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Dlouhy, Katja ; Froidevaux, Ariane (2024) Evolution of professionals' careers upon graduation in STEM and occupational turnover over time: Patterns, diversity characteristics, career success, and self-employment. Open Access Journal of Organizational Behavior : OB Chichester, Sussex 45 3 344-361 [Article]

Koch-Bayram, Irmela ORCID: 0000-0002-8924-1235 ; Kaibel, Chris ORCID: 0000-0003-2123-9232 (2024) Algorithms in personnel selection, applicants' attributions about organizations' intents and organizational attractiveness: An experimental study. Open Access Human Resource Management Journal Oxford [u.a.] 34 3 733-752 [Article]

Koch-Bayram, Irmela ORCID: 0000-0002-8924-1235 ; Biemann, Torsten (2024) How corporate social (ir)responsibility influences employees’ private prosocial behavior: An experimental study. Open Access Journal of Business Ethics Dordrecht 194 1 103-118 [Article]

Mayrhofer, Wolfgang ; Biemann, Torsten ; Koch-Bayram, Irmela ORCID: 0000-0002-8924-1235 ; Rapp, Marco L. (2024) Context is key: A 34-country analysis investigating how similar HRM systems emerge from similar contexts. Open Access Human Resource Management Hoboken, NJ 63 2 355-371 [Article]

Dlouhy, Katja ; Schmitt, Antje ; Kandel, India J. (2024) A job demands–resources perspective on emotional exhaustion and work engagement in human–animal work. Open Access Occupational Health Science Cham 8 4 733-761 [Article]

Zakir, Naeem (2024) Leading through the noise. Exploring the impact of irrelevant information on leadership perceptions. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Dlouhy, Katja ; Biemann, Torsten ; Baruch, Yehuda (2024) A career ecosystem perspective on societal and organizational characteristics and careers to the top in higher education. Open Access Human Resource Management Journal Oxford [u.a.] tba tba 1-16 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Dlouhy, Katja ; Rossetti, Claudia How career experiences affect personality development. (2024) AOM Careers Division Community Conference 2024, CarCon (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) [Conference presentation]

Rossetti, Claudia ; Biemann, Torsten ; Dlouhy, Katja Personality–occupation relationships in careers. Academy of Management Proceedings 2024,1 1-6 In: Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings (2024) Briarcliff Manor, NY Academy of Management Annual Meeting, AOM 2018 (Chicago, IL) [Conference or workshop publication]

Rossetti, Claudia ; Sipilä, Jenni ; Edinger-Schons, Laura Marie ORCID: 0000-0002-8981-3379 You’re sorry, so what? Exploring the (in)effectiveness of accommodative responses by notoriously bad firms after transgressions. (2024) Reputation Symposium 2024 (Oxford, UK) [Conference presentation]


Biemann, Torsten ; Mayrhofer, Wolfgang ; Koch-Bayram, Irmela ORCID: 0000-0002-8924-1235 (2023) Embedded in context: How time and distance affect the convergence of personnel selection practices. Open Access Human Resource Management Journal Oxford [u.a.] 33 1 47-68 [Article]

Wieschollek, Viktoria ; Dlouhy, Katja (2023) Employee referrals as co­unterproductive work behavior? Employees’ motives for poor referrals and the role of the cultural context. International Journal of Human Resource Management London 34 14 2708-2731 [Article]

Meier-Barthold, Madleen ; Biemann, Torsten ; Alfes, Kerstin (2023) Strong signals in HR management: How the configuration and strength of an HR system explain the variability in HR attributions. Open Access Human Resource Management Hoboken, NJ 62 2 229-246 [Article]

Lin-Hi, Nick ; Gao-Urhahn, Xiaohan ; Biemann, Torsten ; Koch-Bayram, Irmela ORCID: 0000-0002-8924-1235 (2023) Internal CSR and blue‑collar workers’ attitudes and behaviors in China: a combination of a cross‑sectional study and a field experiment. Open Access Asian Business & Management Basingstoke 22 3 1185-1213 [Article]

Koch-Bayram, Irmela ORCID: 0000-0002-8924-1235 ; Kaibel, Chris ORCID: 0000-0003-2123-9232 ; Biemann, Torsten ; Triana, María del Carmen (2023) </Click to begin your digital interview>: Applicants' experiences with discrimination explain their reactions to algorithms in personnel selection. Open Access International Journal of Selection and Assessment : IJSA Oxford [u.a.] 31 2 252-266 [Article]

Meier-Barthold, Madleen (2023) ls HRM getting through to employees? : communication in Human Resource Management. Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]


Kaibel, Chris ORCID: 0000-0003-2123-9232 ; Biemann, Torsten (2021) Rethinking the gold standard with multi-armed bandits: Machine learning allocation algorithms for experiments. Organizational Research Methods : ORM Thousand Oaks, CA 24 1 78-103 [Article]

Koch, Andreas (2021) Context matters: new perspectives on environmental factors in management research. Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2021) Wie ein effektives Performance Management zum Organisationserfolg beitragen kann. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 73 3 46-49 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2021) Psychologische Sicherheit: Erfolgsfaktor für Teamerfolg jenseits der Teamzusammensetzung. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 73 4 46-49 [Article]

Wieschollek, Viktoria ; Weckmüller, Heiko ; Biemann, Torsten (2021) Mitarbeiterempfehlungen und Mitarbeiterempfehlungsprogramme. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 73 1 58-61 [Article]


Mühlenbrock, Max Dean (2020) Longitudinal methods in career research : expanding the toolbox. Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Dlouhy, Katja ; Vinkenburg, Claartje J. ; Biemann, Torsten (2020) Career patterns. Gunz, Hugh The Routledge companion to career studies London ; New York, NY Chapter 15 [Book chapter]

Koch-Bayram, Irmela ORCID: 0000-0002-8924-1235 ; Biemann, Torsten (2020) Signs of narcissism? Reconsidering a widely used measure. Open Access Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies : JLOS Thousand Oaks, CA 27 4 389-405 [Article]

Korff, Jörg ORCID: 0000-0002-8971-2228 ; Biemann, Torsten (2020) Adjusting the lookout: Subjective health, loneliness, and life satisfaction predict future time perspective. Psychology and Aging Washington, DC 35 8 1170-1183 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Mühlenbock, Max ; Dlouhy, Katja (2020) Going the distance in vocational behavior research: Introducing three extensions for optimal matching analysis based on distances between career sequences. Journal of Vocational Behavior Amsterdam [u.a.] 119 Article 103399 [Article]

Koch-Bayram, Irmela ORCID: 0000-0002-8924-1235 ; Biemann, Torsten How environmental (ir)responsibility of companies affects environmental behavior of employees. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings 2020 1 Article 17538 (2020) Briarcliff Manor, NY 80th AOM Annual Meeting (Online) [Conference or workshop publication]

Lin-Hi, Nick ; Gao-Urhahn, Xiaohan ; Koch-Bayram, Irmela ORCID: 0000-0002-8924-1235 Internal CSR and blue-collar workers' attitudes and behaviors in China. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings 2020 1 Article 15356 (2020) Briarcliff Manor, NY 80th AOM Annual Meeting (Online) [Conference or workshop publication]


Korff, Jörg ORCID: 0000-0002-8971-2228 ; Biemann, Torsten (2019) Vom Best Practice-Ansatz zum gebündelten Einsatz von HR-Praktiken. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 71 1 8-13 [Article]

Kaibel, Chris ORCID: 0000-0003-2123-9232 ; Mühlenbock, Max ; Koch-Bayram, Irmela ORCID: 0000-0002-8924-1235 ; Biemann, Torsten (2019) Wahrnehmung von KI - Was denken Mitarbeiter über ihre Anwendung und Fairness? Personal Quarterly Freiburg 71 3 16-21 [Article]

Kaibel, Chris ORCID: 0000-0003-2123-9232 (2019) Machine learning algorithms in the workplace : rethinking experiments and effects on applicant experience. Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2019) Transformationale Führung: What’s next? Personal Quarterly Freiburg 71 4 54-57 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2019) Person-Organisation-Fit: Wie wichtig ist die kulturelle Passung bei der Personalauswahl? Personal Quarterly Freiburg 71 3 48-51 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Dlouhy, Katja (2019) Pfadabhängigkeit in Karrieren als Erklärung für berufliche Mobilität. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 71 2 40-45 [Article]


Dlouhy, Katja ; Biemann, Torsten (2018) Path dependence in occupational careers: Understanding occupational mobility development throughout individuals' careers. Journal of Vocational Behavior Amsterdam [u.a.] 104 86-97 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2018) Mit geteilter Führung zum Teamerfolg. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 70 1 54-57 [Article]

Atabaki, Armita ; Biemann, Torsten (2018) Potenziale der Datenanalyse für HR (People Analytics). Petry, Thorsten Digital HR : smarte und agile Systeme, Prozesse und Strukturen im Personalmanagement Freiburg ; München ; Stuttgart 125-136 [Book chapter]

Biemann, Torsten ; Staritz, Sabine (2018) Hype oder Kurswechsel in HR? Nutzen von People Analytics. Personalführung Düsseldorf 51 5 15-20 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2018) Aus den Augen, aus dem Sinn? Auslandsentsendung erfolgreich gestalten. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 70 2 50-53 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2018) Should I stay or should I go? Faktoren für Mitarbeiterfluktuation. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 70 3 46-49 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Koch-Bayram, Irmela ORCID: 0000-0002-8924-1235 ; Mayrhofer, Wolfgang Is personnel selection another case of HRM convergence? An empirical analysis. Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management 2018,1 16395 (2018) Chicago, Ill. Academy of Management Annual Meeting (Chicago, IL) [Conference or workshop publication]

Korff, Jörg ORCID: 0000-0002-8971-2228 ; Biemann, Torsten Contextual and interaction effects among social exchange, time perspective, and work outcomes. Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management 2018 13159 (2018) Chicago, IL Academy of Management 2018 Annual Meeting (Chicago, IL) [Conference or workshop publication]

Büngeler, Claudia ; Biemann, Torsten Unemployment and reemployment effects on locus of control and health. Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management 2018 14974 (2018) Chicago, IL Academy of Management 2018 Annual Meeting (Chicago, IL) [Conference or workshop publication]

Mühlenbock, Max ; Dlouhy, Katja A fifteen-year cross-lagged study of occupational risk propensity and employer changes. Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management 2018 1 13996 (2018) Chicago, IL Academy of Management 2018 Annual Meeting (Chicago, IL) [Conference or workshop publication]

Koch-Bayram, Irmela ORCID: 0000-0002-8924-1235 ; Wernicke, Georg (2018) Drilled to obey? Ex-military CEOs and financial misconduct. Strategic Management Journal Chichester [u.a.] 39 11 2943-2964 [Article]


Nehrlich, Andreas D. ; Koch-Bayram, Irmela ORCID: 0000-0002-8924-1235 ; Biemann, Torsten (2017) Narzissmus und Führung. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 69 2 54-57 [Article]

Korff, Jörg ORCID: 0000-0002-8971-2228 ; Biemann, Torsten ; Voelpel, Sven (2017) Differentiating HR systems' impact : moderating effects of age on the HR system–work outcome association. Journal of Organizational Behavior : OB Chichester, Sussex 38 3 415-438 [Article]

Korff, Jörg ORCID: 0000-0002-8971-2228 ; Biemann, Torsten ; Voelpel, Sven (2017) Human resource management systems and work attitudes: The mediating role of future time perspective. Journal of Organizational Behavior : OB Chichester, Sussex 38 1 45-67 [Article]

Gubler, Martin ; Biemann, Torsten ; Herzog, Silvio (2017) An apple doesn't fall far from the tree - or does it? : occupational inheritance and teachers' career patterns. Journal of Vocational Behavior Amsterdam [u.a.] 100 1-14 [Article]

Koch-Bayram, Irmela ORCID: 0000-0002-8924-1235 Does philanthropic corporate social responsibility spill over to employees? Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management 17,1 13602 (2017) Chicago, IL 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (Atlanta, GA) [Conference or workshop publication]

Atabaki, Armita ; Olbrecht, Thomas (2017) Psychische Erkrankungen und BGM. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 69 3 42-45 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Englmaier, Florian ; Sliwka, Dirk ; Weller, Ingo (2017) People Analytics - Personaldaten als Erfolgsfaktor. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 69 3 8-15 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2017) Machen Frauen Unternehmen erfolgreicher? Personal Quarterly Freiburg 69 4 48-51 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2017) Candidate Experience - Arbeitgeberattraktivität im Bewerbungsprozess. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 69 1 54-57 [Article]

Mühlenbock, Max ; Biemann, Torsten Approaching the gender pay gap with sequence based matching. Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management 2017 1 16442 (2017) Chicago, IL 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (Atlanta, GA) [Conference or workshop publication]

Biemann, Torsten ; Brauer, Matthias The world as a casino: Bandit models in strategy and organization science research. Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management 2017 17051 (2017) Chicago, IL Academy of Management 2017 Annual Meeting (Atlanta, GA) [Conference or workshop publication]

Kaibel, Chris ORCID: 0000-0003-2123-9232 ; Biemann, Torsten Improving the gold standard in field experiments with multi-armed bandits. Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management 2017 16350 (2017) Chicago, IL Academy of Management 2017 Annual Meeting (Atlanta, GA) [Conference or workshop publication]

Dlouhy, Katja (2017) New perspectives on career development and the emergence of career patterns. Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]


Atabaki, Armita ; Biemann, Torsten (2016) Motivation und Mitarbeiterleistung. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 68 2 46-49 [Article]

Wang, Jing (2016) The role of CEO personality in company management : examining how CEO narcissism influences and is influenced by individual and organizational characteristics. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Korff, Jörg ORCID: 0000-0002-8971-2228 ; Biemann, Torsten (2016) Jungbrunnen HR-Management. Personalmagazin Freiburg, Br. 12 12 36-39 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2016) Subjektiver und objektiver Karriereerfolg. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 68 3 40-43 [Article]

Gao-Urhahn, Xiaohan ; Biemann, Torsten ; Jaros, Stephen J. (2016) How affective commitment to the organization changes over time : a longitudinal analysis of the reciprocal relationships between affective organizational commitment and income. Journal of Organizational Behavior : OB Chichester, Sussex 37 4 515-536 [Article]

Dlouhy, Katja ; Biemann, Torsten Turnover of individuals with similar career sequences as predictor of employer change. Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management 2016 117 (2016) Chicago, IL 2016 Annual Meeting Academy of Management (Anaheim, CA) [Conference or workshop publication]

Dlouhy, Katja ; Biemann, Torsten (2016) Methodische Herausforderungen in der Karriere- und Laufbahnforschung. Kauffeld, Simone Handbuch Laufbahnmanagement und Karriereplanung Berlin 1-17 [Book chapter]

Dlouhy, Katja ; Biemann, Torsten Turnover of individuals with similar career sequences as a predictor of employer change. Ritschard, Gilbert Annual meeting proceedings / Academy of Management 815-836 In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sequence Analysis and Related Methods (LaCOSA II) : Lausanne, June 8-10, 2016 (2016) Genève LaCOSA II (Lausanne, Switzerland) [Conference or workshop publication]

Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2016) Mensch gegen Maschine: Wie gut sind Algorithmen im HR? Personal Quarterly Freiburg 68 4 44-47 [Article]

Atabaki, Armita ; Biemann, Torsten ; Honal, Andrea The influence of performance-based group status on individual performance via task attention. Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management 2016 15905 (2016) Chicago, IL Academy of Management 2016 Annual Meeting (Anaheim, CA) [Conference or workshop publication]

Atabaki, Armita (2016) Context effects at the team and organizational level : an examination of need for achievement, performance-based status, and psychological empowerment. Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Wernicke, Georg (2016) Media disapproval of CEO compensation : determinants and consequences. Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]


Andresen, Maike ; Biemann, Torsten ; Pattie, Marshall Wilson (2015) What makes them move abroad? Reviewing and exploring differences between self-initiated and assigned expatriation. International Journal of Human Resource Management London 26 7 932-947 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2015) Effektives Arbeiten, wann und wo man will? : Home-Office-Angebote erhöhen Arbeitszufriedenheit und Arbeitgeberattraktivität, Vertrauensarbeitszeit wirkt zudem produktivitätssteigernd. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 67 2 46-49 [Article]

Gao-Urhahn, Xiaohan (2015) Individual differences in the workplace : Perspectives of reciprocity and fit. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Atabaki, Armita (2015) Das Burn-out-Syndrom - Ausgebrannt am Arbeitsplatz. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 67 1 46-49 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Kearney, Eric ; Marggraf, Kathrin (2015) Empowering leadership and managers' career perceptions : examining effects at both the individual and the team level. The Leadership Quarterly Amsterdam [u.a.] 26 5 775-789 [Article]

Gubler, Martin ; Biemann, Torsten ; Tschopp, Cécile ; Grote, Gudela (2015) How career anchors differentiate managerial career trajectories : a sequence analysis perspective. Journal of Career Development Los Alamitos, Calif. [u.a.] 42 5 412-430 [Article]

Dlouhy, Katja ; Biemann, Torsten (2015) Optimal matching analysis in career research: a review and some best-practice recommendations. Journal of Vocational Behavior Amsterdam [u.a.] 90 163-173 [Article]

Greve, Peder ; Biemann, Torsten ; Ruigrok, Winfried (2015) Foreign executive appointments: A multilevel examination. Journal of World Business Amsterdam [u.a.] 50 4 674-686 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2015) New Work: Was bringen Demokratisierung, Partizipation und Selbstbestimmung? Personal Quarterly Freiburg 67 4 52-55 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2015) Ist die Generation Y wirklich anders? Personalmagazin Freiburg i. Br. 17 8 41-42 [Article]

Dlouhy, Katja Optimal matching analysis in career research: A review and some best-practice recommendations. Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management 2015 14674 (2015) Chicago, IL Academy of Management 2015 Annual Meeting (Vancouver, Canada) [Conference or workshop publication]

Hofmeister, Catharina (2015) Opening up the innovation process: A multilevel perspective on absorptive capacity and new product development. Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Koch-Bayram, Irmela ORCID: 0000-0002-8924-1235 (2015) Unethical decisions and morality in organizations : an investigation of individual differences, company characteristics, and their interplay. Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Wutzler, Timm (2015) Open innovation and knowledge management in large corporations : organizational antecedents and performance effects. Schriftenreihe Strategisches Management Hamburg 178 [Doctoral dissertation]


Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2014) Mentoring: Wann nützt es und wem nützt es? Personal Quarterly Freiburg 66 2 46-49 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Datta, Deepak K. (2014) Analyzing Sequence Data: Optimal Matching in Management Research. Organizational Research Methods : ORM Thousand Oaks, Calif. 17 1 51-76 [Article]

Armutat, Sascha ; Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2014) HR-Wissen unter der Lupe. Personalmagazin Freiburg, Br. 16 1 14-16 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2014) Onboarding – Mitarbeiter richtig integrieren. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 66 1 46-49 [Article]

Koch-Bayram, Irmela ORCID: 0000-0002-8924-1235 ; Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2014) Ist gute Führung männlich oder weiblich? Personal Quarterly Freiburg 66 3 46-49 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Niessen, Cornelia (2014) The role of risk propensity in predicting self-employment. Journal of Applied Psychology Washington, DC 99 5 1000-1009 [Article]

Korff, Jörg ORCID: 0000-0002-8971-2228 ; Biemann, Torsten (2014) Personalmanagement der Zukunft - aktuelle Defizite, neue Herausforderungen. Schwuchow, Karlheinz Personalentwicklung : Themen, Trends, Best Practices 2015 Personalentwicklung – Themen, Trends, Best Practices Freiburg, Br. 21-29 [Book chapter]

Koch-Bayram, Irmela ORCID: 0000-0002-8924-1235 ; Biemann, Torsten Signs of narcissism of CEOs: Validating a widely used measure. Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management 2014 16134 (2014) Chicago, IL Academy of Management 2014 Annual Meeting (Philadelphia, PA) [Conference or workshop publication]


Korff, Jörg ORCID: 0000-0002-8971-2228 ; Biemann, Torsten (2013) Verbreitete Altersstereotype lassen sich durch wissenschaftliche Fakten widerlegen. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 65 3 46-49 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten (2013) What if we were Texas sharpshooters? Predictor reporting bias in regression analysis. Organizational Research Methods : ORM Thousand Oaks, Calif. 16 3 335-363 [Article]

Andresen, Maike ; Biemann, Torsten (2013) A Taxonomy of Global Careers: Identifying different Types of Internationally Mobile Managers. International Journal of Human Resource Management London 24 3 533-557 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2013) Zufriedene Mitarbeiter sind gute Mitarbeiter? Personal Quarterly Freiburg 65 4 46-49 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2013) Generation Y: Viel Lärm um fast Nichts. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 65 1 46-49 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Nieß, Christiane ; Lux, Vera (2013) Auswahl von Trainees für ein Nachwuchsführungskräfteprogramm. Weckmüller, Heiko Exzellenz im Personalmanagement Freiburg, Br. [u.a.] 236-243 [Book chapter]

Bonberg, Nadine ; Taeger, Dirk ; Gawrych, Katarzyna ; Johnen, Georg ; Banek, Séverine ; Schwentner, Christian ; Sievert, Karl-Dietrich ; Wellhäußer, Harald ; Kluckert, Matthias ; Leng, Gabriele ; Nasterlack, Michael ; Stenzl, Arnulf ; Behrens, Thomas ; Brüning, Thomas ; Pesch, Beate (2013) Chromosomal instability and bladder cancer: the UroVysionTM test in the UroScreen study. BJU International : BJUI Oxford 112 4 E372-E382 [Article]

Andresen, Maike ; Biemann, Torsten (2013) Career concepts of self-initiated and assigned expatriates: A theoretical analysis based on coupling and configuration. Andresen, Maike Self-Initiated expatriation : individual, organizational, and national perspectives Routledge studies in international business and the world economy London 54 105-121 [Book chapter]

Biemann, Torsten ; Braakmann, Nils (2013) The Impact of International Experience on Objective and Subjective Career Success in Early Careers. International Journal of Human Resource Management London 24 18 3438-3456 [Article]

Danilov, Anastasia ; Biemann, Torsten ; Kring, Thorn ; Sliwka, Dirk (2013) The dark side of team incentives: Experimental evidence on advice quality from financial service professionals. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization : JEBO Amsterdam [u.a.] 93 9 266-272 [Article]


Biemann, Torsten ; Korff, Jörg ORCID: 0000-0002-8971-2228 ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2012) Personalstrategie: Folgen für die Performance. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 64 2 46-49 [Article]

Korff, Jörg ORCID: 0000-0002-8971-2228 (2012) Differenziertes Personalmanagement für alternde Belegschaften. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 64 4 18-21 [Article]

Biesalski, Ernst ; Helmich, Annica ; Korff, Jörg ORCID: 0000-0002-8971-2228 (2012) Entscheidend ist die Kommunikation: Wie die EnBW ihr Kompetenzmanagement einführte. Wirtschaftspsychologie aktuell Berlin 19 1 40-46 [Article]

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