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Dlouhy, Katja ; Froidevaux, Ariane (2024) Evolution of professionals' careers upon graduation in STEM and occupational turnover over time: Patterns, diversity characteristics, career success, and self-employment. Open Access Journal of Organizational Behavior : OB Chichester, Sussex 45 3 344-361 [Article]

Koch-Bayram, Irmela ORCID: 0000-0002-8924-1235 ; Kaibel, Chris ORCID: 0000-0003-2123-9232 (2024) Algorithms in personnel selection, applicants' attributions about organizations' intents and organizational attractiveness: An experimental study. Open Access Human Resource Management Journal Oxford [u.a.] 34 3 733-752 [Article]

Koch-Bayram, Irmela ORCID: 0000-0002-8924-1235 ; Biemann, Torsten (2024) How corporate social (ir)responsibility influences employees’ private prosocial behavior: An experimental study. Open Access Journal of Business Ethics Dordrecht 194 1 103-118 [Article]

Mayrhofer, Wolfgang ; Biemann, Torsten ; Koch-Bayram, Irmela ORCID: 0000-0002-8924-1235 ; Rapp, Marco L. (2024) Context is key: A 34-country analysis investigating how similar HRM systems emerge from similar contexts. Open Access Human Resource Management Hoboken, NJ 63 2 355-371 [Article]

Dlouhy, Katja ; Schmitt, Antje ; Kandel, India J. (2024) A job demands–resources perspective on emotional exhaustion and work engagement in human–animal work. Open Access Occupational Health Science Cham 8 4 733-761 [Article]

Dlouhy, Katja ; Biemann, Torsten ; Baruch, Yehuda (2024) A career ecosystem perspective on societal and organizational characteristics and careers to the top in higher education. Open Access Human Resource Management Journal Oxford [u.a.] tba tba 1-16 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Mayrhofer, Wolfgang ; Koch-Bayram, Irmela ORCID: 0000-0002-8924-1235 (2023) Embedded in context: How time and distance affect the convergence of personnel selection practices. Open Access Human Resource Management Journal Oxford [u.a.] 33 1 47-68 [Article]

Wieschollek, Viktoria ; Dlouhy, Katja (2023) Employee referrals as co­unterproductive work behavior? Employees’ motives for poor referrals and the role of the cultural context. International Journal of Human Resource Management London 34 14 2708-2731 [Article]

Meier-Barthold, Madleen ; Biemann, Torsten ; Alfes, Kerstin (2023) Strong signals in HR management: How the configuration and strength of an HR system explain the variability in HR attributions. Open Access Human Resource Management Hoboken, NJ 62 2 229-246 [Article]

Koch-Bayram, Irmela ORCID: 0000-0002-8924-1235 ; Kaibel, Chris ORCID: 0000-0003-2123-9232 ; Biemann, Torsten ; Triana, María del Carmen (2023) </Click to begin your digital interview>: Applicants' experiences with discrimination explain their reactions to algorithms in personnel selection. Open Access International Journal of Selection and Assessment : IJSA Oxford [u.a.] 31 2 252-266 [Article]

Lin-Hi, Nick ; Gao-Urhahn, Xiaohan ; Biemann, Torsten ; Koch-Bayram, Irmela ORCID: 0000-0002-8924-1235 (2023) Internal CSR and blue‑collar workers’ attitudes and behaviors in China: a combination of a cross‑sectional study and a field experiment. Open Access Asian Business & Management Basingstoke 22 3 1185-1213 [Article]

Kaibel, Chris ORCID: 0000-0003-2123-9232 ; Biemann, Torsten (2021) Rethinking the gold standard with multi-armed bandits: Machine learning allocation algorithms for experiments. Organizational Research Methods : ORM Thousand Oaks, CA 24 1 78-103 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2021) Psychologische Sicherheit: Erfolgsfaktor für Teamerfolg jenseits der Teamzusammensetzung. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 73 4 46-49 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2021) Wie ein effektives Performance Management zum Organisationserfolg beitragen kann. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 73 3 46-49 [Article]

Wieschollek, Viktoria ; Weckmüller, Heiko ; Biemann, Torsten (2021) Mitarbeiterempfehlungen und Mitarbeiterempfehlungsprogramme. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 73 1 58-61 [Article]

Koch-Bayram, Irmela ORCID: 0000-0002-8924-1235 ; Biemann, Torsten (2020) Signs of narcissism? Reconsidering a widely used measure. Open Access Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies : JLOS Thousand Oaks, CA 27 4 389-405 [Article]

Korff, Jörg ORCID: 0000-0002-8971-2228 ; Biemann, Torsten (2020) Adjusting the lookout: Subjective health, loneliness, and life satisfaction predict future time perspective. Psychology and Aging Washington, DC 35 8 1170-1183 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Mühlenbock, Max ; Dlouhy, Katja (2020) Going the distance in vocational behavior research: Introducing three extensions for optimal matching analysis based on distances between career sequences. Journal of Vocational Behavior Amsterdam [u.a.] 119 Article 103399 [Article]

Korff, Jörg ORCID: 0000-0002-8971-2228 ; Biemann, Torsten (2019) Vom Best Practice-Ansatz zum gebündelten Einsatz von HR-Praktiken. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 71 1 8-13 [Article]

Kaibel, Chris ORCID: 0000-0003-2123-9232 ; Mühlenbock, Max ; Koch-Bayram, Irmela ORCID: 0000-0002-8924-1235 ; Biemann, Torsten (2019) Wahrnehmung von KI - Was denken Mitarbeiter über ihre Anwendung und Fairness? Personal Quarterly Freiburg 71 3 16-21 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2019) Transformationale Führung: What’s next? Personal Quarterly Freiburg 71 4 54-57 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2019) Person-Organisation-Fit: Wie wichtig ist die kulturelle Passung bei der Personalauswahl? Personal Quarterly Freiburg 71 3 48-51 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Dlouhy, Katja (2019) Pfadabhängigkeit in Karrieren als Erklärung für berufliche Mobilität. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 71 2 40-45 [Article]

Dlouhy, Katja ; Biemann, Torsten (2018) Path dependence in occupational careers: Understanding occupational mobility development throughout individuals' careers. Journal of Vocational Behavior Amsterdam [u.a.] 104 86-97 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2018) Mit geteilter Führung zum Teamerfolg. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 70 1 54-57 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Staritz, Sabine (2018) Hype oder Kurswechsel in HR? Nutzen von People Analytics. Personalführung Düsseldorf 51 5 15-20 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2018) Aus den Augen, aus dem Sinn? Auslandsentsendung erfolgreich gestalten. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 70 2 50-53 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2018) Should I stay or should I go? Faktoren für Mitarbeiterfluktuation. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 70 3 46-49 [Article]

Koch-Bayram, Irmela ORCID: 0000-0002-8924-1235 ; Wernicke, Georg (2018) Drilled to obey? Ex-military CEOs and financial misconduct. Strategic Management Journal Chichester [u.a.] 39 11 2943-2964 [Article]

Nehrlich, Andreas D. ; Koch-Bayram, Irmela ORCID: 0000-0002-8924-1235 ; Biemann, Torsten (2017) Narzissmus und Führung. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 69 2 54-57 [Article]

Korff, Jörg ORCID: 0000-0002-8971-2228 ; Biemann, Torsten ; Voelpel, Sven (2017) Differentiating HR systems' impact : moderating effects of age on the HR system–work outcome association. Journal of Organizational Behavior : OB Chichester, Sussex 38 3 415-438 [Article]

Korff, Jörg ORCID: 0000-0002-8971-2228 ; Biemann, Torsten ; Voelpel, Sven (2017) Human resource management systems and work attitudes: The mediating role of future time perspective. Journal of Organizational Behavior : OB Chichester, Sussex 38 1 45-67 [Article]

Gubler, Martin ; Biemann, Torsten ; Herzog, Silvio (2017) An apple doesn't fall far from the tree - or does it? : occupational inheritance and teachers' career patterns. Journal of Vocational Behavior Amsterdam [u.a.] 100 1-14 [Article]

Atabaki, Armita ; Olbrecht, Thomas (2017) Psychische Erkrankungen und BGM. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 69 3 42-45 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Englmaier, Florian ; Sliwka, Dirk ; Weller, Ingo (2017) People Analytics - Personaldaten als Erfolgsfaktor. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 69 3 8-15 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2017) Machen Frauen Unternehmen erfolgreicher? Personal Quarterly Freiburg 69 4 48-51 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2017) Candidate Experience - Arbeitgeberattraktivität im Bewerbungsprozess. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 69 1 54-57 [Article]

Atabaki, Armita ; Biemann, Torsten (2016) Motivation und Mitarbeiterleistung. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 68 2 46-49 [Article]

Korff, Jörg ORCID: 0000-0002-8971-2228 ; Biemann, Torsten (2016) Jungbrunnen HR-Management. Personalmagazin Freiburg, Br. 12 12 36-39 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2016) Subjektiver und objektiver Karriereerfolg. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 68 3 40-43 [Article]

Gao-Urhahn, Xiaohan ; Biemann, Torsten ; Jaros, Stephen J. (2016) How affective commitment to the organization changes over time : a longitudinal analysis of the reciprocal relationships between affective organizational commitment and income. Journal of Organizational Behavior : OB Chichester, Sussex 37 4 515-536 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2016) Mensch gegen Maschine: Wie gut sind Algorithmen im HR? Personal Quarterly Freiburg 68 4 44-47 [Article]

Andresen, Maike ; Biemann, Torsten ; Pattie, Marshall Wilson (2015) What makes them move abroad? Reviewing and exploring differences between self-initiated and assigned expatriation. International Journal of Human Resource Management London 26 7 932-947 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2015) Effektives Arbeiten, wann und wo man will? : Home-Office-Angebote erhöhen Arbeitszufriedenheit und Arbeitgeberattraktivität, Vertrauensarbeitszeit wirkt zudem produktivitätssteigernd. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 67 2 46-49 [Article]

Atabaki, Armita (2015) Das Burn-out-Syndrom - Ausgebrannt am Arbeitsplatz. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 67 1 46-49 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Kearney, Eric ; Marggraf, Kathrin (2015) Empowering leadership and managers' career perceptions : examining effects at both the individual and the team level. The Leadership Quarterly Amsterdam [u.a.] 26 5 775-789 [Article]

Gubler, Martin ; Biemann, Torsten ; Tschopp, Cécile ; Grote, Gudela (2015) How career anchors differentiate managerial career trajectories : a sequence analysis perspective. Journal of Career Development Los Alamitos, Calif. [u.a.] 42 5 412-430 [Article]

Dlouhy, Katja ; Biemann, Torsten (2015) Optimal matching analysis in career research: a review and some best-practice recommendations. Journal of Vocational Behavior Amsterdam [u.a.] 90 163-173 [Article]

Greve, Peder ; Biemann, Torsten ; Ruigrok, Winfried (2015) Foreign executive appointments: A multilevel examination. Journal of World Business Amsterdam [u.a.] 50 4 674-686 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2015) New Work: Was bringen Demokratisierung, Partizipation und Selbstbestimmung? Personal Quarterly Freiburg 67 4 52-55 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2015) Ist die Generation Y wirklich anders? Personalmagazin Freiburg i. Br. 17 8 41-42 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Datta, Deepak K. (2014) Analyzing Sequence Data: Optimal Matching in Management Research. Organizational Research Methods : ORM Thousand Oaks, Calif. 17 1 51-76 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2014) Mentoring: Wann nützt es und wem nützt es? Personal Quarterly Freiburg 66 2 46-49 [Article]

Armutat, Sascha ; Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2014) HR-Wissen unter der Lupe. Personalmagazin Freiburg, Br. 16 1 14-16 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2014) Onboarding – Mitarbeiter richtig integrieren. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 66 1 46-49 [Article]

Koch-Bayram, Irmela ORCID: 0000-0002-8924-1235 ; Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2014) Ist gute Führung männlich oder weiblich? Personal Quarterly Freiburg 66 3 46-49 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Niessen, Cornelia (2014) The role of risk propensity in predicting self-employment. Journal of Applied Psychology Washington, DC 99 5 1000-1009 [Article]

Bonberg, Nadine ; Taeger, Dirk ; Gawrych, Katarzyna ; Johnen, Georg ; Banek, Séverine ; Schwentner, Christian ; Sievert, Karl-Dietrich ; Wellhäußer, Harald ; Kluckert, Matthias ; Leng, Gabriele ; Nasterlack, Michael ; Stenzl, Arnulf ; Behrens, Thomas ; Brüning, Thomas ; Pesch, Beate (2013) Chromosomal instability and bladder cancer: the UroVysionTM test in the UroScreen study. BJU International : BJUI Oxford 112 4 E372-E382 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten (2013) What if we were Texas sharpshooters? Predictor reporting bias in regression analysis. Organizational Research Methods : ORM Thousand Oaks, Calif. 16 3 335-363 [Article]

Andresen, Maike ; Biemann, Torsten (2013) A Taxonomy of Global Careers: Identifying different Types of Internationally Mobile Managers. International Journal of Human Resource Management London 24 3 533-557 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2013) Zufriedene Mitarbeiter sind gute Mitarbeiter? Personal Quarterly Freiburg 65 4 46-49 [Article]

Korff, Jörg ORCID: 0000-0002-8971-2228 ; Biemann, Torsten (2013) Verbreitete Altersstereotype lassen sich durch wissenschaftliche Fakten widerlegen. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 65 3 46-49 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2013) Generation Y: Viel Lärm um fast Nichts. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 65 1 46-49 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Braakmann, Nils (2013) The Impact of International Experience on Objective and Subjective Career Success in Early Careers. International Journal of Human Resource Management London 24 18 3438-3456 [Article]

Danilov, Anastasia ; Biemann, Torsten ; Kring, Thorn ; Sliwka, Dirk (2013) The dark side of team incentives: Experimental evidence on advice quality from financial service professionals. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization : JEBO Amsterdam [u.a.] 93 9 266-272 [Article]

Stamov-Roßnagel, Christian ; Biemann, Torsten (2012) Ageing and work motivation: A task-level perspective. Journal of Managerial Psychology Bradford 27 5 459-496 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Heidemeier, Heike (2012) Excluding Small Groups from Group Research Designs: Improving Statistical Power or Capitalizing on Chance? Small Group Research Thousand Oaks, Calif. [u.a.] 43 4 387-409 [Article]

Zacher, Hannes ; Biemann, Torsten ; Gielnik, Michael M. ; Frese, Michael (2012) Patterns of entrepreneurial career development : An optimal matching analysis approach. International Journal of Developmental Science Heidelberg 6 3/4 177-187 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Zacher, Hannes ; Feldman, Daniel C. (2012) Career Patterns: A Twenty-Year Panel Study. Journal of Vocational Behavior New York, NY 81 2 159-170 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Cole, Michael S. ; Voelpel, Sven (2012) Within-Group Agreement: On the Use (and Misuse) of rWG and rWG(J) in Leadership Research and Some Best Practice Guidelines. The Leadership Quarterly Amsterdam 23 1 66-80 [Article]

Schwaer, Chunli ; Biemann, Torsten ; Voelpel, Sven (2012) Antecedents of Employee's Preference for Knowledge Sharing Tools - Evidence from China. International Journal of Human Resource Management London 23 17 3613-3635 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Sliwka, Dirk ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2012) Auf gesicherte empirische Fakten setzen, statt auf Mythen vertrauen. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 64 4 13-17 [Article]

Nieß, Christiane ; Biemann, Torsten ; Lux, Vera (2012) Auswahl und Entwicklung von Nachwuchsführungskräften im Pflegebereich. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 64 4 26-27 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2012) Wie man erfolgreiche Teams zusammenstellt. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 64 3 46-49 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Korff, Jörg ORCID: 0000-0002-8971-2228 ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2012) Personalstrategie: Folgen für die Performance. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 64 2 46-49 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2012) Methoden der Personalauswahl: Was nützt? Personal Quarterly Freiburg 64 1 46-49 [Article]

Korff, Jörg ORCID: 0000-0002-8971-2228 (2012) Differenziertes Personalmanagement für alternde Belegschaften. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 64 4 18-21 [Article]

Biesalski, Ernst ; Helmich, Annica ; Korff, Jörg ORCID: 0000-0002-8971-2228 (2012) Entscheidend ist die Kommunikation: Wie die EnBW ihr Kompetenzmanagement einführte. Wirtschaftspsychologie aktuell Berlin 19 1 40-46 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Fasang, Anette Eva ; Grunow, Daniela (2011) Do economic globalization and industry growth destabilize careers? An analysis of career complexity and career patterns over time. Organization Studies London [u.a.] 32 12 1639-1663 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten (2011) A transition-oriented approach to optimal matching. Sociological Methodology Thousand Oaks, Calif. [u.a.] 41 1 195-221 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Sliwka, Dirk ; Weckmüller, Heiko (2011) Finanzielle Anreize und Produktivität. Personal Quarterly Freiburg 63 10 46-49 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Kearney, Eric (2010) Size does matter: How varying group sizes in a sample affect the most common measures of group diversity. Organizational Research Methods : ORM Thousand Oaks, CA 13 3 582-599 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Andresen, Maike (2010) Self-initiated foreign expatriates versus assigned expatriates: Two distinct types of international careers? Journal of Managerial Psychology Bradford 25 4 430-448 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten (2009) Die Bedeutung internationaler Erfahrungen für den Karriereerfolg von Führungskräften. Zeitschrift für Personalforschung : ZfP Mering ; München 23 4 336-356 [Article]

Korff, Jörg ORCID: 0000-0002-8971-2228 ; Biemann, Torsten ; Voelpel, Sven ; Kearney, Eric ; Stamov-Roßnagel, Christian (2009) HR Management for an Aging Workforce - A Life-Span Psychology Perspective. Zeitschrift für Personalpsychologie Göttingen 8 4 201-213 [Article]

Biemann, Torsten ; Wolf, Joachim (2009) Career patterns of top management team members in five countries: an optimal matching analysis. International Journal of Human Resource Management London 20 5 975-991 [Article]

Korff, Jörg ; Voelpel, Sven ; Biemann, Torsten (2009) Der ältere Mitarbeiter, das unbekannte Wesen! Strategisches Personalmanagement im demographischen Wandel. Personalwirtschaft Köln 36 1 44-46 [Article]

Book chapter

Dlouhy, Katja ; Vinkenburg, Claartje J. ; Biemann, Torsten (2020) Career patterns. Gunz, Hugh The Routledge companion to career studies London ; New York, NY Chapter 15 [Book chapter]

Atabaki, Armita ; Biemann, Torsten (2018) Potenziale der Datenanalyse für HR (People Analytics). Petry, Thorsten Digital HR : smarte und agile Systeme, Prozesse und Strukturen im Personalmanagement Freiburg ; München ; Stuttgart 125-136 [Book chapter]

Dlouhy, Katja ; Biemann, Torsten (2016) Methodische Herausforderungen in der Karriere- und Laufbahnforschung. Kauffeld, Simone Handbuch Laufbahnmanagement und Karriereplanung Berlin 1-17 [Book chapter]

Korff, Jörg ORCID: 0000-0002-8971-2228 ; Biemann, Torsten (2014) Personalmanagement der Zukunft - aktuelle Defizite, neue Herausforderungen. Schwuchow, Karlheinz Personalentwicklung : Themen, Trends, Best Practices 2015 Personalentwicklung – Themen, Trends, Best Practices Freiburg, Br. 21-29 [Book chapter]

Biemann, Torsten ; Nieß, Christiane ; Lux, Vera (2013) Auswahl von Trainees für ein Nachwuchsführungskräfteprogramm. Weckmüller, Heiko Exzellenz im Personalmanagement Freiburg, Br. [u.a.] 236-243 [Book chapter]

Andresen, Maike ; Biemann, Torsten (2013) Career concepts of self-initiated and assigned expatriates: A theoretical analysis based on coupling and configuration. Andresen, Maike Self-Initiated expatriation : individual, organizational, and national perspectives Routledge studies in international business and the world economy London 54 105-121 [Book chapter]

Voelpel, Sven ; Sauer, Anne ; Biemann, Torsten (2012) Perspectives on Work and Retirement: Career Planning for Mid-and Late-Career Workers. Hedge, Jerry W. The Oxford Handbook of Work and Aging Oxford [u.a.] 501-519 [Book chapter]

Ellwart, Thomas ; Biemann, Torsten ; Rack, Oliver (2011) Measurement of team knowledge in the field: Methodological advantages and limitations. Boos, Margarete Coordination in Human and Primate Groups Berlin [u.a.] 155-176 [Book chapter]

Doctoral dissertation

Zakir, Naeem (2024) Leading through the noise. Exploring the impact of irrelevant information on leadership perceptions. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Meier-Barthold, Madleen (2023) ls HRM getting through to employees? : communication in Human Resource Management. Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Koch, Andreas (2021) Context matters: new perspectives on environmental factors in management research. Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Mühlenbrock, Max Dean (2020) Longitudinal methods in career research : expanding the toolbox. Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Kaibel, Chris ORCID: 0000-0003-2123-9232 (2019) Machine learning algorithms in the workplace : rethinking experiments and effects on applicant experience. Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Dlouhy, Katja (2017) New perspectives on career development and the emergence of career patterns. Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Wang, Jing (2016) The role of CEO personality in company management : examining how CEO narcissism influences and is influenced by individual and organizational characteristics. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Atabaki, Armita (2016) Context effects at the team and organizational level : an examination of need for achievement, performance-based status, and psychological empowerment. Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Wernicke, Georg (2016) Media disapproval of CEO compensation : determinants and consequences. Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Gao-Urhahn, Xiaohan (2015) Individual differences in the workplace : Perspectives of reciprocity and fit. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Hofmeister, Catharina (2015) Opening up the innovation process: A multilevel perspective on absorptive capacity and new product development. Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Koch-Bayram, Irmela ORCID: 0000-0002-8924-1235 (2015) Unethical decisions and morality in organizations : an investigation of individual differences, company characteristics, and their interplay. Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]

Wutzler, Timm (2015) Open innovation and knowledge management in large corporations : organizational antecedents and performance effects. Schriftenreihe Strategisches Management Hamburg 178 [Doctoral dissertation]

Conference or workshop publication

Rossetti, Claudia ; Biemann, Torsten ; Dlouhy, Katja Personality–occupation relationships in careers. Academy of Management Proceedings 2024,1 1-6 In: Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings (2024) Briarcliff Manor, NY Academy of Management Annual Meeting, AOM 2018 (Chicago, IL) [Conference or workshop publication]

Koch-Bayram, Irmela ORCID: 0000-0002-8924-1235 ; Biemann, Torsten How environmental (ir)responsibility of companies affects environmental behavior of employees. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings 2020 1 Article 17538 (2020) Briarcliff Manor, NY 80th AOM Annual Meeting (Online) [Conference or workshop publication]

Lin-Hi, Nick ; Gao-Urhahn, Xiaohan ; Koch-Bayram, Irmela ORCID: 0000-0002-8924-1235 Internal CSR and blue-collar workers' attitudes and behaviors in China. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings 2020 1 Article 15356 (2020) Briarcliff Manor, NY 80th AOM Annual Meeting (Online) [Conference or workshop publication]

Biemann, Torsten ; Koch-Bayram, Irmela ORCID: 0000-0002-8924-1235 ; Mayrhofer, Wolfgang Is personnel selection another case of HRM convergence? An empirical analysis. Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management 2018,1 16395 (2018) Chicago, Ill. Academy of Management Annual Meeting (Chicago, IL) [Conference or workshop publication]

Korff, Jörg ORCID: 0000-0002-8971-2228 ; Biemann, Torsten Contextual and interaction effects among social exchange, time perspective, and work outcomes. Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management 2018 13159 (2018) Chicago, IL Academy of Management 2018 Annual Meeting (Chicago, IL) [Conference or workshop publication]

Büngeler, Claudia ; Biemann, Torsten Unemployment and reemployment effects on locus of control and health. Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management 2018 14974 (2018) Chicago, IL Academy of Management 2018 Annual Meeting (Chicago, IL) [Conference or workshop publication]

Mühlenbock, Max ; Dlouhy, Katja A fifteen-year cross-lagged study of occupational risk propensity and employer changes. Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management 2018 1 13996 (2018) Chicago, IL Academy of Management 2018 Annual Meeting (Chicago, IL) [Conference or workshop publication]

Koch-Bayram, Irmela ORCID: 0000-0002-8924-1235 Does philanthropic corporate social responsibility spill over to employees? Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management 17,1 13602 (2017) Chicago, IL 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (Atlanta, GA) [Conference or workshop publication]

Mühlenbock, Max ; Biemann, Torsten Approaching the gender pay gap with sequence based matching. Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management 2017 1 16442 (2017) Chicago, IL 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (Atlanta, GA) [Conference or workshop publication]

Biemann, Torsten ; Brauer, Matthias The world as a casino: Bandit models in strategy and organization science research. Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management 2017 17051 (2017) Chicago, IL Academy of Management 2017 Annual Meeting (Atlanta, GA) [Conference or workshop publication]

Kaibel, Chris ORCID: 0000-0003-2123-9232 ; Biemann, Torsten Improving the gold standard in field experiments with multi-armed bandits. Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management 2017 16350 (2017) Chicago, IL Academy of Management 2017 Annual Meeting (Atlanta, GA) [Conference or workshop publication]

Atabaki, Armita ; Biemann, Torsten ; Honal, Andrea The influence of performance-based group status on individual performance via task attention. Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management 2016 15905 (2016) Chicago, IL Academy of Management 2016 Annual Meeting (Anaheim, CA) [Conference or workshop publication]

Dlouhy, Katja ; Biemann, Torsten Turnover of individuals with similar career sequences as predictor of employer change. Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management 2016 117 (2016) Chicago, IL 2016 Annual Meeting Academy of Management (Anaheim, CA) [Conference or workshop publication]

Dlouhy, Katja ; Biemann, Torsten Turnover of individuals with similar career sequences as a predictor of employer change. Ritschard, Gilbert Annual meeting proceedings / Academy of Management 815-836 In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sequence Analysis and Related Methods (LaCOSA II) : Lausanne, June 8-10, 2016 (2016) Genève LaCOSA II (Lausanne, Switzerland) [Conference or workshop publication]

Dlouhy, Katja Optimal matching analysis in career research: A review and some best-practice recommendations. Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management 2015 14674 (2015) Chicago, IL Academy of Management 2015 Annual Meeting (Vancouver, Canada) [Conference or workshop publication]

Koch-Bayram, Irmela ORCID: 0000-0002-8924-1235 ; Biemann, Torsten Signs of narcissism of CEOs: Validating a widely used measure. Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management 2014 16134 (2014) Chicago, IL Academy of Management 2014 Annual Meeting (Philadelphia, PA) [Conference or workshop publication]

Koch-Bayram, Irmela ORCID: 0000-0002-8924-1235 ; Wernicke, Georg A special kind of CEO? Former military members as CEOs and the likelihood of financial fraud and backdating in firms. Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management 2013,1 17204 (2013) Chicago, IL 13th Annual Conference of the Academy of Management (Istanbul, Turkey) [Conference or workshop publication]

Biemann, Torsten ; Heidemeier, Heike On the Usefulness of the ICC(1) and rWG Index to Justify Aggregation Decisions. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings 2010 289 (2010) Chicago, IL 2010 Academy of Management Annual Meeting (Montréal, Canada) [Conference or workshop publication]

Conference presentation

Biemann, Torsten ; Dlouhy, Katja ; Rossetti, Claudia How career experiences affect personality development. (2024) AOM Careers Division Community Conference 2024, CarCon (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) [Conference presentation]

Rossetti, Claudia ; Sipilä, Jenni ; Edinger-Schons, Laura Marie ORCID: 0000-0002-8981-3379 You’re sorry, so what? Exploring the (in)effectiveness of accommodative responses by notoriously bad firms after transgressions. (2024) Reputation Symposium 2024 (Oxford, UK) [Conference presentation]

Rossetti, Claudia How working long hours before personal losses affects changes in employee well-being via emotions. 2023 1 1-6 In: Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings (2023) Briarcliff Manor, NY Academy of Management Annual Meeting (Boston, MA) [Conference presentation]

Biemann, Torsten ; Koch-Bayram, Irmela ORCID: 0000-0002-8924-1235 ; Mayrhofer, Wolfgang Beyond single practices: Convergence, stasis and divergence in personnel selection. (2018) IHRM 2018, 15th International Human Resource Management Conference (Madrid, Spain) [Conference presentation]

Korff, Jörg ORCID: 0000-0002-8971-2228 ; Biemann, Torsten Future time perspective as a moderator for the social exchange-affective commitment relation. (2016) Academy of Management Annual Meeting (Anaheim, CA) [Conference presentation]

Atabaki, Armita ; Karcisky, Tessa Too Much of a Good Thing? Contextual Effects of Empowerment on Performance. (2015) Academy of Management, 75th Annual Meeting (Vancouver, BC) [Conference presentation]

Korff, Jörg ORCID: 0000-0002-8971-2228 Future time perspective's mediating effects on the HRM bundles-promotion focus association. (2015) Academy of Management Annual Meeting (Vancouver, BC) [Conference presentation]

Noethen, Daniela ; Makarevich, Alexey ; Biemann, Torsten ; Voelpel, Sven ; Bonache Perez, Jaime Alfonso We’re different but we share: The effect of knowledge-relevant differences on knowledge sharing. (2014) 14th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management (Valencia, Spain) [Conference presentation]

Atabaki, Armita ; Biemann, Torsten Perceived Competitiveness in Work Teams: Antecedents and its Relationship with Work to Family Conflict. (2014) 14th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management (Valencia, Spain) [Conference presentation]

Gao, Xiaohan ; Biemann, Torsten Affective Commitment and Income: Exploring the Changes of Affective Commitment in a Longitudinal Context. (2014) 2014 Conference on Commitment (Columbus; Ohio) [Conference presentation]

Gao-Urhahn, Xiaohan How affective commitment changes over time: A longitudinal analysis of the reciprocal relationships between affective commitment and income. (2014) Conference on Commitment (Columbus, Ohio) [Conference presentation]

Gao-Urhahn, Xiaohan The reciprocal relationship between locus of control and job autonomy: A longitudinal analysis. (2014) 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (Philadelphia, Pa.) [Conference presentation]

Gao-Urhahn, Xiaohan A longitudinal analysis of affective commitment changes: The developmental trend and variations. (2014) 14th European Academy of Management (Valencia, Spain) [Conference presentation]

Gao-Urhahn, Xiaohan Mutual impacts between people and work: A representative sample from Germany. (2014) 8th Biennial International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network (Leuven, Belgium) [Conference presentation]

Gao-Urhahn, Xiaohan Do work experiences make people more of whom they are. (2013) Tagung für Arbeitskreis Empirische Personal- und Organisationsforschung (München, Germany) [Conference presentation]

Gubler, Martin ; Biemann, Torsten ; Tschopp, Cecile When career anchors translate into behavior: A sequence analysis perspective. (2013) Academy of Management Conference (Orlando, USA) [Conference presentation]

Weber, Torsten ; Biemann, Torsten Career Patterns of German Top Business School Alumni. (2013) Academy of Management Conference (Orlando, USA) [Conference presentation]

Casper, Christoph ; Biemann, Torsten ; Rico, Ramon ; Sanchez-Manzanares, Miriam I'm with you! Investigating the relationship between team knowledge and team performance. (2013) 16th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (Münster) [Conference presentation]

Nieß, Christiane ; Biemann, Torsten The interplay between risk propensity and entrepreneurship. (2013) 16th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (Münster) [Conference presentation]

Korff, Jörg ORCID: 0000-0002-8971-2228 ; Biemann, Torsten ; Voelpel, Sven Limits of HRM's Impact: How Age Dilutes the Effects of Selective HR Practices on Work Outcomes. (2012) Academy of Management Annual Meeting (Boston, Mass.) [Conference presentation]

Working paper

Biemann, Torsten ; Fasang, Anette Eva ; Grunow, Daniela (2009) Did economic globalization destabilize careers? Evidence from Germany. Open Access Working paper / The Center for Research on Inequalities and the Life Course New Haven, Conn. 09-02 [Working paper]

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