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Knopf, Markus ; Peña Hoepner, Ricardo ; Schmidt, Martin U. ORCID: 0000-0002-1775-4701 (2025) Solutions of the Sinh-Gordon Equation of Spectral Genus Two and Constrained Willmore Tori I. Open Access The Journal of Geometric Analysis New York, NY 35 Article 29 1-28 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Mickel, Annalena ; Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 (2025) On the convergence order of the Euler scheme for scalar SDEs with Hölder-type diffusion coefficients. Open Access Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications Amsterdam [u.a.] 542 1, Article 128788 1-25 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Chen, Li ; Nikolaev, Paul ORCID: 0009-0005-6963-6730 ; Prömel, David J. ORCID: 0000-0001-7028-7500 (2025) Hegselmann–Krause model with environmental noise. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society Providence, RI 378 1 527-567 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Heieck, Jacob ; Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 (2025) Using low-discrepancy points for data compression in machine learning: an experimental comparison. Open Access Journal of Mathematics in Industry Berlin ; Heidelberg 15 1 1-25 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Böhme, Timo ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 (2025) A nonlocal traffic flow model with stochastic velocity. Open Access Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis = Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique Les Ulis 59 1 487-518 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Agnihotri, Shashank ; Grabinski, Julia ; Keuper, Margret Improving feature stability during upsampling : spectral artifacts and the importance of spatial context. Leonardis, Aleš ; Ricci, Elisa ; Roth, Stefan ; Russakovsky, Olga ; Sattler, Torsten ; Varol, Gül Lecture Notes in Computer Science 15116 357-376 In: Computer Vision - ECCV 2024 : 18th European Conference, Milan, Italy, September 29-October 4, 2024, proceedings, Part LVIII (2025) Berlin [u.a.] ECCV 2024, European Conference on Computer Vision (Milano, Italy) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]


Allan, Andrew L. ; Prömel, David J. ORCID: 0000-0001-7028-7500 ; Liu, Chong (2024) A càdlàg rough path foundation for robust finance. Open Access Finance and Stochastics Berlin [u.a.] 28 1 215-257 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Brehmer, Jonas Reiner ; Gneiting, Tilmann ; Herrmann, Marcus ; Marzocchi, Warner ; Schlather, Martin ; Strokorb, Kirstin (2024) Comparative evaluation of point process forecasts. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics : AISM Tokyo ; Dordrecht 76 1 47-71 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Trottner, Lukas ; Aeckerle-Willems, Cathrine ; Strauch, Claudia (2024) Concentration analysis of multivariate elliptic diffusions. Open Access Journal of Machine Learning Research : JMLR Cambridge, Mass. ; Brookline, MA 24 1 4815-4852 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Chen, Li ; Nikolaev, Paul ORCID: 0009-0005-6963-6730 ; Prömel, David J. ORCID: 0000-0001-7028-7500 (2024) Well-posedness of diffusion–aggregation equations with bounded kernels and their mean-field approximations. Open Access Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences : MMAS Chichester [u.a.] 47 11 9222-9248 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Döring, Leif ORCID: 0000-0002-4569-5083 ; Savov, Mladen ; Trottner, Lukas ; Watson, Alexander R. (2024) The uniqueness of the Wiener–Hopf factorisation of Lévy processes and random walks. Open Access The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society Oxford ; Hoboken, NJ tba tba 1-18 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Herty, Michael ; Ulke, Alena (2024) Speed limits in traffic emission models using multi-objective optimization. Open Access Optimization and Engineering Dordrecht [u.a.] tba tba 1-29 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bovier, Anton ; Hollander, Frank den ; Marello, Saeda ; Pulvirenti, Elena ; Slowik, Martin ORCID: 0000-0001-5373-5754 (2024) Metastability of Glauber dynamics with inhomogeneous coupling disorder. ALEA : Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics Beachwood, OH 21 2 1249-1273 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Wang, Weining ; Wooldridge, Jeffrey M. ; Xu, Mengshan (2024) Improved estimation of dynamic models of conditional means and variances. Open Access Journal of Time Series Analysis Oxford tba tba 1-33 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Şahin, Muhittin (2024) Advances in video analytics. Open Access Technology, Knowledge and Learning Dordrecht [u.a.] 29 4 1869-1875 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Prömel, David J. ORCID: 0000-0001-7028-7500 ; Scheffels, David (2024) Pathwise uniqueness for singular stochastic Volterra equations with Hölder coefficients. Open Access Stochastics and Partial Differential Equations: Analysis and Computations New York, NY tba tba 1-59 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Nikolaev, Paul (2024) Mean field limit for stochastic particle systems with and without common noise. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Bach, Ruben L. ORCID: 0000-0001-5690-2829 (2024) Applied statistical learning — With case studies in Stata by Matthias Schonlau, Springer, 2023, 332pp, €128.39 (Hardback), ISBN: 978-3-031-33389-7. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A, Statistics in Society Oxford 187 3 854-855 [Rezension]

Friedrich, Jan ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Keimer, Alexander ; Pflug, Lukas (2024) Conservation laws with nonlocal velocity: the singular limit problem. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics Philadelphia, PA 84 2 497-522 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Chiarello, Felisia Angela ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Schillinger, Thomas ; Tosin, Andrea (2024) Hydrodynamic traffic flow models including random accidents: A kinetic derivation. Communications in Mathematical Sciences : CMS Somerville, MA 22 3 845-870 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Hoher, Simon ; Verl, Alexander ; Weißen, Jennifer ; Kienzlen, Annika (2024) Materialflusssimulation für die virtuelle Inbetriebnahme in Steuerungsechtzeit. Open Access Verl, Alexander ; Röck, Sascha ; Scheifele, Christian Echtzeitsimulation in der Produktionsautomatisierung Beiträge zu Virtueller Inbetriebnahme, Digitalem Engineering und Digitalen Zwillingen Berlin , Heidelberg 121-140 [Buchkapitel]

Friedrich, Jan ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Keimer, Alexander ; Pflug, Lukas Conservation laws with nonlocality in density and velocity and their applicability in traffic flow modelling. Parés, Carlos ; Castro, Manuel J. ; Morales de Luna, Tomás ; Luz Muñoz-Ruiz, María SEMA SIMAI Springer Series 35 347-357 In: Hyperbolic problems : theora, numerics, applications : volume II : HYP2022, Málaga, Spain, June 20–24, 2022 (2024) Cham ; Heidelberg [u.a.] , Berlin [u.a.] HYP 2022, XVIII International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems (Málaga, Spain) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Schillinger, Thomas (2024) Conservation laws with uncertainty on networks : traffic flow and supply systems. München [Dissertation]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Mehlitz, Patrick ; Schillinger, Thomas (2024) Inverse demand tracking in transportation networks. Open Access Mathematical Methods of Operations Research Berlin ; Heidelberg 100 3 635-668 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Festa, Adriano ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Ricciardi, Michele (2024) Forward-forward Mean Field Games in mathematical modeling with application to opinion formation and voting models. Open Access Dynamic Games and Applications : DGA Boston tba tba 1-29 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Chen, Li ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Zamponi, Nicola (2024) Connection between a degenerate particle flow model and a free boundary problem. Communications in Mathematical Sciences : CMS Somerville, MA tba tba [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Chiarello, Felisia Angela ; Friedrich, Jan ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 (2024) A non-local traffic flow model for 1-to-1 junctions with buffer. Open Access Networks and Heterogeneous Media : NHM Springfield, MO 19 1: special issue Nonlocal conservation laws 405-429 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Rostam-Afschar, Davud ORCID: 0000-0002-9358-998X (2024) Econometricks: Short guides to econometrics. Open Access Mannheim [Arbeitspapier]

Schlather, Martin ; Ditscheid, Carmen (2024) An intrinsic Characterization of Shannon’s and Rényi’s entropy. Open Access Entropy Basel 26 12 1-17 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Blath, Jochen ; Kurt, Noemi ; Slowik, Martin ORCID: 0000-0001-5373-5754 ; Wilke-Berenguer, Maite (2024) Dormancy in stochastic population models. Open Access Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung Heidelberg 126 4 249-281 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Steigerwald, Björn ; Weibezahn, Jens ; Slowik, Martin ORCID: 0000-0001-5373-5754 ; Hirschhausen, Christian von (2024) Reply on “comments on ‘Uncertainties in estimating production costs of future nuclear technologies: A model-based analysis of small modular reactors’ [Energy 281 (2023) 128204]”. Energy Amsterdam [u.a.] 313, Article 133828 1-3 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Mickel, Annalena ; Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 The order barrier for the L1-approximation of the log-Heston SDE at a single point. Hinrichs, Aicke ; Kritzer, Peter ; Pillichshammer, Friedrich Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 460 489-506 In: Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods : MCQMC 2022, Linz, Austria, July 17-22 (2024) Cham MCQMC 2022 (Linz, Austria) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Şahin, Muhittin ; Müftüoğlu, Cennet Terzi ; Yurdugül, Halil (2024) The help-seeking scale for online learning environment (HSOLE): Validity and reliability. Open Access Technology, Knowledge and Learning Dordrecht [u.a.] tba tba 1-17 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Klein, Sara (2024) Dynamic approaches for stochastic gradient methods in reinforcement learning. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Agnihotri, Shashank ; Jung, Steffen ; Keuper, Margret CosPGD: an efficient white-box adversarial attack for pixel-wise prediction tasks. Salakhutdinov, Ruslan ; Kolter, Zico ; Heller, Katherine ; Weller, Adrian ; Oliver, Nuria ; Scarlett, Jonathan ; Berkenkamp, Felix Proceedings of Machine Learning Research : PMLR 235 416-451 In: International Conference on Machine Learning, 21-27 July 2024, Viena, Austria (2024) Red Hook, NY ICML 2024, International Conference on Machine Learning (Vienna, Austria) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Sommerhoff, Henrik ; Agnihotri, Shashank ; Saleh, Mohamed ; Möller, Michael ; Keuper, Margret ; Choubey, Bhaskar ; Kolb, Andreas Task driven sensor layouts - Joint optimization of pixel layout and network parameters. Süsstrunk, Sabine ; Boominathan, Vivek ; Dave, Akshat 1-10 In: 2024 IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP) : July 22 2024 to July 24 2024, Lausanne, Switzerland (2024) Piscataway, NJ ICCP 2024 (Lausanne, Switzerland) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Gavrikov, Paul ; Agnihotri, Shashank ; Keuper, Margret ; Keuper, Janis How do training methods influence the utilization of vision models? Open Access 1-13 In: Interpretable AI: past, present and future, IAI Workshop Q NeurIPS 2024, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Dec 15 2024 (2024) IAI WorkshopQNeurIPS 2024, Interpretable AI: Past, Present and Future (Vancourver, Canada) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]


Weißen, Jennifer ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Totzeck, Claudia (2023) Space mapping-based optimization with the macroscopic limit of interacting particle systems. Open Access Optimization and Engineering Dordrecht [u.a.] 24 1 395-424 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Fokken, Eike ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Herty, Michael (2023) Efficient simulation of coupled gas and power networks under uncertain demands. Open Access European Journal of Applied Mathematics Cambridge 34 3 = special issue 505-531 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Mickel, Annalena ; Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 (2023) The weak convergence order of two Euler-type discretization schemes for the log-Heston model. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis : IMAJNA Oxford 43 6 3326-3356 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Luo, Demou ; Wang, Qiru ; Chen, Li (2023) Nonconstant steady states and pattern formations of generalized 1D cross-diffusion systems with prey-taxis. Open Access Studies in Applied Mathematics Hoboken, NJ , Oxford 150 3 899-958 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schimmele, Alexander ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (2023) A note on bivariate survival functions following a law of uniform seniority. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal Basingstoke 2023 9 907-915 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Mickel, Annalena (2023) Weak and strong approximation of the Log-Heston model by Euler-Type methods and related topics. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Vujić, Matija (2023) Geometry of the sets of Nash equilibria in mixed extensions of finite games. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Fokken, Eike (2023) Simulation and optimization of coupled gas and power networks. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Mickel, Annalena ; Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 (2023) Sharp L1-approximation of the log-Heston stochastic differential equation by Euler-type methods. The Journal of Computational Finance London 26 4 67-100 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Dvurechensky, Pavel ; Safin, Kamil ; Shtern, Shimrit ; Staudigl, Mathias (2023) Generalized self-concordant analysis of Frank–Wolfe algorithms. Open Access Mathematical Programming. Series A Berlin ; Heidelberg 198 1 255-323 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Aradhye, Aditya ; Flesch, János ; Staudigl, Mathias ; Vermeulen, Dries (2023) Incentive compatibility in sender-receiver stopping games. Open Access Games and Economic Behavior Amsterdam 141 303-320 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Duvocelle, Benoit ; Mertikopoulos, Panayotis ; Staudigl, Mathias ; Vermeulen, Dries (2023) Multiagent online learning in time-varying games. Mathematics of Operations Research Cantonsville, Md ; Hanover, MD 48 2 914-941 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kouri, Drew P. ; Staudigl, Mathias ; Surowiec, Thomas M. (2023) A relaxation-based probabilistic approach for PDE-constrained optimization under uncertainty with pointwise state constraints. Computational Optimization and Applications New York, NY [u.a.] 85 2 441-478 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Moch, Alexander (2023) Provable security against generic attacks on stream ciphers. Open Access Journal of Mathematical Cryptology Berlin 17 1, Article 20220033 1-27 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Dörr, Christopher (2023) On asymmetric models in multivariate geostatistics. Mannheim [Dissertation]

Friedrich, Jan ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Herty, Michael (2023) Lyapunov stabilization for nonlocal traffic flow models. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization Philadelphia, Pa. 61 5 2849-2875 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Prömel, David J. ORCID: 0000-0001-7028-7500 ; Scheffels, David (2023) Stochastic Volterra equations with Hölder diffusion coefficients. Stochastic Processes and Their Applications Amsterdam [u.a.] 161 291-315 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Liu, Chong ; Prömel, David J. ORCID: 0000-0001-7028-7500 ; Teichmann, Josef (2023) A Sobolev rough path extension theorem via regularity structures. Probability and Statistics : P&S = Probabilités et statistique Les Ulis 27 2023 136-155 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Staudigl, Mathias ; Jacquot, Paulin (2023) Random block-coordinate methods for inconsistent convex optimisation problems. Open Access Fixed Point Theory and Algorithms for Sciences and Engineering Cham 14 1-38 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Moreva, Olga ; Schlather, Martin (2023) Bivariate covariance functions of Pólya type. Journal of Multivariate Analysis : JMVA Amsterdam [u.a.] 194 Article 105099 1-15 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Dörr, Christopher ; Schlather, Martin (2023) Covariance models for multivariate random fields resulting from pseudo cross-variograms. Journal of Multivariate Analysis : JMVA Amsterdam [u.a.] 197 Article 105199 1-13 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Scheffels, David (2023) Well-posedness of stochastic Volterra equations with non-Lipschitz coefficients. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Friedrich, Jan ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Uphoff, Annika (2023) Conservation laws with discontinuous flux function on networks: a splitting algorithm. Networks and Heterogeneous Media : NHM Springfield, MO 18 1 1-28 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Dörr, Christopher ; Schlather, Martin (2023) Characterization theorems for pseudo cross-variograms. Journal of Applied Probability Cambridge ; Sheffield 60 4 1219-1231 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Prömel, David J. ORCID: 0000-0001-7028-7500 ; Scheffels, David (2023) On the existence of weak solutions to stochastic Volterra equations. Open Access Electronic Communications in Probability : ECP Seattle, WA 28 Article 52 1-12 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Andres, Sebastian ; Biskup, Marek ; Faggionato, Alessandra ; Slowik, Martin ORCID: 0000-0001-5373-5754 (2023) Mini-workshop: New Horizons in Motions in Random Media : workshop 2309b, 26 February - 4 March 2023, report no. 10/2023. Oberwolfach Reports : OWR Berlin 20 1 565-606 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Agnihotri, Shashank ; Gandikota, Kanchana Vaishnavi ; Grabinski, Julia ; Chandramouli, Paramanand ; Keuper, Margret On the unreasonable vulnerability of transformers for image restoration : and an easy fix. Jurie, Frédéric ; Sharma, Gaurav 3709-3719 In: 2023 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision workshops : ICCVW 2023, Paris, France, 2-6 October 2023, proceedings (2023) Piscataway, NJ ICCVW 2023 workshop (Paris, France) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]


Samara, Adam ; Rempe, Felix ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 (2022) A novel approach for vehicle travel time distribution: copula-based dependent discrete convolution. Transportation Letters Fort Lauderdale, FL 14 7 740-751 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Mase, Makiko (2022) Lattice duality for coupling pairs admitting polytope duality with trivial toric contribution. Open Access Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie = Contributions to algebra and geometry Berlin ; Heidelberg 63 3 533-559 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Chen, Li ; Lee, Jinyeop ; Liew, Matthew ORCID: 0000-0002-2073-1500 (2022) Convergence towards the Vlasov–Poisson equation from the N-Fermionic Schrödinger equation. Open Access Annales Henri Poincaré Cham 23 2 555-593 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Weißen, Jennifer (2022) Traffic and material flow models : modeling, simulation and optimization. München [Dissertation]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Totzeck, Claudia (2022) Parameter calibration with stochastic gradient descent for interacting particle systems driven by neural networks. Open Access Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems : MCSS London 34 1 185-214 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Hertling, Claus ; Mase, Makiko (2022) The combinatorics of weight systems and characteristic polynomials of isolated quasihomogeneous singularities. Open Access Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics Dordrecht [u.a.] 56 3 929-954 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Axenfeld, Julian B. ORCID: 0000-0003-3728-3828 ; Bruch, Christian ; Wolf, Christof ORCID: 0000-0002-9364-9524 (2022) General-purpose imputation of planned missing data in social surveys: different strategies and their effect on correlations. Open Access Statistics Surveys Alexandria, Va ; Ithaca, NY 16 182-209 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Gvozdik, Veniamin (2022) Rigorous derivation of the degenerate parabolic-elliptic Keller-Segel System from a moderately interacting stochastic particle system. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Feldmann, Kira (2022) Aspects of spatial postprocessing for global temperature forecasts. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Guth, Philipp Arthur (2022) Efficient methods for optimal control problems subject to partial differential equations with uncertain coefficients. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Jentsch, Carsten ; Reichmann, Lena (2022) Generalized binary vector autoregressive processes. Open Access Journal of Time Series Analysis Oxford 43 2 285-311 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Łochowski, Rafał M. ; Perkowski, Nicolas ; Prömel, David J. ORCID: 0000-0001-7028-7500 (2022) One-dimensional game-theoretic differential equations. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning Amsterdam [u.a.] 141 11-27 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Schillinger, Thomas (2022) Control strategies for transport networks under demand uncertainty. Open Access Advances in Computational Mathematics : AICM Dordrecht 48 6, Article 74 1-33 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Hertling, Claus ; Mase, Makiko (2022) The integral monodromy of isolated quasihomogeneous singularities. Algebra & Number Theory Berkeley, Calif. 16 4 955-1024 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Hertling, Claus ; Mase, Makiko The integral monodromy of the cycle type singularities. Manoel, Miriam ; Masim, Laurentiu ; Aparecida Ruas, Maria ; Trotman, David Journal of Singularities 25 268-298 In: 16th International Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities - celebrating 30 years : ICMS, University of São Paulo, São Carlos, Brazil, November 23-30, 2020, proceedings (2022) Cambridge, Mass. 16th International Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities (São Carlos, Brazil, Online) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Würth, Alexandra ; Binois, Mickaël ; Goatin, Paola ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 (2022) Data-driven uncertainty quantification in macroscopic traffic flow models. Advances in Computational Mathematics : AICM Dordrecht 48 6, Article 75 1-26 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Friedrich, Jan ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Osztfalk, Maximilian (2022) Network models for nonlocal traffic flow. Open Access Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis = Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique Les Ulis 56 1 213-235 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Staudigl, Mathias ; Arigapudi, Srinivas ; Sandholm, William H. (2022) Large deviations and stochastic stability in population games. Journal of Dynamics and Games : JDG Springfield, MO 9 4 569-595 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Cui, Shisheng ; Shanbhag, Uday ; Staudigl, Mathias ; Vuong, Phan (2022) Stochastic relaxed inertial forward-backward-forward splitting for monotone inclusions in Hilbert spaces. Open Access Computational Optimization and Applications New York, NY [u.a.] 83 2 465-524 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Fabiani, Filippo ; Franci, Barbara ; Sagratella, Simone ; Schmidt, Martin U. ORCID: 0000-0002-1775-4701 ; Staudigl, Mathias Proximal-like algorithms for equilibrium seeking in mixed-integer Nash equilibrium problems. Valcher, Maria Elena ; Serrani, Andrea ; Prieur, Christophe 4137-4142 In: CDC 22, 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Dec. 6-9, 2022, Cancún, Mexico, proceedings (2022) Piscataway, NJ CDC 2022 (Cancún, Mexico) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Bilenne, Olivier ; Franci, Barbara ; Jacquot, Paulin ; Oudjane, Nadia ; Staudigl, Mathias ; Wang, Cheng A privacy-preserving decentralized algorithm for distribution locational marginal prices. Valcher, Maria Elena ; Serrani, Andrea ; Prieur, Christophe 4143-4148 In: 2022 IEEE 61st Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), December 6-9, 2022, Cancún, Mexico, proceedings (2022) Piscataway, NJ CDC 2022 (Cancún, Mexico) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Franci, Barbara ; Staudigl, Mathias (2022) Mini-batch stochastic three-operator splitting for distributed optimization. IEEE Control Systems Letters New York, NY 6 2882-2887 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Totzeck, Claudia ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 Parameter calibration with consensus-based optimization for interaction dynamics driven by neural networks. Ehrhardt, Matthias ; Günther, Michael Mathematics in Industry 39 17-22 In: Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2021 : 21st ECMI Conference, Wuppertal, Germany, April 13-15, selected and revised papers (2022) Berlin [u.a.] ECMI 2021, European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (Wuppertal, Germany) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Weissen, Jennifer ; Kolb, Oliver ORCID: 0000-0001-6947-5520 ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 (2022) A combined first and second order model for a junction with ramp buffer. Open Access SMAI Journal of Computational Mathematics : SMAI-JCM Paris 8 2022 349-374 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Camacho, César ; Movasati, Hossein ; Hertling, Claus (2022) Algebraic curves and foliations : with an appendix by Claus Hertling. The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society Oxford ; Hoboken, NJ 55 1 410-427 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Liu, Chong ; Prömel, David J. ORCID: 0000-0001-7028-7500 ; Teichmann, Josef (2022) Optimal extension to Sobolev rough paths. Potential Analysis Dordrecht 59 3 1399-1424 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 ; Szölgyenyi, Michaela (2021) The Euler-Maruyama scheme for SDEs with irregular drift: convergence rates via reduction to a quadrature problem. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis : IMAJNA Oxford 41 2 1164-1196 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Herty, Michael ; Milde, Anja (2021) Mathematical modeling, simulation, optimization for power engineering and management. Mathematics in Industry Cham 34 [Buch]

Liu, Chong ; Prömel, David J. ORCID: 0000-0001-7028-7500 ; Teichmann, Josef (2021) Stochastic analysis with modelled distributions. Open Access Stochastics and Partial Differential Equations New York, NY 9 2021 343-379 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Döring, Leif ORCID: 0000-0002-4569-5083 ; Gonon, Lukas ; Prömel, David J. ORCID: 0000-0001-7028-7500 ; Reichmann, Oleg (2021) Existence and uniqueness results for time-inhomogeneous time-change equations and Fokker-Planck equations. Journal of Theoretical Probability New York, NY [u.a.] 34 1 173-205 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Kolb, Oliver ORCID: 0000-0001-6947-5520 ; Lux, Kerstin (2021) Chance‐constrained optimal inflow control in hyperbolic supply systems with uncertain demand. Open Access Optimal Control, Applications & Methods Chichester [u.a.] 42 2 566-589 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Mickel, Annalena ; Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 (2021) The weak convergence rate of two semi-exact discretization schemes for the Heston model. Open Access Risks : Open Access Journal Basel 9 1 Article 23 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Liu, Chong ; Prömel, David J. ORCID: 0000-0001-7028-7500 ; Teichmann, Josef (2021) On Sobolev rough paths. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications Amsterdam [u.a.] 497 1 Article 124876 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Andres, Sebastian ; Chiarini, Alberto ; Slowik, Martin ORCID: 0000-0001-5373-5754 (2021) Quenched local limit theorem for random walks among time-dependent ergodic degenerate weights. Open Access Probability Theory and Related Fields Berlin [u.a.] 179 3/4 1145-1181 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Chen, Li ; Lee, Jinyeop ; Liew, Matthew ORCID: 0000-0002-2073-1500 (2021) Combined mean-field and semiclassical limits of large fermionic systems. Open Access Journal of Statistical Physics New York [u.a.] 182 Article 24 1-41 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Jung, Thomas (2021) Delayed traffic models in multiple scales : new macroscopic models and their numerics. Stuttgart [Dissertation]

Liew, Matthew ORCID: 0000-0002-2073-1500 (2021) Time-dependent effective one-particle equations for large interacting fermionic systems. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Reichmann, Lena (2021) Time series models for multivariate binary and categorical data. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Iacomini, Elisa ; Jung, Thomas (2021) Properties of the LWR model with time delay. Networks and Heterogeneous Media : NHM Springfield, MO 16 1 31-47 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Balzotti, Caterina ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 (2021) A two-dimensional multi-class traffic flow model. Networks and Heterogeneous Media : NHM Springfield, MO 16 1 69-90 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Herty, Michael ; Moutari, Salissou ; Weißen, Jennifer (2021) Second-order traffic flow models on networks. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics Philadelphia, PA 81 1 258-281 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Herty, Michael ; Weldegiyorgis, Gediyon (2021) Input-to-state stability of a scalar conservation law with nonlocal velocity. Open Access Axioms Basel 10 1, Article 12 1-20 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Schillinger, Thomas (2021) Microscopic and macroscopic traffic flow models including random accidents. Communications in Mathematical Sciences : CMS Somerville, MA 19 6 1579-1609 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Hante, Falk M. ; Potschka, Andreas ; Schewe, Lars (2021) Penalty alternating direction methods for mixed-integer optimal control with combinatorial constraints. Open Access Mathematical Programming : Series B Berlin ; Heidelberg 188 2 599-619 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Weißen, Jennifer ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Armbruster, Dieter (2021) Density dependent diffusion models for the interaction of particle ensembles with boundaries. Kinetic and Related Models Springfield, MO 14 4 681-704 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Friedrich, Jan ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Rossi, Elena (2021) Nonlocal approaches for multilane traffic models. Communications in Mathematical Sciences : CMS Somerville, MA 19 8 2291-2317 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Samara, Adam (2021) Stochastic routing optimized for autonomous driving. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Trottner, Lukas (2021) Implications of Markov stability theory for nonparametric statistics, Markov additive fluctuations and data-driven stochastic control. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Meister, Julia (2021) Äquivariante holomorphe Differentialoperatoren mit vektorwertigen Automorphiefaktoren. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Schlegel, Katrin (2021) On a non-deterministic mixed integer problem for production control. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Friedrich, Jan (2021) Traffic flow models with nonlocal velocity. München [Dissertation]

Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 (2021) D. Higham, P. Kloeden: "An introduction to the numerical simulation of stochastic differential equations". Open Access Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung Heidelberg 124 119-122 [Rezension]

Blath, Jochen ; Hermann, Felix ; Slowik, Martin ORCID: 0000-0001-5373-5754 (2021) A branching process model for dormancy and seed banks in randomly fluctuating environments. Open Access Journal of Mathematical Biology Berlin ; Heidelberg 83 2, Article 17 1-40 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Basalaev, Alexey ; Hertling, Claus (2021) 3-dimensional F-manifolds. Open Access Letters in Mathematical Physics : LMP Dordrecht 111 4, Article 90 1-50 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Prömel, David J. ORCID: 0000-0001-7028-7500 ; Trabs, Mathias (2021) Paracontrolled distribution approach to stochastic Volterra equations. Journal of Differential Equations Orlando, FL [u.a.] 302 222-272 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Łochowski, Rafał M. ; Obłój, Jan ; Prömel, David J. ORCID: 0000-0001-7028-7500 ; Siorpaes, Pietro (2021) Local times and Tanaka–Meyer formulae for càdlàg paths. Electronic Journal of Probability : EJP Seattle, WA 26 Article 77 1-29 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Cheridito, Patrick ; Kiiski, Matti ; Prömel, David J. ORCID: 0000-0001-7028-7500 ; Soner, H. Mete (2021) Martingale optimal transport duality. Mathematische Annalen Berlin ; Göttingen ; Heidelberg 379 3-4 1685-1712 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Allan, Andrew L. ; Liu, Chong ; Prömel, David J. ORCID: 0000-0001-7028-7500 (2021) Càdlàg rough differential equations with reflecting barriers. Open Access Stochastic Processes and Their Applications Amsterdam [u.a.] 142 79-104 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Hertling, Claus Bondal, Alexey ; Kapranov, Mikhail ; Kohno, Toshitake ; Takahashi, Atsushi ; Yoshinaga, Masahiko (2021) Rank 2 bundles with meromorphic connections with poles of Poincaré rank 1 :. Special issue on primitive forms and related topics in honor of Kyoji Saito for his 77th birthday Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications : SIGMA Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar 17 Article 082 1-73 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

David, Liana ; Hertling, Claus (2021) Meromorphic connections over F-manifolds. Novikov, Sergej P. ; Kričever, Igor M. ; Ogievetsky, Oleg ; Shlosman, Senya Integrability, quantization, and geometry : dedicated to the memory of Boris Dubrovin, 1950-2019. Volume 1: Integrable systems Proceedings of symposia in pure mathematics Providence, RI 103 171-216 [Buchkapitel]

Hertling, Claus ; Roucairol, Céline (2021) Destinguished bases and Stokes regions for the simple and the simple elliptic singularities. Ji, Lizhen ; Yau, Shing-Tung Moduli spaces and locally symmetric spaces Surveys of Modern Mathematics Somerville, Mass. ; Beijing 16 39-106 [Buchkapitel]

Pook, Torsten ; Reimer, Christian ; Freudenberg, Alexander ; Büttgen, Lisa ; Geibel, Johannes ; Ganesan, Amudha ; Ha, Ngoc-Thuy ; Schlather, Martin ; Mikkelsen, Lars Friis ; Simianer, Henner (2021) The Modular Breeding Program Simulator (MoBPS) allows efficient simulation of complex breeding programs. Animal Production Science Collingwood 61 1 1982-1989 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Thong, Duong Viet ; Gibali, Aviv ; Staudigl, Mathias ; Vuong, Phan Tu (2021) Computing dynamic user equilibrium on large-scale networks without knowing global parameters. Open Access Networks and Spatial Economics Norwell, Mass. [u.a.] ; Dordrecht [u.a.] 21 3 735-768 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Boţ, Radu Ioan ; Grad, Sorin-Mihai ; Meier, Dennis ; Staudigl, Mathias (2021) Inducing strong convergence of trajectories in dynamical systems associated to monotone inclusions with composite structure. Open Access Advances in Nonlinear Analysis Berlin ; Boston, Mass. 10 1 450-476 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Boţ, Radu Ioan ; Mertikopoulos, Panayotis ; Staudigl, Mathias ; Vuong, Phan Tu (2021) Minibatch forward-backward-forward methods for solving stochastic variational inequalities. Open Access Stochastic Systems Catonsville, MD 11 2 112-139 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Dvurechensky, Pavel ; Shtern, Shimrit ; Staudigl, Mathias (2021) First-order methods for convex optimization. EURO Journal on Computational Optimization Amsterdam 9 Article 100015 1-27 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Mertikopoulos, Panayotis ; Staudigl, Mathias Equilibrium tracking and convergence in dynamic games. Parisini, Thomas ; Egerstedt, Magnus 930-935 In: 2021 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Fairmont Hotel, Austin, Texas, USA, December 13-17, 2021, (2021) Piscataway, NJ CDC 2021 (Austin, TX, Online) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Cui, Shisheng ; Franci, Barbara ; Grammatico, Sergio ; Shanbhag, Uday V. ; Staudigl, Mathias A relaxed-inertial forward-backward-forward algorithm for stochastic generalized Nash equilibrium seeking. Parisini, Thomas ; Egerstedt, Magnus 197-202 In: 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control : CDC 2021, Fairmont Hotel, Austin, Texas, USA, December 13-17, 2021 (2021) Piscataway, NJ CDC 2021 (Austin, TX, Online) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Dvurechensky, Pavel ; Ostroukhov, Petr ; Safin, Kamil ; Shtern, Shimrit ; Staudigl, Mathias Self-concordant analysis of Frank-Wolfe algorithms. Daumé, Hal ; Singh, Aarti Proceedings of Machine Learning Research : PMLR 119, Article No. 264 1-11 In: Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2020) : online, 13-18 July 2020 (2021) Red Hook, NY ICML 2020 (Vienna, Austria, Online) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Fuchs, Sebastian ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (2021) On order statistics and Kendall's tau. Statistics and Probability Letters Amsterdam 169 Article 108972 1-7 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Hoffmann, Jasper ; Agnihotri, Shashank ; Saikia, Tonmoy ; Brox, Thomas Towards improving robustness of compressed CNNs. (2021) ICML 2021, Workshop on Uncertainty and Robustness in Deep Learning (UDL) (Online) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]


Tong, Lining ; Chen, Li ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Wang, Shu (2020) The global classical solution to compressible Euler system with velocity alignment. Open Access AIMS Mathematics Springfield, MO 5 6 6673-6692 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Horwitz, Rachel ; Brockhaus, Sarah ; Henninger, Felix ; Kieslich, Pascal J. ORCID: 0000-0002-0853-9364 ; Schierholz, Malte ORCID: 0000-0003-4058-1543 ; Keusch, Florian ORCID: 0000-0003-1002-4092 ; Kreuter, Frauke ORCID: 0000-0002-7339-2645 (2020) Learning from mouse movements: Improving questionnaires and respondents' user experience through passive data collection. Beatty, Paul Advances in questionnaire design, development, evaluation, and testing Advances in Questionnaire Design, Development, Evaluation and Testing Hoboken, NJ 403-425 [Buchkapitel]

Döring, Leif ORCID: 0000-0002-4569-5083 ; Kyprianou, Andreas E. ; Weissmann, Philip (2020) Stable processes conditioned to avoid an interval. Stochastic Processes and Their Applications Amsterdam [u.a.] 130 2 471-487 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Döring, Leif ORCID: 0000-0002-4569-5083 ; Weissmann, Philip (2020) Stable processes conditioned to hit an interval continuously from the outside. Bernoulli : Official Journal of the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability The Hague ; Aarhus 26 2 980-1015 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Spieckermann, Sven ; Stauber, Stephan ; Storck, Andrea (2020) Data-driven graph drawing techniques with applications for conveyor systems. Open Access Journal of Mathematics in Industry Berlin ; Heidelberg 10 Article 24 1-23 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Madensoy, Mehmet (2020) Change points and uniform confidence for spot volatility. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Chiarello, Felisia Angela ; Friedrich, Jan ; Goatin, Paola ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 (2020) Micro-macro limit of a nonlocal generalized Aw-Rascle type model. Open Access SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics Philadelphia, PA 80 4 1841-1861 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Knapp, Stephan (2020) Modeling random traffic accidents by conservation laws. Open Access Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering : MBE Springfield, MO 17 2 1677-1701 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Yin, Qitao ; Chen, Li ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 (2020) The mean field kinetic equation for interacting particle systems with non-Lipschitz force. Open Access Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences : MMAS Chichester [u.a.] 43 4 1901-1914 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Rossi, Elena ; Weißen, Jennifer ; Goatin, Paola ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 (2020) Well-posedness of a non-local model for material flow on conveyor belts. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis = Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique Les Ulis 54 2 679-704 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Baumgärtner, Vanessa ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Knapp, Stephan (2020) Feedback stabilization for a coupled PDE-ODE production system. Mathematical Control and Related Fields : MCRF Springfield, MO 10 2 405-424 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Fokken, Eike ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Kolb, Oliver ORCID: 0000-0001-6947-5520 Optimal control of compressor stations in a coupled gas-to-power network. Bertsch, Valentin Trends in Mathematics 67-80 In: Advances in energy system optimization : Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Energy System Optimization (2020) Cham ISESO 2018 (Karlsruhe, Germany) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Knapp, Stephan (2020) Uncertainty quantification with risk measures in production planning. Open Access Journal of Mathematics in Industry Berlin ; Heidelberg 10 Article 5 1-21 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Chiarello, Felisia Angela ; Friedrich, Jan ; Goatin, Paola ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 (2020) Micro-Macro limit of a non-local generalized Aw-Rascle type model. HAL : archives-ouvertes Mannheim [u.a.] hal-02443123 [Arbeitspapier]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Knapp, Stephan (2020) Artificial neural networks for the estimation of pedestrian interaction forces. Gibelli, Livio Crowd dynamics Cham 2. Theory, models, and applications 11-32 [Buchkapitel]

Armbruster, Dieter ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Knapp, Stephan (2020) Continuous approximation of Mt/Mt/1 distributions with application to production. Journal of Computational Dynamics : JCD Springfield, MO 7 2 243-269 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Chiarello, Felisia Angela ; Friedrich, Jan ; Goatin, Paola ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Kolb, Oliver ORCID: 0000-0001-6947-5520 (2020) A non-local traffic flow model for 1-to-1 junctions. Open Access European Journal of Applied Mathematics Cambridge 31 6 1029-1049 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Hameister, Kathinka ; Herty, Michael Convex quadratic mixed-integer problems with quadratic constraints. Neufeld, Janis S. Operations Research Proceedings 2019 123-129 In: Operations research proceedings 2019 : selected papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), Dresden, Germany, September 4-6, 2019 (2020) Cham OR 2019 (Dresden, Germany) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Samara, Adam ; Rempe, Felix ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 Modelling arterial travel time distribution using copulas. Paper TuBT8.5 1-6 In: The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems September 20 - 23, 2020 Virtual Conference : program (2020) Piscataway, NJ IEEE ITSC 2020 (Online) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Lux, Kerstin (2020) Optimal inflow control in hyperbolic supply systems with uncertain demand. München [Dissertation]

Mase, Makiko (2020) Polytope duality for families of K3 surfaces and coupling. Open Access Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society = Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática Heidelberg [u.a.] 52 2021 499-536 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kiiski, Matti (2020) The Riesz representation theorem and weak∗ compactness of semimartingales. Open Access Finance and Stochastics Berlin [u.a.] 24 4 827-870 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Knapp, Stephan ; Weber, Dylan (2020) The food seeking behavior of slime mold: a macroscopic approach. Open Access Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering : MBE Springfield, MO 17 6 6631-6658 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Hauswirth, Laurent ; Kilian, Martin ; Schmidt, Martin U. ORCID: 0000-0002-1775-4701 (2020) Properly embedded minimal annuli in S2×R. Open Access Journal of Integrable Systems Oxford 5 1 xyaa005, 1-37 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Döring, Leif ORCID: 0000-0002-4569-5083 ; Kyprianou, Andreas E. (2020) Entrance and exit at infinity for stable jump diffusions. The Annals of Probability New York, NY [u.a.] 48 3 1220-1265 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Weissmann, Simon (2020) Particle based sampling and optimization methods for inverse problems. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Brehmer, Jonas Reiner (2020) Theory and methodology of scoring functions: tail properties, interval forecasts, and point processes. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Baguley, Samuel Peter (2020) Path integrals of standard Markov processes. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Liu, Chong ; Prömel, David J. ORCID: 0000-0001-7028-7500 ; Teichmann, Josef (2020) Characterization of nonlinear Besov spaces. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society Providence, RI 373 1 529-550 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 (2020) Nuclear accidents: how can mathematicians help to save lives? Lindner, Ewald ; Micheletti, Alessandra ; Nunes, Cláudia Mathematical modelling in real life problems: case studies from ECMI-Modelling Weeks Mathematics in Industry Cham 33 45-58 [Buchkapitel]

Andres, Sebastian ; Deuschel, Jean-Dominique ; Slowik, Martin ORCID: 0000-0001-5373-5754 (2020) Green kernel asymptotics for two-dimensional random walks under random conductances. Open Access Electronic Communications in Probability : ECP Seattle, WA 25 Paper 58 1-14 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Tajan, Louis (2020) Privacy-preserving data processing for real use cases. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Kienzlen, Annika ; Weißen, Jennifer ; Verl, Alexander ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 (2020) Simulative Optimierung der Steuerungsparameter eines Materialflusslayouts mit Bandförderern. Open Access Forschung im Ingenieurwesen = Engineering Research Berlin ; Heidelberg 84 4 357-368 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Brélivet, Thomas ; Hertling, Claus (2020) Bernoulli moments of spectral numbers and Hodge numbers. Journal of Singularities Cambridge, Mass. 20 Article 9 205-231 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Balnojan, Sven ; Hertling, Claus (2020) Conjectures on spectral numbers for upper triangular matrices and for singularities. Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry Dordrecht [u.a.] 23 1, Article 5 1-49 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Hertling, Claus (2020) Automorphisms with eigenvalues in S1 of a Z-lattice with cyclic finite monodromy. Acta Arithmetica Warszawa 192 1 1-30 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

David, Liana ; Hertling, Claus (2020) (T)-structures over two-dimensional F-manifolds: formal classification. Annali di matematica pura ed applicata Heidelberg 199 3 1221-1242 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

David, Liana ; Hertling, Claus (2020) (TE)-structures over the irreducible 2-dimensional globally nilpotent F-manifold germ. Revue Roumaine de mathématiques pures et appliquées = Romanian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Bucarest 65 3. Special issue dedicated to Professor Vasile Brînzănescu on his 75th birthday 235-284 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Dirrler, Martin ; Dörr, Christopher ; Schlather, Martin (2020) A generalization of Matérn hard-core processes with applications to max-stable processes. Journal of Applied Probability Cambridge ; Sheffield 57 4 1298-1312 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Pook, Torsten ; Schlather, Martin ; Simianer, Henner (2020) MoBPS - Modular Breeding Program Simulator. Open Access G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics Pittsburgh, PA 10 6 1915-1918 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Glanzer, Martin ORCID: 0000-0003-3314-0512 ; Pflug, Georg Ch. (2020) Multiscale stochastic optimization: modeling aspects and scenario generation. Open Access Computational Optimization and Applications New York, NY [u.a.] 75 1 1-34 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

van Ackooij, Wim ; Escobar, Debora Daniela ; Glanzer, Martin ORCID: 0000-0003-3314-0512 ; Pflug, Georg Ch. (2020) Distributionally robust optimization with multiple time scales: valuation of a thermal power plant. Open Access Computational Management Science : CMS Berlin ; Heidelberg 17 3 357-385 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Boţ, Radu Ioan ; Staudigl, Mathias (2020) Preface to the special issue on “Games, Dynamics and Optimization”. Open Access Applied Mathematics & Optimization New York, NY ; Heidelberg ; Berlin 81 2 651-654 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Franci, Barbara ; Staudigl, Mathias ; Grammatico, Sergio Distributed forward-backward (half) forward algorithms for generalized Nash equilibrium seeking. Pogromsky, Alexander ; Ebihara, Yoshio 1274-1279 In: European Control Conference 2020 : European Control Conference (ECC 20), May 12-15, 2020, Saint Petersburg, Russia, proceedings (2020) Piscataway, NJ ECC 2020 (Saint Petersburg, Russia, Online) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]


Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Lux, Kerstin ; Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 (2019) The Euler scheme for stochastic differential equations with discontinuous drift coefficient: a numerical study of the convergence rate. Open Access Advances in Difference Equations : ADE Cham 2019 Article 429 1-21 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Koch, Stefan ; Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 (2019) The Mandelbrot-van Ness fractional Brownian motion is infinitely differentiable with respect to its Hurst parameter. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems : DCDS. Series B Springfield, MO 24 8 3865-3880 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Friedrich, Jan ; Kolb, Oliver ORCID: 0000-0001-6947-5520 (2019) Maximum principle satisfying CWENO schemes for non-local conservation laws. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing Philadelphia, PA 41 2 A973-A988 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 ; Szölgyenyi, Michaela ; Szpruch, Lukasz (2019) An adaptive Euler-Maruyama scheme for stochastic differential equations with discontinuous drift and its convergence analysis. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis Philadelphia, PA 57 1 378-403 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Prims, Domenik ; Kötz, Jennifer ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Katterfeld, André (2019) Validation of flow models as new simulation approach for parcel handling in bulk mode. Open Access Logistics journal : LJ : Reviewed publications Stuttgart ; Dortmund 2019 18.06.2019 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Knapp, Stephan (2019) Load-dependent machine failures in production network models. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics Philadelphia, PA 79 4 1197-1217 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Festa, Adriano ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Pfirsching, Marion (2019) A model for a network of conveyor belts with discontinuous speed and capacity. Networks and Heterogeneous Media : NHM Springfield, MO 14 2 389-410 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Burger, Michael ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Jung, Thomas (2019) Derivation of second order traffic flow models with time delays. Networks and Heterogeneous Media : NHM Springfield, MO 14 2 265-288 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Fokken, Eike ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Kolb, Oliver ORCID: 0000-0001-6947-5520 (2019) Optimal control of compressor stations in a coupled gas-to-power network. Mannheim [Arbeitspapier]

Knapp, Stephan ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 A production model with history based random machine failures. Faragó, István Mathematics in Industry 30 491-497 In: Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2018 : The 20th European Conference on Mathematics for Industry, 18-22 June 2018, Budapest, Hungary (2019) Cham ECMI 2018 (Budapest, Hungary) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Hante, Falk M. ; Potschka, Andreas ; Schewe, Lars (2019) Penalty alternating direction methods for mixed-integer optimal control with combinatorial constraints. Mannheim [Arbeitspapier]

Chiarello, Felisia Angela ; Friedrich, Jan ; Goatin, Paola ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 (2019) A non-local traffic flow model for 1-to-1 junctions. Mannheim [u.a.] [Arbeitspapier]

Dambach, Theresa ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Knapp, Stephan (2019) Car path tracking in traffic flow networks with bounded buffers at junctions. Mannheim [Arbeitspapier]

Yin, Qitao ; Chen, Li ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 (2019) The mean field kinetic equation for interacting particle systems with non-Lipschitz force. Mannheim [Arbeitspapier]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Knapp, Stephan (2019) Uncertainty quantification with risk measures in production planning. Mannheim [Arbeitspapier]

Baumgärtner, Vanessa ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Knapp, Stephan (2019) Feedback stabilization for a coupled PDE-ODE production system. Mannheim [Arbeitspapier]

Kötz, Jennifer ; Kolb, Oliver ORCID: 0000-0001-6947-5520 ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 (2019) A combined first and second order traffic network model. Mannheim [Arbeitspapier]

Armbruster, Dieter ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Knapp, Stephan (2019) Continuous approximation of Mt/Mt/1 distributions with application to production. Mannheim [Arbeitspapier]

Rossi, Elena ; Kötz, Jennifer ; Goatin, Paola ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 (2019) Well-posedness of a non-local model for material flow on conveyor belts. Mannheim [u.a.] [Arbeitspapier]

Seifried, Kilian ORCID: 0000-0002-8547-2458 TSP with one truck and one or multiple drones. (2019) Seventh Annual Workshop of the EURO Working Group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization (Sevilla, Spain) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Seifried, Kilian ORCID: 0000-0002-8547-2458 The TSP with one truck and multiple drones. (2019) 3rd Last-Mile Delivery Workshop (Magdeburg, Germany) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 ; Szölgyenyi, Michaela (2019) The Euler-Maruyama scheme for SDEs with irregular drift: Convergence rates via reduction to a quadrature problem. Ithaca, NY [Arbeitspapier]

Yin, Qitao (2019) Mean field limit of many particle system with non-Lipschitz force. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Klos, Fabian ; Roggenkamp, Daniel (2019) Realizing IR theories by projections in the UV. Ithaca, NY [Arbeitspapier]

Koch, Stefan (2019) Sensitivity results in stochastic analysis. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Döring, Leif ORCID: 0000-0002-4569-5083 ; Gonon, Lukas ; Prömel, David J. ORCID: 0000-0001-7028-7500 ; Reichmann, Oleg (2019) On Skorokhod embeddings and Poisson equations. The Annals of Applied Probability Cleveland, OH ; Hayward, CA 29 4 2302-2337 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bartl, Daniel ; Kupper, Michael ; Prömel, David J. ORCID: 0000-0001-7028-7500 ; Tangpi, Ludovic (2019) Duality for pathwise superhedging in continuous time. Open Access Finance and Stochastics Berlin ; Heidelberg 23 3 697-728 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Aeckerle-Willems, Cathrine (2019) Nonparametric statistics for scalar ergodic diffusion processes. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Li, Yiqi (2019) Visual search as a queueing process. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Döring, Leif ORCID: 0000-0002-4569-5083 ; Watson, Alexander R. ; Weissmann, Philip (2019) Levy processes with finite variance conditioned to avoid an interval. Electronic Journal of Probability : EJP Seattle, WA 24 Paper 55 1-32 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Lenthe, Pierre ; Weissmann, Philip (2019) Completely asymmetric stable processes conditioned to avoid an interval. Journal of Applied Probability Cambridge ; Sheffield 56 4 1187-1197 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Dambach, Theresa ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Knapp, Stephan (2019) Car path tracking in traffic flow networks with bounded buffers at junctions. Open Access Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences : MMAS Chichester [u.a.] 43 6 3331-3353 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Fokken, Eike ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Kolb, Oliver ORCID: 0000-0001-6947-5520 (2019) Modeling and simulation of gas networks coupled to power grids. Journal of Engineering Mathematics Dordrecht [u.a.] 119 217-239 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Korn, Ralf ; Lux, Kerstin (2019) Optimal control of electricity input given an uncertain demand. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research Berlin ; Heidelberg 90 3 301-328 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Lux, Kerstin ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 Optimal inflow control in transport systems with uncertain demands ‐ A comparison of undersupply penalties. Open Access Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics : PAMM 19,1 1-2 In: 90th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM) (2019) Weinheim [u.a.] GAMM 2019 (Vienna, Austria) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Korn, Ralf ; Lux, Kerstin Optimal inflow control penalizing undersupply in transport systems with uncertain demands. Faragó, István Mathematics in Industry 30 485-490 In: Progress in industrial mathematics at ECMI 2018 : The 20th European Conference on Mathematics for Industry (2019) Cham ECMI 2018 (Budapest, Hungary) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Samara, Adam ; Rempe, Felix ; Fastenrath, Ulrich ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 Assessing the probability of arriving on time using historical travel time data in a road network. Qu, Qiaobo 1343-1348 In: The 2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference - ITSC : Auckland, New Zealand, 27-30 October 2019 (2019) Piscataway, NJ 22nd IEEE-ITSC 2019 (Auckland, New Zealand) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Schlichting, André ; Slowik, Martin ORCID: 0000-0001-5373-5754 (2019) Poincaré and logarithmic Sobolev constants for metastable Markov chains via capacitary inequalities. The Annals of Applied Probability Cleveland, OH ; Hayward, CA 29 6 3438-3488 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Flegel, Franziska ; Heida, Martin ; Slowik, Martin ORCID: 0000-0001-5373-5754 (2019) Homogenization theory for the random conductance model with degenerate ergodic weights and unbounded-range jumps. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré. B, Probabilité et statistiques Bethesda, MD 55 3 1226-1257 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Andres, Sebastian ; Deuschel, Jean-Dominique ; Slowik, Martin ORCID: 0000-0001-5373-5754 (2019) Heat kernel estimates and intrinsic metric for random walks with general speed measure under degenerate conductances. Open Access Electronic Communications in Probability : ECP Seattle, WA 24 Paper 5 1-17 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Potschka, Andreas ; Teuber, Claus (2019) A partial outer convexification approach to control transmission lines. Open Access Computational Optimization and Applications New York, NY [u.a.] 72 2 431-456 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Hertling, Claus ; Zilke, Philip (2019) Seven combinatorial problems around isolated quasihomogeneous singularities. Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics Dordrecht [u.a.] 50 4 447-482 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Balnojan, Sven ; Hertling, Claus (2019) Real Seifert forms and polarizing forms of Steenbrink mixed Hodge structures. Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society = Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática Heidelberg [u.a.] N.S. 50 1 233-274 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Balnojan, Sven ; Hertling, Claus (2019) Reduced and nonreduced presentations of Weyl group elements. Journal of Lie Theory Lemgo 29 2 559-599 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Pook, Torsten ; Schlather, Martin ; Campos, Gustavo de los ; Mayer, Manfred ; Schoen, Chris Caroline ; Simianer, Henner (2019) HaploBlocker: Creation of subgroup-specific haplotype blocks and libraries. Genetics Oxford 212 4 1045-1061 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Oesting, Marco ; Schlather, Martin ; Schillings, Claudia (2019) Sampling sup-normalized spectral functions for Brown–Resnick processes. Stat : the ISI's Journal for the Rapid Dissemination of Statistics Research Hoboken, NJ 8 1, Article e228 1-11 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schreck, Nicholas ; Piepho, Hans-Peter ; Schlather, Martin (2019) Best prediction of the additive genomic variance in random-effects models. Open Access Genetics Oxford 213 2 379-394 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Glanzer, Martin ORCID: 0000-0003-3314-0512 ; Pflug, Georg Ch. ; Pichler, Alois (2019) Incorporating statistical model error into the calculation of acceptability prices of contingent claims. Open Access Mathematical Programming : Series B Berlin ; Heidelberg 174 1/2 499-524 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bomze, Immanuel M. ; Mertikopoulos, Panayotis ; Schachinger, Werner ; Staudigl, Mathias (2019) Hessian barrier algorithms for linearly constrained optimization problems. SIAM Journal on Optimization Philadelphia, PA 29 3 2100-2127 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Staudigl, Mathias ; Mertikopoulos, Panayotis Convergent noisy forward-backward-forward algorithms in non-monotone variational inequalities. Giordano, Giulia IFAC-PapersOnLine 52,3 3 120-125 In: 15th IFAC Symposium on Large Scale Complex Systems LSS 2019, Delft, The Netherlands, 26–28 May 2019, proceedings (2019) Frankfurt ; München [u.a.] LSS 2019 (Delft, The Netherlands) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Mimra, Wanda ; Wambach, Achim (2019) Contract withdrawals and equilibrium in competitive markets with adverse selection. Economic Theory Berlin [u.a.] 67 4 875-907 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Łochowski, Rafał M. ; Perkowski, Nicolas ; Prömel, David J. ORCID: 0000-0001-7028-7500 (2018) A superhedging approach to stochastic integration. Stochastic Processes and Their Applications Amsterdam [u.a.] 128 12 4078-4103 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Garrido-Atienza, Maria J. ; Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 ; Schmalfuß, Björn (2018) Asymptotical stability of differential equations driven by Hölder continuous paths. Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations New York, NY [u.a.] 30 1 359-377 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 ; Parczewski, Peter (2018) Optimal approximation of skorohod integrals. Journal of Theoretical Probability New York, NY [u.a.] 31 1 206-231 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kolb, Oliver ORCID: 0000-0001-6947-5520 (2018) A third order hierarchical basis WENO interpolation for sparse grids with application to conservation laws with uncertain data. Journal of Scientific Computing New York, NY [u.a.] 74 3 1480-1503 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Oesting, Marco ; Schlather, Martin ; Zhou, Chen (2018) Exact and fast simulation of max-stable processes on a compact set using the normalized spectral representation. Bernoulli : Official Journal of the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability The Hague 24 2 1497-1530 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Pfirsching, Marion (2018) A micro-macro hybrid model with application for material and pedestrian flow. Open Access Cogent Mathematics & Statistics London 5 1 1476049 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Naumann, Alexander ; Kolb, Oliver ORCID: 0000-0001-6947-5520 ; Semplice, Matteo (2018) On a third order CWENO boundary treatment with application to networks of hyperbolic conservation laws. Applied Mathematics and Computation Amsterdam [u.a.] 325 252-270 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Jaehn, Florian ; Otto, Alena ORCID: 0000-0002-6069-9330 ; Seifried, Kilian ORCID: 0000-0002-8547-2458 (2018) Shunting operations at flat yards: Retrieving freight railcars from storage tracks. OR Spectrum Berlin ; Heidelberg 40 2 367-393 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Ustalov, Dmitry ORCID: 0000-0002-9979-2188 ; Panchenko, Alexander ORCID: 0000-0001-6097-6118 ; Kutuzov, Andrei ; Biemann, Chris ; Ponzetto, Simone Paolo ORCID: 0000-0001-7484-2049 Unsupervised semantic frame induction using triclustering. Open Access Cohen, Shay 55-62 In: The 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics : ACL 2018 : proceedings of the conference, vol. 2 (short papers) : July 15 - 20, 2018 Melbourne, Australia (2018) Stroudsburg, PA 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Melbourne, Australia) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Balnojan, Sven (2018) Stokes matrices of isolated hypersurface singularities. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Schreck, Nicholas (2018) From estimation to prediction of genomic variances : allowing for linkage disequilibrium and unbiasedness. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Moreva, Olga (2018) Bivariate Gaussian random fields : models, simulation, and inference. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Schwab, Dimitri (2018) Random fields on general domains - analytic properties, models, and simulations. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Kolb, Oliver ORCID: 0000-0001-6947-5520 ; Costeseque, Guillaume ; Goatin, Paola ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 (2018) Pareto-optimal coupling conditions for the Aw-Rascle-Zhang traffic flow model at junctions. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics Philadelphia, PA 78 4 1981-2002 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Gauß, Falko (2018) Period maps and Torelli results for marked hypersurface singularities. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Ustalov, Dmitry ; Filchenkov, Andrey ; Pivovarova, Lidia ; Žižka, Jan (2018) Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language : 7th International Conference, AINL 2018, St. Petersburg, Russia, October 17–19, 2018, Proceedings. Communications in Computer and Information Science Cham 930 [Buch]

Friedrich, Jan ; Kolb, Oliver ORCID: 0000-0001-6947-5520 ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 (2018) A Godunov type scheme for a class of LWR traffic flow models with non-local flux. Networks and Heterogeneous Media : NHM Springfield, MO 13 4 531-547 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Duc, Luu H. ; Garrido-Atienza, Maria J. ; Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 ; Schmalfuß, Björn (2018) Exponential stability of stochastic evolution equations driven by small fractional Brownian motion with Hurst parameter in (1/2,1). Journal of Differential Equations Orlando, FL [u.a.] 264 2 1119-1145 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Fuchs, Sebastian ; McCord, Yann ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (2018) Characterizations of copulas attaining the bounds of multivariate Kendall's tau. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications Dordrecht [u.a.] 178 2 424-438 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Gütschow, Tobias ; Hess, Klaus Th. ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (2018) Separation of small and large claims on the basis of collective models. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal Stockholm 2018 6 529-544 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Weissmann, Philip (2018) Lévy processes conditioned to avoid and hit intervals. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Döring, Leif ORCID: 0000-0002-4569-5083 ; Gonon, Lukas ; Prömel, David J. ORCID: 0000-0001-7028-7500 ; Reichmann, Oleg (2018) Existence and uniqueness results for time-inhomogeneous time-change equations and Fokker-Planck equations. Mannheim [u.a.] [Arbeitspapier]

Döring, Leif ORCID: 0000-0002-4569-5083 ; Weissmann, Philip (2018) Stable processes conditioned to hit an interval continuously from the outside. Mannheim [u.a.] [Arbeitspapier]

Döring, Leif ORCID: 0000-0002-4569-5083 ; Watson, Alexander R. ; Weissmann, Philip (2018) Lévy processes with finite variance conditioned to avoid an interval. Mannheim [u.a.] [Arbeitspapier]

Döring, Leif ORCID: 0000-0002-4569-5083 ; Kyprianou, Andreas E. ; Weissmann, Philip (2018) Stable processes conditioned to avoid an interval. Mannheim [u.a.] [Arbeitspapier]

Döring, Leif ORCID: 0000-0002-4569-5083 ; Kyprianou, Andreas E. (2018) Entrance and exit at infinity for stable jump diffusions. Mannheim [u.a.] [Arbeitspapier]

Simon, Tobias (2018) On the isospectral problem of Fermi curves of two-dimensional doubly periodic Schrödinger operators. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Ableitinger, Christoph ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Sickenberger, Thorsten (2018) Eine Modellierungsaufgabe zum Thema "Optimale Auslastung von Flugzeugen". Siller, Hans-Stefan 25 Jahre ISTRON-Gruppe - eine Best-of-Auswahl aus der ISTRON-Schriftenreihe Neue Materialien für einen realitätsbezogenen Mathematikunterricht Wiesbaden 4 331-342 [Buchkapitel]

Chen, Li ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Knapp, Stephan (2018) Modeling of a diffusion with aggregation: rigorous derivation and numerical simulation. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis = Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique Les Ulis 52 2 567-593 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Knapp, Stephan ; Schillen, Peter (2018) A pedestrian flow model with stochastic velocities: Microscopic and macroscopic approaches. Kinetic and Related Models Springfield, MO 11 6 1333-1358 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Erbrich, Markus ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Pfirsching, Marion (2018) Optimal packing of material flow on conveyor belts. Optimization and Engineering Dordrecht [u.a.] 19 1 71-96 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Teuber, Claus (2018) Space mapping techniques for the optimal inflow control of transmission lines. Optimization Methods and Software London [u.a.] 33 1 120-139 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 (2018) Schnelles Boarding leichtgemacht: Eine Simulationsstudie mit zellulären Automaten. Greefrath, Gilbert Digitale Werkzeuge, Simulationen und mathematisches Modellieren : didaktische Hintergründe und Erfahrungen aus der Praxis Wiesbaden 165-181 [Buchkapitel]

Festa, Adriano ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 A Mean Field Games approach for multi-lane traffic management. Filippova, Tatiana IFAC-PapersOnLine 51, Iss. 32 793-798 In: 17th IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization CAO 2018 Yekaterinburg, Russia, 15–19 October 2018 : proceedings (2018) Frankfurt ; München [u.a.] 17th IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization CAO 2018 (Yekaterinburg, Russia) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Burger, Michael ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Jung, Thomas Derivation of a first order traffic flow model of Lighthill-Whitham-Richards type. Ferrara, Antonella IFAC-PapersOnLine 51, Iss. 9 49-54 In: 15th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems CTS 2018 : Savona, Italy, 6–8 June 2018 : proceedings (2018) Frankfurt ; München [u.a.] 15th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems CTS 2018 (Yekaterinburg, Russia) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Fokken, Eike ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Kolb, Oliver ORCID: 0000-0001-6947-5520 (2018) Modeling and simulation of gas networks coupled to power grids. Mannheim [Arbeitspapier]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Korn, Ralf ; Lux, Kerstin (2018) Optimal control of electricity input given an uncertain demand. Mannheim [Arbeitspapier]

Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 ; Nourdin, Ivan ; Rößler, Andreas ; Tindel, Samy (2018) Trees and asymptotic developments for fractional stochastic differential equations. Ithaca, NY [Arbeitspapier]

Koch, Stefan (2018) Directional Malliavin derivatives: A characterisation of independence and a generalised chain rule. Communications on Stochastic Analysis Baton Rouge, LA 12 2 137-156 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bender, Christian ; Parczewski, Peter (2018) Discretizing Malliavin calculus. Stochastic Processes and Their Applications Amsterdam [u.a.] 128 8 2489 - 2537 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Friz, Peter K. ; Prömel, David J. ORCID: 0000-0001-7028-7500 (2018) Rough path metrics on a Besov-Nikolskii-type scale. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society Providence, RI 370 12 8521-8550 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Liu, Chong ; Prömel, David J. ORCID: 0000-0001-7028-7500 (2018) Examples of Itô càdlàg rough paths. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society : PAMS Providence, RI 146 11 4937-4950 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Hameister, Kathinka (2018) A dual tailored branch-and-bound algorithm for quadratic mixed-integer problems applied to production models with buffers. München [Buch]

Knapp, Stephan (2018) Stochastic extensions of production and pedestrian models: Microscopic and macroscopic approaches. München [Buch]

Pfirsching, Marion (2018) A multi-scale model for material flow problems based on a non-local conservation law: simulation and optimization. München [Buch]

Andres, Sebastian ; Chiarini, Alberto ; Deuschel, Jean-Dominique ; Slowik, Martin ORCID: 0000-0001-5373-5754 (2018) Quenched invariance principle for random walks with time-dependent ergodic degenerate weights. Open Access The Annals of Applied Probability Cleveland, OH ; Hayward, CA 46 1 302-336 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Deuschel, Jean-Dominique ; Nguyen, Tuan Anh ; Slowik, Martin ORCID: 0000-0001-5373-5754 (2018) Quenched invariance principles for the random conductance model on a random graph with degenerate ergodic weights. Probability Theory and Related Fields Berlin [u.a.] 170 1/2 363-386 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Deuschel, Jean-Dominique ; Friz, Peter K. ; Maurelli, Mario ; Slowik, Martin ORCID: 0000-0001-5373-5754 (2018) The enhanced Sanov theorem and propagation of chaos. Open Access Stochastic Processes and Their Applications Amsterdam [u.a.] 128 7 2228-2269 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Gauss, Falko ; Hertling, Claus (2018) μ-constant monodromy groups and Torelli results for the quadrangle singularities and the bimodal series. Journal of Singularities Cambridge, Mass. 18. Special volume in honor of the life and mathematics of Egbert Brieskorn 119-214 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Hertling, Claus ; Varchenko, Alexander (2018) Potentials of a Frobenius-like structure. Glasgow Mathematical Journal Cambridge 60 3 681-693 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Moreva, Olga ; Schlather, Martin (2018) Fast and exact simulation of univariate and bivariate Gaussian random fields. Stat : the ISI's Journal for the Rapid Dissemination of Statistics Research Hoboken, NJ 7 1, Article e188 1-14 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Reimer, Christian ; Rubin, C.-J. ; Sharifi, Ahmad Reza ; Ha, Ngoc-Thuy ; Weigend, Steffen ; Waldmann, Karl-Heinz ; Distl, Ottmar ; Pant, Sameer D. ; Fredholm, Merete ; Schlather, Martin ; Simianer, Henner (2018) Analysis of porcine body size variation using re-sequencing data of miniature and large pigs. Open Access BMC Genomics London ; Berlin 19 Article 687 1-17 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Mertikopoulos, Panayotis ; Staudigl, Mathias (2018) Stochastic mirror descent dynamics and their convergence in monotone variational inequalities. Open Access Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications : JOTA Dordrecht ; Heidelberg [u.a.] 179 3 838-867 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Mertikopoulos, Panayotis ; Staudigl, Mathias (2018) On the convergence of gradient-like flows with noisy gradient input. SIAM Journal on Optimization Philadelphia, PA 28 1 163-197 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Sandholm, William H. ; Staudigl, Mathias (2018) Sample path large deviations for stochastic evolutionary game dynamics. Mathematics of Operations Research Cantonsville, Md ; Hanover, MD 43 4 1348-1377 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Staudigl, Mathias ; Boţ, Radu Ioan ; Vuong, Phan Tu ; Mertikopoulos, Panayotis On the convergence of stochastic forward-backward-forward algorithms with variance reduction in pseudo-monotone variational inequalities. (2018) NeurIPS 2018, Smooth Games Optimization and Machine Learning Workshop (Montréal, Canada) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Hertling, Claus (2018) Geometry behind one of the Painlevé III differential equations. Open Access Snapshots of modern mathematics from Oberwolfach Oberwolfach 2018 10 1-15 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Kroll, Martin (2017) Concentration inequalities for Poisson point processes with applications to non-parametric statistics. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Seifried, Kilian ORCID: 0000-0002-8547-2458 ; Agatz, Niels ; Fleischmann, Moritz Attended-home delivery from multiple depots. (2017) EURO Working Group Retail Operations (Porto, Portugal) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Kalinin, Alexander (2017) Markovian integral equations and path-dependent partial differential equations. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Seifried, Kilian ORCID: 0000-0002-8547-2458 ; Agatz, Niels ; Fleischmann, Moritz The benefits of flexible fulfillment center assignments in attended home delivery. (2017) VeRoLog (Amsterdam, Netherlands) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Altmayer, Martin ; Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 (2017) Discretising the Heston model: an analysis of the weak convergence rate. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis : IMAJNA Oxford 37 4 1930-1960 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kolb, Oliver ORCID: 0000-0001-6947-5520 ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Goatin, Paola (2017) Capacity drop and traffic control for a second order traffic model. Open Access Networks and Heterogeneous Media : NHM Springfield, MO 12 4 663-681 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Dirrler, Martin (2017) Spatial point process models with applications to max-stable random fields. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Kolb, Oliver ORCID: 0000-0001-6947-5520 ; Döring, Leif ORCID: 0000-0002-4569-5083 ; Klinger, Melanie ; Schlather, Martin ; Schmidt, Martin U. ORCID: 0000-0002-1775-4701 (2017) Individualisierte Tutorien im Mathematikstudium. Neues Handbuch Hochschullehre Berlin 82 77-88 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Fiebig, Ulf-Rainer ; Strokorb, Kirstin ; Schlather, Martin (2017) The realization problem for tail correlation functions. Extremes : Statistical Theory and Applications in Science, Engineering and Economics Dordrecht [u.a.] 20 1 121-168 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Sozykin, Andrey ; Ustalov, Dmitry (2017) Ural-PDC 2017 : Ural Workshop on Parallel, Distributed, and Cloud Computing for Young Scientists : Proceedings of the 3rd Ural Workshop on Parallel, Distributed, and Cloud Computing for Young Scientists, Yekaterinburg, Russia, October 19th, 2017. CEUR Workshop Proceedings Aachen, Germany 1990 [Buch]

Lübcke, Eva (2017) The direct and the inverse problem of finite type Fermi curves of two-dimensional double-periodic Schrödinger operators. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Heß, Maximilian (2017) An enumerative method for convex programs with linear complementarity constraints and application to the bilevel problem of a forecast model for high complexity products. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Strehle, Elias (2017) Single- and multiplayer trade execution strategies under transient price impact. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Fuchs, Sebastian ; Schlotter, Ruben ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (2017) A review and some complements on quantile risk measures and their domain. Open Access Risks : Open Access Journal Basel 5 4 59 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Döring, Leif ORCID: 0000-0002-4569-5083 ; Gonon, Lukas ; Prömel, David J. ORCID: 0000-0001-7028-7500 ; Reichmann, Oleg (2017) On Skorokhod embeddings and Poisson equations. Mannheim [u.a.] [Arbeitspapier]

Döring, Leif ORCID: 0000-0002-4569-5083 ; Horvath, Blanka ; Teichmann, Josef (2017) Functional analytic (ir-)regularity properties of SABR type processes. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance : IJTAF River Edge [u.a.] 20 3 1750013-1-48 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Döring, Leif ORCID: 0000-0002-4569-5083 ; Klenke, Achim ; Mytnik, Leonid (2017) Finite system scheme for mutually catalytic branching with infinite branching rate. The Annals of Applied Probability Cleveland, OH ; Hayward, CA 27 5 3113-3152 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Dreieich, Steffen ; Döring, Leif ORCID: 0000-0002-4569-5083 ; Kyprianou, Andreas E. (2017) Real self-similar processes started from the origin. The Annals of Probability New York, NY [u.a.] 45 3 1952-2003 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Schillen, Peter (2017) Numerical feedback stabilization with applications to networks. Open Access Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society London [u.a.] 2017 Article ID 6896153 1-11 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Schillen, Peter (2017) Numerical discretization of boundary control problems for systems of balance laws: Feedback stabilization. European Journal of Control Oxford [u.a.] ; Paris 35 11-18 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Knapp, Stephan (2017) Semi-Markovian capacities in production network models. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems : DCDS. Series B Springfield, MO 22 9 3235-3258 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Che, Jiahang ; Chen, Li ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Pandey, Anamika ; Wang, Jing (2017) Boundary layer analysis from the Keller-Segel system to the aggregation system in one space dimension. Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis : CPAA Springfield, MO 16 3 1013-1036 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Chen, Li ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Yin, Qitao (2017) Mean field limit and propagation of chaos for a pedestrian flow model. Journal of Statistical Physics New York [u.a.] 166 2 211-229 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Herty, Michael ; Luckert, Melanie Modeling of material flow problems. Ghezzi, Luca Mathematics in Industry 27 21-36 In: Math for the digital factory (2017) Cham 1st M4DiFa Kick-Off Meeting (Berlin, Germany) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Lux, Kerstin ; Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 (2017) The Euler scheme for stochastic differential equations with discontinuous drift coefficient: A numerical study of the convergence rate. Ithaca, NY [Arbeitspapier]

Chun, Sungbong ; Gukov, Sergei ; Roggenkamp, Daniel (2017) Junctions of surface operators and categorification of quantum groups. Contemporary Mathematics : CONM Providence, RI 684 Article 13749 87-146 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Parczewski, Peter (2017) Extensions of the Hitsuda–Skorokhod integral. Communications on Stochastic Analysis Baton Rouge, LA 11 4 479-490 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Parczewski, Peter (2017) The self-normalized Donsker theorem revisited. Modern Stochastics: Theory and Applications Vilnius 4 3 189-198 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Parczewski, Peter (2017) Optimal approximation of Skorohod integrals - examples with substandard rates. Communications on Stochastic Analysis Baton Rouge, LA 11 1 43-61 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Parczewski, Peter (2017) Donsker-type theorems for correlated geometric fractional Brownian motions and related processes. Electronic Communications in Probability : ECP Seattle, WA 22 Paper 55 1-13 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Beiglböck, Mathias ; Cox, Alexander M. G. ; Huesmann, Martin ; Perkowski, Nicolas ; Prömel, David J. ORCID: 0000-0001-7028-7500 (2017) Pathwise superreplication via Vovk’s outer measure. Finance and Stochastics Berlin ; Heidelberg 21 4 1141-1166 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Teuber, Claus (2017) Optimal control methods for transmission lines. München [Buch]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Potschka, Andreas ; Ziegler, Ute (2017) Partial outer convexification for traffic light optimization in road networks. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing Philadelphia, PA 39 1 B53-B75 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

David, Liana ; Hertling, Claus (2017) Regular F-manifolds: initial conditions and Frobenius metrics. Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Scienze Pisa 5. Ser., 17 3 1121-1152 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Guest, Martin A. ; Hertling, Claus (2017) Painlevé III : a case study in the geometry of meromorphic connections. Lecture Notes in Mathematics Berlin ; Heidelberg [u.a.] 2198 [Buch]

Gauss, Falko ; Hertling, Claus μ-constant monodromy groups and Torelli results for marked singularities, for the unimodal and some bimodal singularities. Decker, Wolfram ; Pfister, Gerhard ; Schulze, Mathias 109-146 In: Singularities and computer algebra : Festschrift for Gert-Martin Greuel on the occasion of his 70th birthday (2017) Cham Conference on Singularities and Computer Algebra (Lambrecht, Germany) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Ha, Ngoc-Thuy ; Gross, Josef Johann ; Sharifi, Ahmad Reza ; Schlather, Martin ; Drögemüller, Cord ; Schnyder, Urs ; Schmitz-Hsu, Fritz ; Bruckmaier, Rupert ; Simianer, Henner (2017) Genetische Analyse der metabolischen Adaptation von Milchkühen in der Frühlaktation. Züchtungskunde Stuttgart 89 1 48-60 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Staudigl, Mathias ; Steg, Jan-Henrik (2017) On repeated games with imperfect public monitoring: From discrete to continuous time. Journal of Dynamics and Games : JDG Springfield, MO 4 1 1-23 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Mertikopoulos, Panayotis ; Staudigl, Mathias Convergence to nash equilibrium in continuous games with noisy first-order feedback. Middleton, Rick ; Nesic, Dragan ; Sznaier, Mario 5609-5614 In: 2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) : December 12-15, 2017, Melbourne, Australia, proceedings (2017) Piscataway, NJ CDC 2017 (Melbourne, Australia) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]


Carberry, Emma ; Schmidt, Martin U. ORCID: 0000-0002-1775-4701 (2016) The closure of spectral data for constant mean curvature tori in S^3. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik Berlin ; New York 2016 721 149-166 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 ; Shalaiko, Taras (2016) The maximum rate of convergence for the approximation of the fractional Lévy area at a single point. Journal of Complexity Amsterdam 33 107-117 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Goatin, Paola ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Kolb, Oliver ORCID: 0000-0001-6947-5520 (2016) Speed limit and ramp meter control for traffic flow networks. Open Access Engineering Optimization London 48 7 1121-1144 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Makmul, Juntima (2016) Microscopic and macroscopic models for pedestrian crowds. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Knopf, Markus (2016) Darboux coordinates for periodic solutions of the sinh–Gordon equation. Journal of Geometry and Physics Amsterdam [u.a.] 110 60-68 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Malinowski, Alexander ; Schlather, Martin ; Zhang, Zhengjun (2016) Intrinsically weighted means and non-ergodic marked point processes. The Annals of Statistics Cleveland, Ohio [u.a.] 68 1 1-24 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Voloshchenko, Iryna (2016) On pathwise functional Itô calculus and its applications to mathematical finance. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Herty, Michael ; Schillen, Peter (2016) Electric transmission lines: control and numerical discretization. Optimal Control, Applications & Methods Chichester [u.a.] 37 5 980-995 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Kühn, Sebastian (2016) Routing strategies in production networks with random breakdowns. Open Access Communications in Mathematical Sciences : CMS Somerville, MA 14 7 1799-1820 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Kühn, Sebastian ; Ohst, Jan Peter ; Ruzika, Stefan (2016) Evacuation modeling: a case study on linear and nonlinear nNetwork flow models. EURO Journal on Computational Optimization Berlin ; Heidelberg 4 3 219-239 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Che, Jiahang ; Chen, Li ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Wang, Jing (2016) Existence of a classical solution to complex material flow problems. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences : MMAS Chichester [u.a.] 39 14 4069-4081 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Harter, Camill (2016) A weakly coupled model of differential equations for thief tracking. Networks and Heterogeneous Media : NHM Springfield, MO 11 3 447-469 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Domschke, Pia ; Kolb, Oliver ORCID: 0000-0001-6947-5520 ; Lang, Jens (2016) Adaptive modelling, simulation and optimization of gas and water supply networks. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics : PAMM Weinheim [u.a.] 16 1 839-840 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kolb, Oliver ORCID: 0000-0001-6947-5520 On the full and global accuracy of a compact third order WENO scheme: Part II. Karazösen, Bülent Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering 112 53-62 In: Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications - ENUMATH 2015 (2016) Cham European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications (ENUMATH 2015) (Ankara, Turkey) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Wagner, Lisa ; Lang, Jens ; Kolb, Oliver ORCID: 0000-0001-6947-5520 Second order implicit schemes for scalar conservation laws. Karazösen, Bülent Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering 112 33-41 In: Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications - ENUMATH 2015 (2016) Cham European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications (ENUMATH 2015) (Ankara, Turkey) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Falkenburg, Oliver (2016) Auswertung der Skorokhodmetrik. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Werner, Florian (2016) Brownian motions on metric graphs. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Schied, Alexander (2016) On a class of generalized Takagi functions with linear pathwise quadratic variation. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications Amsterdam [u.a.] 433 2 974-990 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Neuman, Eyal ; Schied, Alexander (2016) Optimal portfolio liquidation in target zone models and catalytic superprocesses. Finance and Stochastics Berlin 20 2 495-509 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Mishura, Yuliya ; Schied, Alexander (2016) Constructing functions with prescribed pathwise quadratic variation. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications Amsterdam [u.a.] 442 1 117-137 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Föllmer, Hans ; Schied, Alexander (2016) Stochastic finance : an introduction in discrete time. Berlin ; Boston, MA [Buch]

Schied, Alexander ; Voloshchenko, Iryna (2016) Pathwise no-arbitrage in a class of delta hedging strategies. Probability, uncertainty, and quantitative risk Singapore 1 3 1-24 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Alfonsi, Aurélien ; Klöck, Florian ; Schied, Alexander (2016) Multivariate transient price impact and matrix-valued positive definite functions. Mathematics of operations research Hanover, MD 41 3 914-934 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Seifried, Kilian ORCID: 0000-0002-8547-2458 ; Jaehn, Florian ; Otto, Alena Shunting operations at flat yards : Retrieving freight railcars from storage tracks. (2016) European Conference on Operational Research (EURO) 2016 (Posen, Germany) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]

Lang, Annika ; Potthoff, Jürgen ; Schlather, Martin ; Schwab, Dimitri (2016) Continuity of random fields on Riemannian manifolds. Communications on Stochastic Analysis Baton Rouge, LA 10 2 185-193 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Sozykin, Andrey ; Akimova, Elena ; Ustalov, Dmitry (2016) Ural-PDC 2016 : Ural Workshop on Parallel, Distributed, and Cloud Computing for Young Scientists : Proceedings of the 2nd Ural Workshop on Parallel, Distributed, and Cloud Computing for Young Scientists, Yekaterinburg, Russia, October 6, 2016. CEUR Workshop Proceedings Aachen, Germany 1729 [Buch]

Dietz, Markus ; Fuchs, Sebastian ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (2016) On order statistics and their copulas. Statistics & Probability Letters Amsterdam [u.a.] 117 165-172 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Goelden, Heinz-Willi ; Hess, Klaus Th. ; Morlock, Martin ; Schmidt, Klaus D. ; Schröter, Klaus J. (2016) Schadenversicherungsmathematik. Berlin ; Heidelberg [Buch]

Radtke, Michael ; Schmidt, Klaus D. ; Schnaus, Anja (2016) Handbook on loss reserving. Cham [Buch]

Döring, Leif ORCID: 0000-0002-4569-5083 ; Kyprianou, Andreas E. (2016) Perpetual integrals for Lévy processes. Journal of Theoretical Probability New York, NY [u.a.] 29 3 1192-1198 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Burger, Michael ; Gerdts, Matthias ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Herty, Michael Dynamic programming approach for discrete-valued time discrete optimal control problems with dwell time constraints. Désidéri, Jean-Antoine IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology 494 159-168 In: System Modeling and Optimization : 27th IFIP TC 7 Conference, CSMO 2015, Sophia Antipolis, France, June 29 - July 3, 2015, Revised Selected Papers (2016) Cham CSMO 2015 (Sophia Antipolis, France) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 ; Shalaiko, Taras (2016) The order barrier for strong approximation of rough volatility models. Ithaca, NY [Arbeitspapier]

Prömel, David J. ORCID: 0000-0001-7028-7500 ; Trabs, Mathias (2016) Rough differential equations driven by signals in Besov spaces. Journal of Differential Equations Orlando, FL [u.a.] 260 6 5202-5249 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Perkowski, Nicolas ; Prömel, David J. ORCID: 0000-0001-7028-7500 (2016) Pathwise stochastic integrals for model free finance. Bernoulli : Official Journal of the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability The Hague ; Aarhus 22 4 2486-2520 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Carberry, Emma ; Schmidt, Martin U. ORCID: 0000-0002-1775-4701 (2016) The prevalence of tori amongst constant mean curvature planes in R³. Journal of Geometry and Physics Amsterdam [u.a.] 106 352-366 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Hauswirth, Laurent ; Kilian, Martin ; Schmidt, Martin U. ORCID: 0000-0002-1775-4701 (2016) Mean-convex Alexandrov embedded constant mean curvature tori in the 3-sphere. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society Chichester 112 3 588-622 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Andres, Sebastian ; Deuschel, Jean-Dominique ; Slowik, Martin ORCID: 0000-0001-5373-5754 (2016) Harnack inequalities on weighted graphs and some applications to the random conductance model. Probability Theory and Related Fields Berlin [u.a.] 164 3/4 931-977 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Andres, Sebastian ; Deuschel, Jean-Dominique ; Slowik, Martin ORCID: 0000-0001-5373-5754 (2016) Heat kernel estimates for random walks with degenerate weights. Open Access Electronic Journal of Probability : EJP Seattle, WA 21 33 1-21 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Deuschel, Jean-Dominique ; Slowik, Martin ORCID: 0000-0001-5373-5754 Invariance principle for the one-dimensional dynamic random conductance model under moment conditions. Fukushima, Ryoki ; Funaki, Tadahisa ; Nagahata, Yukio ; Nakashima, Makoto ; Osada, Hirofumi ; Otobe, Yoshiki Sūri-Kaiseki-Kenkyūsho-kōkyūroku : Kenkyū Shūkai hōkokushū = RIMS Kōkyūroku Bessatsu B59 69-84 In: Stochastic analysis on large scale interacting systems : October 26-29, 2014 (2016) Kyōto RIMS Workshop "Stochastic Analysis on Large Scale Interacting Systems" (Kyoto, Japan) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Hertling, Claus ; Sabbah, Claude ; Sevenheck, Christian (2016) Mirror Symmetry, Hodge Theory and Differential Equations : workshop 1517b, 19. April - 25. April 2015, report no. 22/2015. Oberwolfach Reports : OWR Berlin 12 2 1201-1254 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

David, Liana ; Hertling, Claus (2016) Hermitian metrics on F-manifolds. Journal of Geometry and Physics : JGP Amsterdam [u.a.] 107 60-78 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Sandholm, William H. ; Staudigl, Mathias (2016) Large deviations and stochastic stability in the small noise double limit. Open Access Theoretical Economics : TE New York, NY ; Toronto [u.a.] 11 1 279-355 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Strokorb, Kirstin ; Ballani, Felix ; Schlather, Martin (2015) Tail correlation functions of max-stable processes: Construction principles, recovery and diversity of some mixing max-stable processes with identical TCF. Extremes : Statistical Theory and Applications in Science, Engineering and Economics Dordrecht [u.a.] 18 2 241-271 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Altmayer, Martin ; Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 (2015) Multilevel Monte Carlo quadrature of discontinuous payoffs in the generalized Heston model using Malliavin integration by parts. SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics : SIFIN Philadelphia, Pa. 6 1 22-52 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 ; Shalaiko, Taras (2015) The relation between mixed and rough SDEs and its application to numerical methods. Stochastic Analysis and Applications Philadelphia, Pa. 33 5 927-942 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Akhtari, Bahareh ; Babolian, Esmail ; Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 (2015) An Euler scheme for stochastic delay differential equations on unbounded domains: pathwise convergence. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems : DCDS. Series B Springfield, Mo. 20 1 23-38 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kolb, Oliver ORCID: 0000-0001-6947-5520 ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 (2015) A continuous buffer allocation model using stochastic processes. European Journal of Operational Research : EJOR Amsterdam [u.a.] 242 3 865-874 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Böcherer, Siegfried ; Das, Soumya (2015) Linear independence of Poincaré series of exponential type via non-analytic methods. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society Providence, RI 367 2 1329-1345 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Domschke, Pia ; Kolb, Oliver ORCID: 0000-0001-6947-5520 ; Lang, Jens (2015) Adjoint-based error control for the simulation and optimization of gas and water supply networks. Applied Mathematics and Computation Amsterdam [u.a.] 259 1003-1018 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Altmayer, Martin (2015) Quadrature of discontinuous SDE functionals using Malliavin integration by parts. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Altmayer, Martin (2015) Quadrature of discontinuous SDE functionals using Malliavin integration by parts. München [Buch]

Hauswirth, Laurent ; Kilian, Martin ; Schmidt, Martin U. ORCID: 0000-0002-1775-4701 (2015) On mean-convex Alexandrov embedded surfaces in the 3-sphere. Mathematische Zeitschrift Berlin [u.a.] 281 1 483-499 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Krätschmer, Volker ; Schied, Alexander ; Zähle, Henryk (2015) Quasi-Hadamard differentiability of general risk functionals and its application. Statistics and Risk Modeling Berlin 32 1 25-47 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kilian, Martin ; Schmidt, Martin U. ORCID: 0000-0002-1775-4701 ; Schmitt, Nicholas (2015) Flows of constant mean curvature tori in the 3-sphere: The equivariant case. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik Berlin ; New York 2015 707 46-86 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Lazgham, Mourad (2015) A state-constrained stochastic optimal control problem arising in portfolio liquidation. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Ehlert, Andree ; Fiebig, Ulf-Rainer ; Janßen, Anja ; Schlather, Martin (2015) Joint extremal behavior of hidden and observable time series with applications to GARCH processes. Extremes : Statistical Theory and Applications in Science, Engineering and Economics Dordrecht [u.a.] 18 1 109-140 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Engelke, Sebastian ; Kabluchko, Zakhar ; Schlather, Martin (2015) Maxima of independent non-identically distributed Gaussian vectors. Bernoulli : Official Journal of the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability The Hague [u.a.] 21 1 38-61 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Strokorb, Kirstin ; Schlather, Martin (2015) An exceptional max-stable process fully parameterized by its extremal coefficients. Bernoulli : Official Journal of the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability The Hague [u.a.] 21 1 276-302 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Forestier-Coste, Louis ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Herty, Michael (2015) Data-fitted second-order macroscopic production models. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics Philadelphia, PA 75 3 999-1014 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Klar, Axel ; Tiwari, Sudarshan (2015) Complex material flow problems: a multi-scale model hierarchy and particle methods. Open Access Journal of Engineering Mathematics Dordrecht [u.a.] 92 1 15-29 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Herty, Michael ; Ziegler, Ute (2015) Modeling and optimizing traffic light settings on road networks. Computers & Operations Research Amsterdam [u.a.] 55 36-51 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Schindler, Patrick (2015) Optimal inflow control of production systems with finite buffers. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems : DCDS. Series B Springfield, MO 20 1 107-127 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Sozykin, Andrey ; Akimova, Elena ; Ustalov, Dmitry (2015) Ural-PDC 2015 : 1st Ural Workshop on Parallel, Distributed, and Cloud Computing for Young Scientists : Proceedings of the 1st Ural Workshop on Parallel, Distributed, and Cloud Computing for Young Scientists, Yekaterinburg, Russia, November 17th, 2015. CEUR Workshop Proceedings Aachen, Germany 1513 [Buch]

Cornesse, Carina ORCID: 0000-0002-5437-2999 ; Blom, Annelies G. (2015) Mario Callegaro, Reginald P. Baker, Jelke Bethlehem, Anja S. Goritz, Jon A. Krosnick, Paul J. Lavrakas (Eds).: Online Panel Research: A Data Quality Perspective. 2014. Chichester, UK: John Wiley and Sons. ISBN: 978-1-119-94177-4, 508 pp., £55.00. Journal of Official Statistics : JOS Berlin ; Stockholm 31 4 809-812 [Rezension]

Döring, Leif ORCID: 0000-0002-4569-5083 (2015) A jump-type SDE approach to real-valued self-similar Markov processes. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society Providence, RI 367 11 7797-7836 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Berestycki, Julien ; Döring, Leif ORCID: 0000-0002-4569-5083 ; Mytnik, Leonid ; Zambotti, Lorenzo (2015) Hitting properties and non-uniqueness for SDEs driven by stable processes. Stochastic Processes and Their Applications Amsterdam [u.a.] 125 3 918-940 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

De Loera, Jesús A. ; Margulies, Susan ; Pernpeintner, Michael ORCID: 0000-0001-6939-1028 ; Riedl, Eric ; Rolnick, David ; Spencer, Gwen ; Stasi, Despina ; Swenson, Jon Graph coloring ideals : Nullstellensatz certificates, Gröbner bases for chordal graphs, and hardness of Gröbner bases. Robertz, Daniel 133-140 In: ISSAC '15 : proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation : July 6-9, 2015, Bath, United Kingdom (2015) New York, NY 40th ISSAC '15 (Bath, UK) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Schindler, Patrick (2015) Discontinuous Galerkin method for material flow problems. Open Access Mathematical Problems in Engineering : MPE London [u.a.] 2015 Article ID 341893 1-15 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (2015) Stochastische Folgen : ein Proseminar mit Anwendungen in der Versicherungsmathematik. Berlin ; Heidelberg [Buch]

Chun, Sungbong ; Gukov, Sergei ; Roggenkamp, Daniel (2015) Junctions of surface operators and categorification of quantum groups. Ithaca, NY [Arbeitspapier]

Fromm, Alexander ; Imkeller, Peter ; Prömel, David J. ORCID: 0000-0001-7028-7500 (2015) An FBSDE approach to the Skorokhod embedding problem for Gaussian processes with non-linear drift. Electronic Journal of Probability : EJP Seattle, WA 20 Paper 127 1-38 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Imkeller, Peter ; Prömel, David J. ORCID: 0000-0001-7028-7500 (2015) Existence of Lévy's area and pathwise integration. Communications on Stochastic Analysis Baton Rouge, LA 9 1 93-111 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Perkowski, Nicolas ; Prömel, David J. ORCID: 0000-0001-7028-7500 (2015) Local times for typical price paths and pathwise Tanaka formulas. Electronic Journal of Probability : EJP Seattle, WA 20 Paper 46 1-15 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Munzert, Simon ; Rubba, Christian ; Meißner, Peter ; Nyhuis, Dominic (2015) Automated data collection with R : a practical guide to web scraping and text mining. Chichester [Buch]

Schillen, Peter (2015) Modelling and control of balance laws with applications to networks. München [Buch]

Prömel, David J. ORCID: 0000-0001-7028-7500 (2015) Robust stochastic analysis with applications. Open Access Berlin [Dissertation]

Andres, Sebastian ; Deuschel, Jean-Dominique ; Slowik, Martin ORCID: 0000-0001-5373-5754 (2015) Invariance principle for the random conductance model in a degenerate ergodic environment. Open Access The Annals of Probability New York, NY [u.a.] 43 4 1866-1891 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Imai, Kosuke ; Ratkovic, Marc (2015) Robust estimation of inverse probability weights for marginal structural models. Journal of the American Statistical Association : JASA Philadelphia, Pa. 110 511 1013-1023 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Schneider, Simon (2014) Verblindete Fallzahlanpassung in klinischen Studien mit Ereigniszähldaten. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 ; Tindel, Samy (2014) A least square-type procedure for parameter estimation in stochastic differential equations with additive fractional noise. Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes Dordrecht [u.a.] 17 1 99-120 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 ; Szpruch, Lukasz (2014) First order strong approximations of scalar SDEs defined in a domain. Numerische Mathematik Berlin [u.a.] 128 1 103-136 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Ziegler, Ute (2014) Traffic Light Control: A Case Study. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems : DCDS. Series S Springfield, Mo. 7 3 483-501 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Borsche, Raul ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Klar, Axel ; Schillen, Peter (2014) The scalar Keller-Segel model on networks. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences : M 3 AS Singapore [u.a.] 24 2 221-247 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Martini, Johannes W. R. ; Habeck, Michael ; Schlather, Martin (2014) A derivation of the grand canonical partition function for systems with a finite number of binding sites using a Markov-chain model for the dynamics of single molecules. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry Bussum 52 2 665-674 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Martini, Johannes (2014) Excursions in the Theory of Ligand Binding. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Schindler, Patrick (2014) Continuous Modeling and Optimization Approaches for Manufacturing Systems. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Zhang, Tao (2014) Nash Equilibria in Market Impact Models : Differential Game, Transient Price Impact and Transaction Costs. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Kolb, Oliver ORCID: 0000-0001-6947-5520 ; Kühn, Sebastian (2014) Optimization for a special class of traffic flow models: Combinatorial and continuous approaches. Networks and Heterogeneous Media : NHM Springfield, MO 9 2 315-334 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kilian, Martin ; Schmidt, Martin U. ORCID: 0000-0002-1775-4701 ; Schmitt, Nicolas (2014) On stability of equivariant minimal tori in the 3-sphere. Journal of Geometry and Physics Amsterdam [u.a.] 85 171-176 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kolb, Oliver ORCID: 0000-0001-6947-5520 (2014) On the Full and Global Accuracy of a Compact Third Order WENO Scheme. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis Philadelphia, Pa. 52 5 2335-2355 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Altmayer, Martin ; Dereich, Steffen ; Li, Sangmeng ; Müller-Gronbach, Thomas ; Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 ; Ritter, Klaus ; Yaroslavtseva, Larissa (2014) Constructive quantization and multilevel algorithms for quadrature of stochastic differential equations. Dahlke, Stephan Extraction of Quantifiable Information from Complex Systems Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering Cham 102 109-132 [Buchkapitel]

Schied, Alexander (2014) Model-free CPPI. Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control Amsterdam [u.a.] 40 84-94 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schied, Alexander ; Krätschmer, Volker ; Zähle, Henryk (2014) Comparative and qualitative robustness for law-invariant risk measures. Finance and Stochastics Berlin [u.a.] 18 2 271-295 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Böcherer, Siegfried ; Das, Soumya (2014) Characterization of Siegel cusp forms by the growth of their Fourier coefficients. Mathematische Annalen Berlin ; Göttingen ; Heidelberg 259 1/2 169-188 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Etikyala, Raghavender ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Klar, Axel ; Tiwari, Sudarshan (2014) A macroscopic model for pedestrian flow: comparisons with experimental results of pedestrian flow in corridors and T-junctions. Neural, Parallel & Scientific Computations Atlanta, GA 22 3 315-330 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Etikyala, Raghavender ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Klar, Axel ; Tiwari, Sudarshan (2014) Particle methods for pedestrian flow models: from microscopic to non-local continuum models. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences : M 3 AS Singapore [u.a.] 24 12 2503-2523 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Hoher, Simon ; Schindler, Patrick ; Schleper, Veronika ; Verl, Alexander (2014) Modeling, simulation and validation of material flow on conveyor belts. Applied Mathematical Modelling Amsterdam [u.a.] 38 13 3295-3313 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Fuchs, Sebastian ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (2014) Bivariate copulas: Transformations, asymmetry and measures of concordance. Kybernetika Praha 50 1 109-125 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (2014) On inequalities for moments and the covariance of monotone functions. Insurance : Mathematics & Economics Amsterdam 55 91-95 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Dreieich, Steffen ; Döring, Leif ORCID: 0000-0002-4569-5083 (2014) Random interlacements via Kuznetsov measures. Mannheim [u.a.] [Arbeitspapier]

Döring, Leif ORCID: 0000-0002-4569-5083 (2014) A 0-1 law for spectrally positive Lévy processes conditioned to be positive. Zürich [Bericht]

Barczy, Mátyás ; Döring, Leif ORCID: 0000-0002-4569-5083 ; Li, Zenghu ; Pap, Gyula (2014) Parameter estimation for a subcritical affine two factor model. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference : JSPI Amsterdam 151/2 37-59 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Barczy, Mátyás ; Döring, Leif ORCID: 0000-0002-4569-5083 ; Li, Zenghu ; Pap, Gyula (2014) Stationarity and ergodicity for an affine two factor model. Advances in Applied Probability Sheffield [u.a.] 46 3 878-898 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Berestycki, Julien ; Döring, Leif ORCID: 0000-0002-4569-5083 ; Mytnik, Leonid ; Zambotti, Lorenzo (2014) On exceptional times for generalized Fleming-Viot processes with mutations. Stochastic Partial Differential Equations : Analysis and Computations New York, NY 2 1 84-120 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Pernpeintner, Michael ORCID: 0000-0001-6939-1028 (2014) On the structure of Gröbner bases for graph coloring ideals. Open Access München [Abschlussarbeit]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Kühn, Sebastian ; Ohst, Jan Peter ; Ruzika, Stefan Influence of spreading hazardous material in macroscopic evacuation dynamics: A proof of concept. Weidmann, Ulrich IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology 1 275-282 In: Pedestrian and evacuation dynamics 2012 (2014) Cham ; Heidelberg 6th International Conference on Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics, PED 2012 (Zürich, Switzerland) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Parczewski, Peter (2014) A Wick functional limit theorem. Probability and Mathematical Statistics Wrocław 34 1 127-145 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Parczewski, Peter (2014) A fractional Donsker theorem. Stochastic Analysis and Applications Philadelphia, PA 32 2 328-347 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Fasang, Anette Eva ; Raab, Marcel ORCID: 0000-0002-3097-1591 (2014) Beyond transmission: Intergenerational patterns of family formation among middle-class American families. Demography New York, NY 51 5 1703-1728 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Hinrichs, Aicke ; Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 ; Novak, Erich (2014) Guest editors' preface. Journal of Complexity Amsterdam [u.a.] 30 2 1 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Staudigl, Mathias (2014) A limit theorem for Markov decision processes. Journal of Dynamics and Games : JDG Springfield, MO 1 4 639-659 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Staudigl, Mathias ; Weidenholzer, Simon (2014) Constrained interactions and social coordination. Journal of Economic Theory : JET Amsterdam [u.a.] 152 41-63 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Hellmann, Tim ; Staudigl, Mathias (2014) Evolution of social networks. European Journal of Operational Research : EJOR Amsterdam [u.a.] 234 3 583-596 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Gretschko, Vitali ; Rasch, Alexander ; Wambach, Achim (2014) On the strictly descending multi-unit auction. Journal of Mathematical Economics Amsterdam [u.a.] 50 79-85 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Gretschko, Vitali ; Wambach, Achim (2014) Information acquisition during a descending auction. Economic Theory Berlin ; Heidelberg 55 3 731-751 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Schied, Alexander (2013) Finanzmathematik. Zeidler, Eberhard Springer-Handbuch der Mathematik Wiesbaden 3 267-282 [Buchkapitel]

Alfonsi, Aurélien ; Schied, Alexander (2013) Capacitary measures for completely monotone kernels via singular control. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization Philadelphia, Pa. 51 2 1758-1780 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Knopf, Markus (2013) Periodic solutions of the sinh-Gordon equation and integrable systems. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Schied, Alexander (2013) Finanzmathematik. Zeidler, Eberhard Springer-Taschenbuch der Mathematik Wiesbaden 1015-1029 [Buchkapitel]

Martini, Johannes W. R. ; Schlather, Martin ; Ullmann, G. Matthias (2013) On the interaction of different types of ligands binding to the same molecule Part I: the transfer of the decoupled sites representation. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry Bussum 51 2 672-695 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Martini, Johannes W. R. ; Schlather, Martin ; Ullmann, G. Matthias (2013) On the interaction of different types of ligands binding to the same molecule Part II: Systems with n to 2 and n to 3 binding sites. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry Bussum 51 2 696-714 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Gatheral, Jim ; Schied, Alexander (2013) Dynamical models for market impact and algorithms for optimal order execution. Fouque, Jean-Pierre Handbook on Systemic Risk Cambridge 579-602 [Buchkapitel]

Klöck, Florian (2013) Regularity of Market Impact Models : Time-Dependent Impact, Dark Pools and Multivariate Transient Impact. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Scheuerer, Michael ; Schaback, Robert ; Schlather, Martin (2013) Interpolation of spatial data - a stochastic or a deterministic problem? European Journal of Applied Mathematics Cambridge 24 4 601-629 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Föllmer, Hans ; Schied, Alexander (2013) Probabilistic aspects of finance. Bernoulli : Official Journal of the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability The Hague 19 4 1306-1326 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schied, Alexander (2013) Robust strategies for optimal order execution in the Almgren-Chriss framework. Applied Mathematical Finance London 20 3 264-286 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Lorenz, Christopher ; Schied, Alexander (2013) Drift dependence of optimal trade execution strategies under transient price impact. Finance and Stochastics Berlin [u.a.] 17 4 743-770 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kloeden, Peter E. ; Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 (2013) Convergence of numerical methods for stochastic differential equations in mathematical finance. Gerstner, Thomas Recent Developments in Computational Finance Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences New Jersey, NJ [u.a.] 14 49-80 [Buchkapitel]

Schied, Alexander (2013) A control problem with fuel constraint and Dawson-Watanabe superprocesses. The Annals of Applied Probability Cleveland, Ohio 23 6 2472-2499 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Herty, Michael ; Ziegler, Ute (2013) Numerical discretization of Hamilton-Jacobi equations on networks. Open Access Networks and Heterogeneous Media : NHM Springfield, Mo. 8 3 685-705 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Klar, Axel ; Schindler, Patrick (2013) Discontinuous conservation laws for production networks with finite buffers. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics Philadelphia, PA 73 3 1117-1138 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bracke, Martin ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Götz, Thomas (2013) Modellierungsproblem Dart spielen. Borromeo Ferri, Rita Mathematisches Modellieren für Schule und Hochschule Wiesbaden 147-162 [Buchkapitel]

Lang, Annika ; Potthoff, Jürgen (2013) Erratum: Fast simulation of Gaussian random fields [Monte Carlo Methods and Appications, 17, 3 (2011), 195–214]. Monte Carlo Methods and Applications Berlin [u.a.] 19 1 73-75 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Boldin, Denis (2013) Bermuda-Put-Optionen nach Geske und Johnson: Konvergenzanalyse und Zusammenhang mit amerikanischen Put-Optionen. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Kaiser, Gabriele ; Bracke, Martin ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Kaland, Christine (2013) Authentic complex modelling problems in mathematics education. Damlamian, Alain Educational Interfaces between Mathematics and Industry New ICMI Study Series Cham 16 287-297 [Buchkapitel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Klar, Axel Modeling and optimization of scalar flows on networks. Piccoli, Benedetto Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2062 395-461 In: Modelling and optimisation of flows on networks : Cetraro, Italy 2009 (2013) Berlin ; Heidelberg [u.a.] [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Martini, Johannes W. R. ; Ullmann, G. Matthias ; Schlather, Martin (2013) The meaning of the decoupled sites representation in terms of statistical mechanics and stochastics. Match : communications in mathematical and in computer chemistry Kragujevac 70 3 829-850 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Ober, Ulrike ; Malinowski, Alexander ; Schlather, Martin ; Simianer, Henner (2013) The expected linkage disequilibrium in finite populations revisited. Mannheim [Bericht]

Schneider, Georg Hubert (2013) Lagrange interpolation and quasi-interpolation using trivariate splines on a uniform partition. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Klauer, Alexander ; Schmidt, Martin U. ORCID: 0000-0002-1775-4701 (2013) Erratum Bloch varieties of higher-dimensional, periodic Schrödinger operators [J. Appl. Anal. 15 (2009), 33–46]. Journal of Applied Analysis : JAA Berlin [u.a.] 19 2 305-306 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Hauswirth, Laurent ; Kilian, Martin ; Schmidt, Martin U. ORCID: 0000-0002-1775-4701 (2013) Finite type minimal annuli in S^2×R. Illinois Journal of Mathematics Champaign, Ill. 57 3 697-741 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Böcherer, Siegfried ; Das, Soumya (2013) On holomorphic differential operators equivariant for the inclusion of Sp(n,R) in U(n,n). International Mathematics Research Notices : IMRN Oxford 2013 11 2534-2567 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Fuchs, Sebastian ; Ludwig, Alexander ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (2013) Zur Exaktheit der Standardformel. Zeitschrift für die gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft Berlin [u.a.] 102 1 87-95 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Barczy, Mátyás ; Döring, Leif ORCID: 0000-0002-4569-5083 ; Li, Zenghu ; Pap, Gyula (2013) On parameter estimation for critical affine processes. Electronic Journal of Statistics : EJS Ithaca, NY 7 647-696 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Barczy, Mátyás ; Döring, Leif ORCID: 0000-0002-4569-5083 (2013) On entire moments of self-similar Markov processes. Stochastic Analysis and Applications Philadelphia, PA 31 2 191-198 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Döring, Leif ORCID: 0000-0002-4569-5083 ; Mytnik, Leonid (2013) Longtime behavior of mutually catalytic branching with negative correlations. Englander, Janos Advances in superprocesses and nonlinear PDEs Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics Boston, MA [u.a.] 38 93-111 [Buchkapitel]

Döring, Leif ORCID: 0000-0002-4569-5083 ; Roberts, Matthew I. Catalytic branching processes via spine techniques and renewal theory. Donati-Martin, Catherine Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2078 305-322 In: Séminaire de Probabilités XLV (2013) Berlin ; Heidelberg [u.a.] 45th Seminar on Probability (Strasbourg, France) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Aurzada, Frank ; Döring, Leif ORCID: 0000-0002-4569-5083 ; Svavov, Mladen (2013) Small time Chung-type LIL for Lévy processes. Bernoulli : Official Journal of the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability The Hague ; Aarhus 19 1 115-136 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kreuter, Frauke ORCID: 0000-0002-7339-2645 (2013) Improving surveys with paradata : analytic uses of process information. Hoboken, NJ [Buch]

Bachas, Costas ; Brunner, Ilka ; Roggenkamp, Daniel (2013) Fusion of critical defect lines in the 2D Ising model. Journal of Statistical Mechanics : JSTAT Bristol 2013 P08008 1-13 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Parczewski, Peter (2013) A Wick functional limit theorem and applications to fractional Brownian motion. Saarbrücken [Dissertation]

Staudigl, Mathias (2013) Co-evolutionary dynamics and Bayesian interaction games. International Journal of Game Theory Berlin ; Heidelberg 42 1 179-210 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Scheuerer, Michael ; Schlather, Martin (2012) Covariance Models for Divergence-Free and Curl-Free Random Vector Fields. Stochastic Models New York, NY [u.a.] 28 3 433-451 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Gatheral, Jim ; Schied, Alexander ; Slynko, Alla (2012) Transient linear price impact and Fredholm integral equations. Mathematical Finance Malden, Mass. [u.a.] 22 3 445-474 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Elasmar, Sherine Rady Abdel Ghany (2012) Information-theoretic environment modeling for mobile robot localization. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Sevenheck, Christian (2012) Duality of Gauß-Manin systems associated to linear free divisors. Mannheim [Bericht]

Oesting, Marco ; Kabluchko, Zakhar ; Schlather, Martin (2012) Simulation of Brown-Resnick Processes. Extremes : Statistical Theory and Applications in Science, Engineering and Economics Dordrecht [u.a.] 15 1 89-107 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Krätschmer, Volker ; Schied, Alexander ; Zähle, Henryk (2012) Qualitative and infinitesimal robustness of tail-dependent statistical functionals. Journal of Multivariate Analysis : JMVA Amsterdam [u.a.] 103 1 35-47 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Alfonsi, Aurélien ; Schied, Alexander ; Slynko, Alla (2012) Order Book Resilience, Price Manipulation and the Positive Portfolio Problem. SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics : SIFIN Philadelphia, Pa. 3 1 511-533 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Schneider, Georg (2012) A Lagrange interpolation method by trivariate cubic C^1 splines of low locality. Neamtu, Marian Approximation Theory XIII : San Antonio 2010 Springer Proceedings in Mathematics New York, NY [u.a.] 13 231-248 [Buchkapitel]

Zentgraf, Jörg (2012) Constrained Willmore Hopf Tori. Open Access Mannheim [Dissertation]

Ballani, Felix ; Kabluchko, Zakhar ; Schlather, Martin (2012) Random Marked Sets. Advances in Applied Probability Sheffield [u.a.] 44 3 603-616 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Hertling, Claus ; Kurbel, Ralf (2012) On the classification of quasihomogeneous singularities. Journal of Singularities Cambridge, Mass. 4 131-153 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Herty, Michael ; Ringhofer, Christian ; Ziegler, Ute (2012) Production systems with limited repair capacity. Open Access Optimization London [u.a.] 61 8 915-948 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kostrykin, Vadim ; Potthoff, Jürgen ; Schrader, Robert (2012) Finite propagation speed for solutions of the wave equation on metric graphs. Journal of Functional Analysis Amsterdam [u.a.] 263 5 1198-1223 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kostrykin, Vadim ; Potthoff, Jürgen ; Schrader, Robert (2012) Construction of the paths of Brownian motions on star graphs I. Communications on Stochastic Analysis Baton Rouge, LA 6 2 223-245 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kostrykin, Vadim ; Potthoff, Jürgen ; Schrader, Robert (2012) Construction of the paths of Brownian motions on star graphs II. Communications on Stochastic Analysis Baton Rouge, LA 6 2 247-261 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kostrykin, Vadim ; Potthoff, Jürgen ; Schrader, Robert (2012) Brownian motions on metric graphs. Journal of Mathematical Physics Mellville, NY [u.a.] 53 9 095206-095206 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Herty, Michael ; Ringhofer, Christian (2012) Optimal order and distribution strategies in production networks. Armbruster, Dieter Decision policies for production systems London [u.a.] 265-287 [Buchkapitel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Martin, Stephan ; Sickenberger, Thorsten Production networks with stochastic machinery default. Günther, Michael Mathematics in Industry 17 247-253 In: Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2010 (2012) Berlin [u.a.] (Wuppertal) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Dereich, Steffen ; Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 ; Szpruch, Lukasz (2012) An Euler-type method for the strong approximation of the Cox-Ingersoll-Ross process. Proceedings / Section A, Mathematics Edinburgh 468 1105-1115 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Deya, Aurélien ; Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 ; Tindel, Samy (2012) A Milstein-type scheme without Lévy area terms for SDEs driven by fractional Brownian motion. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré. B, Probabilité et statistiques Bethesda, Md. 48 2 518-550 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kolb, Oliver ORCID: 0000-0001-6947-5520 ; Lang, Jens (2012) Simulation and continuous optimization. Martin, Alexander Mathematical Optimization of Water Networks International Series of Numerical Mathematics Basel [u.a.] 162 17-33 [Buchkapitel]

Kolb, Oliver ORCID: 0000-0001-6947-5520 ; Morsi, Antonio ; Lang, Jens ; Martin, Alexander (2012) Nonlinear and mixed integer linear programming. Martin, Alexander Mathematical Optimization of Water Networks International Series of Numerical Mathematics Basel [u.a.] 162 55-65 [Buchkapitel]

Sevenheck, Christian (2012) Mirror symmetry, singularity theory and non-commutative Hotdge structures. Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung Heidelberg [u.a.] 114 3 131-162 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Lee, Young K. ; Mammen, Enno ; Park, Byeong U. (2012) Flexible Generalized Varying Coefficient Regressions Models. The Annals of Statistics Cleveland, Ohio [u.a.] 40 3 1906-1933 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Böcherer, Siegfried ; Ibukiyama, Tomoyoshi (2012) Surjectivity of Siegel Φ-operator for square free level and small weight. Annales de l'Institut Fourier Grenoble 62 1 121-144 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Böcherer, Siegfried ; Dummigan, Neil ; Schulze-Pillot, Rainer (2012) Yoshida lifts and Selmer groups. Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan Tokyo 64 4 1353-1405 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Jentsch, Carsten ; Kreiss, Jens-Peter ; Mantalos, Panagiotis ; Paparoditis, Efstathios (2012) Hybrid bootstrap aided unit root testing. Computational Statistics Berlin [u.a.] 27 4 779-797 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Jentsch, Carsten ; Pauly, Markus (2012) A note using periodogram-based distances for comparing spectral densities. Statistics & Probability Letters Amsterdam 82 1 158-164 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Dietze, Siegfried ; Riedrich, Thomas ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (2012) Marginal-sum equations and related fixed-point problems. Nonlinear Analysis : Theory, Methods & Applications Amsterdam [u.a.] 75 16 6088-6102 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (2012) Loss prediction based on run-off triangles. Advances in Statistical Analysis : AStA Berlin [u.a.] 96 2 265-310 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Radtke, Michael ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (2012) Handbuch zur Schadenreservierung. Karlsruhe [Buch]

Döring, Leif ORCID: 0000-0002-4569-5083 ; Barczy, Mátyás (2012) A jump-type SDE approach to positive self-similar Markov processes. Electronic Journal of Probability : EJP Seattle, WA 17 No. 94 1-39 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Döring, Leif ORCID: 0000-0002-4569-5083 ; Mytnik, Leonid (2012) Mutually catalytic branching processes and voter processes with strength of opinion. ALEA : Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics Beachwood, OH 9 1 1-51 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Hoher, Simon ; Schindler, Patrick ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Schleper, Veronika ; Röck, Sascha System dynamic models and real-time simulation of complex material flow systems. ElMaraghy, Hoda A. 316-321 In: Enabling manufacturing competitiveness and economic sustainability : proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable and Virtual Production (CARV2011), Montreal, Canada, 2 - 5 October 2011 (2012) Berlin ; Heidelberg CARV2011 (Montréal, Canada) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Bachas, Costas ; Brunner, Ilka ; Roggenkamp, Daniel (2012) A worldsheet extension of O(d,d|Z). Journal of High Energy Physics : JHEP Berlin ; Heidelberg 2012 10 Article 039 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bender, Christian ; Parczewski, Peter (2012) On the connection between discrete and continuous Wick calculus with an application to the fractional Black-Scholes model. Cohen, Samuel N. Stochastic processes, finance and control : a Festschrift in honor of Robert J. Elliott Advances in statistics, probability and actuarial science Hackensack, NJ [u.a.] 1 3-40 [Buchkapitel]

Strohmaier, Markus ORCID: 0000-0002-5485-5720 ; Kröll, Mark (2012) Acquiring knowledge about human goals from Search Query Logs. Information Processing & Management Amsterdam 48 1 63-82 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Dubrovin, Boris ; Hertling, Claus ; Strachan, Ian A. B. ; Wendland, Katrin (2012) Singularity Theory and Integrable Systems : workshop 1217b, April 22nd – April 28th, 2012, report no. 23/2012. Oberwolfach Reports : OWR Berlin 9 2 1361-1403 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Staudigl, Mathias (2012) Stochastic stability in asymmetric binary choice coordination games. Games and Economic Behavior Amsterdam 75 1 372-401 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Klauer, Alexander (2011) On complex Fermi curves of two-dimensional periodic Schrödinger operators. Open Access None [Dissertation]

Geißler, Björn ; Kolb, Oliver ORCID: 0000-0001-6947-5520 ; Lang, Jens ; Leugering, Günter ; Martin, Alexander ; Morsi, Antonio (2011) Mixed integer linear models for the optimization of dynamical transport networks. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research Berlin [u.a.] 73 3 339-362 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Sickenberger, Thorsten (2011) Modelling the storage capacity of 2D pixel mosaics. Maaß, Jürgen Real-World Problems for Secondary School Mathematics Students Rotterdam 99-112 [Buchkapitel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Martin, Stephan ; Sickenberger, Thorsten (2011) Time-continuous production networks with random breakdowns. Open Access Networks and Heterogeneous Media : NHM Springfield, Mo. 6 4 695-714 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Kühn, Sebastian ; Ohst, Jan Peter ; Ruzika, Stefan ; Thiemann, Markus (2011) Evacuation dynamics influenced by spreading hazardous material. Networks and Heterogeneous Media : NHM Springfield, Mo. 6 3 443-464 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Armbruster, Dieter ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Herty, Michael (2011) A scalar conservation law with discontinuous flux for supply chains with finite buffers. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics Philadelphia, Pa. 71 4 1070-1087 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Dittel, Agnes ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Ziegler, Ute (2011) Optimal design of capacitated production networks. Optimization and Engineering Dordrecht [u.a.] 12 4 583-602 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Rhein, Markus ; Schneider, Georg (2011) Local Lagrange interpolation by quintic C1 splines on type-6 tetrahedral partitions. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics Amsterdam [u.a.] 236 4 529-542 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Gatheral, Jim ; Schied, Alexander ; Slynko, Alla (2011) Exponential resilience and decay of market impact. Abergel, Frédéric Econophysics of Order-driven Markets In: Econophysics of Order-driven Markets. Milano 225-236 [Buchkapitel]

Gatheral, Jim ; Schied, Alexander (2011) Optimal trade execution under geometric Brownian motion in the Almgren and Chriss framework. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance : IJTAF River Edge, NJ [u.a.] 14 3 353-368 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Föllmer, Hans ; Schied, Alexander (2011) Stochastic Finance : An Introduction in Discrete Time. Berlin [u.a.] [Buch]

Schied, Alexander ; Slynko, Alla (2011) Some mathematical aspects of market impact modeling. Blath, Jochen Surveys in Stochastic Processes EMS Series of Congress Reports Zürich 153-179 [Buchkapitel]

Hertling, Claus ; Sabbah, Claude (2011) Examples of non-commutative Hodge structures. Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu : JIMJ = Journal de l'Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu Cambridge 10 3 635-674 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Sevenheck, Christian ; Reichelt, Thomas (2011) Logarithmic Frobenius manifolds, hypergeometric systems and quantum D-modules. Mannheim [Bericht]

Sevenheck, Christian (2011) Bernstein polynomials and spectral numbers for linear free divisors. Annales de l'Institut Fourier Grenoble 61 1 379-400 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Engelke, Sebastian ; Kabluchko, Zakhar ; Schlather, Martin (2011) An equivalent representation of the Brown-Resnick process. Statistics & Probability Letters Amsterdam 81 8 1150-1154 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Ballani, Felix ; Schlather, Martin (2011) A construction principle for multivariate extreme value distributions. Biometrika London ; Oxford 98 3 633-645 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Hertling, Claus ; Sabbah, Claude (2011) μ-constant monodromy groups and marked singularities. Annales de l'Institut Fourier Grenoble 61 7 2643-2680 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Lang, Annika ; Potthoff, Jürgen (2011) Fast Simulation of Gaussian random fields. Monte Carlo Methods and Applications Berlin 17 3 195-214 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Barth, Andrea ; Benth, Fred Espen ; Potthoff, Jürgen (2011) Hedging of spatial temperature risk with market-traded futures. Applied Mathematical Finance London 18 2 93-117 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Jentsch, Carsten ; Mammen, Enno (2011) Discussion: Bootstrap methods for dependent data : a review. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society Amsterdam [u.a.] 40 4 391-392 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Jentsch, Carsten ; Politis, Dimitris N. The multivariate linear process bootstrap. 1-4 In: Proceedings of the 17th European Young Statisticians Meeting, EYSM, 5-9 September 2011, Lisbon, Portugal (2011) Lisboa 17th European Young Statisticians Meeting (Lisbon, Portugal) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Kloeden, Peter E. ; Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 ; Pavani, Raffaella (2011) Multilevel Monte Carlo for stochastic differential equations with additive fractional noise. Annals of Operations Research New York, NY [u.a.] 189 1 255-276 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (2011) Schadenreservierung. Wagner, Fred Gabler Versicherungslexikon Wiesbaden 588-592 [Lexikonartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (2011) Versicherungsmathematik. Wagner, Fred Gabler Versicherungslexikon Wiesbaden 723-724 [Lexikonartikel]

Döring, Leif ORCID: 0000-0002-4569-5083 ; Svavov, Mladen (2011) (Non)differentiability and asymptotics for potential densities of subordinators. Electronic Journal of Probability : EJP Seattle, WA 16 No. 17 470-503 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Blath, Jochen ; Döring, Leif ORCID: 0000-0002-4569-5083 ; Etheridge, Alison (2011) On the moments and the interface of the symbiotic branching model. The Annals of Probability New York, NY [u.a.] 39 1 252-290 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Aurzada, Frank ; Döring, Leif ORCID: 0000-0002-4569-5083 (2011) Intermittency and ageing for the symbiotic branching model. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré. B, Probabilité et statistiques Bethesda, MD 47 2 376-394 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (2011) Maß und Wahrscheinlichkeit. Berlin ; Heidelberg [Buch]

Bartenwerfer, Jens ; Buse, Gert ; Diepold, Christian ; Döring, Ingelore ; Hörnemann, Thomas ; Jäger, Bernd ; John, Daniel ; Lonsing, Marco ; Mangold, Klaus-Peter ; Matitschka, Heinz ; Romund, Gerd ; Schmidt, Klaus D. ; Stienen, Ulrich (2011) Methoden zur Schätzung von Schaden- und Prämienrückstellungen in der Kompositversicherung : überarbeitete Fassung. Berlin [Arbeitspapier]

Kloeden, Peter E. ; Lord, Gabriel J. ; Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 ; Shardlow, Tony (2011) The exponential integrator scheme for stochastic partial differential equations: Pathwise error bounds. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics Amsterdam [u.a.] 235 5 1245-1260 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Brunner, Ilka ; Roggenkamp, Daniel (2011) Attractor flows from defect lines. Journal of Physics. A, Mathematical and Theoretical Bristol 44 7 075402, 1-22 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Barkow, Ingo ; Leopold, Thomas ; Raab, Marcel ORCID: 0000-0002-3097-1591 ; Schiller, David ; Wenzig, Knut ; Blossfeld, Hans-Peter ; Rittberger, Marc (2011) RemoteNEPS: data dissemination in a collaborative workspace. Blossfeld, Hans-Peter Education as a lifelong process : the German National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft : ZfE. Sonderheft Wiesbaden 14 315-325 [Buchkapitel]

Staudigl, Mathias (2011) Potential games in volatile environments. Games and Economic Behavior Amsterdam 72 1 271-287 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Teuber, Tanja ; Steidl, Gabriele ; Gwosdek, Pascal ; Schmaltz, Christian ; Weickert, Joachim (2010) Dithering by Differences of Convex Functions. Open Access Preprints / Department of Mathematics Mannheim 10-01 [Arbeitspapier]

Hertling, Claus ; Sevenheck, Christian (2010) Limit of families of Brieskorn lattices and compactified classifiying spaces. Advances in Mathematics Amsterdam [u.a.] 223 4 1155-1224 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kilian, Martin ; Schmidt, Martin U. ORCID: 0000-0002-1775-4701 On infinitesimal deformations of cmc surfaces of finite type in the 3-sphere. Ohnita, Yoshihiro Riemann Surfaces, Harmonic Maps and Visualization : Proceedings of the 16 OCU International Academic Symposium 2008 237-254 In: Riemann Surfaces, Harmonic Maps and Visualization : Proceedings of the 16 OCU International Academic Symposium 2008 (2010) Osaka 16th Osaka City University International Academic Symposium 2008 (Osaka, Japan) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Matt, Michael A. ; Nürnberger, Günther (2010) Local Lagrange interpolation using cubic C1 splines on type-4 cube partitions. Journal of Approximation Theory Amsterdam [u.a.] 162 3 494-511 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

D'Apice, Ciro ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Herty, Michael ; Piccoli, Benedetto (2010) Modeling, simulation, and optimization of supply chains : a continuous approach. Philadelphia, PA [Buch]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Herty, Michael ; Ringhofer, Christian (2010) Optimization of order policies in supply networks. Open Access European Journal of Operational Research : EJOR Amsterdam [u.a.] 202 2 456-465 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Klein, Sebastian (2010) Totally geodesic submanifolds of the eceptional Riemannian symmetric spaces of rank 2. Osaka Journal of Mathematics Tokyo 47 4 1077-1157 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Nürnberger, Günther (2010) In memoriam: Günter Meinardus (1926-2007). Journal of Approximation Theory Amsterdam [u.a.] 162 1 1-5 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Alfonsi, Aurélien ; Schied, Alexander (2010) Optimal trade execution and absence of price manipulations in limit order book models. SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics : SIFIN Philadelphia, Pa. 1 1 490-522 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Föllmer, Hans ; Schied, Alexander (2010) Coherent and convex risk measures. Cont, Rama Encyclopedia of Quantitative Finance Encyclopedia of Quantitative Finance Chichester [u.a.] 1 355-363 [Buchkapitel]

Alfonsi, Aurélien ; Fruth, Antje ; Schied, Alexander (2010) Optimal execution strategies in limit order books with general shape functions. Quantitative Finance London [u.a.] 10 2 143-157 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schied, Alexander ; Schöneborn, Torsten ; Tehranchi, Michael (2010) Optimal basket liquidation for CARA investors is deterministic. Applied Mathematical Finance London 17 6 471-489 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Hertling, Claus ; Hoevenaars, Luuk ; Posthuma, Hessel (2010) Frobenius manifolds, projective special geometry and Hitchin systems. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik Berlin ; New York 649 117-165 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Fasen, Vicky ; Klüppelberg, Claudia ; Schlather, Martin (2010) High-level dependence in time series models. Extremes : Statistical Theory and Applications in Science, Engineering and Economics Dordrecht [u.a.] 13 1 1-33 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kabluchko, Zakhar ; Schlather, Martin (2010) Ergodic properties of max-infinitely divisible processes. Stochastic Processes and Their Applications Amsterdam [u.a.] 120 3 281-295 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schlather, Martin (2010) Some covariance models based on normal scale mixtures. Bernoulli : Official Journal of the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability London [u.a.] 16 3 780-797 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Potthoff, Jürgen (2010) Sample properties of random fields III : Differentiability. Communications on Stochastic Analysis Baton Rouge, LA 4 3 335-353 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Lang, Annika ; Chow, Pao-Liu ; Potthoff, Jürgen (2010) Almost sure convergence of a semidiscrete Milstein scheme for SPDE's of Zakai type. Stochastics : an international journal of probability and stochastic processes Abingdon 82 3 315-326 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Jentsch, Carsten ; Kreiss, Jens-Peter (2010) The multiple hybrid bootstrap - Resampling multivariate linear processes. Journal of Multivariate Analysis : JMVA Amsterdam [u.a.] 101 10 2320-2345 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Szabó, Tibor ; Zumstein, Philipp ORCID: 0000-0002-6485-9434 ; Zürcher, Stefanie (2010) On the minimum degree of minimal Ramsey graphs. Open Access Journal of Graph Theory Hoboken, NJ 64 2 150-164 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 ; Tindel, Samy ; Unterberger, Jérémie (2010) Discretizing the fractional Lévy area. Stochastic Processes and Their Applications Amsterdam [u.a.] 120 2 223-254 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Döring, Leif ORCID: 0000-0002-4569-5083 ; Svavov, Mladen (2010) An application of the renewal theorem to exponential moments of local times. Electronic Communications in Probability : ECP Seattle, WA 15 Paper 24 263-269 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 (2010) Numerical simulation and optimization of transport equations on networks. Kaiserslautern [Habilitation]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 Modelling with students - a practical approach. Araújo, Adérito Lecture Notes in Mathematics 235-242 In: EIMI 2010 : conference Educational Interfaces between Mathematics and Industry; proceedings; Lisbon - April, 19-23, Portugal (2010) Coimbra EIMI 2010 (Lisboa, Portugal) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Ziegler, Ute ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 Design network problem and heuristics. Mathematics in Industry 15 515-520 In: Progress in industrial mathematics at ECMI 2008 : [15th European Conference on Mathematics for Industry ; London, 30 June to 4 July 2008 ; proceedings] (2010) Berlin ; Heidelberg ECMI 2008 (London, UK) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Herty, Michael ; Ringhofer, Christian Time-dependent order and distribution policies in supply networks. Mathematics in Industry 15 521-526 In: Progress in industrial mathematics at ECMI 2008 : [15th European Conference on Mathematics for Industry ; London, 30 June to 4 July 2008 ; proceedings] (2010) Berlin, Heidelberg ECMI 2008 (London, UK) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Ludwig, Alexander ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (2010) Calendar year reserves in the multivariate additive model. Dresdner Schriften zur Versicherungsmathematik Dresden 2010,1 [Arbeitspapier]

Brunner, Ilka ; Roggenkamp, Daniel ; Rossi, Sebastiano (2010) Defect perturbations in Landau-Ginzburg models. Journal of High Energy Physics : JHEP Berlin ; Heidelberg 2010 3 Article 015 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bender, Christian ; Parczewski, Peter (2010) Approximating a geometric fractional Brownian motion and related processes via discrete Wick calculus. Bernoulli : Official Journal of the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability London 16 2 389-417 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Trapido, Denis ; Hillmann, Henning Relational counterbalances to economic endogamy: A theory and a historical example. Academy of Management Proceedings 2010,1 (2010) Briarcliff Manor, NY AOM 2010, 70th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (Montréal, Canada) [Präsentation auf Konferenz]


Trauter, Bastian (2009) Untersuchungen zum inversen, elektromagnetischen Gitterbeugungsproblem mit Anwendungen in der Gittercharakterisierung. Open Access None [Dissertation]

Steidl, Gabriele ; Teuber, Tanja (2009) Removing multiplicative noise by Douglas-Rachford splitting methods. Open Access Preprints / Department of Mathematics Mannheim 08-02 [Arbeitspapier]

Lang, Annika ; Chow, Pao-Liu ; Potthoff, Jürgen (2009) Almost sure convergence of a semidiscrete Milstein scheme for SPDE's of Zakai type. Open Access Preprints / Department of Mathematics Mannheim 08-03 [Arbeitspapier]

Setzer, Simon (2009) Splitting Methods in Image Processing. Open Access None [Dissertation]

Rhein, Markus (2009) Trivariate C1-Splines auf gleichmäßigen Partitionen. Open Access None [Dissertation]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen ; Veselčić, Marinko (2009) Zinsgarantien und Modellrisiko in Lebensversicherungen. Blätter der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik e.V. Heidelberg 30 2 327-361 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Albrecht, Peter ; Bartels, Hans-Jochen ; Maurer, Raimond (2009) Bericht zur Prüfung im November 2008 über Finanzmathematik (Spezialwissen). Blätter der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik e.V. Heidelberg 30 1 265-277 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Strobel, Jürgen ; Bartels, Hans-Jochen (2009) Bericht zur Prüfung im Oktober 2008 über Mathematik der Lebensversicherung (Grundwissen). Blätter der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik e.V. Heidelberg 30 2 425-428 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Strobel, Jürgen ; Bartels, Hans-Jochen ; Pannenberg, Michael (2009) Bericht zur Prüfung im November 2008 über Mathematik der Lebensversicherung (Spezialwissen). Blätter der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik e.V. Heidelberg 30 2 429-439 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Potthoff, Jürgen (2009) Sample properties of random fields I: Separability and measurability. Communications on Stochastic Analysis Baton Rouge, LA 3 1 143-153 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Potthoff, Jürgen (2009) Sample properties of random fields II: Continuity. Communications on Stochastic Analysis Baton Rouge, LA 3 3 331-348 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schied, Alexander ; Schöneborn, Torsten (2009) Risk aversion and the dynamics of optimal liquidation strategies in illiquid markets. Finance and Stochastics Berlin [u.a.] 13 2 181-204 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Föllmer, Hans ; Schied, Alexander ; Weber, Stefan (2009) Robust preferences and robust portfolio choice. Bensoussan, Alain Special volume: Mathematical modeling and numerical methods in finance Handbook of Numerical Analysis Amsterdam [u.a.] 15 29-87 [Buchkapitel]

Klein, Sebastian (2009) Totally geodesic submanifolds of the complex and the quaternionic 2-Grassmannians. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society Providence, RI 36 4927-4967 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Klein, Sebastian (2009) Reconstructing the geometric structure of a Riemannian symmetric space from its Satake diagram. Geometriae dedicata Dordrecht [u.a.] 13 25-50 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Klein, Sebastian Totally geodesic submanifolds in Riemannian symmetric spaces. Alvarez López, José Differential Geometry : Proceedings of the VIII International Colloquium, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 7--11 July 2008 136-145 In: Differential Geometry : proceedings of the VIII International Colloquium, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 7 - 11 July 2008 (2009) Hackensack, NJ [u.a.] [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Klein, Sebastian ; Thorbergsson, Gudlaugur ; Verhóczki, László (2009) On the Funk transform on compact symmetric spaces. Publicationes Mathematicae / Institutum Mathematicum Universitatis Debreceniensis Debrecen 75 3/4 485-493 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Manin, Yuri ; Teleman, Constantin ; Hertling, Claus (2009) An update on semisimple quantum cohomology and F-manifolds. Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics / American Mathematical Society Birmingham, Ala. [u.a.] 264 62-69 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Gregorio, Ignacio de ; Mond, David ; Sevenheck, Christian (2009) Linear free divisors and Frobenius manifolds. Compositio mathematica Cambridge 145 5 1305-1350 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Reichelt, Thomas (2009) A Construction of Frobenius Manifolds with Logarithmic Poles and Applications. Communications in Mathematical Physics Berlin [u.a.] 287 3 1145-1187 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Fügenschuh, Armin ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Herty, Michael ; Kirchner, Claus ; Martin, Alexander (2009) Efficient reformulation and solution of a nonlinear PDE-controlled flow network model. Computing Wien [u.a.] 85 3 245-265 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Dittel, Agnes ; Fügenschuh, Armin ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Herty, Michael (2009) MIP presolve techniques for a PDE-based supply chain model. Optimization Methods and Software Abingdon 24 3 427-445 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Ableitinger, Christoph ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Sickenberger, Thorsten (2009) Kann Papier sprechen? Eine Modellierungsaufgabe zum Thema "Speicherkapazität von 2D Pixel-Mosaiken". Brinkmann, Astrid Die Kompetenz Modellierung : konkret oder kürzer Materialien für einen realitätsbezogenen Mathematikunterricht Hildesheim [u.a.] 14 113-123 [Buchkapitel]

Ableitinger, Christoph ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Sickenberger, Thorsten (2009) Eine Modellierungsaufgabe zum Thema "Optimale Auslastung von Flugzeugen". Brinkmann, Astrid Die Kompetenz Modellierung : konkret oder kürzer Materialien für einen realitätsbezogenen Mathematikunterricht Hildesheim [u.a.] 14 83-94 [Buchkapitel]

Kabluchko, Zakhar ; Schlather, Martin ; Haan, Laurens de (2009) Stationary max-stable fields associated to negative definite functions. The Annals of Probability New York, NY [u.a.] 37 5 2042-2065 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Klauer, Alexander ; Schmidt, Martin U. ORCID: 0000-0002-1775-4701 (2009) Bloch Varieties of higher-dimensional periodic Schrödinger Operators. Journal of Applied Analysis : JAA Berlin [u.a.] 15 1 33-46 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Zumstein, Philipp ORCID: 0000-0002-6485-9434 (2009) Extremal colorings and extremal satisfiability. Open Access Zürich [Dissertation]

Jentzen, Arnulf ; Kloeden, Peter E. ; Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 Pathwise convergence of numerical schemes for random and stochastic differential equations. Cucker, Felipe London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 363 140-161 In: Foundations of Computational Mathematics, Hong Kong 2008 (2009) Cambridge Foundations of Computational Mathematics, Hong Kong 2008 (Hong Kong, China) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 ; Nourdin, Ivan ; Rößler, Andreas ; Tindel, Samy (2009) Trees and asymptotic expansions for fractional stochastic differential equations. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré. B, Probabilité et statistiques Bethesda, MD 45 1 157-174 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Garrido-Atienza, Maria J. ; Kloeden, Peter E. ; Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 (2009) Discretization of stationary solutions of stochastic systems driven by fractional Brownian motion. Applied Mathematics and Optimization New York, NY ; Heidelberg ; Berlin 60 2 151-172 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kloeden, Peter E. ; Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 ; Pavani, Raffaella (2009) Synchronization of noisy dissipative systems under discretization. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications London [u.a.] 15 8/9 785-801 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bordone, Valeria ; Billari, Francesco C. ; Dalla Zuanna, Gianpiero (2009) The Italian Labour Force Survey to estimate fertility. Statistical Methods and Applications Heidelberg [u.a.] 18 3 445-451 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kloberdanz, Kathrin ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (2009) Loss prediction in a linear model under a linear constraint. Advances in Statistical Analysis : AStA Berlin [u.a.] 93 2 205-220 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Döring, Leif ORCID: 0000-0002-4569-5083 (2009) Fine properties of symbiotic branching processes. Berlin [Dissertation]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (2009) Versicherungsmathematik. Heidelberg ; Berlin [Buch]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Bracke, Martin Eine Modellierungsaufgabe zum Thema: "Munterer Partnertausch beim Marienkäfer". Neubrand, Michael 1 93-96 In: Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2009 : Vorträge auf der 43. Tagung für Didaktik der Mathematik ; Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik vom 02.03. bis 06.03.2009 in Oldenburg (2009) Münster 43. Tagung für Didaktik der Mathematik (Oldenburg, Germany) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (2009) Maß und Wahrscheinlichkeit. Berlin ; Heidelberg [Buch]

Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 ; Tindel, Samy ; Unterberger, Jérémie (2009) Discretizing the fractional Levy area. Ithaca, NY [Arbeitspapier]

Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 ; Zähle, Henryk (2009) Asymptotic error distribution of the Euler method for SDEs with non-Lipschitz coefficients. Monte Carlo Methods and Applications Berlin [u.a.] 15 4 333-351 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Jentzen, Arnulf ; Kloeden, Peter E. ; Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 (2009) Pathwise approximation of stochastic differential equations on domains: higher order convergence rates without global Lipschitz coefficients. Numerische Mathematik Berlin [u.a.] 112 1 41-64 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Jentzen, Arnulf ; Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 (2009) A random Euler scheme for Carathéodory differential equations. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics Amsterdam [u.a.] 224 1 346-359 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Brunner, Ilka ; Jockers, Hans ; Roggenkamp, Daniel (2009) Defects and D-brane monodromies. Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics : ATMP Cambridge, MA 13 4 1077-1135 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Dahlke, Stephan ; Steidl, Gabriele ; Teschke, Gerd (2008) The continuous shearlet transform in arbitrary dimensions. Open Access Preprints / Department of Mathematics Mannheim 08-01 [Arbeitspapier]

Kilian, Martin ; Rossman, Wayne ; Schmitt, Nick (2008) Delaunay ends of constant mean curvature surfaces. Compositio mathematica Cambridge 144 186-220 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen ; Strobel, Jürgen (2008) Bericht zur Prüfung im Oktober 2007 über Mathematik der Lebensversicherung (Grundwissen). Blätter der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik e.V. Heidelberg 29 1 127-130 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen ; Strobel, Jürgen ; Pannenberg, Michael (2008) Bericht zur Prüfung im Oktober 2007 über Mathematik der Lebensversicherung (Spezialwissen). Blätter der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik e.V. Heidelberg 29 1 151-161 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen ; Albrecht, Peter ; Maurer, Raimond (2008) Bericht zur Prüfung im Oktober 2007 über Finanzmathematik (Spezialwissen). Blätter der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik e.V. Heidelberg 29 1 163-176 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kostrykin, Vadim ; Potthoff, Jürgen ; Schrader, Robert Contraction semigroups on metric graphs. Exner, Pavel Proceedings of symposia in pure mathematics 77 423-458 In: Analysis on graphs and its applications : Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK, January 8 - June 29, 2007 (2008) Providence, RI [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Alfonsi, Aurélien ; Fruth, Antje ; Schied, Alexander (2008) Constrained portfolio liquidation in a limit order book model. Banach Center Publications Warszawa 83 9-25 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schied, Alexander (2008) Robust optimal control for a consumption-investment problem. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research Berlin [u.a.] 67 1 1-20 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Hertling, Claus ; Sevenheck, Christian (2008) Curvature of classifying spaces for Brieskorn lattices. Journal of Geometry and Physics Amsterdam [u.a.] 58 11 1591-1606 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Hertling, Claus ; Sevenheck, Christian Twistor structures, tt* geometry and singularity theory. Donagi, Ron Proceedings of symposia in pure mathematics 78 49-73 In: From Hodge theory to integrability and TQFT : tt*-geometry; International Workshop from TQFT to tt* and Integrability, May 25 - 29, 2007, University of Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany (2008) Providence, RI [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Degond, Pierre ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Klar, Axel ; Seaid, Mohammed ; Unterreiter, Andreas (2008) Derivation of a kinetic model from a stochastic particle system. Kinetic and Related Models Springfield, MO 1 4 557-572 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Fügenschuh, Armin ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Herty, Michael ; Klar, Axel ; Martin, Alexander (2008) A discrete optimization approach to large scale supply networks based on partial differential equations. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing Philadelphia, PA 30 3 1490-1507 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Ehlert, Andree ; Schlather, Martin (2008) Capturing the multivariate extremal index: Bounds and interconnections. Extremes : Statistical Theory and Applications in Science, Engineering and Economics Dordrecht [u.a.] 11 4 353-377 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Chow, Pao-Liu ; Potthoff, Jürgen (2008) Donsker's functional calculus and related questions. Sengupta, Ambar N. Infinite Dimensional Analysis : In Honor of Hui-Hsiung Kuo Quantum probability and white noise analysis Singapore [u.a.] 22 53-89 [Buchkapitel]

Kloeden, Peter E. ; Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 ; Caraballo, Tomás (2008) Synchronization of systems with multiplicative noise. Stochastics and Dynamics : SD Singapore [u.a.] 8 1 139-154 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kloberdanz, Kathrin ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (2008) Prediction in the linear model under a linear constraint. Advances in Statistical Analysis : AStA Berlin [u.a.] 92 2 207-215 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. ; Zocher, Mathias (2008) The Bornhuetter–Ferguson principle. Variance : Advancing the Science of Risk Arlington, VA 2 1 85-110 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 (2008) Optimal pointwise approximation of stochastic differential equations driven by fractional Brownian motion. Stochastic Processes and Their Applications Amsterdam [u.a.] 118 12 2294-2333 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 ; Nourdin, Ivan ; Tindel, Samy (2008) Delay equations driven by rough paths. Electronic Journal of Probability : EJP Seattle, WA 13 Paper 67 2031-2068 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Caraballo, Tomás ; Kloeden, Peter E. ; Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 ; Pavani, Raffaella (2008) Synchronization of dissipative systems with additive and linear noise. Tammer, Christiane Festschrift in celebration of Prof. Dr. Wilfried Grecksch's 60th birthday Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences Aachen 25-47 [Buchkapitel]

Roggenkamp, Daniel ; Wendland, Katrin Decoding the geometry of conformal field theories. Doebner, Heinz-Dietrich Bulgarian Journal of Physics : BJP 35, Suppl.1 139-150 In: Lie theory and its applications in physics. Proceedings, 7th International Workshop, Varna, Bulgaria, June 18-24, 2007 (2008) Sofia 7th International Workshop Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics (LT-7) (Varna, Bulgaria) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Brunner, Ilka ; Roggenkamp, Daniel (2008) Defects and bulk perturbations of boundary Landau-Ginzburg orbifolds. Journal of High Energy Physics : JHEP Berlin ; Heidelberg 2008 4 Article 001 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kalter, Frank (2008) Review of event history analysis with Stata by Blossfeld, Golsch, and Rohwer. The Stata Journal College Station, TX ; Thousand Oaks, CA 8 1 129-133 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Lang, Annika (2007) Simulation of Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Stochastic Active Contours. Open Access None [Dissertation]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Rössl, Christian ; Zeilfelder, Frank High-quality rendering of Iso-Surfaces extracted from quadratic super splines. Chenin, Patrick Curve and Surface Design : Avignon 2006 203-212 In: Curve and surface design : Avignon 2006; [the Sixth International Conference on Curves and Surfaces was held June 29 - July 5, 2006 ... in Avignon, France] (2007) Brentwood, Tenn. [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Schmitt, Nick ; Martin, Kilian ; Kobayashi, Shimpe ; Rossman, Wayne (2007) Unitarization of monodromy representations and constant mean curvature trinoids in 3-dimensional space forms. Journal of the London Mathematical Society Oxford 75 3 563-581 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Creutzig, Thomas ; Klauer, Alexander ; Scheithauer, Nils R. (2007) Natural constructions of some generalized Kac-Moody algebras as bosonic strings. Communications in Number Theory and Physics Somerville, Mass. 1 3 453-477 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Hertling, Claus ; Sevenheck, Christian (2007) Nilpotent orbits of a generalization of Hodge structures. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik Berlin ; New York 609 23-80 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Roucairol, Céline (2007) Formal structure of direct image of holonomic D-modules of exponential type. Manuscripta mathematica Berlin; Heidelberg [u.a.] 124 3 299-318 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Herty, Michael (2007) Dynamic models for simulation and optimization of supply networks. Ijioui, Raschid Strategies and tactics in supply chain event management Berlin ; Heidelberg 249-266 [Buchkapitel]

Fügenschuh, Armin ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Herty, Michael Günther, Hans-Otto (2007) A New Modeling Approach for an Integrated Simulation and Optimization of Production Networks. Supply Network and Logistics Management Heidelberg 45-60 [Bericht]

Degond, Pierre ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Herty, Michael ; Klar, Axel (2007) A network model for supply chains with multiple policies. Multiscale Modeling & Simulation Philadelphia, PA 6 3 820-837 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schlather, Martin (2007) Rezension zu: Jacobsen, Martin: Point Process Theory and Applications. Berlin, 2006. Journal of the American Statistical Association : JASA Abingdon 102 479 1077-1078 [Rezension]

Perrin, Olivier ; Schlather, Martin (2007) Can any multivariate Gaussian vector be interpreted as a sample from a stationary random process? Statistics & Probability Letters Amsterdam 77 9 881-884 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kostrykin, Vadim ; Potthoff, Jürgen ; Schrader, Robert Heat kernels on metric graphs and a trace formula. Germinet, François Contemporary Mathematics : CONM 447 175-198 In: Adventures in mathematical physics : International Conference in Honor of Jean-Michel Combes on Transport and Spectral Problems in Quantum Mechanics, September 4 - 6, 2006, Université de Cergy-Pointoise, Cergy-Pontoise, France (2007) Providence, RI International Conference on Transport and Spectral Problems in Quantum Mechanics (Cergy-Pontoise, France) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Gall, Jürgen ; Potthoff, Jürgen ; Schnörr, Christoph ; Rosenhahn, Bodo ; Seidel, Hans-Peter (2007) Interacting and annealing particle systems - Mathematics and recipes. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision Dordrecht [u.a.] 28 1 1-18 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (2007) A note on a recent paper by Zaks, Frostig and Levikson. ASTIN Bulletin : The Journal of the International Actuarial Association Cambridge 37 2 319-321 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Fügenschuh, Armin ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Herty, Michael (2007) An alternative modeling approach for an integrated simulation and optimization of a class of production networks. Günther, Hans-Otto Management logistischer Netzwerke : Entscheidungsunterstützung, Informationssysteme und OR-Tools Mathematics in Industry Heidelberg 45-60 [Buchkapitel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 (2007) Continuous models for production networks including optimization issues. München [Buch]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 Mathematische Modellierung in der Mittelstufe: Personalausweis für Schildkröten. Mathematics in Industry 1 324-327 In: Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2007 : Vorträge auf der 41. Tagung für Didaktik der Mathematik vom 26.3. bis 30.3.2007 in Berlin (2007) Hildesheim [u.a.] 41. Tagung für Didaktik der Mathematik (Berlin, Germany) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Herty, Michael ; Kirchner, Claus Optimal control for supply network models: adjoint calculus. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics : PAMM 7, 1 2060053-2060054 In: ICIAM07 Contributed Papers (2007) Weinheim [u.a.] Sixth International Congress on Industrial Applied Mathematics (ICIAM07) and GAMM Annual Meeting (Zürich, Switzerland) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Herty, Michael Optimal control for supply network models: Mixed integer programming. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics : PAMM 7, 1 2060051-2060052 In: ICIAM07 Contributed Papers (2007) Weinheim [u.a.] Sixth International Congress on Industrial Applied Mathematics (ICIAM07) and GAMM Annual Meeting (Zürich, Switzerland) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Water contamination detection. Oberweis, Andreas Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics : PAMM 2 501-518 In: eOrganisation: Service-, Prozess-, Market-Engineering. 8. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik, Karlsruhe, 28. Februar - 2. März 2007 (2007) Karlsruhe 8. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (Karlsruhe, Germany) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (2007) A note on the separation method. Dresdner Schriften zur Versicherungsmathematik Dresden 2007,6 [Arbeitspapier]

Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 (2007) Optimal pointwise approximation of stochastic differential equations driven by fractional Brownian motion. Ithaca, NY [Arbeitspapier]

Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 ; Nourdin, Ivan (2007) Exact rate of convergence of some approximation schemes associated to SDEs driven by a fractional Brownian motion. Journal of Theoretical Probability New York, NY [u.a.] 20 4 871-899 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kloeden, Peter E. ; Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 (2007) The pathwise convergence of approximation schemes for stochastic differential equations. LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics London 10 1 235-253 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Brunner, Ilka ; Roggenkamp, Daniel (2007) B-type defects in Landau-Ginzburg models. Journal of High Energy Physics : JHEP Berlin ; Heidelberg 2007 8 Article 093 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Fügenschuh, Armin ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Herty, Michael Water contamination detection. Oberweis, Andreas 2 501-518 In: eOrganisation: Service-, Prozess-, Market-Engineering : 8. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik, Karlsruhe, 28. Februar - 2. März 2007 (2007) Karlsruhe WI 2007 (Karlsruhe, Germany) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Benner, Peter ; Sima, Vasile ; Slowik, Martin ORCID: 0000-0001-5373-5754 (2007) Evaluation of the linear matrix equation solvers in SLICOT. Journal of Numerical Analysis, Industrial and Applied Mathematics : JNAIAM Athens 2 1/2 11-34 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Dinh, Andreas (2006) Lokale Lagrange-Interpolation mit Splineoberflächen. Open Access None [Dissertation]

Kaddachi, Riadh (2006) Different aspects of nonlinear stochastic filtering theory. Open Access None [Dissertation]

Dejon, Alexander (2006) Stochastic Image Reconstruction as Ground State of Hamiltonian Operators. Open Access None [Dissertation]

Reichel, Dirk (2006) Differentialgeometrische Methoden für optische Verfahren zur Beurteilung von Skoliosen. Open Access None [Dissertation]

Niehage, Annika (2006) Nonbinary Quantum Goppa codes excequantum Gilbert -Varshamov bound. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Didas, Stephan ; Setzer, Simon ; Steidl, Gabriele (2006) Combines l2 data and gradient fitting in conjunction with l1 regularization. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen ; Malinin, Dimitry A. Finite Galois stable subgroups of GL_n. De Concini , Corrado Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics 243 1-22 In: Noncommutative algebra and geometry (2006) Boca Raton, Fla. International Algebraic Conference dedicated to the memory of Z. I.Borevich (St. Petersburg) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Schlather, Martin ; Gneiting, Tilmann (2006) Local approximation of variograms by covariance functions. Statistics & Probability Letters Amsterdam 76 12 1303-1304 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Gneiting, Tilmann ; Sevcíková, Hana ; Percival, Donald B. ; Schlather, Martin ; Jiang, Yindeng (2006) Fast and Exact Simulation of Large Gaussian Lattice Systems in R^2: Exploring the Limits. Journal of Computational & Graphical Statistics Alexandria, Va. 15 3 483-501 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Hecklin, Gero ; Zeilfelder, Frank Local Lagrange interpolation by classical bivariate C1 spline spaces. Chen, Guanrong Wavelets and Splines : Athens 2005 226-243 In: Wavelets and splines: Athens 2005 : [contributions based on lectures presented at the International Conference on "Interactions between Wavelets and Splines", held during May 16 - 19, 2005, Athens, Georgia] (2006) Brentwood, Tenn. [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Hecklin, Gero ; Zeilfelder, Frank (2006) Structural analysis of C1 spline spaces on Freudenthal partitions. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis Philadelphia, Pa. 38 2 347-367 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Rayevskaya, Vera ; Schumaker, Larry L. ; Zeilfelder, Frank (2006) Local Lagrange interpolation with bivariate splines of arbitrary smoothness. Constructive Approximation Berlin [u.a.] 23 33-59 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen ; Strobel, Jürgen (2006) Bericht zur Prüfung im Oktober 2005 über Mathematik der Lebensversicherung (Grundwissen). Blätter der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik e.V. Heidelberg [u.a.] 27 4 695-698 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen ; Strobel, Jürgen ; Pannenberg, Michael (2006) Bericht zur Prüfung im Oktober 2005 über Mathematik der Lebensversicherung (Spezialwissen). Blätter der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik e.V. St. Ingbert 27 4 745-753 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Burstall, Francis E. ; Kilian, Martin (2006) Equivariant harmonic cylinders. The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics Oxford 57 4 449-468 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Hertling, Claus tt* geometry and mixed Hodge structures. Izumiya, Shyuichi Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 43 73-84 In: Singularity theory and its applications : [conference on Singularity theory and its applications (MSJ-IRI2003) in Sapporo, Japan, on 16-25 September 2003] (2006) Tokyo [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Roucairol, Céline (2006) Irregularity of an analogue of the Gauss-Manin systems. Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France Paris 134 269-286 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Roucairol, Céline (2006) The irregularity of the direct image of some D-modules. Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences / Kyoto University Kyoto 42 923-932 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kirchner, Claus ; Herty, Michael ; Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 (2006) Optimal control for continuous supply network models. Networks and Heterogeneous Media : NHM Springfield, MO 1 4 675-688 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Herty, Michael ; Klar, Axel (2006) Modelling and optimization of supply chains on complex networks. Communications in Mathematical Sciences : CMS Somerville, MA 4 2 315-330 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 (2006) Optimal approximation of SDE's with additive fractional noise. Journal of Complexity Amsterdam [u.a.] 22 4 459-474 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Hess, Klaus Th. ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (2006) Risikoteilung und Rückversicherung. Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Universität Dresden Dresden 55 3/4 19-23 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (2006) Methods and models of loss reserving based on run–off triangles: A unifying survey. Casualty Actuarial Society Forum Arlington, VA 2006 Fall 269-317 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (2006) Optimal and additive loss reserving for dependent lines of business. Casualty Actuarial Society Forum Arlington, VA 2006 Fall 319-351 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Hess, Klaus Th. ; Schmidt, Klaus D. ; Zocher, Mathias (2006) Multivariate loss prediction in the multivariate additive model. Insurance : Mathematics and Economics Amsterdam [u.a.] 39 2 185-191 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (2006) Versicherungsmathematik. Heidelberg ; Berlin [Buch]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Herty, Michael (2006) Coupling conditions for supply networks and resulting optimization problems. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics : PAMM Weinheim [u.a.] 6 1 783-784 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Dietze, Siegfried ; Riedrich, Thomas ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (2006) On the solution of marginal-sum equations. Dresdner Schriften zur Versicherungsmathematik Dresden 2006,1 [Arbeitspapier]

Enger, Håkon ; Recknagel, Andreas ; Roggenkamp, Daniel (2006) Permutation branes and linear matrix factorisations. Journal of High Energy Physics : JHEP Berlin ; Heidelberg 2006 1 Article 087 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Neuenkirch, Andreas ORCID: 0000-0002-0419-1225 (2006) Optimal approximation of stochastic differential equations with additive fractional noise. Aachen 113 [Buch]


Mayer, Christoph ; Weber, Carsten (2005) Lineare Algebra für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler. None Wiesbaden [Buch]

Hertling, Claus Formes bilinéaires et hermitiennes pour des singularités: un apercu. Hertling, Claus Institut Elie Cartan 18 1-17 In: Singularités (2005) Nancy [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Hertling, Claus Structures tt*. Hertling, Claus Institut Elie Cartan 18 47-65 In: Singularités (2005) Nancy [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 ; Herty, Michael ; Klar, Axel (2005) Network models for supply chains. Communications in Mathematical Sciences : CMS Somerville, MA 3 4 545-559 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. ; Zocher, Mathias (2005) Loss reserving and Hofmann distributions. Mitteilungen / Schweizerische Aktuarvereinigung = Bulletin / Association Suisse des Actuaires = Bulletin / Swiss Association of Actuaries Bern 2005 2 127-162 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Pröhl, Carsten ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (2005) Multivariate chain-ladder. Dresdner Schriften zur Versicherungsmathematik Dresden 2005,3 [Arbeitspapier]

Bork, Matthias ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (2005) Optimal reinsurance in the variance model. Dresdner Schriften zur Versicherungsmathematik Dresden 2005,1 [Arbeitspapier]

Schmidt, Klaus D. ; Macht, Wolfgang ; Hess, Klaus Th. (2005) Arbeitsbuch Mathematik : Multiple-Choice-Aufgaben. Berlin ; Heidelberg [Buch]


Hecklin, Gero (2004) Interpolation mit bivariaten und trivariaten Splineräumen. Open Access None [Dissertation]

Rombach, Alexander (2004) Über Twists in Siegelschen Modulformen zweiten Grades und ihre Spinorzetafunktion. Open Access None [Dissertation]

Fenn, Markus ; Steidl, Gabriele (2004) Robust local approximation of scattered data. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Steidl, Gabriele (2004) A note on the dual treatment of higher order regularization functionals. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Binz, Ernst ; Rieckers, Alfred ; Honegger, Reinhard (2004) Construction and Uniqueness of the C* Algebra over a General Pre-symplectic Space. Journal of Mathematical Physics Melville, NY 45 7 2885-2907 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Fenn, Markus ; Steidl, Gabriele (2004) Fast NFFT based summation of radial functions. Sampling Theory in Signal and Image Processing Potsdam, NY 3 1 1-28 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Binz, Ernst ; Honegger, Reinhard ; Rieckers, Alfred (2004) Field-theoretic Weyl Quantization as a Strict and Continuous Deformation Quantization. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré Basel [u.a.] 5 327-346 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Binz, Ernst ; Pods, Sonja The Heisenberg Group in Classical and Quantum Information Transmission. Gruber, Bruno J. 55-103 In: Symmetries in Science XI : [the Symposium "Symmetries in Science XIII" was held at the Mehrerau, Bregenz, Austria, during the period July 20 - 24, 2003] (2004) Dordrecht [u.a.] [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Dahlke, Stephan ; Steidl, Gabriele ; Teschke, Gerd (2004) Weighted coorbit spaces and Banach frames on homogeneous spaces. The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications Boston, Mass. [u.a.] 10 5 507-539 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Gneiting, Tilmann ; Schlather, Martin (2004) Stochastic models that separate fractal dimension and the Hurst effect. SIAM Review Philadelphia, Pa. 46 2 269-282 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Kaden, Svenja ; Potthoff, Jürgen (2004) Progressive stochastic processes and an application to the Itô integral. Stochastic Analysis and Applications Philadelphia, Pa. [u.a.] 22 4 843-865 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (2004) Optimal quota share reinsurance for dependent lines of business. Mitteilungen / Schweizerische Aktuarvereinigung = Bulletin / Association Suisse des Actuaires = Bulletin / Swiss Association of Actuaries Bern 2004 2 173-194 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Hess, Klaus Th. ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (2004) Optimal premium plans for reinsurance with reinstatements. ASTIN Bulletin : The Journal of the International Actuarial Association Cambridge 34 2 299-313 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Radtke, Michael ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (2004) Handbuch zur Schadenreservierung. Karlsruhe [Buch]

Hess, Klaus Th. ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (2004) Credibility Modelle (Schadenreservierung). Radtke, Michael Handbuch zur Schadenreservierung Karlsruhe 81-88 [Lexikonartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (2004) Abwicklungsdreiecke. Radtke, Michael Handbuch zur Schadenreservierung Karlsruhe 7-14 [Lexikonartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (2004) Credibility Modelle (Grundlagen). Radtke, Michael Handbuch zur Schadenreservierung Karlsruhe 71-80 [Lexikonartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (2004) Abwicklungsmuster. Radtke, Michael Handbuch zur Schadenreservierung Karlsruhe 15-20 [Lexikonartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (2004) Chain–Ladder Verfahren. Radtke, Michael Handbuch zur Schadenreservierung Karlsruhe 55-64 [Lexikonartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (2004) Additives Verfahren. Radtke, Michael Handbuch zur Schadenreservierung Karlsruhe 21-24 [Lexikonartikel]

Lorenz, Holger ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (2004) Grossing Up Verfahren. Radtke, Michael Handbuch zur Schadenreservierung Karlsruhe 93-98 [Lexikonartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (2004) Kollektives Modell. Radtke, Michael Handbuch zur Schadenreservierung Karlsruhe 111-114 [Lexikonartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (2004) Lineare Modelle (Grundlagen). Radtke, Michael Handbuch zur Schadenreservierung Karlsruhe 115-122 [Lexikonartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (2004) Lineare Modelle (Schadenreservierung). Radtke, Michael Handbuch zur Schadenreservierung Karlsruhe 123-130 [Lexikonartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (2004) Lognormales loglineares Modell (Grundlagen). Radtke, Michael Handbuch zur Schadenreservierung Karlsruhe 131-134 [Lexikonartikel]

Kaulfuß, Stefan ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (2004) Lognormales loglineares Modell (Schadenreservierung). Radtke, Michael Handbuch zur Schadenreservierung Karlsruhe 135-139 [Lexikonartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. ; Wünsche, Angela (2004) Marginalsummenverfahren. Radtke, Michael Handbuch zur Schadenreservierung Karlsruhe 145-147 [Lexikonartikel]

Hess, Klaus Th. ; Schmidt, Klaus D. ; Wünsche, Angela (2004) Multinomial–Modell. Radtke, Michael Handbuch zur Schadenreservierung Karlsruhe 149-154 [Lexikonartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (2004) Multiplikative Modelle. Radtke, Michael Handbuch zur Schadenreservierung Karlsruhe 155-158 [Lexikonartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (2004) Poisson-Modell. Radtke, Michael Handbuch zur Schadenreservierung Karlsruhe 163-166 [Lexikonartikel]

Hess, Klaus Th. ; Schmidt, Klaus D. ; Schnaus, Anja (2004) Sequentielle Modelle. Radtke, Michael Handbuch zur Schadenreservierung Karlsruhe 189-197 [Lexikonartikel]

Radtke, Michael ; Reich, Axel ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (2004) Software. Radtke, Michael Handbuch zur Schadenreservierung Karlsruhe 209-213 [Lexikonartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (2004) Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen. Radtke, Michael Handbuch zur Schadenreservierung Karlsruhe 215-222 [Lexikonartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (2004) Decision theory. Teugels, Jozef L. Encyclopedia of actuarial science Chichester 1 431-436 [Lexikonartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (2004) Prediction. Teugels, Jozef L. Encyclopedia of actuarial science Chichester 3 1317-1321 [Lexikonartikel]

Hörnstein, Elke ; Novok-Rostás, Benjamin ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (2004) Μ-σ [My-sigma] efficient assets in an arbitragefree market. Dresdner Schriften zur Versicherungsmathematik Dresden 2004,1 [Arbeitspapier]

Baier, Franz ; Buse, Gert ; Ermert, Olaf ; Kohlruss, Dietmar ; Oecking, Stefan ; Radtke, Michael ; Reich, Axel ; Schmidt, Klaus D. ; Valenta, Helmut (2004) Software für die aktuarielle Bewertung von Versicherungsportefeuilles. Der Aktuar Karlsruhe 10 1 7-12 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Gaberdiel, Matthias R. ; Gannon, Terry ; Roggenkamp, Daniel (2004) The coset D-branes of SU(n). Journal of High Energy Physics : JHEP Berlin ; Heidelberg 2004 10 Article 047 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Gaberdiel, Matthias R. ; Roggenkamp, Daniel ; Gannon, Terry (2004) The D-branes of SU(n). Journal of High Energy Physics : JHEP Berlin ; Heidelberg 2004 7 Article 015 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Roggenkamp, Daniel ; Wendland, Katrin (2004) Limits and degenerations of unitary conformal field theories. Communications in Mathematical Physics Berlin ; Heidelberg 251 3 589-643 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Hertling, Claus ; Marcolli, Matilde (2004) Frobenius manifolds : quantum cohomology and singularities ; a publication of the Max-Planck-Institute for Mathematics, Bonn. Aspects of Mathematics = Aspekte der Mathematik. E Wiesbaden 36 [Buch]

Hertling, Claus ; Manin, Yuri (2004) Unfoldings of meromorphic connections and a construction of Frobenius manifolds. Hertling, Claus ; Marcolli, Matilde Frobenius manifolds : quantum cohomology and singularities ; a publication of the Max-Planck-Institute for Mathematics, Bonn : workshop on Frobenius Structures, held at MPIM Bonn, July 8-19, 2002 Aspects of Mathematics = Aspekte der Mathematik. E Wiesbaden 36 113-144 [Buchkapitel]


Thumstädter, Torsten (2003) Parameteruntersuchungen an Dirac-Modellen. Open Access None [Dissertation]

Engelmann, Angelika (2003) Bernstein-Bézier-Methoden und Interpolation mit bivariaten Splineräumen. Open Access None [Dissertation]

Müller-Bahns, Michael (2003) Invariante Deformationsquantisierung und Quantenimpulsabbildungen. Open Access None Mannheim [Dissertation]

Müller, Michael Frank ; Neumaier, Nikolai Alexander (2003) Some remarks on g-invariant Fedosov star products and quantum momentum mappings. Open Access Mannheimer Manuskripte zu Risikotheorie, Portfolio Management und Versicherungswirtschaft Mannheim 268 [Arbeitspapier]

Hecklin, Gero (2003) Interpolation mit C1-Supersplines auf Klassen von Tetraederzerlegungen. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Hecklin, Gero (2003) Lokale Lagrange-Interpolation mit quartischen C1-Splines. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Hecklin, Gero (2003) Hermite-Interpolation mit S27 auf Klassen von Triangulierungen. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Hecklin, Gero (2003) Interpolation mit C2-Supersplines vom Grad >. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Hecklin, Gero (2003) Lokale Lagrange-Interpolation mit C1-Splines vom Grad >. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Hecklin, Gero (2003) Lagrange-Interpolation mit quartischen C1-Splines auf Triangulierungen. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Müller-Bahns, Michael ; Neumaier, Nikolai Alexander (2003) Invariant Star Products of Wick Type : Classification and Quantum Momentum Mappings. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Fenn, Markus ; Steidl, Gabriele (2003) Fast NFFT based summation of radial functions. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen ; Albrecht, Peter ; Maurer, Raimond (2003) Bericht zur Prüfung im Oktober 2002 über Finanzmathematik(Spezialwissen). Blätter der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik e.V. Heidelberg 26 1 105-113 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen ; Strobel, Jürgen (2003) Bericht zur Prüfung im Oktober 2002 über Mathematik der Lebensversicherung (Grundwissen). Blätter der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik e.V. Heidelberg 26 1 65-67 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen ; Allerdissen, Klaus ; Strobel, Jürgen (2003) Bericht zur Prüfung im Oktober 2002 über Mathematik der Lebensversicherung (Spezialwissen). Blätter der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik e.V. Heidelberg 26 2 303-307 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schröder, Michael (2003) Brownian excursions and Parisian barrier options : a note. Journal of Applied Probability Cambridge ; Sheffield 40 4 855-864 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Binz, Ernst ; Pods, Sonja Classical and Quantum Information Transmission. Khrennikov, Andrej Yu. Mathematical modelling in physics, engineering and cognitive sciences 10 25-40 In: Proceedings of the Conference Quantum Theory: Reconsideration of Foundations 2 : Växjö (Smaland), Sweden, 1 - 7 June, 2003 (2003) Växjö [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Kohlmüller, Norbert ; Zeilfelder, Frank Construction of cubic 3D spline surfaces by Lagrange interpolation at selected points. Lyche, Thomas Curve and Surface Design, Saint Malo, Frankreich, 27.06.-03.07.2002 245-254 In: Curve and surface design : Saint-Malo 2002; [the Fifth International Conference on Curves and Surfaces was held June 27 - July 3, 2002 ... in Saint-Malo, France] (2003) Brentwood, Tenn. [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Binz, Ernst ; Schempp, Walter Entanglement, Parataxy, and Cosmology. Gosson, Maurice de Mathematical Physics Studies 24 483-542 In: Jean Leray '99 Conference Proceedings : the Karlskrona Conference in honor of Jean Leray (2003) Dordrecht [u.a.] [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Steidl, Gabriele ; Zeilfelder, Frank (2003) Explicit estimates for bivariate hierarchical bases. Communications in Applied Analysis Atlanta, Ga. 7 1 133-151 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen (2003) Glauben die Akteure der Finanzmärkte an den Paradigmenwechsel der modernen Finanzmathematik ? 79-91 [Buch]

Binz, Ernst ; Pods, Sonja ; Schempp, Walter (2003) Heisenberg Groups - A Unifying Structure of Signal Theory, Holography and Quantum Information Theory. Journal of Applied Mathematics & Computing : JAMC Heidelberg 11 1/2 1-57 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Binz, Ernst ; Pods, Sonja ; Schempp, Walter (2003) Heisenberg Groups : The Fundamental Ingredient to Describe Information, its Transmission and Quantization. Journal of Physics. A, Mathematical and Theoretical Bristol 36 23 6401-6421 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schröder, Michael (2003) On the integral of geometric Brownian motion. Advances in Applied Probability Sheffield [u.a.] 35 1 159-183 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Kohlmüller, Norbert ; Zeilfelder, Frank Optimal approximation order of interpolation by cubic spline surfaces. Lyche, Thomas Curve and Surface Design, St. Malo, Frankreich, 27.06.-03.07.2002 235-245 In: Curve and surface design : Saint-Malo 2002; [the Fifth International Conference on Curves and Surfaces was held June 27 - July 3, 2002 ... in Saint-Malo, France] (2003) Brentwood, Tenn. [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Binz, Ernst ; Schempp, Walter (2003) Quantum Teleportation and Spin Echo : A Unitary Symplectic Spinor Approach. Wang, Ren-Hong Computational Geometry : Lectures at the Morningside Center of Mathematics Studies in Advanced Mathematics Providence, RI 34 133-178 [Buchkapitel]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen (2003) Stichworte aus dem Bereich "Mathematical Finance" und Versicherungsmathematik. Lexikon der Mathematik Heidelberg [Lexikonartikel]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen (2003) Versicherungsmathematik, Essaybeitrag in "Faszination Mathematik". Heidelberg 226-228 [Buch]

Schlichenmaier, Martin (2003) Local cocycles and central extensions for multi-point algebras of Krichever-Novikov type. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik Berlin ; New York 559 53-94 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Göttlich, Simone ORCID: 0000-0002-8512-4525 (2003) Monte Carlo Methoden zur Simulation des Wachstums dünner Schichten. Darmstadt [Abschlussarbeit]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (2003) Modèles et méthodes de réservation : petit cours donné à l'Université de Strasbourg en Mai 2003. Dresden [Arbeitspapier]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (2003) On the covariance of monotone functions of a random variable. Dresdner Schriften zur Versicherungsmathematik Dresden 2003,4 [Arbeitspapier]

Schmidt, Klaus D. ; Zocher, Mathias (2003) Claim number processes having the multinomial property. Dresdner Schriften zur Versicherungsmathematik Dresden 2003,1 [Arbeitspapier]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (2003) Dual optimization of linear and quadratic forms. Dresdner Schriften zur Versicherungsmathematik Dresden 2003,5 [Arbeitspapier]

Förste, Stefan ; Roggenkamp, Daniel (2003) Current-current deformations of conformal field theories, and WZW models. Journal of High Energy Physics : JHEP Berlin ; Heidelberg 2003 5 Article 071 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Hertling, Claus (2003) tt* geometry, Frobenius manifolds, their connections, and the construction for singularities. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik Berlin ; New York 2003 555 77-161 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Hertling, Claus Frobenius manifolds and hypersurface singularities. Mond, David ; Saia, Marcelo José Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics 232 301-326 In: Real and complex singularities : the sixth workshop on Real and Complex Singularities, 17 – 21 July 2000, ICMC-USP, Sao Carlos, Brazil (2003) Boca Raton, Fla. 6th Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities (São Carlos, Brazil) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]


Potts, Daniel ; Steidl, Gabriele (2002) Fast summation at nonequispaces knots by NFFTs. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing Philadelphia, Pa. 24 6 2013-2037 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schlather, Martin (2002) Models for stationary max-stable random fields. Extremes : Statistical Theory and Applications in Science, Engineering and Economics Dordrecht [u.a.] 5 1 33-44 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Binz, Ernst ; Elzanowski, Marek (2002) Another look at the evolution of material structures. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids Thousand Oaks, Calif. [u.a.] 7 1 203-214 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Strobel, Jürgen ; Allerdissen, Klaus ; Bartels, Hans-Jochen (2002) Bericht zur Prüfung im Oktober 2001 über Mathematik der Lebensversicherung (Grundwissen). Blätter der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik e.V. Würzburg 25 4 869-872 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Strobel, Jürgen ; Allerdissen, Klaus ; Bartels, Hans-Jochen (2002) Bericht zur Prüfung im Oktober 2001 über Mathematik der Lebensversicherung(Spezialwissen). Blätter der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik e.V. Würzburg 25 4 877-880 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Deck, Thomas (2002) Continuous dependence on initial data for solutions of nonlinear stochastic evolution equations. Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics Singapore 5 3 333-350 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Binz, Ernst ; Schempp, Walter (2002) Digital information processing: The lie groups defining the filter banks of the compact disc. Task Quarterly Gdańsk 6 2 283-307 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Deck, Thomas ; Gross, Leonard (2002) Hankel operators over complex manifolds. Pacific Journal of Mathematics Berkeley, Calif. 205 1 43-97 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schlichenmaier, Martin (2002) Higher genus affine algebras of Krichever-Novikov type. Open Access Mannheimer Manuskripte zu Risikotheorie, Portfolio Management und Versicherungswirtschaft Mannheim 267 [Arbeitspapier]

Strauß, Daniel J. ; Steidl, Gabriele (2002) Hybrid wavelet-support vector classifiers of waveforms. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics Amsterdam 148 2 375-400 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Binz, Ernst ; Schempp, Walter (2002) Kepplers Phoronomie: Symplektische Spinoren. Results in Mathematics Basel ; Berlin [u.a.] 41 3/4 229-257 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Schumaker, Larry L. ; Zeilfelder, Frank Lagrange Interpolation by C1 Cubic Splines on Triangulations of Separable Quadrangulations. Approximation theory X : wavelets, splines, and applications 405-424 In: Approximation theory X : wavelets, splines, and applications (2002) Nashville [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen (2002) Lexikon der Mathematik. Heidelberg [Buch]

Binz, Ernst ; Léon, Manuel de ; Diego, David M. de ; Socolescu, Dan (2002) Nonholonomic constraints in classical field theories. Reports on Mathematical Physics Warszawa ; Amsterdam 49 2/3 151-166 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Elzanowski, Marek ; Binz, Ernst (2002) On the evolution of simple material structures. Technische Mechanik Magdeburg 22 1 36-42 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Deck, Thomas ; Kruse, Susanne (2002) Parabolic differential equations with Hölder continuous and unbounded coefficients. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae Dordrecht 74 1 71-91 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Zeilfelder, Frank (2002) Scattered Data Fitting with Bivariate Splines. Advances in multiresolution for geometric modelling : [all papers were originally presented at the MINGLE 2003 workshop held in Cambridge, UK, 9 - 11 September 2003] Heidelberg 243-286 [Buchkapitel]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Zeilfelder, Frank (2002) Splinefunktionen und Anwendungen. Walz, Guido Lexikon der Mathematik Heidelberg 5 71-75 [Lexikonartikel]

Zeilfelder, Frank ; Seidel, Hans-Peter (2002) Splines over triangulations. Farin, Gerald E. The Handbook of Computer Aided Design Amsterdam 701-722 [Buchkapitel]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen (2002) Stichworte aus dem Bereich "Mathematical Finance" und Versicherungsmathematik. Walz, Guido Lexikon der Mathematik Heidelberg 5 [Lexikonartikel]

Da Prato, Giuseppe (2002) Stochastic partial differential equations and applications. New York, NY [Buch]

Deck, Thomas ; Kruse, Susanne ; Potthoff, Jürgen ; Watanabe, Hisao White noise approach to stochastic partial differential equations. Da Prato, Giuseppe Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics 227 183-196 In: Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Applications (2002) New York, NY [u.a.] Conference on Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Applications V (Trient) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Binz, Ernst ; Schempp, Walter (2002) Information Technology: The lie groups defining the filter banks of the compact disc. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics Amsterdam [u.a.] 144 1/2 85-103 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schlather, Martin ; Tawn, Jonathan A. (2002) Inequalities for the extremal coefficients of multivariate extreme value distributions. Extremes : Statistical Theory and Applications in Science, Engineering and Economics Dordrecht [u.a.] 5 1 87-102 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schlather, Martin (2002) Characterisation of point processes with Gaussian marks independent of locations. Mathematische Nachrichten Weinheim 239 1 204-214 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Fialowski, Alice ; Schlichenmaier, Martin (2002) Global deformations of the Witt algebra of Krichever-Novikov Type. Open Access Mannheimer Manuskripte zu Risikotheorie, Portfolio Management und Versicherungswirtschaft Mannheim 266 [Arbeitspapier]

Hess, Klaus Th. ; Liewald, Anett ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (2002) An extension of Panjer's recursion. ASTIN Bulletin : The Journal of the International Actuarial Association Cambridge 32 2 283-297 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Hess, Klaus Th. ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (2002) A comparison of models for the chain-ladder method. Insurance : Mathematics and Economics Amsterdam [u.a.] 31 3 351-364 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (2002) A note on the overdispersed Poisson family. Insurance : Mathematics and Economics Amsterdam [u.a.] 30 1 21-25 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (2002) Versicherungsmathematik. Berlin ; Heidelberg [Buch]

Radtke, Michael ; Baier, Franz ; Buse, Gert ; Ermert, Olaf ; Kohlruss, Dietmar ; Müller, Markus ; Oecking, Stefan ; Säglitz, Hans-Jürgen ; Reich, Axel ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (2002) Aktuarielle Aspekte der Schadenrückstellung in der Schaden– und Unfallversicherung : Papier der DAV-Arbeitsgruppe Schadenreservierung, Stand: 25.11.2002. Dresden [Arbeitspapier]

Rückert, Helge Modal logic with subjunctive marker : a new perspective on rigid designation. Amann, Jean-Paul 120-124 In: Philosophical Insights into Logic and Mathematics (PILM 2002) : The History and Outcome of Alternative Semantics and Syntax, International Symposium September 30 - October 4, 2002, Nancy, France : abstracts (2002) Nancy Philosophical Insights into Logic and Mathematics (PILM 2002) (Nancy, France) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Hertling, Claus (2002) Generic torelli for semiquasihomogeneous singularities. Libgober, Anatoly ; Tibăr, Mihai Trends in singularities Basel ; Berlin [u.a.] 115-140 [Buchkapitel]

Hertling, Claus (2002) Frobenius manifolds and moduli spaces for singularities. Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics Cambridge 151 [Buch]

Inderst, Roman ; Wambach, Achim (2002) Capacity constrained firms in (labor) markets with adverse selection. Economic Theory Berlin ; Heidelberg 19 3 525-548 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Saller, Dirk (2001) Symmetries in covariant quantum mechanics. Open Access None [Dissertation]

Ballmann, Joachim (2001) Berechnung der Kottwitz-Shelstad-Transferfaktoren für unverzweigte Tori in nichtzusammenhängenden reduktiven Gruppen. Open Access None [Dissertation]

Kohlmüller, Norbert (2001) Lagrange- und Hermite-Interpolation mit Splineräumen auf Triangulierungen. Open Access None [Dissertation]

Potts, Daniel ; Steidl, Gabriele (2001) Fourier reconstruction of functions from their nonstandard sampled Radon transform. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Kaden, Svenja ; Potthoff, Jürgen (2001) On Measurability Properties of Stochastic Processes. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Meinardus, Günter (2001) Some Analytic Aspects Concerning the Collatz Problem. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Strauß, Daniel J. ; Steidl, Gabriele ; Welzel, Udo (2001) Parameter Detection of Thin Films From Their X-Ray Reflectivity by Support Vector Machines. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Kaden, Svenja ; Potthoff, Jürgen (2001) Progressive Stochastic Processes and an Application to the Itô Integral. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Strauß, Daniel J. ; Steidl, Gabriele (2001) Hybrid Wavelet-Support Vector Classifiers. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Schlichenmaier, Martin ; Karabegov, Alexander V. (2001) Almost Kähler deformation quantization. Letters in Mathematical Physics : LMP Berlin [u.a.] 57 135-148 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schlichenmaier, Martin Berezin-Toeplitz quantization and Berezin symbols for arbitrary compact Kaehler manifolds. Schlichenmaier, Martin Coherent States, Quantization,and Gravity 45-46 In: Coherent states, quantization and gravity : proceedings of the XVII Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics, Bialowieza, July 3-9, 1998 (2001) Warszawa [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Schlichenmaier, Martin Berezin-Toeplitz quantization and Berezin transform. Graffi, Sandro Series on concrete and applicable mathematics 1 271-287 In: Long time behaviour of classical and quantum systems : proceedings of the Bologna APTEX International Conference; Bologna, Italy, 13 - 17 September 1999 (2001) Singapore [u.a.] [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen ; Allerdissen, Klaus ; Strobel, Jürgen (2001) Bericht zur Prüfung im Oktober 1999 über Mathematik der Lebensversicherung (Spezialwissen). Blätter / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Versicherungsmathematik Würzburg 25 1 145-149 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen ; Allerdissen, Klaus ; Strobel, Jürgen (2001) Bericht zur Prüfung im Oktober 2000 über Mathematik der Lebensversicherung (Spezialwissen). Blätter / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Versicherungsmathematik Würzburg 25 1 151 - 156 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Zeilfelder, Frank ; Davydov, Oleg V. ; Nürnberger, Günther (2001) Bivariate spline interpolation with optimal approximation order. Constructive Approximation Berlin [u.a.] 17 2 181-208 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schlichenmaier, Martin ; Karabegov, Alexander V. (2001) Identification of Berezin-Toeplitz deformation quantization. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik Berlin ; New York 540 49-76 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen (2001) Lexikon der Mathematik. Heidelberg 2 [Buch]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen (2001) Lexikon der Mathematik. Heidelberg 3 [Buch]

Schlichenmaier, Martin (2001) Algebra, Algebraische Topologie. Walz, Guido Lexikon der Mathematik Heidelberg [u.a.] 1 [Lexikonartikel]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Schumaker, Larry L. ; Zeilfelder, Frank Local Lagrange Interpolation by Bivariate C1 Cubic Splines. Lyche, Tom Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces 2000 393-404 In: Oslo 2000 : [International Conference on Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces, June 29 - July 2, 2000] (2001) Nashville [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Schumaker, Larry L. ; Zeilfelder, Frank Local Lagrange Interpolation by Cubic Splines on a Class of Triangulations. Kopotun, Kirill Trends in Approximation Theory 341-350 In: Trends in approximation theory (2001) Nashville, Tenn. [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Zeilfelder, Frank Local Lagrange Interpolation on Powell-Sabin Triangulations and Terrain Modelling. Haußmann, Werner International Series of Numerical Mathematics 137 227-244 In: Recent progress in multivariate approximation$d4th international conference, Witten-Bommerholz (Germany), September 2000 (2001) Basel [u.a.] [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Binz, Ernst ; Schempp, Walter Signal Transmission along Singularity Free Gradient Fields and Quantization Caused by Internal Degrees of Freedom. Dubois, Daniel M. Casys 10 106-120 In: General systems, anticipation and epistemology physical systems, quantum mechanics and relativity quantum millennium, quantum universe, quantum worlds, quantum man (2001) Liège Fourth International Conference on Computing Anticipatory Systems (HEC-Liege, Belgium) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Schlichenmaier, Martin (2001) Singular projective varieties and quantization. Landsman, Nicolaas P. Quantization of singular symplectic quotients Progress in mathematics Basel [u.a.] 198 259-282 [Buchkapitel]

Zeilfelder, Frank ; Davydov, Oleg V. ; Haber, Jörg ; Seidel, Hans-Peter Smooth approximation and rendering of large scattered data sets. Ertl, Thomas Proceedings of IEEE Visualisation 2001 341-348 In: Proceedings Visualization 2001 : October 21 - 26, 2001, San Diego, California (2001) Piscataway, NJ [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Binz, Ernst ; Pods, Sonja ; Schempp, Walter (2001) Spinor Geometry and Signal Transmission in Three-Space. AIP Conference Proceedings Melville, NY 627 1 267-275 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen (2001) Stichworte aus dem Bereich "Mathematical Finance" und Versicherungsmathematik. Lexikon der Mathematik Heidelberg [Lexikonartikel]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen (2001) Stichworte aus dem Bereich "Mathematical Finance" und Versicherungsmathematik. Lexikon der Mathematik Heidelberg [Lexikonartikel]

Schröder, Michael The Laplace transform approach to valuing exotic options: the case of the Asian option. Kohlmann, Michael Mathematical Finance / Workshop of the Mathematical Finance Research Project, Konstanz, Germany, October 5-7, 2000 328-338 In: Mathematical finance / Workshop of the Mathematical Finance Research Project, Konstanz, Germany, Oct. 5-7, 2000 (2001) Basel [u.a.] [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Binz, Ernst ; Schwarz, Günter ; Wenzelburger, Jan (2001) On the Dynamics of Continuous Distributions of Dislocations. Quarterly of Applied Mathematics Providence, RI 59 2 225-239 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Chan, Raymond H. ; Potts, Daniel ; Steidl, Gabriele (2001) Preconditioners for nondefinite Hermitian Toeplitz systems. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications Philadelphia, Pa. 22 3 647-665 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Butzmann, Heinz-Peter (2001) An Incomplete Function Space: Horst Herrlich, einem immer freundlichen und hilfsbereiten Kollegen, zu seinem 60. Geburtstag. Applied Categorical Structures Dordrecht 9 4 365-368 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Butzmann, Heinz-Peter (2001) Duality theory for convergence groups. Topology and its applications Amsterdam 111 1/2 95-104 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Depner, Eduard (2001) On the Relationship of Bond and Stock Markets and its Applications to Actuarial Science. Mannheim [Buch]

Gneiting, Tilmann ; Sasvári, Zoltán ; Schlather, Martin (2001) Analogies and correspondences between variograms and covariance functions. Advances in Applied Probability Sheffield [u.a.] 33 3 617-630 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schlather, Martin (2001) Examples for the coefficient of tail dependence and the domain of attraction of a bivariate extreme value distribution. Statistics & Probability Letters Amsterdam 53 3 325-329 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schlather, Martin (2001) Limit distributions of norms of vectors of positive i.i.d. random variables. The Annals of Probability New York, NY [u.a.] 29 2 862-881 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schlather, Martin (2001) On the second-order characteristics of marked point processes. Bernoulli : Official Journal of the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability London 7 1 99-117 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Hess, Klaus Th. ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (2001) Credibility-Modelle in Tarifierung und Reservierung. Advances in Statistical Analysis : AStA Berlin [u.a.] 85 3 225-246 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Rückert, Helge Why dialogical logic? Wansing, Heinrich Advances in logic 1 165-185 In: Essays on non-classical logic : [papers of a Workshop on Non-Classical Logic, held October 5 - 6, 1999 at the University of Konstanz (Germany) as part of the 18th congress of the Allgemeine Gesellschaft für Philosophie in Deutschland] (2001) River Edge, NJ [u.a.] 18. Deutscher Kongress für Philosophie, Workshop on Non-Classical Logic (Konstanz, Germany) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Rahman, Shahid ; Rückert, Helge (2001) Dialogical connexive logic. Synthese : an international journal for epistemology, methodology and philosophy of science Dordrecht [u.a.] 127 1/2 105-139 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Esnault, Hélène ; Hertling, Claus (2001) Semistable bundles on curves and reducible representations of the fundamental group. International Journal of Mathematics : IJM Singapore [u.a.] 12 7 847-855 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Hertling, Claus Frobenius manifolds and variance of the spectral numbers. Siersma, Dirk ; Wall, C. T. C. ; Zakalyukin, V. M. NATO Science Series. Series II, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry 21 235-255 In: New developments in singularity theory : proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on New Developments in Singularity Theory, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 31 July - 11 August 2000 (2001) Dordrecht NATO Advanced Study Institute on New Developments in Singularity Theory, SGTW01 (Cambridge, UK) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]


Boer, Martijn de (2000) WebTed : ein System für Webbasierte Telediagnostik. Open Access None Mannheim [Dissertation]

Schlichenmaier, Martin (2000) Deformation quantization of compact Kähler manifolds by Berezin-Toeplitz quantization. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Schlichenmaier, Martin (2000) Elements of a Global Operator Approach to Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten Models. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Karabegov, Alexander V. ; Schlichenmaier, Martin (2000) Identification of Berezin-Toeplitz Deformation Quantization. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Schlichenmaier, Martin (2000) Singular Projective Varieties and Quantization. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Deck, Thomas ; Kruse, Susanne (2000) Parabolic differential equations with Hölder continuous and unbounded coefficients. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Schlichenmaier, Martin (2000) Berezin-Toeplitz Quantization and Berezin Transform. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Karabegov, Alexander V. ; Schlichenmaier, Martin (2000) Almost Kähler Deformation Quantization. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Benth, Fred Espen ; Theting, Thomas Gorm (2000) Some regularity results for the stochastic pressure equation of Wick-type. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Theting, Thomas Gorm (2000) Solving Wick-stochastic boundary value problems using a finite element method. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Potts, Daniel ; Steidl, Gabriele (2000) A new algorithm for computerized tomography based on fast Fourier transforms for nonequispaced data. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Freiling, Felix (2000) Mathematische Spielereien um Fehler und Fehlertoleranzen. Thema Forschung : das Wissenschaftsmagazin der Technischen Universität Darmstadt Monsheim 1 84-88 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Depner, Eduard (2000) Wenn Bankenrisiken auf der Aktivseite stehen. Versicherungswirtschaft Karlsruhe 55 12 856-860 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Strobel, Jürgen ; Allerdissen, Klaus ; Bartels, Hans-Jochen (2000) Bericht zur Prüfung im November 1999 über Mathematik der Lebensversicherung (Grundwissen). Blätter der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik e.V. Würzburg 24 3 547-550 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schlichenmaier, Martin ; Berceanu, Stefan (2000) Coherent state embeddings, polar divisors and Cauchy formulas. Journal of Geometry and Physics Amsterdam [u.a.] 34 3/4 336-358 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Binz, Ernst ; Schempp, Walter Creating Magnetic Resonance Images. Dubois, Daniel M. Casys 7 223-232 In: Fuzzy systems, genetic and neural algorithms ; quantum neural information processing: new technology? New biology? (2000) Liège [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Davydov, Oleg V. ; Zeilfelder, Frank Cubic spline interpolation on nested polygon triangulations. Cohen, Albert Curves and Surface fitting : St. Malo 1999 161-170 In: Curves and Surface fitting : St. Malo 1999 (2000) Nashville, Tenn. [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Schlichenmaier, Martin Deformation quantization of compact Kaehler manifolds by Berezin: Toeplitz quantization. Dito, Giuseppe Conference Moshe Flato 1999 2 204-220 In: Quantization, deformations, and symmetries / Conférence Moshé Flato 1999 (2000) Dordrecht [u.a.] [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Zeilfelder, Frank (2000) Developments in bivariate spline interpolation. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics Amsterdam 121 1/2 125-152 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schlichenmaier, Martin Elements of a global operator approach to Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten models. Doebner, Heinz D. Lie theory and its applications in physics III 204-220 In: Lie theory and its applications in physics III : proceedings of the third international workshop; Clausthal, Germany, 11 - 14 July 1999 (2000) Singapore [u.a.] [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen ; Malinin, Dimitry A. (2000) Finite Galois Stable Subgroups of GLn. Manuskripte / Universität Mannheim, Universität Heidelberg, Forschergruppe Arithmetik Mannheim [u.a.] 2000,3 [Arbeitspapier]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Davydov, Oleg V. (2000) Interpolation by C1 Splines of Degree q 4 on Triangulations. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics Amsterdam [u.a.] 126 1/2 159-183 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Zeilfelder, Frank (2000) Interpolation by spline spaces on classes of triangulations. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics Amsterdam [u.a.] 119 1/2 347-376 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen (2000) Lexikon der Mathematik. Heidelberg [u.a.] 1 [Buch]

Böcherer, Siegfried ; Heim, Bernhard E. (2000) L-functions on GSp2 × Gl2 of mixed weights. Mathematische Zeitschrift Berlin [u.a.] 235 1 11-51 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Binz, Ernst ; Socolescu, Dan Media with microstructures and thermodynamics from a mathematical point of view. Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico dell' Università e del Politecnico di Torino 58,1 17-23 (2000) Turin [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Binz, Ernst ; Pods, Sonja ; Schempp, Walter (2000) Natural microstructures associated with singularity free gradient fields in three-space and quantization. Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico Torino 58 1 1-16 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen (2000) On martingale diffusions describing the "smile-effect" for implied volatilities. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry Chichester 16 1 1-9 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Böcherer, Siegfried ; Kohnen, Winfried (2000) On the functional equation of singular series. Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg Berlin [u.a.] 70 1 281-286 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schröder, Michael (2000) On the valuation of double barrier options: computational aspects. The Journal of Computational Finance London 3 4 5-33 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Böcherer, Siegfried ; Schmidt, Claus-Günther (2000) p-adic measures attached to Siegel modularfForms. Annales de l'Institut Fourier Grenoble 50 5 1375-1443 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Binz, Ernst ; Schempp, Walter Projective Geometry and Kepler's Libration Theory. Doebner, Heinz D. Proc. Int. Symposium Quantum Theory and Symmetries 572-576 In: Quantum theory and symmetries : proceedings of the international symposium ; Goslar, Germany, 18 - 22 July 1999 (2000) Singapore [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Binz, Ernst ; Schempp, Walter Quantum systems: From macro systems to micro systems - the holographic technique. Trappl, Robert Cybernetics and Systems : 1 University of Vienna, Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies 1 123-128 In: Cybernetics and Systems 2000 : proceedings of the Fifteenth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, organized by the Austrian Society for Cybernetics Studies, held at the University of Vienna, Austria, 25 - 24 April 2000 (2000) Wien EMCSR 2000 (Wien, Austria) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen (2000) Stichworte aus dem Bereich "Mathematical Finance" und Versicherungsmathematik. Lexikon der Mathematik Heidelberg [Lexikonartikel]

Binz, Ernst ; Schempp, Walter (2000) Vector Fields in Three-Space, Natural Internal Degrees of Freedom, Signal Transmission and Quantization. Results in Mathematics Basel ; Berlin [u.a.] 37 3/4 226-245 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen ; Lu, Jian Volatility Forecasting and Delta-Neutral Volatility Trading for DTB Options on the DAX. Proceedings of the 10 th International AFIR Colloquium 51-66 In: 10th International AFIR Colloquium, Tromso, Norway, 20 - 23 June 2000. (2000) Ottowa, Ont. [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Schlichenmaier, Martin (2000) W_{1+infty} algebra. Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Suppl.II 486-487 [Lexikonartikel]

Pink, Richard (2000) Strong approximation for Zariski dense subgroups over arbitrary global fields. Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici Basel 75 4 608-643 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Beattie, Ronald ; Butzmann, Heinz-Peter (2000) Ultracomplete convergence vector spaces and the closed graph theorem. Topology and its applications Amsterdam 111 1/2 59-69 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schlather, Martin (2000) A formula for the edge length distribution function of the Poisson Voronoi tessellation. Mathematische Nachrichten Weinheim 214 1 113-119 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schlather, Martin (2000) On a class of models of stochastic geometry constructed by random measures. Mathematische Nachrichten Weinheim 213 1 114-154 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Potthoff, Jürgen (2000) On differential operators in white noise analysis. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae Dordrecht [u.a.] 63 1/3 333-347 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Potthoff, Jürgen ; Smajlović, E. On Donsker's delta function in white noise analysis. Albeverio, Sergio 332-349 In: Mathematical Physics and Stochastic Analysis : Essays in Honour of Ludwig Streit (2000) Singapore [u.a.] (Lissabon) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (2000) Statistical decision problems and linear prediction under vague prior information. Statistics & Risk Modeling Berlin 18 4 429-442 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. ; Macht, Wolfgang ; Hess, Klaus Th. (2000) Arbeitsbuch Mathematik : Multiple-Choice-Aufgaben. Berlin ; Heidelberg [Buch]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (2000) Mathematik : Grundlagen für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler. Berlin ; Heidelberg [Buch]

Recknagel, Andreas ; Roggenkamp, Daniel ; Schomerus, Volker (2000) On relevant boundary perturbations of unitary minimal models. Nuclear Physics / B. Proceedings Supplements Amsterdam [u.a.] 588 3 552-564 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Hertling, Claus (2000) Formules pour la multiplicité et le nombre de Milnor d’un feuilletage sur (C²,0). Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse Toulouse [u.a.] 6. Sér., 9 4 655-670 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Berceanu, Stefan ; Schlichenmaier, Martin (1999) Coherent state embeddings, polar divisors and Cauchy formulas. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Schlichenmaier, Martin (1999) Berezin-Toeplitz quantization and Berezin symbols for arbitrary compact Kähler manifolds. Open Access Mannheimer Manuskripte zu Risikotheorie, Portfolio Management und Versicherungswirtschaft Mannheim 238 [Arbeitspapier]

Karabegov, Alexander V. (1999) On Fedosov's approach to Deformation Quantization with Separation of Variables. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Walz, Guido (1999) Asymptotic Expansions for Multivariate Polynomial Approximation. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Trebels, Bernhard ; Steidl, Gabriele (1999) Riesz bounds of Wilson bases generated by B-splines. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Kohlmüller, Norbert (1999) Unterteilungsmethoden für Triangulierungen und bivariate Splineinterpolation. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Kohlmüller, Norbert (1999) Interpolation mit C1- und C2-Splines auf Quadrangulierungen. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Chan, Raymond H. ; Potts, Daniel ; Steidl, Gabriele (1999) Preconditioners for nondefinite Hermitian Toeplitz systems. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Zeilfelder, Frank (1999) Interpolation by spline spaces on classes of triangulations. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Davydov, Oleg V. ; Nürnberger, Günther ; Zeilfelder, Frank (1999) Bivariate Spline Interpolation with Optimal Approximation Order. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Davydov, Oleg V. ; Nürnberger, Günther (1999) Interpolation by C1 Splines of Degree q 4 on Triangulations. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Arakawa, Tsuneo ; Böcherer, Siegfried (1999) A Note on the Restriction Map for Jacobi Forms. Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg Berlin [u.a.] 69 1 309-317 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Ballmann, Joachim ; Fulea, Dan ; Weissauer, Rainer (1999) Abstieg anisotroper Konjugationsklassen in Weylgruppen. Manuskripte der Forschergruppe Arithmetik Mannheim ; Heidelberg 99,17 [Arbeitspapier]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen ; Allerdissen, Klaus ; Strobel, Jürgen (1999) Bericht zur Prüfung im November 1998 über Mathematik der Lebensversicherung (Grundwissen). Blätter / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Versicherungsmathematik Würzburg 24 2 397-400 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen ; Allerdissen, Klaus ; Strobel, Jürgen (1999) Bericht zur Prüfung im Oktober 1998 über Mathematik der Lebensversicherung (Spezialwissen). Blätter / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Versicherungsmathematik Würzburg 24 1 135-142 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schlichenmaier, Martin ; Ali, S. Twareque ; Strasburger, Alexander ; Odzijewicz, Anatol (1999) Foreword. Reports on Mathematical Physics Warschau 43 1/2 3 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schröder, Michael (1999) Fact and fantasy in recent applications of transform methods to the valuation of exotic options. Arbeitspapier / Lehrstuhl für Mathematik III Mannheim [Arbeitspapier]

Binz, Ernst From the interaction scheme to the stress tensor. Maugin, Gérard A. Travaux en cours 60 21-34 In: Geometry, continua and microstructure : an international seminar held at the University Pierre et Marie Curie Laboratoire de Modélisation en Mécanique, Paris, May 28 - 29, 1997 (1999) Paris [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Binz, Ernst ; Léon, Manuel de ; Socolescu, Dan (1999) Global dynamics of media with microstructure. Extracta mathematicae Badajoz 14 2 99-125 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Davydov, Oleg V. ; Zeilfelder, Frank (1999) Interpolation by splines on triangulations. Müller, Manfred W. New Developments in Approximation Theory : 2nd International Dortmund Meeting (IDoMAT) '98, Germany, February 23-27, 1998 Basel ; Berlin 49-70 [Buchkapitel]

Böcherer, Siegfried ; Bruinier, Jan H. ; Kohnen, Winfried (1999) Non-vanishing of scalar products of Fourier-Jacobi coefficients of Siegel cusp forms. Mathematische Annalen Berlin ; Göttingen ; Heidelberg 313 1 1-13 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schröder, Michael (1999) On the valuation of Paris options : foundational results. On the valuation of Paris options : foundational results Mannheim [Arbeitspapier]

Adly, Samir ; Oettli, Werner (1999) Solvability of generalized nonlinear symmetric variational inequalitites. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society / Ser. B, Applied Mathematics St. Lucia, Qld 40 3 289-300 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Böcherer, Siegfried ; Schulze-Pillot, Rainer (1999) Squares of automorphic forms on quaternion algebras. Journal of Number Theory Orlando, Fla. 76 2 194-205 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Deck, Thomas ; Vage, Gjermund ; Potthoff, Jürgen ; Watanabe, Hisao (1999) Stability of solutions of parabolic PDE's with random drift and viscosity limit. Applied Mathematics & Optimization New York, NY [u.a.] 40 3 393-406 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Zeilfelder, Frank (1999) Strong unicity of best uniform approximations from periodic spline spaces. Journal of Approximation Theory Amsterdam [u.a.] 99 1 1-29 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schlichenmaier, Martin (1999) Sugawara operators for higher genus Riemann surfaces. Reports on Mathematical Physics Warszawa 43 1/2 323-339 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Böcherer, Siegfried ; Funke, Joachim ; Schulze-Pillot, Rainer (1999) Traces of Theta Series. Journal of Number Theory Orlando, Fla. 78 1 119-140 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Depner, Eduard (1999) Value at risk bei Versicherungen. Versicherungswirtschaft Karlsruhe 54 3 165-169 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schlichenmaier, Martin ; Sheinman, Oleg K. (1999) Wess-Zumino-Witten-Novikov theory, Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations, and Krichever-Novikov algebras I. Russian mathematical surveys London 54 1 213-250 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen (1999) Zur Mathematik der Optionen. Mathematische Semesterberichte Berlin [u.a.] 46 1 29-45 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Binz, Ernst ; Schempp, Walter Quantum Teleportation and Spin Echo: a Unitary Symplectic Spinor Approach. Dimiev, Stanco Aspects of Complex Analysis, Differential Geometry, Mathematical Physics and Applications : Fourth International Workshop on Complex Structures and Vector Fields, held in Konstantin, Bulgaria, September 3-11, 1998 314-365 In: Aspects of complex analysis, differential geometry, mathematical physics and applications : St. Konstantin, Bulgaria, September 3 - 11, 1998 (1999) Singapore [u.a.] [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Schlather, Martin ; Stoyan, Dietrich (1999) Edge systems of time-dependent incomplete Poisson Voronoi tessellations. Stochastic Models New York, NY [u.a.] 15 4 599-615 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1999) A bibliography on loss reserving : (permanent update). Dresdner Schriften zur Versicherungsmathematik Dresden 1999,4 [Arbeitspapier]

Hess, Klaus Th. ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (1999) A note on Poisson renewal processes. Dresdner Schriften zur Versicherungsmathematik Dresden 1999,1 [Arbeitspapier]

Schmidt, Klaus D. ; Lorenz, Holger (1999) Grossing-up, chain-ladder and marginal-sum estimation. Blätter der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik e.V. Berlin ; Heidelberg 24 2 195-200 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1999) Chain ladder prediction and asset liability management. Blätter der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik e.V. Berlin ; Heidelberg 24 1 1-9 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1999) Reservierung für Spätschäden: Modellierung am Beispiel des Chain-Ladder-Verfahrens. Allgemeines Statistisches Archiv : AStA Heidelberg ; Berlin 83 267-280 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1999) Discussion of paper published in Volume LXXXIII : Loss prediction by generalized least squares, Leigh J. Halliwell. Proceedings of the Casualty Actuarial Society Boston, MA 86 165 736-747 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1999) Mathematik und Wirtschaft: eine Herausforderung : der universitäre Studiengang Wirtschaftsmathematik. Informationen für die Beratungs- und Vermittlungsdienste : IBV Nürnberg 1999 9 565-569 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Hertling, Claus ; Manin, Yuri (1999) Weak Frobenius manifolds. International Mathematics Research Notices : IMRN Oxford 1999 6 277-286 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Hertling, Claus ; Stahlke, Colin (1999) Bernstein polynomial and Tjurina number. Geometriae dedicata Dordrecht [u.a.] 75 2 137-176 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Hertling, Claus (1999) Classifying spaces for polarized mixed Hodge structures and for Brieskorn lattices. Compositio mathematica Cambridge 116 1 1-37 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Roggenbach, Markus (1998) Über abstrakte Charakterisierungen von Bisimulation. Open Access None [Dissertation]

Gottscheber, Achim (1998) Multidimensional Wave Digital Filters and Wavelets (Mehrdimensionale Wellendigitalfilter und Wavelets). Open Access None [Dissertation]

Fulea, Dan (1998) Höhere arithmetische K-Theorie. Open Access None [Dissertation]

Schlichenmaier, Martin (1998) Sugawara Construction for Higher Genus Riemann Surfaces. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Schlichenmaier, Martin ; Sheinman, Oleg K. (1998) The Wess-Zumino-Witten-Novikov theory, Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations, and Krichever-Novikov algebras, I. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Deck, Thomas (1998) A generalization of Banach's fixed point theorem applied to non-linear stochastic evolution equations. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Gottscheber, Achim ; Steidl, Gabriele (1998) On a family of orthogonal wavelets on the quincunx grid. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Meinardus, Günter ; Walz, Guido (1998) Best Approximation by Free Knot Splines. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Borcherds, Richard E. ; Freitag, Eberhard ; Weissauer, Rainer (1998) A Siegel cusp form of degree 12 and weight 12. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik Berlin ; New York 494 141-153 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Oettli, Werner ; Schläger, Dirk (1998) A unifying minimax theorem. Le Matematiche / Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica dell'Università di Catania Catania 53 1 185-200 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Davydov, Oleg V. ; Zeilfelder, Frank (1998) Approximation order of bivariate spline interpolation for arbitrary smoothness. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics Amsterdam [u.a.] 90 2 117-134 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schlichenmaier, Martin Berezin-Toeplitz quantization of compact Kähler manifolds. Strasburger, Aleksander Quantization, Coherent states, and Poisson Structures : Proceedings of the XIV workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics 101-115 In: Quantization, coherent states and poisson structures : proceedings of the XIV Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics, Białowieża, July 9 - 15, 1995 (1998) Warschau [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Böcherer, Siegfried (1998) Bilinear Differential Operators for the Jacobi Group. Commentarii mathematici Universitatis Sancti Pauli = Rikkyō-daigaku-sūgaku-zasshi Tokyo 47 2 135-154 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Oettli, Werner ; Schläger, Dirk (1998) Conjugate functions for convex and nonconvex duality. Journal of Global Optimization Dordrecht 13 4 337-347 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Walz, Guido (1998) Error analysis in interpolation by bivariate C1 splines. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis : IMAJNA Oxford 18 4 485-508 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Oettli, Werner ; Schläger, Dirk (1998) Existence of equilibria for monotone multivalued mappings. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research Berlin [u.a.] 48 2 219-228 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Benth, Fred Espen ; Deck, Thomas ; Potthoff, Jürgen ; Vage, Gjermund (1998) Explicit strong solutions of SPDE's with applications to non-linear filtering. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae Dordrecht [u.a.] 51 2 215-242 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Potts, Daniel ; Steidl, Gabriele ; Tasche, Manfred (1998) Fast algorithms for discrete polynomial transforms. Mathematics of Computation Providence, RI Nr. 67 1577 - 1590 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Potts, Daniel ; Steidl, Gabriele ; Tasche, Manfred (1998) Fast and stable algorithms for discrete spherical Fourier transform. Linear Algebra and its Applications New York, NY Nr.275 433-450 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Elbel, Benedikte ; Steidl, Gabriele (1998) Fast Fourier transforms for nonequispaced data. Approximation Theory IX Nashville 39 - 46 [Buchkapitel]

Larsen, Michael J. ; Pink, Richard (1998) Finite subgroups of algebraic groups. Mannheimer Manuskripte zu Risikotheorie, Portfolio Management und Versicherungswirtschaft Mannheim; Heidelberg 98,4 [Arbeitspapier]

Potthoff, Jürgen ; Vage, Gjermund ; Watanabe, Hisao (1998) Generalized solutions of linear parabolic stochastic partial differential equations. Applied Mathematics & Optimization Berlin [u.a.] 38 1 95-107 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Oettli, Werner ; Schläger, Dirk Generalized vectorial equilibria and generalized monotonicity. Brokate, Martin Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series 377 145-154 In: Functional analysis with current applications in science, technology and industry (1998) Harlow [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Zeilfelder, Frank (1998) Hermite interpolation by periodic splines with equidistant knots. Communications in Applied Analysis Atlanta, Ga. 2 2 183-195 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Davydov, Oleg V. ; Zeilfelder, Frank (1998) Interpolation by cubic splines on triangulations. Approximation Theory : IX International Conference on Approximation Theory ; proceedings Nashville 17-24 [Buchkapitel]

Pink, Richard (1998) l-adic algebraic monodromy groups, cocharacters, and the Mumford-Tate conjecture. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik Berlin ; New York 187-237 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Zeilfelder, Frank (1998) Lagrange interpolation by splines on triangulations. Proceedings of the Morningside Institute, Peking Peking [Buchkapitel]

Benth, Fred Espen ; Deck, Thomas ; Potthoff, Jürgen ; Streit, Ludwig (1998) Nonlinear evolution equations with gradient coupled noise. Letters in Mathematical Physics : LMP Dordrecht [u.a.] 43 3 267-278 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Meinardus, Günter ; Oettli, Werner (1998) On a certain duality for segmented minmax problems. Computing Wien [u.a.] 61 2 91-101 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Deck, Thomas ; Potthoff, Jürgen (1998) On a class of stochastic partial differential equations related to turbulent transport. Probability Theory and Related Fields Berlin [u.a.] 111 1 101-122 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Binz, Ernst ; Léon, Manuel de ; Socolescu, Dan (1998) On a smooth geometric approach to the dynamics of media with microstructures. Comptes rendus de l'Académie des Sciences / Série 2. Fascicule B, Mécanique Paris 326 4 227-232 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Zeilfelder, Frank (1998) On bivariate spline spaces. Advances in Multivariate Approximation : proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Multivariate Approximation Theory, held at Witten-Bommerholz, Germany, September 27 - October 2, 1998 Berlin [u.a.] 227-230 [Buchkapitel]

Oettli, Werner ; Riahi, Hassan (1998) On maximal psi-monotonicity of sums of operators. Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis : CANA Orlando, Fla 5 3 1-17 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Potts, Daniel ; Steidl, Gabriele (1998) Optimal trigonometric preconditioners for nonsymmetric Toeplitz systems. Linear Algebra and its Applications New York, NY Nr.281 265-292 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Zeilfelder, Frank (1998) Spline interpolation on convex quadrangulations. Approximation Theory IX Nashville, Tenn. 259-266 [Buchkapitel]

Daniele, Patrizia ; Maugeri, Antonino ; Oettli, Werner (1998) Variational inequalities and time dependent traffic-equilibria. Comptes rendus de l'Académie des Sciences. Série A, sciences mathématique Paris 326 9 1059-1062 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Pink, Richard (1998) Compact subgroups of linear algebraic groups. Journal of Algebra San Diego, Calif. [u.a.] 206 2 438-504 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1998) Decomposition and extension of abstract measures in Riesz spaces. Rendiconti dell'Istituto di Matematica dell'Università di Trieste Trieste 29 Suppl. 135-213 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. ; Wünsche, Angela (1998) Chain ladder, marginal sum and maximum likelihood estimation. Blätter der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik e.V. Berlin ; Heidelberg 23 3 267-277 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1998) Prediction in the linear model: A direct approach. Metrika Berlin ; Heidelberg 48 2 141-147 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1998) Bayesian models in actuarial mathematics. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research Berlin ; Heidelberg 48 1 117-146 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1998) Stop loss order revisited. Dresdner Schriften zur Versicherungsmathematik Dresden 1998,4 [Arbeitspapier]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1998) Unconditional credibility. Dresdner Schriften zur Versicherungsmathematik Dresden 1998,1 [Arbeitspapier]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1998) Mathematik : Grundlagen für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler. Berlin ; Heidelberg [Buch]

Rahman, Shahid ; Rückert, Helge (1998) Intuitionistische Mathematik und Dialogischer Konstruktivismus. Erwägen, Wissen, Ethik : EWE = Deliberation, Knowledge, Ethics Stuttgart ; München 9 3 478-479 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Müller, Werner ; Schmidt, Martin U. ORCID: 0000-0002-1775-4701 ; Schrader, Robert (1998) Hyperelliptic Riemann surfaces of infinite genus and solutions of the KdV equation. Duke Mathematical Journal Durham, NC 91 2 315-351 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Hertling, Claus (1998) Brieskorn lattices and Torelli type theorems for cubics in P³ and for Brieskorn-Pham singularities with coprime exponents. Arnolʹd, Vladimir Igoreevič ; Greuel, Gert-Martin ; Steenbrink, Joseph Henri Maria Singularities : the Brieskorn anniversary volume Progress in Mathematics : PM Basel ; Boston, Mass ; Berlin 162 167-194 [Buchkapitel]


Schlichenmaier, Martin (1997) Vertexalgebren - eine Einführung. Open Access Mannheimer Manuskripte zu Risikotheorie, Portfolio Management und Versicherungswirtschaft Mannheim 222 [Arbeitspapier]

Walz, Guido (1997) Romberg Type Cubature over Arbitrary Triangles. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Benth, Fred Espen ; Deck, Thomas ; Potthoff, Jürgen ; Våge, Gjermund (1997) Explicit Strong Solutions of SPDE's with Applications to Non-Linear Filtering. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Davydov, Oleg V. ; Walz, Guido ; Zeilfelder, Frank (1997) Interpolation by Bivariate Splines on Crosscut Partitions. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Diethelm, Kai ; Walz, Guido (1997) Numerical Solution of Fractional Order Differential Equations by Extrapolation. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Potts, Daniel ; Steidl, Gabriele (1997) Preconditioners for ill-conditioned Toeplitz matrices. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Larsen, Michael J. ; Pink, Richard (1997) A connectedness criterion for l-adic Galois representations. Israel Journal of Mathematics Jerusalem 1-10 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Maugeri, Antonino ; Oettli, Werner ; Schläger, Dirk (1997) A flexible form of Wardrop's principle for traffic equilibria with side constraints. Rendiconti del Circolo matematico di Palermo, Ser. 2 / Supplemento Palermo 48 185-193 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Ansari, Qamrul Hasan ; Oettli, Werner ; Schläger, Dirk (1997) A generalization of vectorial equilibria. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research Heidelberg 147-152 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Oettli, Werner (1997) A remark on vector-valued equilibria and generalized monotonicity. Acta Mathematica Vietnamica Hanoi 213-221 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Deck, Thomas ; Potthoff, Jürgen ; Vage, Gjermund (1997) A review of white noise analysis from a probabilistic standpoint. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae Dordrecht [u.a.] 48 1 91-112 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Benth, Fred Espen ; Deck, Thomas ; Potthoff, Jürgen (1997) A white noise approach to a class of non-linear stochastic heat equations. Journal of Functional Analysis Amsterdam [u.a.] 146 2 382-415 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen ; Scharr, Michael ; Strobel, Jürgen (1997) Bericht zur Prüfung im Juni 1996 über Mathematik der Lebensversicherung, Spezialwissen. Blätter / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Versicherungsmathematik Würzburg 23 2 227-234 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Buck, Bernhard ; Butzmann, Heinz-Peter (1997) Free commutative convergence groups. Rostocker Mathematisches Kolloquium Rostock 51 159-166 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Pink, Richard (1997) Hodge Structures over Function Fields. Mannheim [Arbeitspapier]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Davydov, Oleg V. ; Walz, Guido ; Zeilfelder, Frank (1997) Interpolation by Bivariate Splines on Crosscut Partitions. Multivariate Approximation and Splines : International Conference on Multivariate Approximation and Splines held in Mannheim, Germany, on September 7 - 10, 1996 Basel 189-203 [Buchkapitel]

Pink, Richard (1997) Motives and Hodge structures over function fields. Mannheim [Arbeitspapier]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Schmidt, Jochen W. ; Walz, Guido (1997) Multivariate Approximation and Splines. Basel [Buch]

Binz, Ernst (1997) On discrete media, their interaction form and the origin of non-exactness of the virtual work. Symmetries on Science New York; London 47-61 [Buchkapitel]

Nürnberger, Günther (1997) Optimal partitions in bivariate segment approximation. Curves and Surfaces Nashville 271-278 [Buchkapitel]

Stenger, Horst ; Anderson, Oskar ; Popp, Wolfgang ; Schaffranek, Manfred ; Steinmetz, Dieter (1997) Schätzen und Testen : eine Einführung in Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und schließende Statistik. Heidelberg [Buch]

Böcherer, Siegfried ; Schulze-Pillot, Rainer (1997) Siegel Modular Forms and Theta Series attached to quaternion algebras II. Nagoya Mathematical Journal Durham, NC 147 71-106 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Binz, Ernst (1997) Structural capillarity, equilibrium configurations and vibrational modes. Communications in Applied Analysis Atlanta, Ga. 1 2 213-243 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Oettli, Werner ; Yamasaki, Maretsugu (1997) The generalized strong isoperimetric inequality in locally finite networks. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications Amsterdam 308-316 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Pink, Richard (1997) The Mumford-Tate conjecture of Drinfeld modules. Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences / Kyoto University Tokyo 393-425 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Mammen, Enno ; Konakov, Valentin (1997) The shape of kernel density estimates in higher dimensions. Mathematical Methods of Statistics New York, NY 6 440 - 464 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schlather, Martin ; Stoyan, Dietrich (1997) The covariance of the Stienen model. Jeulin, Dominique Proceedings of the International Symposium on Advances in Theory and Applications of Random Sets : Fontainebleau, France, 9-11 October 1996 Singapore [u.a.] 157-174 [Buchkapitel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1997) Non-optimal prediction by the chain ladder method. Insurance : Mathematics and Economics Amsterdam [u.a.] 21 1 17-24 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Grinevich, Piotr G. ; Schmidt, Martin U. ORCID: 0000-0002-1775-4701 (1997) Conformal invariant functionals of immersions of tori into R³. Journal of Geometry and Physics Amsterdam [u.a.] 26 1/2 51-78 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Greuel, Gert-Martin ; Hertling, Claus ; Pfister, Gerhard (1997) Moduli spaces of semiquasihomogeneous singularities with fixed principal part. Journal of Algebraic Geometry Providence, RI 6 1 169-199 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Schlichenmaier, Martin (1996) Berezin-Toeplitz Quantization of compact Kähler manifolds. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Schlichenmaier, Martin (1996) Deformation quantization of compact Kähler manifolds via Berezin-Toeplitz operators. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Schwarz, Günter ; Sniatycki, Jedrzej ; Tafel, Jacek (1996) Yang-Mills and Dirac fields with inhomogeneous boundary conditions. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Meinardus, Günter ; Nürnberger, Günther ; Walz, Guido (1996) Bivariate Segment Approximation and Splines. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Nürnberger, Günther (1996) Bivariate Interpolation by Splines and Approximation Order. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Nürnberger, Günther (1996) Bivariate Segment Approximation. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Potthoff, Jürgen ; Våge, Gjermund ; Watanabe, Hisao (1996) Generalized Solutions of Linear Parabolic Stochastic Partial Differential Equations. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Timpel, Matthias (1996) Some results about the large deviations principle in white noise analysis. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Binz, Ernst ; Schwarz, Günter ; Wenzelburger, Jan (1996) On the Dynamics of Continuous Distributions of Dislocations. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Schwarz, Günter (1996) Exterior domain problems and decomposition of tensor fields in weighted Sobolev spaces. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Deck, Thomas ; Potthoff, Jürgen ; Våge, Gjermund (1996) A Review of White Noise Analysis from a Probabilistic Standpoint. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Deck, Thomas ; Potthoff, Jürgen ; Våge, Gjermund ; Watanabe, Hisao (1996) Stability of solutions of parabolic PDEs with random drift and viscosity limit. Open Access None Mannheim [Arbeitspapier]

Binz, Ernst (1996) Structural capillarity, equilibrium configurations and vibrational modes of an idealized skin made up by finitely many particles. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Walz, Guido (1996) Trigonometric Bézier and Stancu Polynomials over Intervals and Triangles. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Walz, Guido (1996) Splines with Free Knots, the Heat Equation, and the Gauß Transform. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Potts, Daniel ; Steidl, Gabriele (1996) Optimal trigonometric preconditioners for nonsymmetric Toeplitz system. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Schlichenmaier, Martin (1996) Quasikristalle und Pisot-Zahlen. Open Access Mannheimer Manuskripte zu Risikotheorie, Portfolio Management und Versicherungswirtschaft Mannheim 221 [Arbeitspapier]

Ansari, Qamrul Hasan ; Oettli, Werner ; Schläger, Dirk A generalization of vectorial equilibria (extended abstract). Du, Ding-Zhu Operations Research and Its Applications 181-185 In: Operations Research and Its Applications : second international symposium, ISORA '96, Guilin, P. R. China, December 11 - 14, 1996, proceedings (1996) Beijing [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Oettli, Werner ; Yen, Nguyen Dong (1996) An example of a bad quasicomplementarity problem. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications Dordrecht [u.a.] 213-215 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Nürnberger, Günther (1996) Approximation order of bivariate spline interpolation. Journal of Approximation Theory Amsterdam [u.a.] 87 2 117-136 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen ; Scharr, Michael ; Strobel, Jürgen (1996) Bericht zur Prüfung im November 1995 über Mathematik der Lebensversicherung (Grundwissen). Blätter / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Versicherungsmathematik Würzburg 22 3 623-628 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Nürnberger, Günther (1996) Bivariate segment approximation and free knot splines: research problems 96-4. Constructive Approximation New York, NY [u.a.] 12 4 555-558 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Pink, Richard (1996) Compact subgroups of linear algebraic groups. Mannheim [Arbeitspapier]

Binz, Ernst (1996) Das Eingeschränkte Zweikörperproblem. Extracta mathematicae Badajoz 11 1 1-16 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schlichenmaier, Martin Deformation quantization of compact Kähler manifolds via Berezin-Toeplitz operators. Doebner, Heinz D. Proc. of the XXI Int. Coll. on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics 396-400 In: Group 21 : physical applications and mathematical aspects of geometry, groups and algebras; proceeding of the XXI International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics, 15 - 20 July 1996, Goslar Germany (1996) Singapore [u.a.] [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Schröder, Michael (1996) Die lokale Langlands-Korrespondenz und Carayols Theorie modularer Darstellungen. Die Taniyama-Weil Vermutung nach Taylor-Wiles Mannheim [Buchkapitel]

Binz, Ernst ; Oellers, Peter Einstein equation and geometric quantization. Doebner, Heinz D. Proc. Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics In: Lie theory and its applications in physics : proceedings of an international workshop [first], Clausthal, Germany, 14-17 August 1995 (1996) Singapore [u.a.] [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Oettli, Werner ; Yamasaki, Maretsugu (1996) Existence of feasible potentials on infinite networks. Journal of Convex Analysis Lemgo 71-81 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Binz, Ernst From the Discrete to a Continuum. Doebner, Heinz D. Proc. Lie Theory and its Applications in Physics 199-215 In: Lie theory and its applications in physics : proceedings of an international workshop [first], Clausthal, Germany, 14-17 August 1995 (1996) Singapore [u.a.] [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Kondratiev, Yuri G. ; Leukert, Peter ; Potthoff, Jürgen ; Streit, Ludwig ; Westerkamp, Werner (1996) Generalized functionals on Gaussian spaces-the characterization theorem revisited. Journal of Functional Analysis Amsterdam [u.a.] 141 2 301-318 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen (1996) Rezension zu: Gerber, H.U.: Life Insurance Mathematics. Zeitschrift für die gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft Karlsruhe 567-568 [Rezension]

Luu, Do Van ; Oettli, Werner (1996) Higher-order optimality conditions for a minimax. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society Canberra 509-516 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Potthoff, Jürgen ; Sundar, Padmanabhan (1996) Law of large numbers and central limit theorem for Donsker's delta function of diffusions I. Potential Analysis Dordrecht 5 5 487-504 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Böcherer, Siegfried ; Schulze-Pillot, Rainer (1996) On the central critical value of the triple -L-function. David, Sinnou Number theory : Séminaire de Théorie des Nombres de Paris, 1993-4 Lecture Note Series / London Mathematical Society Cambridge 235 1-46 [Buchkapitel]

Benth, Fred Espen ; Potthoff, Jürgen (1996) On the Martingale Property for Generalized Stochastic Processes. Stochastics and Stochastics Reports Abingdon 58 3/4 349-367 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Oettli, Werner ; Yen, Nguyen Dong (1996) Quasicomplementarity problems of type Ro. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications Dordrecht [u.a.] 467-474 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schlichenmaier, Martin ; Sheinman, Oleg K. (1996) Sugawara construction and Casimir operators for Krichever-Novikov algebras. Journal of Mathematical Sciences Tokyo 38 3807-3834 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen Variations on a Theme of Bruno Dupire. Albrecht, Peter Aktuarielle Ansätze für Finanz-Risiken 2 1145-1155 In: Aktuarielle Ansätze für Finanz-Risiken : Beiträge zum 6. Internationalen AFIR-Colloquium, Nürnberg, 1. - 3. Oktober 1996 (1996) Karlsruhe [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Binz, Ernst (1996) Idealized skins constituted by finitely many material particles. Extracta mathematicae Badajoz 11 1 1-16 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Zeilfelder, Frank (1996) Interpolation und beste Approximation mit periodischen Splinefunktionen. Mannheim [Dissertation]

Schlichenmaier, Martin (1996) Zwei Anwendungen algebraisch-geometrischer Methoden in der theoretischen Physik : Berezin-Toeplitz-Quantization und globale Algebren der konformen Feldtheorie. Mannheim [Habilitation]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1996) Lectures on risk theory. Stuttgart [Buch]

Schmidt, Klaus D. ; Schnaus, Anja (1996) An extension of Mack's model for the chain ladder method. ASTIN Bulletin : The Journal of the International Actuarial Association Cambridge 26 2 247-262 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1996) Versicherungsmathematik: Prognosen, Formeln und Modelle. Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Universität Dresden Dresden 45 1 37-40 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Martin U. ORCID: 0000-0002-1775-4701 (1996) Integrable systems and Riemann surfaces of infinite genus. Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society Providence, RI 122 581 [Buch]

Müller, Werner ; Schmidt, Martin U. ORCID: 0000-0002-1775-4701 ; Schrader, Robert (1996) Theta functions for infinite period matrices. International Mathematics Research Notices : IMRN Oxford 1996 12 565-587 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Hertling, Claus (1996) Verzeichnis der mathematischen Schriften Felix Hausdorffs. Brieskorn, Egbert Felix Hausdorff zum Gedächtnis Braunschweig [u.a.] 1. Aspekte seines Werkes 283-286 [Buchkapitel]


Schlichenmaier, Martin ; Sheinman, Oleg K. (1995) Sugawara Construction and Casimir Operators for Krichever-Novikov Algebras. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Ackermann, Thomas ; Tolksdorf, Jürgen (1995) The generalized Lichnerowicz formula and analysis of Dirac operators. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Schwarz, Günter ; Sniatycki, Jedrzej (1995) Yang-Mills and Dirac fields in the Minkowski space-time. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Zeilfelder, Frank (1995) Charakterisierung stark eindeutig bester Approximationen im Raum der periodischen Splinefunktionen. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Ackermann, Thomas ; Tolksdorf, Jürgen (1995) Unification of Gravity and Yang-Mills-Higgs Gauge Theories. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Elzanowski, Marek (1995) Mathematical theory of uniform elastic structures. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Binz, Ernst (1995) From a discrete setting to a smooth idealized skin. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Benth, Fred Espen ; Deck, Thomas ; Potthoff, Jürgen (1995) A White Noise Approach To A Class Of Non Linear Stochastic Heat Equations. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Benth, Fred Espen ; Potthoff, Jürgen (1995) On the Martingale Property for Generalized Stochastic Processes. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Binz, Ernst (1995) Idealized skins constituted by finitely many material particles. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Schwarz, Günter ; Sniatycki, Jedrzej (1995) Gauge Symmetries of an Extended Phase Space for Yang-Mills and Dirac Fields. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Binz, Ernst (1995) From the discrete to a continuum shown on the example of an idealized skin. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Binz, Ernst ; Oellers, Peter (1995) Einstein Equation and Geometric Quantization. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Schwarz, Günter ; Sniatycki, Jedrzej (1995) The Hamiltonian Evolution of Yang-Mills Fields in Bounded Domains. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Deck, Thomas ; Schimming, R. (1995) Harmonic maps couples to the Einstein equation. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Walz, Guido (1995) Some Identities for Trigonometric B-Splines, with an Application to Curve Design. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Larsen, Michael J. ; Pink, Richard (1995) Abelian varieties, l-adic representations, and l-independence. Mathematische Annalen Berlin ; Göttingen ; Heidelberg 302 1 561-579 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen ; Scharr, Michael ; Strobel, Jürgen (1995) Bericht zur Prüfung im März 1994 über Mathematik der Lebensversicherung. Blätter / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Versicherungsmathematik Würzburg 22 1 201-206 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen ; Scharr, Michael ; Strobel, Jürgen (1995) Bericht zur Prüfung im März 1995 über Mathematik der Lebensversicherung. Blätter / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Versicherungsmathematik Würzburg 22 2 453-458 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Nürnberger, Günther (1995) Bivariate spline interpolation and approximation order. Approximation and interpolation : College Station, Texas, USA, 8 - 12, January 1995 Singapore [u.a.] 443-450 [Buchkapitel]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Rießinger, Thomas (1995) Bivariate spline interpolation at grid points. Numerische Mathematik Berlin [u.a.] 71 1 91-119 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Binz, Ernst From a discrete setting to a smooth idealized skin. Publication de l'Institut de Recherche Mathematique Avanceé 59-73 (1995) Strasbourg [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Schmidt, Klaus D. ; Timpel, Matthias (1995) Experience rating under weighted squared error loss. Blätter der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik e.V. Berlin ; Heidelberg 22 2 289-307 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Macht, Wolfgang ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (1995) Superposition of risk processes. Dresdner Schriften zur Versicherungsmathematik Dresden 1995,3 [Arbeitspapier]

Hess, Klaus Th. ; Macht, Wolfgang ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (1995) Thinning of risk processes. Dresdner Schriften zur Versicherungsmathematik Dresden 1995,1 [Arbeitspapier]

Grinevich, Piotr G. ; Schmidt, Martin U. ORCID: 0000-0002-1775-4701 (1995) Period preserving nonisospectral flows and the moduli space of periodic solutions of soliton equations. Physica. D, Nonlinear Phenomena Amsterdam [u.a.] 87 1/4 73-98 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Hertling, Claus (1995) Ein Torelli-Satz für die unimodalen und bimodularen Hyperflächensingularitäten. Mathematische Annalen Berlin ; Göttingen ; Heidelberg 302 2 359-394 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Schlichenmaier, Martin (1994) Some Concepts of Modern Algebraic Geometry: Point, Ideal and Homomorphism. Open Access Mannheimer Manuskripte zu Risikotheorie, Portfolio Management und Versicherungswirtschaft Mannheim 177 [Arbeitspapier]

Ackermann, Thomas ; Tolksdorf, Jürgen (1994) A generalized Lichnerowicz formula, the Wodzicki Residue and Gravity. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Binz, Ernst (1994) Idealized skins determined by finitely many particles. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Schwarz, Günter ; Sniatycki, Jedrzej (1994) Yang-Mills and Dirac Fields in a Bag, Existence and Uniqueness Theorems. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Sniatycki, Jedrzej ; Schwarz, Günter ; Bates, Larry (1994) Yang-Mills and Dirac fields in a bag, constraints and reduction. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Potthoff, Jürgen (1994) White noise approach to parabolic stochastic partial differential equations. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Kondratiev, Yuri G. ; Leukert, Peter ; Potthoff, Jürgen ; Streit, Ludwig ; Westerkamp, Werner (1994) Generalized functionals in Gaussian spaces: The characterization theorem revisited. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Timpel, Matthias ; Benth, Fred Espen (1994) Topological aspects of the characterization of Hida distributions – a remark. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Benth, Fred Espen ; Gjessing, Håkon K. (1994) A non linear parabolic equation with noise : a reduction method. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Benth, Fred Espen (1994) A Note On Population Growth In A Crowded Stochastic Environment. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen (1994) Bemerkung zur Berechnung von Optionspreisen. Festschrift zu Ehren von Prof.Dr.E.Lorenz aus Anlass seines 60. Geburtstages Karlsruhe 497-505 [Buchkapitel]

Schlichenmaier, Martin Differential operator algebras on compact Riemann surfaces. Doebner, Heinz D. Generalized symmetries in physics : proceedings of the International Symposium on Mathematical Physics, Arnold Sommerfeld Institute, Clausthal, 27-29 July 1993 425-434 In: Generalized symmetries in physics : proceedings of the International Symposium on Mathematical Physics, Arnold Sommerfeld Institute, Clausthal, 27-29 July 1993 (1994) Singapore [u.a.] [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Mauve, Martin ; Mauve, Reinhard (1994) Experimentelle Arbeitsblätter. Praxis der Mathematik Köln 36 5 215-220 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Nürnberger, Günther (1994) Strong unicity in nonlinear approximation and free knot splines. Constructive Approximation Berlin [u.a.] 10 2 285-299 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schlichenmaier, Martin ; Bordemann, Martin ; Meinrenken, Eckhard (1994) Toeplitz quantization of Kähler manifolds and gl(N),N to infty imits. Communications in Mathematical Physics Berlin [u.a.] 165 2 281-296 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Hess, Klaus Th. ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (1994) Experience reserving under vague prior information. Dresdner Schriften zur Versicherungsmathematik Dresden 1994,5 [Arbeitspapier]

Hess, Klaus Th. ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (1994) A remark on modelling IBNR claim numbers with random delay pattern. Dresdner Schriften zur Versicherungsmathematik Dresden 1994,4 [Arbeitspapier]

Hess, Klaus Th. ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (1994) Convergence of Bayes and credibility premiums in the Bühlmann–Straub model. Dresdner Schriften zur Versicherungsmathematik Dresden 1994,3 [Arbeitspapier]


Bordemann, Martin ; Meinrenken, Eckhard ; Schlichenmaier, Martin (1993) Toeplitz Quantization of Kähler Manifolds and gl(N), N → ∞. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Schlichenmaier, Martin (1993) Differential Operator Algebras on compact Riemann Surfaces. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Deck, Thomas (1993) Classical string dynamics with non-trivial topology. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Ackermann, Thomas (1993) Familien von Differentialoperatoren über Mannigfaltigkeiten von Einbettungen und der Binz'sche Zerlegungssatz. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Potthoff, Jürgen ; Sundar, Padmanabhan (1993) Limit Theorems for the Donsker Delta Function : an Example. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Potthoff, Jürgen ; Sundar, Padmanabhan (1993) Law of large numbers and central limit theorem for Donsker's delta function of diffusions I. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Walz, Guido (1993) Toward an Iterative Algorithm for Spline Interpolation. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Walz, Guido (1993) A Unified Approach to B-Spline Recursions and Knot Insertion, with Application to New Recursion Formulas. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Binz, Ernst (1993) A physical interpretation of the irredundant part of the first Piola-Kirchhoff-stress tensor of a discrete medium forming a skin. Open Access Mannheimer Manuskripte zu Risikotheorie, Portfolio Management und Versicherungswirtschaft Mannheim 155 [Arbeitspapier]

Schröder, Michael (1993) Calculating p-adic orbital integrals on GSp(4) via a family of special subgroups. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Deck, Thomas (1993) A geometric Cauchy problem for timelike minimal surfaces. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Weissauer, Rainer (1993) A special case of the fundamental lemma : (the case GSp(4,F)) - Teil 1. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Weissauer, Rainer (1993) A special case of the fundamental lemma : (the case GSp(4,F)) - Teil 2. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Potthoff, Jürgen ; Timpel, Matthias (1993) On a Dual Pair of Spaces of Smooth and Generalized Random Variables. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Nürnberger, Günther (1993) Approximation by univariate and bivariate splines. Second International Colloquium on Numerical Analysis Utrecht 143-153 [Buchkapitel]

Pink, Richard (1993) Classification of pro-p subgroups of SL_2 over a p-adic ring, where p is an odd prime. Compositio mathematica Cambridge 251-264 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Beattie, Ronald ; Butzmann, Heinz-Peter (1993) Convergence LF spaces. Applied Categorical Structures Dordrecht [u.a.] 1 4 361-384 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Binz, Ernst ; Ackermann, Thomas Deformable media with microstructure. Gruber, Bruno Proc. Symmetries in Science Nr.VI 1-17 In: Symmetries in Science VI : From the Rotation Group to Quantum Algebras (1993) New York, NY [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Schlichenmaier, Martin (1993) Degenerations of generalized Krichever-Novikov algebras on tori. Journal of Mathematical Physics Melville, NY 34 8 3809-3824 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Binz, Ernst (1993) On the irredundant part of the first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor. Reports on Mathematical Physics Warszawa 32 2 175-210 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Binz, Ernst ; Schwarz, Günter (1993) The principle of virtual work and a symplectic reduction in non-local continuum mechanics. Reports on Mathematical Physics Warszawa 32 1 49-69 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Hertling, Claus (1993) Analytische Invarianten bei den unimodularen und bimodularen Hyperflächensingularitäten. Bonner mathematische Schriften Bonn 250 [Dissertation]


Schwarz, Günter (1992) The Existence of Solutions of a General Boundary Value Problem for the Divergence. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Binz, Ernst (1992) On the irredundant part of the first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Walz, Guido (1992) Generalized Divided Differences, with Applications to Generalized B-Splines. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Schwarz, Günter (1992) Solving a General Boundary Value Problem for the Exterior Derivative of a Differential Form. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Luu, Do Van ; Oettli, Werner (1992) Necessary Optimality Conditions for Nonsmooth Minimax Problems. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Luu, Do Van ; Oettli, Werner (1992) Higher-Order Optimality Conditions for a Minimax. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Meinardus, Günter ; Walz, Guido (1992) More Results on B-Splines via Recurrence Relations. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Ackermann, Thomas ; Binz, Ernst (1992) Deformable Media with Microstructure. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Meinardus, Günter ; Walz, Guido (1992) On the Chebyshev Norm of Polynomial B-Splines. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Schröder, Michael (1992) Berechnung einiger Orbitalintegrale zu singulären, halbeinfachen Elementen aus einem echten Levifaktor von GSp(4). Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Schröder, Michael (1992) Die L2-Spurformel von Arthur im Fall der Gruppe GSp(4): Die gemittelten Charaktere der diskrete Serie an der unendlichen Stelle. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen ; Grigo, Norbert Das Gesamtrisiko eines Lebensversicherungsportefeuilles. Transactions of the 24th International Congress of Actuaries 3 43-52 In: Transactions of the 24th International Congress of Actuaries (1992) London [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen (1992) Der britische und der deutsche Lebensversicherungsmarkt : eine vergleichende Analyse aus der Sicht eines deutschen Aktuars. Mannheimer Vorträge zur Versicherungswissenschaft Karlsruhe 56 [Buch]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Rießinger, Thomas (1992) Lagrange and Hermite interpolation by bivariate splines. Numerical functional analysis and optimization Philadelphia, Pa. 13 1/2 75-96 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Harder, Günter ; Pink, Richard (1992) Modular konstruiert unverzweigte abelsche p-Erweiterungen von Q(zeta_p) und die Struktur ihrer Galoisgruppen. Mathematische Nachrichten Berlin 83-99 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Pink, Richard (1992) On l-adic sheaves on Shimura varieties and their higher direct images in the Baily-Borel compactification. Mathematische Annalen Berlin ; Göttingen ; Heidelberg 197-240 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Larsen, Michael J. ; Pink, Richard (1992) On l-independence of algebraic monodromy groups in compatible systems of representatations. Inventiones mathematicae Berlin ; Heidelberg 603-636 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Pink, Richard (1992) On the calculation of local termns in the Lefschetz-Verdier trace formula and its application to a conjecture of Deligne. The Annals of Mathematics Princeton 135 3 483-525 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schlichenmaier, Martin ; Ruffing, Andreas ; Deck, Thomas (1992) String branchings on complex tori and algebraic representations of generalized Krichever-Novikov algebras. Letters in Mathematical Physics : LMP Berlin [u.a.] 26 1 23-32 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Nürnberger, Günther (1992) The metric projection for free knot splines. Journal of Approximation Theory Amsterdam [u.a.] 71 2 145-153 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1992) Stochastische Modellierung in der Erfahrungstarifierung. Blätter der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik e.V. Berlin ; Heidelberg 20 4 441-455 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. ; Waldschaks, Gerd Common extensions of order bounded vector measures. Rendiconti del Circolo matematico di Palermo, Ser. 2 / Supplemento 28 117-124 In: Measure theory, Oberwolfach 1990 : proceedings of the conference held at Oberwolfach, March 18 - 24, 1990 (1992) Palermo Conference on Measure Theory (Oberwolfach, Germany) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Haak, Guido ; Schmidt, Martin U. ORCID: 0000-0002-1775-4701 ; Schrader, Robert (1992) Group theoretic formulation of the Segal-Wilson approach to integrable systems with applications. Reviews in Mathematical Physics : RMP Singapore 4 3 451-499 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Schmidt, Klaus D. (1991) The Cantor set in probability theory. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Binz, Ernst (1991) A Symplectic Setting for the Formulation of a Dynamics of Smoothly Deformable Media. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Schmidt, Klaus D. ; Waldschaks, Gerd (1991) Memoryless distributions revisited. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Schwarz, Günter (1991) The Existance of a Symmetric Stress Tensor in a Non-Local Description of Continuum Mechanics. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Walz, Guido (1991) The History of Extrapolation Methods in Numerical Analysis. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Binz, Ernst ; Schwarz, Günter (1991) The Principle of Virtual Work and a Symplectic Reduction of Non-Local Continuum Mechanics. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Nürnberger, Günther (1991) Strong unicity in nonlinear approximation and free knot splines. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Schwarz, Günter (1991) The Euklidian group in global modells of continuum mechanics and the existence of a symmetric stress tensor. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Binz, Ernst Constitutive laws of bounded smoothly deformable media. Debrus, Joachim Geometry and Theoretical Physics 23-55 In: Geometry and Theoretical Physics (1991) Berlin [u.a.] [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Beattie, Ronald ; Butzmann, Heinz-Peter (1991) Convergence and distributions. Atti Del Seminario Matematico E Fisico dell'Università di Modena Modena 39 2 487-494 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schlichenmaier, Martin ; Bordemann, Martin ; Schaller, Peter ; Hoppe, Jens (1991) gl(∞) and geometric quantization. Communications in Mathematical Physics Berlin [u.a.] 138 2 209-244 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Binz, Ernst (1991) Global differential geometric methods in elasticity and hydrodynamics. Hennig, Jörg D. Differential geometry, group representations, and quantization Lecture Notes in Physics Berlin [u.a.] 379 21-48 [Buchkapitel]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Meinardus, Günter (1991) Lothar Collatz. Journal of Approximation Theory Amsterdam 65 1 1-2 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Beattie, Ronald ; Butzmann, Heinz-Peter (1991) On the Banach-Steinhaus theorem and the continuity of bilinear mappings. Mathematische Nachrichten Berlin Nr.153 297-312 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Binz, Ernst ; Fischer, Hans-Rudolf (1991) One-forms on spaces of embeddings : a framework for constitutive laws in elasticity. Note di Matematica Berlin 11 21-48 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Binz, Ernst Symmetry, constitutive laws of bounded smoothly deformable media and Neumann problems. Gruber, Bruno Symmetries in Science : Proceedings 31-65 In: Symmetries in science V : algebraic systems, their representations, realizations, and physical applications ; [proceedings of a symposium entitled Symmetries in Science V ..., held July 30 - August 3, 1990, at Schloss Hofen, Lochau, Vorarlberg, Austria (1991) New York, NY [u.a.] [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Meinardus, Günter ; Rießinger, Thomas ; Walz, Guido (1991) The work of Lothar Collatz in approximation theory. Journal of Approximation Theory Amsterdam 67 2 119-128 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. ; Waldschaks, Gerd (1991) Common extensions of positive vector measures. Portugaliae Mathematica Zürich 48 2 155-164 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Moerkotte, Guido ; Lockemann, Peter C. (1991) Reactive consistency control in deductive databases. ACM Transactions on Database Systems : TODS New York, NY [u.a.] 16 4 670-702 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Binz, Ernst ; Fischer, Hans-Rudolf (1990) One-Forms on Spaces of Embeddings : A Frame Work for Constitutive Laws in Elasticity. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Oettli, Werner ; Yamasaki, Maretsugu (1990) Symmetrie Properties in Linear Programming Problems. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Nürnberger, Günther (1990) The metric projection for free knot splines. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Binz, Ernst (1990) Constitutive laws of bounded smoothly deformable media. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Ewen, Holger ; Schaller, Peter ; Schwarz, Günter (1990) Schwinger terms from geometric quantization of field theories. Open Access None Mannheim [Arbeitspapier]

Freyburger, Klaus (1990) Approximation mit verallgemeinerten Splines. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Binz, Ernst (1990) Symmetry, constitutive laws of bounded smoothly deformable media and Neumann problems. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Rießinger, Thomas (1990) Bases for bivariate spline spaces : a constructive approach. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Thach, P. T. ; Burkard, Rainer E. ; Oettli, Werner (1990) Mathematical programs with a two-dimensional reverse convex constraint. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Binz, Ernst (1990) Global differential geometric methods in elasticity and hydrodynamics. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Pink, Richard (1990) Arithmetical compactification of mixed Shimura varieties. Bonner mathematische Schriften Bonn 209 [Buch]

Schlichenmaier, Martin (1990) Central extensions and semi-infinite wedge representations of Krichever-Novikov algebras for more than two points. Letters in Mathematical Physics : LMP Dordrecht 20 1 33-46 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Larsen, Michael J. ; Pink, Richard (1990) Determining representations from invariant dimensions. Inventiones mathematicae Berlin ; Heidelberg 377-398 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schlichenmaier, Martin (1990) Krichever Novikov algebras for more than two points. Letters in Mathematical Physics : LMP Dordrecht 19 2 151-165 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schlichenmaier, Martin (1990) Krichever Novikov algebras for more than two points: explicit generators. Letters in Mathematical Physics : LMP Dordrecht 19 4 327-336 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Berens, Hubert (1990) Nonuniqueness and selections in spline approximation. Constructive Approximation New York, NY [u.a.] 6 2 181-193 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Butzmann, Heinz-Peter ; Schröder, Michael (1990) Spaces making continuous convergence and locally uniform convergence coincide, their very weak P-property, and their topological behaviour. Mathematica Scandinavica Aarhus 67 2 227-254 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schlichenmaier, Martin (1990) Verallgemeinerte Krichever-Novikov-Algebren und deren Darstellungen. Mannheim [Dissertation]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1990) Convergence of Bayes and credibility premiums. ASTIN Bulletin : The Journal of the International Actuarial Association Cambridge 20 2 167-172 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1990) Daugavet's equation and orthomorphisms. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society : PAMS Providence, RI 108 4 905-911 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Martin U. ORCID: 0000-0002-1775-4701 (1990) Lowest weight representations of some infinitie dimensional groups on Fock spaces. Open Access Acta Applicandae Mathematicae Dordrecht 18 1 59-84 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Muu, Lê D. ; Oettli, Werner (1989) An algorithm for indefinite quadratic programming with convex constraints. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Binz, Ernst ; Socolescu, Dan (1989) A global Navier-Stokes-type equation of bubbles. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Schmidt, Klaus D. ; Waldschaks, Gerd (1989) Common extensions of order bounded vector measures. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Muu, Lê D. ; Oettli, Werner (1989) An algorithm for minimizing a convex-concave function over a convex set. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Schmidt, Klaus D. ; Waldschaks, Gerd (1989) Common extensions of positive vector measures. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1989) A note on positive supermartingales in ruin theory. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Schaller, P. ; Schwarz, Günter (1989) Anomalies from geometric quantization of fermionic field theories. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1989) Daugavet's equation and orthomorphisms. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Schlichenmaier, Martin (1989) Krichever-Novikov algebras for more than two points. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1989) Asymptotic optimality of Bayes and credibility premiums. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Muu, Lê D. ; Oettli, Werner (1989) A Lagrangian penalty function method for monotone variational inequalities. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Schlichenmaier, Martin (1989) Krichever-Novikov algebras for more than two points - explicit generators. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Schlichenmaier, Martin (1989) Central extensions and semi-infinite wedge representations of Krichever-Novikov algebras for more than two points. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Oettli, Werner ; Sach, Pham H. (1989) Second order optimality conditions for infinite programs. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Meinardus, Günter ; Sommer, Manfred ; Strauß, Hans (1989) Algorithms for piecewise polynomials and splines with free knots. Mathematics of Computation Providence, RI 53 187 235-247 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schlichenmaier, Martin (1989) An Introduction to Riemann Surfaces, Algebraic Curves and Moduli Spaces. Heidelberg [Buch]

Nürnberger, Günther (1989) Approximation by Spline Functions. Berlin ; Heidelberg [Buch]

Binz, Ernst ; Socolescu, Dan On a global differential geometric approach to the rational mechanics of deformable media. Gruber, Bruno Symmetries in Science : Proceedings of the Symposium Symmetries in Science 33-83 In: Proceedings of the Symposium Symmetries in Science III held July 25 - 28, 1988, in Schloss Hofen, Lochau, Vorarlberg, Austria (1989) New York, NY [u.a.] [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Binz, Ernst (1989) On the notion of the stress tensor associated with |R^n-invariant constitutive laws admitting integral representations. Reports on Mathematical Physics Warszawa 27 1 49-58 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Nürnberger, Günther On the structure of nonlinear approximating families and splines with free knots. Chui, Charles K. 2 507-510 In: Approximation Theory VI : Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium held at Texas A \& M University, College Station, Texas, January 6-10, 1989 (1989) New York, NY [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Schumaker, Larry L. ; Sommer, Manfred ; Strauß, Hans (1989) Uniform aproximation by generalized splines with free knots. Journal of Approximation Theory Amsterdam 59 150-169 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Meinardus, Günter (1989) Uniqueness of best L1-approximations from periodic spline spaces. Journal of Approximation Theory Amsterdam 58 1 114-120 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1989) A note on positive supermartingales in ruin theory. Blätter der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik e.V. Berlin ; Heidelberg 19 2 129-132 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1989) Positive homogeneity and multiplicativity of premium principles on positive risks. Insurance : Mathematics and Economics Amsterdam [u.a.] 8 4 315-319 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1989) A Lebesgue decomposition for vector measures. Methods of Operations Research Frankfurt a. M. 58 581-582 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1989) Jordan decompositions of generalized vector measures. Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series Harlow 214 [Buch]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1989) The lattice property of uniform amarts. The Annals of Probability New York, NY [u.a.] 17 1 372-378 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Binz, Ernst (1988) One forms on E(M,Rn) with integral representations. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Binz, Ernst (1988) On the notion of the stress tensor associated with Rn-invariant constitutive laws admitting integral representations. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Maly, Rudolf (1988) On a unification formula for the inverse radon transform, and its splitting into the formulas for spaces of even and odd dimension. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Binz, Ernst (1988) Volume active pressure and structural viscosity. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Gwinner, Joachim ; Oettli, Werner (1988) Duality and regularization for INF-SUP problems. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Binz, Ernst ; Socolescu, Dan (1988) On a global differential geometric approach to the rational mechanics of deformable media. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Oettli, Werner (1988) Note on Pareto optimality and duality for certain nonlinear systems. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Walz, Guido (1988) On generalized Bernstein polynomials in CAGD. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Muu, Lê D. ; Oettli, Werner (1988) A unified branch-and-bound and cutting plane algorithm for a class of nonconvex optimization problems : application to bilinear programming. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Binz, Ernst ; Sniatycki, Jedrzej ; Fischer, Hans (1988) Geometry of Classical Fields. Amsterdam [u.a.] [Buch]

Binz, Ernst (1988) Isometric Euclidean embeddings of a compact manifold form a Fréchet manifold. Reports on Mathematical Physics Warszawa 26 2 157-167 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1988) On the modulus of L- and M-weakly compact operators. Indagationes Mathematicae / Proceedings Amsterdam [u.a.] 91 1 89-92 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. Minimal clans: a class of ordered partial semigroups including Boolean rings and lattice–ordered groups. Jürgensen, Helmut Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1320 300-341 In: Semigroups, theory and applications : proceedings of a conference, held in Oberwolfach, FRG, Feb. 23 - Mar.1, 1986 (1988) Berlin ; Heidelberg [u.a.] Conference on Semigroups (Oberwolfach, Germany) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1988) Acknowledgement of priority. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae Dordrecht [u.a.] 11 3 295 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Grätzer, George ; Wenzel, Günter H. (1987) Notes on tolerances relations of lattices I. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Meinardus, Günter (1987) Über das Syracuse Problem. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Muth, Wolfgang ; Ramspott, Karl Josef (1987) Deformation holomorpher Matrizen. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Heinecke, Gabriele ; Oettli, Werner (1987) Characterization of weakly efficient points. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Binz, Ernst (1987) Isometric Euclidean embeddings of a compact manifold from a Fréchet manifold. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Menden, Wolfgang (1987) Verallgemeinerte Cartan-Zusammenhänge für dreidimensionale Mannigfaltigkeiten vom Ausnahmetyp G2. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Binz, Ernst (1987) The description of an Rn-valued one from relative to an embedding. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Heinecke, Gabriele ; Oettli, Werner (1987) A nonlinear theorem of the alternatiave without regularity assumption. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Oettli, Werner (1987) Monoton-konvexe Funktionen : eine Bemerkung zum Satz von Browder-Minty. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Oettli, Werner (1987) Decomposition schemes for finding saddle points of quasi-convex-concave functions. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Katz, Nicholas M. ; Pink, Richard (1987) A note on pseudo-CM representations and differential Galois groups. Duke Mathematical Journal Durham, NC 57-65 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Binz, Ernst Natural Hamiltonian systems on spaces of embeddings. Doebner, Heinz D. Proceedings of the 15. International Conference on Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical Physics, 1986, Clausthal-Zellerfeld 466-478 In: Proceedings of the 15. International Conference on Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical Physics, 1986, Clausthal-Zellerfeld (1987) Singapore [u.a.] [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Collatz, Lothar ; Meinardus, Günter (1987) Workshop on Numerical Methods of Approximation Theory : Oberwolfach, September 28 - October 4, 1986. Basel [u.a.] [Buch]

Nürnberger, Günther (1987) Strong unicity constants in Chebyshev approximation. Workshop on Numerical Methods of Approximation Theory, Oberwolfach, September 28 - October 4, 1986 Basel 144-154 [Buchkapitel]

Nürnberger, Günther (1987) Strong unicity in nonlinear parametric optimization. Parametric Optimization and Related Topics Berlin 316-326 [Buchkapitel]

Nürnberger, Günther (1987) Strongly unique spline approximations with free knots. Constructive Approximation Heidelberg [u.a.] 3 1 31-42 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1987) Embedding theorems for intervals. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik : ZAMM Weinheim 67 5 T448-T449 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. A sequential Lebesgue-Radon-Nikodym theorem and the Lebesgue decomposition of martingales. The Annals of Probability 285-292 In: Transactions of the Tenth Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes : held at Prague, from July 7 to 11, 1986 (1987) Dordrecht 10. Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes (Prague, Czech Republic) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1987) The Andersen–Jessen theorem revisited. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society Cambridge 102 2 351-361 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Wenzel, Günter H. (1986) On Gallai's decomposition theorem for graphs. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Sommer, Manfred ; Strauß, Hans (1986) An algorithm for segment approximation. Numerische Mathematik Berlin [u.a.] 48 4 463-477 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Nürnberger, Günther (1986) Chebyshev approximation by splines with free knots and computation. Approximation Theory New York, NY 5 511-514 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Binz, Ernst ; Sniatycki, Jedrzej (1986) Conservation laws in spacetimes with boundary. Classical and Quantum Gravity Bristol [u.a.] 3 6 1191-1197 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Binz, Ernst On the structure of Euclidean isometric immersions. Doebner, Heinz D. 278-296 In: Differential geometric methods in theoretical physics : physics and geometry; [proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop and the 13th International Conference on Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical Physics, held 1984 in Shumen (1986) Singapore [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1986) Decompositions of vector measures in Riesz spaces and Banach lattices. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society Cambridge 29 1 23-39 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1986) Embedding theorems for classes of convex sets. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae Dordrecht [u.a.] 5 3 209-237 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. Embedding theorems for cones and applications to classes of convex sets occurring in interval mathematics. Nickel, Karl Lecture Notes in Computer Science 212 159-173 In: Interval Mathematics 1985 : Proceedings of the International Symposium Freiburg i.Br., Federal Republic of Germany, September 23-26, 1985 (1986) Berlin [u.a.] Interval Mathematics 1985 (Freiburg, Br., Germany) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1986) Embedding theorems for classes of convex sets in a hypernormed vector space. Analysis Berlin ; München [u.a.] 6 1 57-96 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1986) On Radström's embedding theorem in a hypernormed vector space. Methods of Operations Research Frankfurt a. M. 53 159-170 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Meinardus, Günter (1985) An approximation theoretic alternative to asymptotic expansions for specialfunctions. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Walz, Guido (1985) Effiziente Berechnung spezieller Funktionen mittels asymptotischer Entwicklungen und Eliminationsprozeduren. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Nürnberger, Günther (1985) Approximation by generalized splines. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications Amsterdam 108 2 466-494 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Meinardus, Günter (1985) Approximation theory and numerical methods for delay differential equations. Delay Equations, Approximation and Application : Internat. Symposium at the Univ. of Mannheim, October 8 - 11, 1984 Basel; Stuttgart 180-212 [Buchkapitel]

Nürnberger, Günther (1985) Best approximation by spline functions: theory and numerical methods. Delay Equations, Approximation and Application Basel [u.a.] 180-212 [Buchkapitel]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Sommer, Manfred (1985) Continuous selections in Chebyshev approximation. Parametric Optimization and Approximation Basel [u.a.] 248-263 [Buchkapitel]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Meinardus, Günter (1985) Delay Equations, Approximation and Application. Basel [u.a.] [Buch]

Nürnberger, Günther (1985) Global unicity in optimization and approximation. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik : ZAMM Potsdam 65 5 T319-T321 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Nürnberger, Günther (1985) Global unicity in semi-infinite optimization. Numerical functional analysis and optimization Philadelphia, Pa. 8 1/2 173-191 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Nürnberger, Günther (1985) Unicity in one-sided L1-approximation and quadrature formulae. Journal of Approximation Theory Amsterdam [u.a.] 45 3 271-279 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Nürnberger, Günther (1985) Unicity in semi-infinite optimization. Parametric Optimization and Approximation Basel [u.a.] 231-247 [Buchkapitel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. Decompositions of vector measures. Brucker, Peter Methods of Operations Research 50 389-400 In: Tagungsbericht : IX. Symposium on Operations Research : University Osnabrück, August 27 - 29, 1984 = Proceedings (1985) Frankfurt a. M. 9. Symposium on Operations Research (Osnabrück, Germany) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1985) A common abstraction of Boolean rings and lattice ordered groups. Compositio mathematica Cambridge 54 1 51-62 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Nürnberger, Günther ; Schumaker, Larry L. ; Sommer, Manfred ; Stauß, Hans (1984) Generalized Tchebycheffian splines. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis Philadelphia, Pa. 15 790-804 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Binz, Ernst ; Peter, Th. On deformation of differentials of immersions. Sternberg, Shlomo Mathematical Physics Studies 6 225-240 In: Proceedings of the XI Annual Conference on Differential Geometric Methods in Mathematical Physics which was held in Jerusalem from August 5 through 11, 1982 (1984) Dordrecht [u.a.] [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Binz, Ernst (1984) The space of smooth isometric immersions of a compact manifold into an Euclidean space is a Fra'echet manifold. Comptes rendus mathématiques de l'Académie des Sciences Waterloo, Ont. [u.a.] 6 5 309-314 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen Uniform distribution in linear algebraic groups and related diophantine problems. Riehm, Carl C. Conference Proceedings / Canadian Mathematical Society 4 209-229 In: Quadratic and hermitian forms : [1983 Conference on Quadratic Forms and Hermitian K-Theory, held at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, July 11 - 22, 1983] (1984) Providence, RI [Konferenzveröffentlichung]


Nürnberger, Günther (1983) Strong unicity of best approximations : a numerical aspect. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Sommer, Manfred (1983) A Remez type algorithm for spline functions. Numerische Mathematik Berlin [u.a.] 41 1 117-146 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Sommer, Manfred (1983) Alternation for best spline approximations. Numerische Mathematik Berlin [u.a.] 41 2 207-221 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Binz, Ernst Einstein's evolution equation for the vacuum formulated on a space of differentials of immersions. 2-37 (1983) Berlin [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Nürnberger, Günther (1983) Interpolation by generalized splines. Numerische Mathematik Berlin [u.a.] 42 2 195-212 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Nürnberger, Günther Strong unicity constants for finite-dimensional subspaces. Chui, Charles K. Approximation Theory 643-648 In: Approximation theory IV : [proceedings of the International Symposium on Approximation Theory, held at Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, on January 10 - 14, 1983] (1983) New York, NY [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Nürnberger, Günther (1983) Strong unicity of best approximations: a numerical aspect. Numerical functional analysis and optimization Philadelphia, Pa. 6 4 399-421 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Binz, Ernst ; Pferschy, R. (1983) The Dirac operator and the change of the metric. Comptes rendus mathématiques de l'Académie des Sciences Waterloo, Ont. [u.a.] 5 6 269-274 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. On the jordan decomposition for vector measures. Beck, Anatole Lecture Notes in Mathematics 990 198-203 In: Probability in Banach Spaces IV : Proceedings of the seminar held in Oberwolfach, Germany, July 1982 (1983) Berlin ; Heidelberg [u.a.] Probability in Banach Spaces IV (Oberwolfach, Germany) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1983) On Radstroem's embedding theorem. Methods of Operations Research Frankfurt a. M. 46 335-338 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Gut, Allan ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (1983) Amarts and set function processes. Lecture Notes in Mathematics Berlin ; Heidelberg [u.a.] 1042 [Buch]

Bauer, Sebastian W. ; Schmidt, Klaus D. (1983) Irregular-grid finite-difference simulation of Lake Geneva surge. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering New York, NY [u.a.] 109 10 1285-1297 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Nürnberger, Günther (1982) A local version of Haar's theorem in approximation theory. Numerical functional analysis and optimization Philadelphia, Pa. 5 1 21-46 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen (1982) Nichteuklidische Gitterpunktprobleme und Gleichverteilung in linearen algebraischen Gruppen. Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici Zürich 57 1 158-172 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Binz, Ernst (1982) On the Levi-Cività connection of a gauged Levi-Cività connection. Comptes rendus mathématiques de l'Académie des Sciences Waterloo, Ont. 4 2 117-122 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Nürnberger, Günther (1982) Strong unicity constants for spline functions. Numerical functional analysis and optimization Philadelphia, Pa. 5 3 319-347 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Binz, Ernst (1982) The notion of torsion and second fundamental tensor revisited. Comptes rendus mathématiques de l'Académie des Sciences Waterloo, Ont. [u.a.] 3 93-98 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Singer, Ivan (1982) Uniqueness and strong uniqueness of best approximations by spline subspaces and other subspaces. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications Amsterdam [u.a.] 90 1 171-184 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Deutsch, Frank (1982) Weakly interpolating subspaces. Numerical functional analysis and optimization Philadelphia, Pa. 5 3 267-288 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Binz, Ernst (1982) Zur Verwendung der Symmetrie im eingeschränkten Zweikörperproblem. Cloer, Bruno Gesellschaft und Universität : Probleme und Perspektiven; Festschrift zur 75-Jahr-Feier der Universität Gesellschaft und Universität : Festschrift zur 75-Jahr-Feier der Universität Mannheim Mannheim [Buchkapitel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1982) On a result of Cobzas on the Hahn decomposition. Archiv der Mathematik : ADM = Archives of Mathematics Berlin ; Heidelberg 39 6 564-567 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1982) A general Jordan decomposition. Archiv der Mathematik : ADM = Archives of Mathematics Berlin ; Heidelberg 38 1 556-564 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Nürnberger, Günther ; Blatt, Hans-Peter ; Sommer, Manfred (1981) A characterization of pointwise-Lipschitz-continuous selections for the metric projection. Numerical functional analysis and optimization Philadelphia, Pa. 4 2 101-122 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Braess, Dietrich (1981) Nonuniqueness of best Lp-approximation for generalized convex functions by splines with free knots. Numerical functional analysis and optimization Philadelphia, Pa. 4 2 199-209 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Binz, Ernst ; Fischer, Hans-Rudolf On the manifold of embeddings of a closed manifold. Doebner, Heinz D. Lecture Notes in Physics 139 310-324 In: Differential geometric methods in mathematical physics : proceedings of the international conference, held at the Technical University of Clausthal, Germany, July 1978 (1981) Berlin [u.a.] [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen (1981) Zur Arithmetik von Konjugationsklassen in algebraischen Gruppen. Journal of Algebra San Diego, Calif. 70 1 179-199 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1981) Generalized martingales and set function processes. Methods of Operations Research Frankfurt a. M. 44 167-178 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1981) On the convergence of a bounded amart and a conjecture of Chatterji. Journal of Multivariate Analysis : JMVA Amsterdam [u.a.] 11 1 58-68 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Nürnberger, Günther (1980) Continuous selections for the metric projection and alternation. Journal of Approximation Theory Amsterdam [u.a.] 28 3 212-226 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen ; Kitaoka, Yoshiyuki (1980) Endliche arithmetische Untergruppen der Gln. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik Berlin ; New York 313 151-156 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Nürnberger, Günther (1980) Nonexistence of continuous selections of the metric projection and weak Chebyshev systems. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis Philadelphia, Pa. 11 11 460-467 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Brosowski, Bruno ; Deutsch, Frank ; Nürnberger, Günther (1980) Parametric approximation. Journal of Approximation Theory Amsterdam [u.a.] 29 4 261-277 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Blatt, Hans-Peter ; Sommer, Manfred (1980) Pointwise-Lipschitz-continuous selections for the metric projection. Cheney, Elliott w. Approximation theory III : proceedings of a conference honoring Professor George G. Lorentz New York, NY 223-228 [Buchkapitel]

Nürnberger, Günther (1980) Strong uniqueness of best approximations and weak Chebyshev systems. Quantitative Approximation New York, NY 255-266 [Buchkapitel]

Binz, Ernst (1980) Two natural metrics and their covariant derivatives on a manifold of embeddings. Monatshefte für Mathematik Wien [u.a.] 89 4 275-288 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen (1980) Über Normen algebraischer Zahlen. Mathematische Annalen Berlin ; Göttingen ; Heidelberg 251 3 191-212 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Singer, Ivan (1980) Uniqueness of best approximations in spaces of continuous functions. Approximation Theory : III. International Conference on Approximation Theory ; proceedings New York 687-692 [Buchkapitel]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Singer, Ivan (1980) Weak Chebyshev subspaces and alternation. Pacific Journal of Mathematics Berkeley, Calif. 89 1 9-31 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1980) On the value of a stopped set function process. Journal of Multivariate Analysis : JMVA Amsterdam [u.a.] 10 1 123-134 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1980) Théorèmes de structure pour les amartingales en processus de fonctions d'ensembles à valeurs dans un espace de Banach. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences / Série A, Sciences Mathématique Paris 290 22 1069-1072 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1980) Théorèmes de convergence pour les amartingales en processus de fonctions d'ensembles à valeurs dans un espace de Banach. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences / Série A, Sciences Mathématique Paris 290 1103-1106 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Nürnberger, Günther (1979) Unicity and strong unicity in approximation theory. Journal of Approximation Theory Amsterdam [u.a.] 26 1 54-70 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1979) Sur la convergence d’une amartingale bornee et un théorème de Chatterji. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences / Série A, Sciences Mathématique Paris 289 3 181-183 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1979) Espaces vectoriels reticules, décompositions de Riesz, et caractérisations de certains processus de fonctions d’ensembles. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences / Série A, Sciences Mathématique Paris 289 2 75-78 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1979) Sur la valeur d'un processus de fonctions d'ensembles. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences / Série A, Sciences Mathématique Paris 288 7 431-434 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Steinmetz, Dieter (1979) Optimalität von Verhältnisschätzungen. Mannheim [Dissertation]


Nürnberger, Günther ; Sommer, Manfred (1978) Characterization of continuous selections of the metric projection for spline functions. Journal of Approximation Theory Amsterdam 22 4 320-330 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen (1978) Definite arithmetische Gruppen. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik Berlin ; New York 301 27-29 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Nürnberger, Günther ; Sommer, Manfred (1978) Weak Chebyshev subspaces and continuous selections for the metric projection. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society Providence, RI 238 129-138 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen (1978) Zur Galoiskohomologie definiter arithmetischer Gruppen. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik Berlin ; New York 298 89-97 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schmidt, Klaus D. (1978) Sur l'espérance d'une semiamartingale arrêtée. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences / Série A, Sciences Mathématique Paris 287 8 663-665 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Keller, Klaus (1978) Autokorrelationstests im klassischen Modell der Normalregression : Alternativen zum Durbin-Watson-Test durch die Konstruktion von Alternativen zum Kleinste-Quadrate-Residualvektor. Mannheim [Dissertation]


Bartels, Hans-Jochen (1977) Fixpunkte in homogenen Räumen. Monatshefte für Mathematik Wien [u.a.] 84 2 89-90 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Nürnberger, Günther (1977) Schnitte für die metrische Projektion. Journal of Approximation Theory Amsterdam [u.a.] 20 196-219 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Binz, Ernst ; Herrlich, Horst Charaktergruppen von Gruppen von stetigen S^1-wertigen Funktionen. Binz, Ernst Lecture Notes in Mathematics 540 43-92 In: Categorical topology : proceedings of the conference, held at Mannheim, 21 - 25 July, 1975 (1976) Berlin ; Heidelberg [u.a.] [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen (1976) Zur Klassifikation Schiefhermitescher Formen über Zahlenkörpern. Mathematische Annalen Berlin ; Göttingen ; Heidelberg 219 1 13-19 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Binz, Ernst (1975) Continuous Convergence on C (X). Berlin; Heidelberg [Buch]

Binz, Ernst Functionsanalytic Methods in Topology. Symposia Mathematica 191-208 (1975) London [u.a.] [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen (1975) Invarianten hermitescher Formen über Schiefkörpern. Mathematische Annalen Berlin ; Göttingen ; Heidelberg 215 3 269-288 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Binz, Ernst (1975) Representations of convergence algebras as algebras of real-valued functions. Symposia Mathematica London [u.a.] 17 81-91 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Gekeler, Eckart (1973) Long-range and periodic solutions of parabolic problems. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Gekeler, Eckart (1973) On the eigenvectors of a finite-difference approximation to the Sturm-Liouville eigenvalue problem. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Gekeler, Eckart (1973) On the convergence of the von Neumann difference approximation to hyperbolic initial boundary value problems. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Gekeler, Eckart (1973) A-convergence of finite-difference approximations to parabolic initial boundary value problems. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Oettli, Werner (1973) Capacity-achieving input distributions for some amplitude-limited channels with additive noise. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Oettli, Werner (1973) Einzelschrittverfahren zur Lösung konvexer und dual-konvexer Minimierungsprobleme. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Oettli, Werner (1973) Eine allgemeine, symmetrische Formulierung des Dekompositionsprinzips für duale Paare nichtlinearer minmax- und maxmin-Probleme. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Kall, Peter ; Oettli, Werner (1973) Measurability theorems for stochastic extremals. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Blum, Eugen ; Oettli, Werner (1973) The principle of feasiable directions for nonlinear approximants and infinitely many constraints. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Lehmann, R. ; Oettli, Werner (1973) The theorem of the alternative, the key-theorem, and the vector-maximum problem, for non-polyhedral ordering cones. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Binz, Ernst (1973) Convergence Structures on C (X). Summer School on Topological Vector Spaces Berlin [u.a.] 203-210 [Buchkapitel]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen ; Hesch, Rolf-Dieter (1973) Homotrope kooperative Effekte und aufsteigende B/F-Kurven bei Homon-Antikörperreaktionen. Zeitschrift für klinische Chemie und klinische Biochemie Berlin 11 7 311-318 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bartels, Hans-Jochen ; Hesch, Rolf-Dieter (1973) Increasing B/F-standard curves and the question of optimal sensitivity and precision in radioimmunochemical determination methods. Acta Endocrinologica Oslo 71 Supp.4 S59 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Müller, Michael (1973) Die Markov-Kette als Modell zur Analyse und Prognose räumlicher Bevölkerungsverteilungen : eine empirische Untersuchung, durchgeführt für die Stadt Mannheim. Mannheim [Dissertation]


Kutzler, Kurt (1972) Über Zusammenhänge, die zwischen einigen Limitierungen auf C(X) und dem Satz von Dini bestehen. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Gekeler, Eckart (1972) Über mehrstufige Iterationsverfahren und die Lösung der Hammersteinschen Gleichung. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Bulman-Fleming, Sydney (1972) On equationally compact semilattices. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Niethammer, Wilhelm (1972) Ein numerisches Verfahren zur analytischen Fortsetzung. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Binz, Ernst ; Feldman, Wilhelm (1972) A functional analytic description of normal spaces. Canadian Journal of Mathematics = Journal canadien de mathématiques Toronto 24 45-49 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Binz, Ernst ; Butzmann, Heinz-Peter ; Kutzler, Kurt (1972) Bemerkungen Über eine Klasse von R-Algebren-Topologien auf C(X). Archiv der Mathematik : ADM = Archives of Mathematics Basel ; Berlin 23 1 80-82 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Binz, Ernst ; Butzmann, Heinz-Peter ; Kutzler, Kurt ; Schröder, Mathis ; Feldman, Wilhelm (1972) On omega-admissable vector space topologies on C(X). Mathematische Annalen Berlin ; Göttingen ; Heidelberg 19 39-47 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Binz, Ernst Recent results in the functional analytic investigations of Convergence Spaces. Novák, Josef Prague Topological Symposium : proceedings; 3, 1971, Praha 67-72 In: General topology and its relations to modern analysis and algebra 3 : proceedings of the third Prague topological symposium, 1971 (1972) New York, NY [u.a.] [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Binz, Ernst ; Butzmann, Heinz-Peter ; Kutzler, Kurt (1972) Über den c-Dual eines topologischen Vektorraumes. Mathematische Zeitschrift Berlin [u.a.] 127 1 70-74 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Binz, Ernst ; Kutzler, Kurt (1972) Über Metrische Räume und C_c(X). Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Scienze Firenze 26 1 197-223 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Haley, David K. (1971) Equationally compact Artinian rings. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Binz, Ernst ; Butzmann, Heinz-Peter ; Feldman, Wilhelm ; Kutzler, Kurt ; Schroder, Mark (1971) On omega-admissible vector space topologies C(X). Open Access None Mannheim [Arbeitspapier]

Binz, Ernst ; Butzmann, Heinz-Peter ; Kutzler, Kurt (1971) Über den c-Dual eines topologischen Vektorraumes. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Butzmann, Heinz-Peter (1971) Über die c-Reflexivität von Cc(X). Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Bulman-Fleming, Sydney ; Taylor, Walter (1971) On a question of G. H. Wenzel. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Kelly, David (1971) A note on equationally compact lattices. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Feldman, Wilhelm (1971) On relations between X and Cc(X). Open Access None Mannheim [Arbeitspapier]

Kutzler, Kurt (1971) Bemerkungen über unendlichdimensionale, separierte Limesvektorräume und Limesgruppen. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Binz, Ernst ; Feldman, Wilhelm (1971) On a Marinescu structure on C(X). Open Access None Mannheim [Arbeitspapier]

Wenzel, Günter H. (1971) Equational compactness in universal algebras. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Binz, Ernst ; Butzmann, Heinz-Peter ; Kutzler, Kurt (1971) Bemerkungen über eine Klasse von IR-Algebrentopologien. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Schroder, Mark (1971) Continuous convergence in a Gelfand theory for topological algebras. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Binz, Ernst ; Feldman, Wilhelm (1971) A functional analytic description of normal spaces. Open Access None Mannheim [Arbeitspapier]

Gekeler, Eckart (1971) On the solution fo systems of equations by the Epsilon-algorithm of Wynn. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Binz, Ernst ; Neukirch, Jürgen ; Wenzel, Günter H. (1971) A subgroup theorem for free products of pro-finite groups. Journal of Algebra San Diego, Calif. 19 1 104-109 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Binz, Ernst ; Feldman, Wilhelm (1971) On a Marinescu structure on C(X). Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici Zürich 46 436-450 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Binz, Ernst ; Kutzler, Kurt (1970) Über metrische Räume und Cc (X). Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Marti, Kurt (1970) Entscheidungstheoretische Grundlagen der Stochastischen Optimierung. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Kutzler, Kurt (1970) Eine interne Charakterisierung von Marinescu-Räumen. Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Butzmann, Hans-Peter (1970) Dualitäten in Zeta c (X). Open Access None [Arbeitspapier]

Binz, Ernst (1970) Notes on a characterization of function algebras. Mathematische Annalen Berlin ; Göttingen ; Heidelberg 186 4 314-326 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Binz, Ernst Convergence spaces and convergence function algebras. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Topology and its Applications Herceg-Novi, 25 - 31. 8. 1968 Yugoslavia 87-92 In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Topology and its Applications, Herceg-Novi, 25 - 31.8.1968, Yugoslavia = Trudy Meždunarodnogo Simpozija po Topologii i ee Primenenijach (1969) Beograd [Konferenzveröffentlichung]

Binz, Ernst (1969) On closed ideals in convergence function algebras. Mathematische Annalen Berlin ; Göttingen ; Heidelberg 182 3 145-153 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Binz, Ernst (1969) Zu den Beziehungen zwischen c-einbettbaren Limesräumen und ihren limitierten Funktionenalgebren. Mathematische Annalen Berlin ; Göttingen ; Heidelberg 181 1 45-52 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Binz, Ernst (1968) Bemerkungen zu limitierten Funktionenalgebren. Mathematische Annalen Berlin ; Göttingen ; Heidelberg 17 3 169-184 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Binz, Ernst (1968) Kompakte Limesräume und limitierte Funktionenalgebren. Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici Zürich 43 1 195-203 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Binz, Ernst ; Meier-Solfrian, Walter (1967) Zur Differentialrechnung in limitierten Vektorräumen. Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici Zürich 42 1 285-296 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Binz, Ernst (1966) Ein Differenzierbarkeitsbegriff in limitierten Vektorräumen. Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici Zürich 41 1 137-156 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Binz, Ernst ; Keller, Hans H. (1966) Funktionenräume in der Kategorie der Limesräume. Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Series A. 1, Mathematica Helsinki 383 1-21 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

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