Number of items: 1754.
Erp, Marieke van ; Hellmann, Sebastian ; McCrae, John P. ; Chiarcos, Christian ; Choi, Key-Sun ; Gracia, Jorge ; Hayashi, Yoshihiko ; Koide, Seiji ; Mendes, Pablo ; Paulheim, Heiko ORCID: 0000-0003-4386-8195 ; Takeda, Hideaki
Knowledge graphs and language technology : ISWC 2016 International Workshops: KEKI and NLP&DBpedia, Kobe, Japan, October 17-21, 2016, revised selected papers.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Berlin [u.a.]
Blomqvist, Eva ; Hose, Katja ; Paulheim, Heiko ORCID: 0000-0003-4386-8195 ; Ławrynowicz, Agnieska ; Ciravegna, Fabio ; Hartig, Olaf
The Semantic Web: ESWC 2017 Satellite Events : ESWC 2017 Satellite Events, Portorož, Slovenia, May 28 – June 1, 2017, revised selected papers.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Berlin [u.a.]
Sozykin, Andrey ; Ustalov, Dmitry
Ural-PDC 2017 : Ural Workshop on Parallel, Distributed, and Cloud Computing for Young Scientists : Proceedings of the 3rd Ural Workshop on Parallel, Distributed, and Cloud Computing for Young Scientists, Yekaterinburg, Russia, October 19th, 2017.
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Aachen, Germany
Arbeitskreis Finanzierungsrechnung der Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft für Betriebswirtschaft e.V.
Digitalisierung und Disruptionen: Auswirkungen auf die Finanzierungsrechnung und -planung.
Krause, Stefan
Betriebswirtschaftliche Implikationen der digitalen Transformation : 75 Jahre Arbeitskreise der Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft für Betriebswirtschaft e.V.
Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung : Zfbf. Sonderheft
[Book chapter]
Tramm, Tade ; Fischer, Martin ; Aprea, Carmela
Berufliche Lehr-Lernforschung.
Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik Online : bwp@
[Journal/Publication series]
Aa, Han van der ORCID: 0000-0002-4200-4937 ; Gal, Avigdor ; Leopold, Henrik ; Reijers, Hajo A. ; Sagi, Tomer ; Shraga, Roee
Instance-based process matching using event-log information.
Dubois, Eric ; Pohl, Klaus
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
In: Advanced information systems engineering : 29th International Conference, CAiSE 2017, Essen, Germany, June 12-16, 2017, proceedings
Berlin [u.a.]
CAiSE 2017
(Essen, Germany)
[Conference or workshop publication]
Aa, Han van der ORCID: 0000-0002-4200-4937 ; Leopold, Henrik ; Reijers, Hajo A.
Checking process compliance on the basis of uncertain event-to-activity mappings.
Dubois, Eric ; Pohl, Klaus
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
In: Advanced information systems engineering : 29th International Conference, CAiSE 2017, Essen, Germany, June 12-16, 2017, proceedings
Berlin [u.a.]
CAiSE 2017
(Essen, Germany)
[Conference or workshop publication]
Aalst, Wil M. P. van der ; Bichler, Martin ; Heinzl, Armin
Responsible data science.
Business & Information Systems Engineering : BISE
Acar, Erman ; Greco, Gianluigi ; Manna, Marco
Group reasoning in social environments.
Das, Sanmay
In: AAMAS '17 Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems : Sao Paulo, Brazil, May 8 - 12, 2017
Richland, SC
AAMAS 2017, 16th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent System
(Sao Paulo, Brazil)
[Conference or workshop publication]
Preview |
Achichi, Manel ; Cheatham, Michelle ; Dragisic, Zlatan ; Euzenat, Jérôme ; Faria, Daniel ; Ferrara, Alfio ; Flouris, Giorgos ; Fundulaki, Irini ; Harrow, Ian ; Ivanova, Valentina ; Jiménez-Ruiz, Ernesto ; Kolthoff, Kristian ; Kuss, Elena ; Lambrix, Patrick ; Leopold, Henrik ; Li, Huanyu ; Meilicke, Christian ORCID: 0000-0002-0198-5396 ; Mohammadi, Majid ; Montanelli, Stefano ; Pesquita, Catia ; Saveta, Tzanina ; Shvaiko, Pavel ; Splendiani, Andrea ; Stuckenschmidt, Heiner ORCID: 0000-0002-0209-3859 ; Thiéblin, Elodie ; Todorov, Konstantin ; Trojahn, Cássia ; Zamazal, Ondrej
Results of the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative 2017.
Shvaiko, Pavel
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
In: OM 2017 : Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Ontology Matching co-located with the 16th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2017), Vienna, Austria, October 21, 2017
Aachen, Germany
Twelfth International Workshop on Ontology Matching
(Vienna, Austria)
[Conference or workshop publication]
Preview |
Adam, Klaus ; Grill, Michael
Optimal sovereign default.
American Economic Journal. Macroeconomics
Nashville, TN
Ahrens, Jan-Philipp ORCID: 0000-0003-1866-7068 ; Uhlaner, Lorraine ; Woywode, Michael ; Zybura, Jan
The Janus-face of CEO retention - CEO succession & performance under unity of ownership & control.
In: European Academy of Management Conference : 17th EURAM 2017, 21-24 June, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland : 2017 Conference Programme
EURAM 2017, 17th Annual Conference
(Glasgow, UK)
[Conference or workshop publication]
Albrecht, Carmen-Maria ; Heinrich, Daniel ; Mathew, Joseph
Together we can make it: Exploring why consumers engage in boycotts.
Campbell, Colin L.
In: The Customer is NOT Always Right? Marketing Orientationsin a Dynamic Business World Proceedings of the 2011 World Marketing Congress
2011 Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress (WMC)
(Reims, France)
[Conference or workshop publication]
Angster, Julia
Oberreuter, Heinrich
Staatslexikon : Recht, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft
Freiburg, Br. [u.a.]
1: ABC-Waffen - Ehrenamt
Sp. 130-132
[Encyclopedic article]
Aprea, Carmela
The impact of social education initiatives.
1st FLiP Financial Education Summit on the occasion of the 5th International Federation of Finance Museums (IFFM) Annual Meeting
(Wien, Austria)
[Conference presentation]
Aprea, Carmela
Hypervideos in der Schule.
Markt der Möglichkeiten / Studienseminar für das Lehramt an beruflichen Schulen
(Erfurt, Germany)
[Conference presentation]
Aprea, Carmela ; Sappa, Viviana ; Boldrini, Elena
Resilient teachers in VET: a Swiss study.
17th Bienniel EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction
(Tampere, Finland)
[Conference presentation]
Wolf, Ursula
Nikomachische Ethik.
Rowohlts Enzyklopädie
Reinbek bei Hamburg
Wolf, Ursula
Reinbek bei Hamburg
Armknecht, Frederik ORCID: 0009-0003-9935-8095 ; Bohli, Jens-Matthias ; Froelicher, David ; Karame, Ghassan O.
Sharing proofs of retrievability across tenants.
Karri, Ramesh
In: Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security
New York, NY
(Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates)
[Conference or workshop publication]
Armknecht, Frederik ORCID: 0009-0003-9935-8095 ; Boyd, Colin ; Davies, Gareth T. ; Gjøsteen, Kristian ; Toorani, Mohsen
Side channels in deduplication: Trade-offs between leakage and efficiency.
Karri, Ramesch
In: Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security, Asia CCS 2017, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, April 2-6, 2017
New York, NY
(Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates)
[Conference or workshop publication]
Atkinson, Colin ORCID: 0000-0002-3164-5595 ; Kühne, Thomas
On evaluating Multi-Level Modeling.
Burgueño, Loli ; Corley, Jonathan ; Bencomo, Nelly ; Clarke, Peter, J. ; Collet, Philippe ; Famelis, Michalis ; Ghosh, Sudipto ; Gogolla, Martin ; Greenyer, Joel ; Guerra, Esther ; Kokaly, Sahar ; Pierantonio, Alfonso ; Rubin, Julia ; Di Rusvio, Davide
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
In: MODELS-SE 2017 : Proceedings of MODELS 2017 Satellite Event: Workshops (ModComp, ME, EXE, COMMitMDE, MRT, MULTI, GEMOC, MoDeVVa, MDETools, FlexMDE, MDEbug)..., Austin, TX, USA, September, 17, 2017
Aachen, Germany
(Austin, TX)
[Conference or workshop publication]
Atkinson, Colin ORCID: 0000-0002-3164-5595 ; Tunjic, Christian
A deep view-point language for projective modeling.
Hallé, Sylvain
In: 2017 IEEE 21st International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference - EDOC 2017 : 10-13 October 2017, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada : proceedings
Piscataway, NJ
EDOC 2017
(Quebec City, Quebec)
[Conference or workshop publication]
Becker, Martin ; Lemmerich, Florian ; Singer, Philipp ; Strohmaier, Markus ORCID: 0000-0002-5485-5720 ; Hotho, Andreas
Driessen, Kurt ; Kocev, Dragi ; Robnik-Šikonja, Marko ; Spiliopoulou, Myra
MixedTrails: Bayesian hypothesis comparison on heterogeneous sequential data.
Special Issue: Journal track of ECML PKDD 2017
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery : DMKD
Norwell, Mass.
5 = special issue
Beißwenger, Michael ; Chanier, Thierry ; Chiari, Isabella ; Erjavec, Tomaž ; Fišer, Darja ; Herold, Axel ; Ljubešić, Nikola ; Lüngen, Harald ; Poudat, Céline ; Stemle, Egon W. ; Storrer, Angelika ORCID: 0000-0003-2697-2046 ; Wigham, Ciara R.
Closing a gap in the language resources landscape: Groundwork and best practices from projects on computer-mediated communication in four European countries.
Chanier, Thierry
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings
In: Selected papers from the CLARIN Annual Conference 2016, Aix-en-Provence, 26–28 October 2016, CLARIN Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure
CLARIN Annual Conference 2016
(Aix-en-Provence, France)
[Conference or workshop publication]
Beißwenger, Michael ; Wigham, Ciara R. ; Etienne, Carole ; Fišer, Darja ; Grumt Suárez, Holger ; Herzberg, Laura ORCID: 0000-0003-3339-8572 ; Hinrichs, Erhard ; Horsmann, Tobias ; Karlova-Bourbonus, Natali ; Lemnitzer, Lothar ; Longhi, Julien ; Lüngen, Harald ; Ho-Dac, Lydia-Mei ; Parisse, Christophe ; Poudat, Céline ; Schmidt, Thomas C. ; Stemle, Egon W. ; Storrer, Angelika ORCID: 0000-0003-2697-2046 ; Zesch, Torsten
Connecting resources: Which issues have to be solved to integrate CMC corpora from heterogeneous sources and for different languages?
Stemle, Egon W.
In: Proceedings of the 5th Conference on CMC and Social Media Corpora for the Humanities (cmccorpora17) : 3-4 October 2017, Eurac Research, Italy : conference proceedings
5th Conference on CMC and Social Media Corpora for the Humanities (cmccorpora17)
(Bolzano, Italy)
[Conference or workshop publication]
Beyerbach, Hannes
Forschung mit eigenen Patientendaten.
Fortbildungsveranstaltung 2017 der Ethik-Kommission der Landesärztekammer Baden-Württemberg
(Stuttgart, Germany)
[Conference presentation]
Bitter, Georg
§ 33 Kontenpfändung.
Schimansky, Herbert
[Book chapter]
Bitter, Georg
Patrick Schulz: Der Debt Equity Swap in der Insolvenz. Untersuchungen über das Spar-, Giro- und Kreditwesen, Abteilung B:Rechtswissenschaft, Band 200, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2015, 400 S., broschiert, 99,90 E.
KTS : Zeitschrift für Insolvenzrecht
Brand, Oliver
§113 Pflichtversicherung.
Langheid, Theo
Münchener Kommentar zum Vertragsversichungsgesetz
2. §§ 100 - 216 VVG
[Book chapter]
Brandl, Barbara ; Paula, Katrin
The coordination of agricultural R&D in the U.S. and Germany: Markets versus networks.
Pinto, Alberto Adrego
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics
In: Modeling, dynamics, optimization and bioeconomics II : DGS III, Porto, Portugal, February 2014, and Bioeconomy VII, Berkeley, USA, March 2014 - selected contributions
3rd International Conference Dynamics Games and Science / 7th Berkeley Bioeconomy Conference
(Porto, Prtugal / Berkeley, CA)
[Conference or workshop publication]
Brinkschulte, Melanie
Locating an acoustic source using low-cost hardware.
Eibl, Maximilian
GI-Edition : Lecture Notes in Informatics. Proceedings
In: 47. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik, Informatik 2017, Chemnitz, Germany, September 25-29, 2017
Informatik 2017
(Chemnitz, Germany)
[Conference or workshop publication]
Buono, Maria Pia di ; Tutek, Martin ; Šnajder, Jan ; Glavaš, Goran ; Dalbelo Bašić, Bojana ; Milić-Frayling, Nataša
Two layers of annotation for representing event mentions in news stories.
Schneider, Nathan ; Xue, Nianwen
In: 11th Linguistic Annotation Workshop : proceedings of the workshop, EACL Workshop, April 3, 2017, Valencia, Spain
Stroudsburg, PA
LAW XI 2017
(Valencia, Spain)
[Conference or workshop publication]
Buono, Maria Pia di ; Šnajder, Jan ; Dalbelo Bašić, Bojana ; Glavaš, Goran ; Tutek, Martin ; Milić-Frayling, Nataša
Predicting news values from headline text and emotions.
Popescu, Octavian ; Strapparava, Carlo
In: Second Workshop on Natural Language Processing meets Journalism : proceedings of the workshop, September 7, 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark : EMNLP 2017
Stroudsburg, PA
(Copenhagen, Denmark)
[Conference or workshop publication]
Burnautzki, Sarah
NDiaye, Marie: Hilda.
Arnold, Heinz Ludwig
Kindlers Literatur Lexikon : KLL online
[Encyclopedic article]
Burzlaff, Fabian ORCID: 0000-0003-0632-5933
Knowledge-driven architecture composition.
Eibl, Maximilian
Lecture Notes in Informatics
In: 47. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik, Informatik 2017, Chemnitz, Germany, September 25-29, 2017
GI-Jahrestagung 2017
(Chemnitz, Germany)
[Conference or workshop publication]
Böse, Martin ; Schneider, Anne
Luchtman, Michiel
Investigatory powers and procedural safeguards : Improving OLAF’s legislative framework through a comparison with other EU law enforcement authorities (ECN/ESMA/ECB)
[Book chapter]
Caprara, Gian Vittorio ; Vecchione, Michele ; Schwartz, Shalom H. ; Schoen, Harald ; Bain, Paul ; Silvester, Jo ; Cieciuch, Jan ; Pavlopoulos, Vassilis ; Bianchi, Gabriel ; Caprara, Maria Giovanna ; Kirmanoglu, Hasan ; Baslevent, Cem ; Mamali, Catalin ; Manzi, Jorge ; Katayama, Miyuki ; Posnova, Tetyana ; Tabernero, Carmen ; Torres, Claudio ; Verkasalo, Markku ; Lönnqvist, Jan-Erik ; Vondráková, Eva
Basic values, ideological self-placement, and voting: A cross-cultural study.
Cross-Cultural Research
Thousand Oaks, CA [u.a.]
Chekol, Melisachew Wudage
Scaling probabilistic temporal query evaluation.
Lim, Ee-Peng
In: Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, CIKM 2017, Singapore, November 06 - 10, 2017
New York, NY
CIKM '17 ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
[Conference or workshop publication]
Chekol, Melisachew Wudage ; Pirrò, Giuseppe ; Schönfisch, Jörg ; Stuckenschmidt, Heiner ORCID: 0000-0002-0209-3859
Marrying uncertainty and time in knowledge graphs.
In: Proceedings of the Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the Twenty-Ninth Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference : February 4–9, 2017, San Francisco, California USA
San Francisco, CA
The Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(San Francisco, CA)
[Conference or workshop publication]
Chekol, Melisachew Wudage ; Stuckenschmidt, Heiner ORCID: 0000-0002-0209-3859
Rule based temporal inference.
Rocha, Ricardo
Open Access Series in Informatics : OASIcs
Article 4, 1-14
In: Technical communications of the 33rd International Conference on Logic Programming : ICLP 2017, August 28-September 1, 2017, Melbourne, Australia
The 33rd International Conference on Logic Programming
(Melbourne, Australia)
[Conference or workshop publication]
Chen, Luoxia ; Zarifis, Alex ; Krönung, Julia
The role of trust in personal information disclosure on health-related websites.
Ramos, Isabel
Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)
In: 25th European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS 2017 : information systems for a smart, substainable and inclusive world, June 5-10, 2017, Guimarães, Portugal, proceedings
Atlanta, GA
ECIS 2017
(Guimarães, Portugal)
[Conference or workshop publication]
Preview |
Cochez, Michael ; Ristoski, Petar ; Ponzetto, Simone Paolo ORCID: 0000-0001-7484-2049 ; Paulheim, Heiko ORCID: 0000-0003-4386-8195
Biased graph walks for RDF graph embeddings.
Akerkar, Rajendra
Article 21, 1-12
In: WIMS '17 Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics : Amantea, Italy, June 19 - 22, 2017
New York, NY
7th ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics
(Amantea, Italy)
[Conference or workshop publication]
Cochez, Michael ; Ristoski, Petar ; Ponzetto, Simone Paolo ORCID: 0000-0001-7484-2049 ; Paulheim, Heiko ORCID: 0000-0003-4386-8195
Global RDF vector space embeddings.
d'Amato, Claudia
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
In: The Semantic Web – ISWC 2017 : 16th International Semantic Web Conference, Vienna, Austria, October 21–25, 2017, proceedings, part I
Berlin [u.a.]
International Semantic Web Conference 2017
(Wien, Österreich)
[Conference or workshop publication]
Preview |
Dannecker, Gerhard ; Bülte, Jens ORCID: 0000-0003-0300-0180
Abschnitt B 10, §§ 59-61.
Dannecker, Gerhard ; Gorny, Dietrich
Behr's Kommentar zum Lebensmittelrecht : Kommentar zum LFGB und zu weiteren lebensmittel-, bedarfsgegenstände- und futtermittelrechtlichen Vorschriften
[Book chapter]
Deckert, Jürgen ; Weber, Heike ; Villmann, Carmen ; Lonsdorf, Tina B. ; Richter, Jan ; Andreatta, Marta ; Arias-Vásquez, Alejandro ; Hommers, Leif G. ; Kent, Lindsey ; Schartner, Christoph ; Cichon, Sven ; Wolf, Christiane ; Schaefer, Natascha ; Collenberg, Cora R. von ; Wachter, Britta ; Blum, Robert ; Schümann, Dirk ; Scharfenort, Robert ; Schumacher, Johannes ; Forstner, Andreas J. ; Baumann, Christian ; Schiele, Miriam A. ; Notzon, Swantje ; Zwanzger, Peter ; Janzing, Joost G. E. ; Galesloot, Tessel E. ; Kiemeney, Lambertus A. ; Gajewska, Agnieszka ; Glotzbach-Schoon, Evelyn ; Mühlberger, Andreas ; Alpers, Georg W. ORCID: 0000-0001-9896-5158 ; Fydrich, Thomas ; Fehm, Lydia ; Gerlach, Alexander L. ; Kircher, Tilo ; Lang, Thomas ; Ströhle, Andreas ; Arolt, Volker ; Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich ; Kalisch, Raffael ; Büchel, Christian ; Hamm, Alfons O. ; Nöthen, Markus M. ; Romanos, Marcel ; Domschke, Katharina ; Pauli, Paul ; Reif, Andreas
GLRB allelic variation associated with agoraphobic cognitions, increased startle response and fear network activation : a potential neurogenetic pathway to panic disorder.
Molecular Psychiatry
Basingstoke ; London
Deth, Jan W. van
Norms of citizenship.
Deschouwer, Kris
Mind the gap : political participation and representation in Belgium
Colchester [u.a.]
[Book chapter]
Diete, Alexander ; Sztyler, Timo ; Stuckenschmidt, Heiner ORCID: 0000-0002-0209-3859
A smart data annotation tool for multi-sensor activity recognition.
Yordanova, Kristina
In: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops : PERCOM Workshops
Piscataway, NJ
ARDUOUS '17: 1st International Workshop on Annotation of useR Data for UbiquitOUs Systems : affiliated to IEEE PerCom 2017
(Kona, Big Island, HI)
[Conference or workshop publication]
Diete, Alexander ; Sztyler, Timo ; Weiland, Lydia ; Stuckenschmidt, Heiner ORCID: 0000-0002-0209-3859
Recognizing grabbing actions from inertial and video sensor data in a warehouse scenario.
Shakshuki, Elhadi
Procedia computer science
In: 14th International Conference on Mobile Systems and Pervasive Computing (MobiSPC 2017) / 12th International Conference on Future Networks and Communications (FNC 2017) / Affiliated Workshops
Amsterdam [u.a.]
The 14th International Conference on Mobile Systems and Pervasive Computing, MobiSPC 2017
(Leuven, Belgium)
[Conference or workshop publication]
Dimitrov, Dimitar ; Singer, Philipp ; Lemmerich, Florian ; Strohmaier, Markus ORCID: 0000-0002-5485-5720
What makes a link successful on Wikipedia?
Barrett, Rick ; Cummings, Rick ; Agichtein, Eugene ; Gabrilovich, Evgeniy
In: WWW '17 : Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web, May 3–7, 2017, Perth, Australia
New York, NY
WWW '17
(Perth, Australia)
[Conference or workshop publication]
Dittrich, Katja ; Fuchs, Anna ; Führer, Daniel ; Bermpohl, Felix ; Kluczniok, Dorothea ; Hindi Attar, Catherine ; Jaite, Charlotte ; Zietlow, Anna-Lena ; Licata, Maria ; Reck, Corinna ; Herpertz, Sabine C. ; Brunner, Romuald ; Möhler, Eva ; Resch, Franz ; Winter, Sibylle Maria ; Lehmkuhl, Ulrike ; Bödeker, Katja
Observational context of mother-child interaction: Impact of a stress context on emotional availability.
Journal of Child and Family Studies
Cham [u.a.]
Dorson, James ; Schober, Regina
Studies in American Naturalism
Lincoln, NE
Drösler, Saskia ; Garbe, Edeltraut ; Hasford, Joerg ; Schubert, Ingrid ; Ulrich, Volker ; Ven, Wynand, van de ; Wambach, Achim ; Wasem, Jürgen ; Wille, Eberhard
Sondergutachten zu den Wirkungen des morbiditätsorientierten Risikostrukturausgleichs.
Ebert, Michael ; Simons, Dirk ; Stecher, Jack
Discretionary aggregation.
The Accounting Review
Sarasota, FL
Edinger, Janick ; Schäfer, Dominik ; Krupitzer, Christian ORCID: 0000-0002-7275-0738 ; Raychoudhury, Vaskar ; Becker, Christian
Fault-avoidance strategies for context-aware schedulers in pervasive computing systems.
Marchiori, Alan
In: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, PerCom 2017, Kona, Big Island, HI, USA, March 13-17, 2017
New York, NY
2017 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom)
(Kona, Big Island, HI)
[Conference or workshop publication]
Eidel, Oliver ; Burth, Sina ; Neumann, Jan-Oliver ; Kieslich, Pascal J. ORCID: 0000-0002-0853-9364 ; Sahm, Felix ; Jungk, Christine ; Kickingereder, Philipp ; Bickelhaupt, Sebastian ; Mundiyanapurath, Sibu ; Bäumer, Philipp ; Wick, Wolfgang ; Schlemmer, Heinz-Peter ; Kiening, Karl ; Unterberg, Andreas ; Bendszus, Martin ; Radbruch, Alexander
Tumor infiltration in enhancing and non-enhancing parts of glioblastoma: A correlation with histopathology.
San Francisco, CA
Eider, Markus ; Sellner, Diana ; Berl, Andreas ; Basmadjian, Robert ; Meer, Hermann de ; Klingert, Sonja ; Schulze, Thomas ; Kutzner, Florian ; Kacperski, Celina ; Stolba, Michal
Seamless electromobility.
Chen, Minghua
In: e-Energy '17 : proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Future Energy Systems, Shatin, Hong Kong, China, May 16-19, 2017
New York, NY
e-Energy 2017
(Shatin, Hong Kong, China)
[Conference or workshop publication]
Englert, Benedikt ; Thaler, Julia ; Helmig, Bernd
Fit narratives in volunteering - How do volunteers perceive person-environment fit?
Johnson, Megan
Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management
Article 15626
In: 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management : Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Friday, August 4th-Monday, August 7th, 2017
Chicago, IL
77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
(Atlanta, GA)
[Conference or workshop publication]
Espín-Noboa, Lisette ; Lemmerich, Florian ; Strohmaier, Markus ORCID: 0000-0002-5485-5720 ; Singer, Philipp
A hypotheses-driven Bayesian approach for understanding edge formation in attributed multigraphs.
Cherifi, Hocine ; Gaito, Sabrina ; Quattrociocchi, Walter ; Sala, Alessandra
Studies in Computational Intelligence : SCI
In: Complex Networks & their Applications V : Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Complex Networks and their Applications (COMPLEX NETWORKS 2016)
Berlin ; Heidelberg ; New York, NY
(Milano, Italy)
[Conference or workshop publication]
Evermann, Jörg ; Rehse, Jana-Rebecca ORCID: 0000-0001-5707-6944 ; Fettke, Peter
XES Tensorflow - process prediction using the Tensorflow deep-learning framework.
Franch, Xavier
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
In: Advanced information systems engineering : 29th International Conference CAiSE 2017, Essen, Germany, June 12-16, 2017 : proceedings of CAiSE Forum and Doctoral Consortium papers
Aachen, Germany
CAiSE-DC 2078
(Essen, Germany)
[Conference or workshop publication]