : proceedings (2016) Hong Kong 2016 Global Marketing Conference (Hong Kong, Hong Kong) [Conference or workshop publication]

Albrecht, Carmen-Maria ; Hattula, Stefan ; Bornemann, Torsten ; Hoyer, Wayne D. (2016) Customer response to interactional service experience - The role of interaction environment. Open Access Journal of Service Management Bingley 27 5 704-729 [Article]

Aaker, David A. ; Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 ; Stöckle, Felix (2015) Marken erfolgreich gestalten. Wiesbaden [Book]

Albrecht, Carmen-Maria ; Hattula, Stefan ; Bornemann, Torsten ; Hoyer, Wayne D. Asymmetric Effects of Causal Attribution in Service Encounters. Bigné Alcañiz, J. Enrique The Proceedings of the 43rd EMAC Conference 165 In: Paradigm shifts & interactions : conference proceedings : EMAC 2014, European Marketing Academy, 43rd Annual Conference, Valencia, June 3-6 (2014) Brussels [Conference or workshop publication]

Albrecht, Carmen-Maria ; Hattula, Stefan ; Bornemann, Torsten ; Würth, Julian You are Forgiven: Cause Uncontrollability and Negative Emotional Contagion. Botti, Simona Advances in Consumer Research 41 541-542 In: Making a difference : proceedings, vol. XLI ; [the 44th Annual Conference of the Association for Consumer Research (ACR) was held at ... Chicago, Ill., October 2 - 6, 2013] (2014) Duluth, Minn. [Conference or workshop publication]

Albrecht, Carmen-Maria ; Backhaus, Christof ; Gurzki, Hannes ; Woisetschläger, David M. (2013) Drivers of Brand Extension Success: What Really Matters for Luxury Brands. Psychology & Marketing New York, NY 30 8 647-659 [Article]

Albrecht, Carmen-Maria ; Bauer, Hans H. ; Bergner, Kai ; Gogia, Tamara ; Sprott, David E. Predicting Preventive Health Behavior: The Effects of Self-Prophecy and Self-Efficacy. Salisbury, Linda 11 In: The Changing Role of Policy in Consumer Well-Being : 2013 Marketing & Public Policy Conference, May 30 – June 1, 2013 Washington, D.C. (2013) Washington, DC [Conference or workshop publication]

Albrecht, Carmen-Maria ; Bauer, Hans H. ; Bergner, Kai ; Gogia, Tamara ; Sprott, David E. Self-Efficacy and Self-Prophecy Effects on Preventive Health Behavior. Arnold, Todd J. AMA Winter and Summer Educators' Conference Proceedings 23 235 In: Marketing in the socially-networked world : challenges of emerging, stagnant & resurgent markets ; Chicago, Illinois, USA, 17 - 19 August 2012 (2013) Chicago, Ill. ; Red Hook, NY AMA Summer Educators Conference 2012 [Conference or workshop publication]

Ansari, Asim ; Koenigsberg, Oded ; Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 (2011) Modeling Multiple Relationships in Social Networks. Journal of Marketing Research : JMR Chicago, Ill. 48 4 713-728 [Article]


Beichert, Maximilian ; Bayerl, Andreas ; Goldenberg, Jacob ; Lanz, Andreas (2023) Revenue generation through influencer marketing. Open Access Journal of Marketing : JM Thousand Oaks, CA tba tba 1-24 [Article]

Beichert, Maximilian (2023) Essays on efficient and sustainable influencer marketing. Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Bayerl, Andreas ; Goldenberg, Jacob ; Shapira, Daniel ; Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 Online employer reviews – It’s not all about the money, but also about the vibes. (2022) EMAC 2022, European Marketing Academy Conference (Budapest, Hungary) [Conference presentation]

Bayerl, Andreas ; Schoenmueller, Verena ; Goldenberg, Jacob ; Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 The weekend effect in online reviews and what Eleanor Rigby has to do with it. (2022) EMAC Doctoral Colloquium 2022 (Budapest, Hungary) [Conference presentation]

Bayerl, Andreas ; Shapira, Daniel ; Goldenberg, Jacob ; Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 Online employer reviews - On the interplay between workplace vibes and wage. Open Access (2022) ISMS Marketing Science Conference (Online) [Conference presentation]

Beichert, Maximilian ; Bayerl, Andreas ; Goldenberg, Jacob ; Lanz, Andreas U. Who to target? Low- versus high-status seeding in user-generated content networks. (2022) European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC) (Budapest, Hungary) [Conference presentation]

Beichert, Maximilian ; Bayerl, Andreas ; Goldenberg, Jacob ; Lanz, Andreas U. Who to target? Low- versus high-status seeding in user-generated content networks. (2022) ISMS Marketing Science Conference (Online) [Conference presentation]

Bayerl, Andreas (2022) Essays on the analysis of user-generated content using marketing analytics in a big data environment. Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Bayerl, Andreas ; Goldenberg, Jacob ; Shapira, Daniel ; Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 The interplay between wages and online reviews on the labor market. (2021) EMAC 2021 (online) [Conference presentation]

Bayerl, Andreas ; Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 Stars that shine less bright at night. (2021) EMAC Doctoral Colloquium 2021 (Online) [Conference presentation]

Bayerl, Andreas ; Goldenberg, Jacob ; Shapira, Daniel ; Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 The interplay between wages and online reviews on the labor market. (2021) 43. ISMS Marketing Science Conference (Online) [Conference presentation]

Beichert, Maximilian ; Bayerl, Andreas ; Goldenberg, Jacob ; Lanz, Andreas U. Who to target? Low- versus high-status seeding in user-generated content networks. (2021) Marketing in Israel (Israel) [Conference presentation]

Beichert, Maximilian ; Bayerl, Andreas ; Goldenberg, Jacob ; Lanz, Andreas U. Who to target? Low- versus high-status seeding in user-generated content networks. (2021) European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC) (Madrid, Spain) [Conference presentation]

Beichert, Maximilian ; Bayerl, Andreas ; Goldenberg, Jacob ; Lanz, Andreas U. Who to target? Low- versus high-status seeding in user-generated content networks. (2021) ISMS Marketing Science Conference (Online) [Conference presentation]


Förste, Markus ; Nadj, Mario ; Knäble, Merlin ; Mädche, Alexander ; Gehrmann, Leonie ; Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 An interactive machine learning system for image advertisements. Open Access Schneegass, Stefan ; Pfleging, Bastian ; Kern, Dagmar 574-577 In: MuC '21: Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 2021 : Tagungsband (2021) New York, NY Mensch und Computer 2021, MuC 2021 (Ingolstadt, Gemany) [Conference or workshop publication]


Gehrmann, Leonie Antonia (2024) Advertising over time : a data science perspective on 115 years of ad strategy. Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Gehrmann, Leonie ; Kluge, Stefan ; Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 Persuasion in advertisements over time. Open Access (2023) 45th ISMS Marketing Science Conference (Miami, FL) [Conference presentation]

Goldenberg, Jacob ; Lanz, Andreas ; Shapira, Daniel ; Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 (2023) Targeting nearby influencers: The acceleration of natural triadic closure by leveraging interconnectors. Open Access Journal of Marketing : JM Thousand Oaks, CA tba tba 1-20 [Article]

Gehrmann, Leonie ; Kluge, Stefan ; Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 Effects of competition on advertising behavior and content. Open Access (2022) ISMS Marketing Science Conference (Online) [Conference presentation]

Gehrmann, Leonie ; Kluge, Stefan ; Bayerl, Andreas ; Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 ; Knäble, Merlin ; Mädche, Alexander (2021) Advertising information and communication technologies over time: An analysis of text and visual complexity. Open Access SSRN Working Paper Series Rochester, NY [Working paper]

Gawrisch, Katharina ; Schreiner, Thomas ; Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 The impact of product-harm crises on customer acquisition and retention: The role of marketing instruments. (2019) 2019 INFORMS 41st Annual ISMS Marketing Science Conference (Roma, Italy) [Conference presentation]

Gecer, Gökhan ; Kraus, Florian ORCID: 0000-0001-6807-6544 ; Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 Maximizing customer lifetime value through strategic channel management: How to incentivize customers to use apps versus websites. 101 In: 40th Annual ISMS Marketing Science Conference 2018 : Technical Session listing (2018) Catonsville, MD 40th Annual ISMS Marketing Science Conference (Philadelphia, PA) [Conference or workshop publication]


Hamann, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0001-7423-8589 ; Gemmer, Lars ; Bayerl, Andreas The dynamics of ESG-related corporate misconduct and online employer review ratings. (2024) 8th Marketing Strategy Meets Wall Street Conference (Cologne, Germany) [Conference presentation]

Hamann, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0001-7423-8589 ; Gemmer, Lars ; Bayerl, Andreas The Dynamics of Corporate Misconduct and Online Employer Review Ratings. (2024) EMAC 2024, The 53rd Annual Conference of The European Marketing Academy (Bukarest, Romania) [Conference presentation]

Hamann, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0001-7423-8589 ; Gemmer, Lars ; Bayerl, Andreas The Dynamics of Corporate Misconduct and Online Employer Review Ratings. (2024) EMAC 20204, Doctoral Colloqium, The 53rd Annual Conference of The European Marketing Academy (Bukarest, Romania) [Conference presentation]

Hamann, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0001-7423-8589 ; Gemmer, Lars ; Bayerl, Andreas The dynamics of corporate misconduct and online employer review ratings. (2024) ISMS Marketing Science Conference 2024 (Sydney, Australia) [Conference presentation]

Huppertz, Juliana ; Heitmann, Mark ; Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 Driving Demand By Managing Network Structure And Network Communication. (2017) 39th Annual Marketing Science Conference (June 7-10, 2017) [Conference presentation]

Halbheer, Daniel ; Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 ; Koenigsberg, Oded ; Lehmann, Donald R. (2014) Choosing a Digital Content Strategy: How Much Should be Free? International Journal of Research in Marketing : IJRM Amsterdam [u.a.] 31 2 192-206 [Article]

Hoefkens, Christine ; Valli, Veronica ; Mazzocchi, Mario ; Traill, W. Bruce ; Verbeke, Wim (2013) European consumers' perceived seriousness of their eating habits relative to other personal health risks. Preventive Medicine : PM Amsterdam 57 5 618-622 [Article]


Kluge, Stefan ; Gehrmann, Leonie ; Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 Expression of emotions in ads over time. Open Access (2022) ISMS Marketing Science Conference (Online) [Conference presentation]

Kluge, Stefan ; Parra-Moyano, José ; Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 Winning parachain auctions: Which impact has marketing on acquiring funds from crowdlenders? Open Access (2022) International Conference on Crypto-Marketing 2022 (New York City, NY) [Conference presentation]


Lanz, Andreas ; Goldenberg, Jacob ; Shapira, Daniel ; Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 (2023) Buying future endorsements from prospective influencers on user-generated content platforms. Open Access Journal of Marketing Research : JMR Thousand Oaks, CA tba tba 1-19 [Article]

Lanz, Andreas U. ; Goldenberg, Jacob ; Shapira, Daniel ; Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 (2019) Climb or jump: status-based seeding in user-generated content network. Journal of Marketing Research : JMR Thousand Oaks, CA 56 3 361-378 [Article]

Lanz, Andreas U. ; Goldenberg, Jacob ; Shapira, Daniel ; Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 From zero to hero - how to balance lost returns and wasted investments using predictions of rare events. (2017) 39th Annual Marketing Science Conference (Los Angeles, CA) [Conference presentation]

Lanz, Andreas U. ; Goldenberg, Jacob ; Shapira, Daniel ; Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 Climb or jump - status-based seeding in user-generated content network. (2017) 39th Annual Marketing Science Conference (Los Angeles, CA) [Conference presentation]

Lanz, Andreas U. (2017) Essays on marketing and online social networks. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Lanz, Andreas U. ; Goldenberg, Jacob ; Shapira, Daniel ; Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 (2016) Climb or jump - status-based seeding in user-generated content network. Open Access Mannheim [Working paper]


Ohnesorge, Frank Christof (2024) Data science applications in strategic marketing and market policy development. Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]


Schoenmueller, Verena ; Netzer, Oded ; Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 (2023) Frontiers: Polarized America: From political polarization to preference polarization. Open Access Marketing Science Catonsville, MD 42 1 48-60 [Article]

Schönmüller, Verena ; Netzer, Oded ; Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 (2020) The polarity of online reviews: Prevalence, drivers and implications. Journal of Marketing Research : JMR Chicago, Ill. 57 5 853-877 [Article]

Schmitt, Daniela ; Iyengar, Raghuram ; Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 Optimizing the composition of paid content in a freemium model. (2019) 2019 INFORMS 41st Annual ISMS Marketing Science Conference (Roma, Italy) [Conference presentation]

Schmitt, Daniela (2019) Essays on the marketing of digital information goods. Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Schmitt, Daniela ; Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 ; Iyengar, Raghuram Optimizing the composition of paid content in a freemium model. (2018) 2018 INFORMS 40th Annual ISMS Marketing Science Conference (Philadelphia, PA) [Conference presentation]

Schönmüller, Verena ; Netzer, Oded ; Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 The pattern of online reviews. (2017) 39th Annual Marketing Science Conference (Los Angeles, CA) [Conference presentation]

Schmitt, Daniela ; Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 ; Iyengar, Raghuram Short- and Long-term Effects of Price Promotions on Consumption. (2017) 39th Annual Marketing Science Conference (Los Angeles, CA) [Conference presentation]

Schönmüller, Verena ; Netzer, Oded ; Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 Tell me who your brands are and I will tell you who you vote for. (2017) 39th Annual Marketing Science Conference (Los Angeles, CA) [Conference presentation]

Schönmüller, Verena ; Netzer, Oded ; Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 The pattern of online reviews. (2017) 46th European Marketing Academy Conference (Groningen, Netherlands) [Conference presentation]

Schmitt, Daniela ; Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 ; Iyengar, Raghuram The effects of price promotions on service usage. (2017) 39th Annual ISMS Marketing Science Conference 2017 (Los Angeles, CA, USA) [Conference presentation]

Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 ; Bartels, Daniel M. ; Valli, Veronica The effects of framing subscription benefits as price discounts or time bonuses on time preferences. Open Access Moreau, Page Advances in Consumer Research 44 634 In: Wanderlust : ACR 2016 proceedings, Berlin, Germany, Oct 27-30th (2016) Duluth, MN 2016 ACR Conference (Berlin, Germany) [Conference or workshop publication]

Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 ; Heitmann, Mark ; Lehmann, Donald R. ; Neslin, Scott A. (2012) The Impact of Brand Equity on Customer Acquisition, Retention, and Profit Margin. Journal of Marketing : JM Thousand Oaks, CA 76 4 44-63 [Article]

Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 ; Herrmann, Andreas (2009) Versionierung und Preisbündelung bei digitalen Produkten: Welche Formen der Differenzierung erhöhen die Nachfrage und den Umsatz? Die Unternehmung : Swiss Journal of Business Research and Practice Baden-Baden 63 3 327-345 [Article]

Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 ; Maass, Wolfgang (2006) Adoption and Diffusion in Electronic Markets: An Empirical Analysis of Attributes influencing the Adoption of Paid Content. Electronic Markets Heidelberg 16 3 233-244 [Article]

Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 (2005) Paid Content : Strategien zur Preisgestaltung beim elektronischen Handel mit digitalen Inhalten. Wiesbaden [Book]

Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 ; Schäfer, Marc-Frederic ; Maass, Wolfgang (2004) Strategies for Selling Paid Content on Newspaper and Magazine Web Sites: An Empirical Analysis of Bundling and Splitting of News and Magazine Articles. JMM : The International Journal on Media Management Philadelphia, Pa. 6 1/2 59-66 [Article]

Stiglbauer, Alfred ; Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 ; Winter-Ebmer, Rudolf ; Zweimüller, Josef (2003) Job Creation and Job Destruction in a Regulated Labour Market. Empirica Dordrecht 30 2 127-148 [Article]


Valli, Veronica (2018) Essays on choice under uncertainty and framing effects in marketing. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Valli, Veronica ; Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 ; Bartels, Daniel M. Time preferences for online subscriptions : the impact of framing, benefits as price discounts or bonus time. (2017) 46th European Marketing Academy Conference 2017 (Groningen, Netherlands) [Conference presentation]

Valli, Veronica ; Stahl, Florian ORCID: 0000-0002-2846-3424 ; Montaguti, Elisa The compromise effect in post-purchase consumption behavior : evidences from field experiments. (2017) 46th European Marketing Academy Conference (Groningen, Netherlands) [Conference presentation]

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