Spanjol, Jelena ; Noble, Charles H. ; Baer, Markus ; Bogers, Marcel ; Bohlmann, Jonathan ; Bouncken, Ricarda B. ; Bstieler, Ludwig ; De Luca, Luigi M. ; Garcia, Rosanna ; Gemser, Gerda ; Grewal, Dhruv ; Hoegl, Martin ; Kuester, Sabine ORCID: 0000-0003-0985-2288 ; Kumar, Minu ; Lee, Ruby ; Mahr, Dominik ; Nakata, Cheryl ; Ordanini, Andrea ; Rindfleisch, Aric ; Seidel, Victor P. ; Sorescu, Alina ; Verganti, Roberto ; Wetzels, Martin
Fueling innovation management research: Future directions and five forward-looking paths.
The Journal of Product Innovation Management
Dumas, Marlon ; Fournier, Fabiana ; Limonad, Lior ; Marrella, Andrea ; Montali, Marco ; Rehse, Jana-Rebecca ORCID: 0000-0001-5707-6944 ; Accorsi, Rafael ; Calvanese, Diego ; De Giacomo, Giuseppe ; Fahland, Dirk ; Gal, Avigdor ; La Rosa, Marcello ; Völzer, Hagen ; Weber, Ingo
AI-augmented business process management systems: a research manifesto.
ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems
New York, NY
1, Article 11
Homburg, Christian ; Riedel, Kai
Den Kunden im Fokus.
Schacht, Silvia ; Schacht, Maik
Das Wirtschaftsstudium : WISU
Davis, Lee N. ; Davis, Jerome D. ; Hoisl, Karin
Leisure Time Invention.
Organization Science
Hanover, MD
Homburg, Christian ; Klarmann, Martin ; Reimann, Martin ; Schilke, Oliver
What Drives Key Informant Accuracy?
Journal of Marketing Research : JMR
Chicago, Ill.
Giuri, Paola ; Mariani, Myriam ; Brusoni, Stefano ; Crespi, Gustavo ; Francoz, Dominique ; Gambardella, Alfonso ; Garcia-Fontes, Walter ; Geuna, Aldo ; Gonzalez, Raul ; Harhoff, Dietmar ; Hoisl, Karin ; Le Bas, Christian ; Luzzi, Alessandra ; Magazzini, Laura ; Nesta, Lionel ; Nomaler, Önder ; Palomeras, Neus ; Patel, Pari ; Romanelli, Marzia ; Verspagen, Bart
Inventors and invention processes in Europe : Results from the PatVal-EU survey.
Research Policy
Amsterdam [u.a.]
Helmig, Bernd ; Huber, Jan-Alexander
Die Betriebswirtschaft : DBW
Helber, Stefan ; Breitner, Michael ; Rösch, Daniel ; Schön, Cornelia ; Schulenburg, Johann-Matthias von der ; Sibbertsen, Philipp ; Steinbach, Marc ; Weber, Stefan ; Wolter, Anja
Operations Research Proceedings 2012 : Selected papers of the International Annual Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany, September 5-7, 2012.
Cham ; Heidelberg [u.a.]
Purtschert, Robert ; Schwarz, Peter ; Helmig, Bernd ; Schauer, Reinbert ; Haid, Andrea
Das NPO-Glossar.
Bern [u.a.]
Eichhorn, Peter ; Seelos, Hans-Jürgen ; Schulenburg, Johann-Matthias von der
München und Jena
Helmig, Bernd
Pinz, Alexander
Management in Nonprofit-Mikrofinanzorganisationen
Marktorientiertes Nonprofit-Management
Helmig, Bernd ; Gmür, Markus ; Bärlocher, Christoph ; Schnurbein, Georg von ; Degen, Bernard ; Nollert, Michael ; Sokolowski, S. Wojciech ; Salamon, Lester M.
Switzerland: A Liberal Outlier for Europe.
Salamon, Lester M.
Explaining civil society development : a social origins approach
Baltimore, MD
Maier, Michaela ; Schneider, Frank M. ORCID: 0000-0003-1028-0854 ; Retzbach, Andrea
Maier, Michaela
Psychologie der internen Organisationskommunikation
Göttingen [u.a.]
Böhmann, Tilo ; Zolnowski, Andreas ; Schmitt, Ann Kristin
Geschäftsmodelle für Software-Services: Grundlagen und Entwicklungslinien.
Gronau, Norbert
Architekturen, Geschäftsmodelle und Marketingstrategien für ERP-Anbieter : [Beiträge aus Industrie und Wissenschaft aller Referenten des Potsdamer ERP-Anbieterkongresses zum Thema "Architekturen, Geschäftsmodelle und Marketingstrategien"]
Helmig, Bernd ; Hyndman, Noel ; Jegers, Marc ; Lapsley, Irvine
Challenges of Managing the Third Sector [Vorwort].
Helmig, Bernd
On the Challenges of Managing the Third Sector
Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen : ZögU. Beiheft
Purtschert, Robert ; Helmig, Bernd ; Schnurbein, Georg von
Stiftung und Gesellschaft.
Egger, Philipp
Stiftung und Gesellschaft
Foundation Governance
Basel [u.a.]
Purtschert, Robert ; Helmig, Bernd ; Schnurbein, Georg von
Les fondations, parties intégrantes de la societé.
Egger, Philipp
Stiftung und Gesellschaft : eine komparative Analyse des Stiftungsstandortes Schweiz, Deutschland, Liechtenstein, Österreich, USA
Foundation Governance
Helmig, Bernd ; Hunziker, Beat
Stifterstudie Schweiz.
Egger, Philipp
Stiftung und Gesellschaft : eine komparative Analyse des Stiftungsstandortes Schweiz, Deutschland, Liechtenstein, Österreich, USA
Foundation Governance
Basel [u.a.]
Helmig, Bernd ; Purtschert, Robert ; Beccarelli, Claudio
Erfolgsfaktoren im Nonprofit-Management.
Helmig, Bernd
Nonprofit-Management : Beispiele für Best-Practices im Dritten Sektor
Helmig, Bernd ; Purtschert, Robert ; Beccarelli, Claudio
Nonprofit but Management.
Helmig, Bernd
Nonprofit-Management : Beispiele für Best-Practices im Dritten Sektor
Helmig, Bernd
Von der Marktforschung zur Kundenintegration.
Eichhorn, Peter
Wertorientiertes Management im Gesundheitswesen
Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen : ZögU. Beiheft
Helmig, Bernd
Wird das Potenzial von Marketing im NPO-Management unterschätzt?
Witt, Dieter
Funktionen und Leistungen von Nonprofit-Organisationen : 6. Internationales Colloquium der NPO-Forscher, Technische Universität München, 25. und 26. März 2004
6. Internationales Colloquium der NPO-Forscher
Tscheulin, Dieter K. ; Helmig, Bernd ; Dietrich, Martin ; Philipp, U. J.
Dienstleistungsmarketing im Gesundheitswesen.
Zenger, Christoph A.
Management im Gesundheitswesen und in der Gesundheitspolitik
Bern [u.a.]
Tscheulin, Dieter K. ; Helmig, Bernd
Tscheulin, Dieter K.
Branchenspezifisches Marketing : Grundlagen - Besonderheiten - Gemeinsamkeiten
Langer, Thomas ; Weber, Martin ; Ihde, Gösta B. ; Kieser, Alfred ; Kühne, Doris ; Oechsler, Walter A. ; Perlitz, Manfred ; Seger, Frank
Kirchner, Helga ; Kirchner, Wilhelm
Mitarbeitermotivation und Führung.
Der Arzt mit Managementkompetenz : Ideenbörse zur Übernahme von Leitungsaufgaben im Krankenhaus
Stuttgart, Berlin, Köln
Kirchner, Helga ; Kirchner, Wilhelm
Umsetzung von Mitarbeitermotivation.
Der Arzt mit Managementkompetenz : Ideenbörse zur Übernahme von Leitungsaufgaben im Krankenhaus
Stuttgart, Berlin, Köln
Rossetti, Claudia ; Biemann, Torsten ; Dlouhy, Katja
Personality–occupation relationships in careers.
Academy of Management Proceedings
In: Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings
Briarcliff Manor, NY
Academy of Management Annual Meeting, AOM 2018
(Chicago, IL)
Burkhart, Davide ORCID: 0000-0002-6647-7747 ; Bode, Christoph ORCID: 0000-0001-5006-5804 ; Peters, Kristian
Decoupling of global supply chains: Drivers, constraints, and alternatives.
Bode, Christoph ORCID: 0000-0001-5006-5804 ; Bogaschewsky, Ronald ; Eßig, Michael ; Lasch, Rainer
In: Supply management research : aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse 2023
16th AWissenschaftliches Symposium „Supply Management“
(Mannheim, Germany)
Abb, Luka ; Bormann, Carsten ; Aa, Han van der ORCID: 0000-0002-4200-4937 ; Rehse, Jana-Rebecca ORCID: 0000-0001-5707-6944
Trace clustering for user behavior mining.
Beck, Roman ; Petcu, Dana ; Fotache, Marin
European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) : Research Papers
2022, Paper 34
In: Proceedings of the 30th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS): Timișoara, Romania, June 18-24, 2022
Atlanta, GA
ECIS 2022
(Timișoara, Romania)
Striewe, Michael ; Houy, Constantin ; Rehse, Jana-Rebecca ORCID: 0000-0001-5707-6944 ; Ullrich, Meike ; Fettke, Peter ; Schaper, Niclas ; Oberweis, Andreas
Towards an automated assessment of graphical (business process) modelling competences.
Reussner, Ralf ; Koziolek, Anne ; Heinrich, Robert
GI-Edition : Lecture Notes in Informatics. Proceedings
In: Informatik 2020 - Back to the future : 50. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft fr Informatik vom 28. September - 2. Oktober 2020, virtual
Informatik 2020
(Karlsruhe, Germany, Online)
Pufahl, Luise ; Rehse, Jana-Rebecca ORCID: 0000-0001-5707-6944
Conformance checking with regulations - a research agenda.
Koschmider, Agnes ; Michael, Judith
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
In: EMISA 2021: Enterprise Modeling and Information Systems Architectures 2021 : Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Enterprise Modeling and Information Systems Architectures : Kiel, Germany, May 20-21, 2021
Aachen, Germany
Enterprise Modeling and Information Systems Architectures (EMISA) 2021
(Kiel, Germany)
Fellmann, Michael ; Laue, Ralf ; Lantow, Birger ; Rehse, Jana-Rebecca ORCID: 0000-0001-5707-6944
Stand, Herausforderungen und Impulse des Geschäftsprozessmanagements.
Reussner, Ralf ; Koziolek, Anne ; Heinrich, Robert
GI-Edition : Lecture Notes in Informatics. Proceedings
In: Informatik 2020 - Back to the future : 50. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik vom 28. September - 2. Oktober 2020, virtual
Informatik 2020
(Karlsruhe, Germany, Online)
Berrang, Alexander ; Houy, Constantin ; Rehse, Jana-Rebecca ORCID: 0000-0001-5707-6944 ; Fettke, Peter
Prozessorientierte Schulung von Einsatzkräften für robotergestützte Rettungsmissionen der Feuerwehr.
Gronau, Norbert ; Heine, Moreen ; Krasnova, Hanna ; Pousttchi, Key
2. Community Tracks
In: Entwicklungen, Chancen und Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung : Proceedings der 15. Internationalen Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik, WI 2020, Potsdam, Germany, March 9-11, 2020
15. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik
(Potsdam, Germany)
Hussung, Cai ; Rehse, Jana-Rebecca ORCID: 0000-0001-5707-6944 ; Houy, Constantin ; Fettke, Peter
Entwicklung eines Referenzprozessmodells für Rettungseinsätze der Feuerwehr und Anwendung als Grundlage eines Prozessassistenzsystems.
Gronau, Norbert ; Heine, Moreen ; Krasnova, Hanna ; Pousttchi, Key
1. Zentrale Tracks
In: Entwicklungen, Chancen und Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung : Proceedings der 15. Internationalen Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik, WI 2020, Potsdam, Germany, March 9-11, 2020
15. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik
(Potsdam, Germany)
Schuhmann, Steffen ; Rehse, Jana-Rebecca ORCID: 0000-0001-5707-6944 ; Baumann, Sebastian ; Fettke, Peter
Interactive process clustering with t-SNE.
Aalst, Wil M. P. van der ; Brocke, Jan vom ; Comuzzi, Marco ; Di Ciccio, Claudio ; García Rubio, Félix Óscar ; Kumar, Akhil ; Mendling, Jan ; Pentland, Brian ; Pufahl, Luise ; Reichert, Manfred ; Weske, Mathias
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
In: BPM-D 2020 : Proceedings of the Best Dissertation Award, Doctoral Consortium, and Demonstration & Resources Track at BPM 2020 co-located with the 18th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2020) Sevilla, Spain, September 13-18, 2020
Aachen, Germany
BPM-D 2020
(Sevilla, Spain)
Rehse, Jana-Rebecca ORCID: 0000-0001-5707-6944
Leveraging artificial intelligence for business process management (extended abstract) : A contribution to reference model mining, predictive process monitoring, and process discovery.
Aalst, Wil M. P. van der ; Brocke, Jan vom ; Comuzzi, Marco ; Di Ciccio, Claudio ; García Rubio, Félix Óscar ; Kumar, Akhil ; Mendling, Jan ; Pentland, Brian ; Pufahl, Luise ; Reichert, Manfred ; Weske, Mathias
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
In: BPM-D 2020 : Proceedings of the Best Dissertation Award, Doctoral Consortium, and Demonstration & Resources Track at BPM 2020 co-located with the 18th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2020) Sevilla, Spain, September 13-18, 2020
Aachen, Germany
BPM-D 2020
(Sevilla, Spain)
Rehse, Jana-Rebecca ORCID: 0000-0001-5707-6944 ; Striewe, Michael ; Ullrich, Meike
2. Workshop zur Modellierung in der Hochschullehre.
Michael, Judith ; Bork, Dominik
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
In: MODELLIERUNG-C 2020 : Companion proceedings of Modellierung 2020 Short, Workshop and Tools & Demo Papers, co-located with Modellierung 2020, Vienna, Austria, February 19-21, 2020
Aachen, Germany
Modellierung 2020
(Wien, Austria)
Homburg, Christian ; Wielgos, Dominik ; Kühnl, Christina
Digital business capability and its effect on firm performance.
Lam, Son K.
AMA Educators' Proceedings
In: 2019 AMA Winter Academic Conference : Understanding Complexity, Transforming the Marketplace, February 22-24, 2019, Austin, TX
Chicago, IL ; Red Hook, NY
2019 AMA Winter Academic Conference
(Austin, TX)
Ahrens, Jan-Philipp ORCID: 0000-0003-1866-7068 ; Isaak, Andrew ORCID: 0000-0001-5822-4355 ; Istipliler, Baris ; Steininger, Dennis M.
The Star Citizen phenomenon & the "ultimate dream management" technique in crowdfunding.
Krcmar, Helmut
ICIS Proceedings
Paper 1959
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems - Information Systems at the Heart of Innovation Ecosystems : ICIS 2019, Munich, Germany, December 15-18, 2019
Atlanta, GA
40th ICIS 2019
(München, Germany)
![[img]](/52836/1.hassmallThumbnailVersion/The%20Star%20Citizen%20Phenomenon%20%26%20the%20_Ultimate%20Dream%20Management_%20Tec.pdf)  Vorschau |
Rehse, Jana-Rebecca ORCID: 0000-0001-5707-6944 ; Fettke, Peter
Clustering business process activities for identifying reference model components.
Daniel, Florian
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing : LNBIP
In: Business Process Management Workshops : BPM 2018 International Workshops, Sydney, NSW, Australia, September 9-14, 2018, Revised Papers
Berlin [u.a.]
BPM 2018 International Workshops
(Sydney, NSW, Australia)
Hake, Philip ; Rehse, Jana-Rebecca ORCID: 0000-0001-5707-6944 ; Fettke, Peter
Supporting complaint management in the medical technology industry by means of deep learning.
Di Francescomarino, Chiara
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing : LNBIP
In: Business Process Management Workshops : BPM 2019 International Workshops, Vienna, Austria, September 1-6, 2019, Revised Selected Papers
Berlin [u.a.]
BPM 2019 International Workshops
(Wien, Austria)
Willms, Christian ; Houy, Constantin ; Rehse, Jana-Rebecca ORCID: 0000-0001-5707-6944 ; Fettke, Peter ; Kruijff-Korbayová, Ivana
Team communication processing and process analytics for supporting robot-assisted emergency response.
In: 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR) : Würzburg, Germany, September 2-4, 2019
Piscataway, NJ
2019 IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR)
(Würzburg, Germany)
Rehse, Jana-Rebecca ORCID: 0000-0001-5707-6944
Situational reference model mining.
Kirikova, Marite
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
In: CAiSE-DC 2018 : Proceedings of the Doctoral Consortium, papers presented at the 30th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2018) Tallinn, Estonia, June 11-15, 2018
Aachen, Germany
CAiSE-DC 2018
(Tallinn, Estonia)
Rehse, Jana-Rebecca ORCID: 0000-0001-5707-6944 ; Fettke, Peter
Process mining crimes - a threat to the validity of process discovery evaluations.
Weske, Mathias
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing : LNBIP
In: Business Process Management Forum : BPM Forum 2018, Sydney, NSW, Australia, September 9-14, 2018, Proceedings
Berlin [u.a.]
BPM Forum 2018
(Sydney, NSW, Australia)
Rehse, Jana-Rebecca ORCID: 0000-0001-5707-6944 ; Fettke, Peter ; Loos, Peter
Process Mining and the black swan: An empirical analysis of the influence of unobserved behavior on the quality of mined process models.
Teniente, Ernest
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing : LNBIP
In: Business Process Management Workshops : BPM 2017 International Workshops, Barcelona, Spain, September 10-11, 2017, Revised Papers
Berlin [u.a.]
BPM 2017 International Workshops
(Barcelona, Spain)
Tenschert, Johannes ; Rehse, Jana-Rebecca ORCID: 0000-0001-5707-6944 ; Fettke, Peter ; Lenz, Richard
Speech acts in actual processes: Evaluation of interfaces and triggers in ITIL.
Teniente, Ernest
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing : LNBIP
In: Business Process Management Workshops : BPM 2017 International Workshops, Barcelona, Spain, September 10-11, 2017, Revised Papers
Berlin [u.a.]
BPM 2017 International Workshops
(Barcelona, Spain)
Chen, Luoxia ; Zarifis, Alex ; Krönung, Julia
The role of trust in personal information disclosure on health-related websites.
Ramos, Isabel
Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)
In: 25th European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS 2017 : information systems for a smart, substainable and inclusive world, June 5-10, 2017, Guimarães, Portugal, proceedings
Atlanta, GA
ECIS 2017
(Guimarães, Portugal)
![[img]](/47983/1.hassmallThumbnailVersion/Zarifis%20THE%20ROLE%20OF%20TRUST%20IN%20PERSONAL%20I.pdf)  Vorschau |
Englert, Benedikt ; Thaler, Julia ; Helmig, Bernd
Fit narratives in volunteering - How do volunteers perceive person-environment fit?
Johnson, Megan
Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management
Article 15626
In: 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management : Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Friday, August 4th-Monday, August 7th, 2017
Chicago, IL
77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
(Atlanta, GA)
Evermann, Jörg ; Rehse, Jana-Rebecca ORCID: 0000-0001-5707-6944 ; Fettke, Peter
XES Tensorflow - process prediction using the Tensorflow deep-learning framework.
Franch, Xavier
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
In: Advanced information systems engineering : 29th International Conference CAiSE 2017, Essen, Germany, June 12-16, 2017 : proceedings of CAiSE Forum and Doctoral Consortium papers
Aachen, Germany
CAiSE-DC 2078
(Essen, Germany)
Heckmann, Carl Simon ; Hsu, Jack Shih-Chieh ; Maedche, Alexander
IT ambidexterity - conceptualization at the business process level.
Paper 64
In: ECIS 2016 proceedings : Twenty-Fourth European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) , Istanbul, Turkey, 2016
Atlanta, GA
24th European Conference on Information Systems
(Istanbul, Turkey)
Rehse, Jana-Rebecca ORCID: 0000-0001-5707-6944 ; Fettke, Peter
Mining reference process models from large instance data.
Dumas, Marlon
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing : LNBIP
In: Business Process Management Workshops : BPM 2016 International Workshops, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September 19, 2016, Revised Papers
Berlin [u.a.]
BPM 2016 International Workshops
(Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Evermann, Jörg ; Rehse, Jana-Rebecca ORCID: 0000-0001-5707-6944 ; Fettke, Peter
A deep learning approach for predicting process behaviour at runtime.
Dumas, Marlon
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing : LNBIP
In: Business Process Management Workshops : BPM 2016 International Workshops, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September 19, 2016, Revised Papers
Berlin [u.a.]
BPM 2016 International Workshops
(Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Gaß, Oliver ; Öztürk, Gülcan ; Schacht, Silvia ; Maedche, Alexander
Designing an enterprise social questions and answers site to enable scalable user-to-user support.
Donnellan, Brian
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
In: New Horizons in Design Science: Broadening the Research Agenda : 10th International Conference, DESRIST 2015, Dublin, Ireland, May 20-22, 2015, Proceedings
Berlin [u.a.]
Graupner, Enrico ; Melcher, Fabian ; Demers, Daniel ; Maedche, Alexander
Customers' intention to use digital services in retail banking - an information processing perspective.
Becker, Jörg
Paper 61
In: 23rd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2015) , Münster, Germany, May 26-29, 2015
Atlanta, Ga.
Kühnl, Christina ; Homburg, Christian ; Fürst, Andreas ; Staritz, Matthias
A taxonomic perspective on the value creation chain.
In: EMAC 2015, Leuven, May 26-29 : collaboration in research
44th Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) 2015
Homburg, Christian ; Jozic, Danijel ; Kühnl, Christina
A grounded theory of customer experience management.
Hamilton, Rebecca W.
AMA Educators' Proceedings
In: Leveraging new technologies to create value : AMA Summer Educators' Conference 2014 ; San Francisco, California, 1 - 3 August 2014
Red Hook, NY
Nöhren, Marko ; Heinzl, Armin ; Kude, Thomas
Structural and Behavioral Fit in Software Sourcing Alignment.
Sprague, Ralph H.
In: 2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2014) : Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, 6 - 9 January 2014 ; [proceedings]
Piscataway, NJ
Graupner, Enrico ; Berner, Martin ; Maedche, Alexander ; Jegadeesan, Harshavardhan
Assessing the Need for Visibility of Business Processes - A Process Visibility Fit Framework.
Sadiq, Shazia
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
In: Business Process Management : 12th International Conference, BPM 2014, Haifa, Israel, September 7-11, 2014, Proceedings
Berlin [u.a.]
Lauterbach, Jens ; Müller, Benjamin
Adopt, Adapt, Enact or Use? – A Framework and Methodology for Extracting and Integrating Conceptual Mechanisms of IT Adoption and Use.
Doolin, Bill
IFIP International Federation for Information Processing
In: Information Systems and Global Assemblages: (Re)configuring Actors, Artefacts, Organizations : IFIP WG 8.2 Working Conference, IS&O 2014, Auckland, New Zealand, December 11-12, 2014, Proceedings
Berlin [u.a.]
![[img]](/style/images/fileicons/application_pdf.png)  Vorschau |
Homburg, Christian ; Imschloß, Monika ; Kühnl, Christina
How Music Touches: Investigating the Influence of Sounds on Haptics.
Hunter, Gary
AMA Educators' Proceedings
In: AMA Winter Marketing Educators' Conference 2014 : Engaging customers ; Orlando, Florida, USA, 21 - 23 February 2014
Red Hook, NY
Prigge, Jana-Kristin ; Fürst, Andreas ; Homburg, Christian
Marketing-Mix Centralization in Subsidiaries: How Much is Enough or Too Much?
Rindfleisch, Aric
AMA Winter and Summer Educators' Conference Proceedings
In: Challenging the bounds of marketing thought : AMA Winter Marketing Educators' Conference 2013 ; Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 15 - 17 February 2013
Red Hook, NY
Cabinakova, Johana ; Krönung, Julia ; Eckhardt, Andreas ; Bernius, Steffen
The importance of culture, trust, and habitual patterns - Determinants of cross-cultural e-government adoption.
Paper 182
In: 21st European Conference on Information Systems : ECIS 2013 Proceedings, Completed Research ; Utrecht, The Netherlands, June 5-8, 2013
Atlanta, Ga.
Kreuzer, Stanislav ; Eckhardt, Andreas ; Bernius, Steffen ; Krönung, Julia
A unified view of electronic invoicing adoption: Developing a meta-model on the governmental level.
Sprague, Ralph H.
In: 2013 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2013) : Wailea, [Maui], Hawaii, USA, 7 - 10 January 2013 ; [proceedings]
New York, NY
Berner, Martin ; Graupner, Enrico ; Maedche, Alexander ; Müller, Benjamin
Process visibility - towards a conceptualization and research themes.
Joey, F. George
Paper 52
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2012, Orlando, USA, December 16-19, 2012
Atlanta, GA
ICIS 2012
(Orlando, FL)
Homburg, Christian ; Stierl, Marcel ; Bornemann, Torsten
Customer Outcomes of Corporate Social Responsibility in Supplier-Customer Relationships.
Arnold, Todd J.
AMA Winter and Summer Educators' Conference Proceedings
In: Marketing in the socially-networked world : challenges of emerging, stagnant & resurgent markets ; AMA Summer Educators' Conference 2012 ; Chicago, Illinois, USA, 17 - 19 August 2012
Red Hook, NY
Klarmann, Martin ; Homburg, Christian ; Habel, Johann
Customer Reactions to Massive Workforce Reductions: When is Satisfaction Affected?
Arnold, Todd J.
AMA Winter and Summer Educators' Conference Proceedings
In: Marketing in the socially-networked world : challenges of emerging, stagnant & resurgent markets ; AMA Summer Educators' Conference 2012 ; Chicago, Illinois, USA, 17 - 19 August 2012
Red Hook, NY
Krönung, Julia ; Eckhardt, Andreas
Reflecting attitude in IT adoption research.
Pan, Shan L.
In: 16th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, PACIS 2012, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 11-15 July 2012 : proceedings
Atlanta, Ga.
Krönung, Julia ; Bernius, Steffen
Four types of attitudes in ICT adoption research.
Sprague, Ralph H.
In: 2012 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences : (HICSS 2012) ; Maui, Hawaii, USA, 4 - 7 January 2012
Piscataway, NJ
Zolnowski, Andreas ; Schmitt, Ann Kristin ; Böhmann, Tilo
Understanding the impact of remote service technology on service business models in manufacturing: From improving after-sales services to building service ecosystems.
Tuunainen, Virpi
In: Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS 2011 : Helsinki, Finland, June 9 - 11, 2011
Atlanta, Ga.
ECIS 2011
(Helsinki, Finland)
Homburg, Christian ; Totzek, Dirk ; Krämer, Melanie
Do Customers Prefer Many Tariff Options? The Role of Perceived Costs and Benefits of Variety in Pricing.
Dato-on, Mary Conway
Proceedings of the ... Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science
In: The sustainable global marketplace : proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science, Coral Gables, FL USA, May 24-27, 2011 ; 40th anniversary conference
Ruston, LA ; Cham
AMS 40th Anniversary Conference 2011
(Coral Gables, Fla.)
Homburg, Christian ; Allmann, Jan ; Totzek, Dirk
The Differential Profit Impact of Distributive, Procedural, and Interactional Price Fairness in Buyer-Seller Relationships.
Noble, Stephanie M.
AMA Educators' Proceedings
In: Delivering value in turbulent times : AMA Summer Educators' Conference 2011 ; San Francisco, California, USA, 5 - 7 August 2011
Chicago, IL ; Red Hook, NY
AMA Summer Educators' Conference 2011
(San Francisco, CA)
Bornemann, Torsten ; Köstlin, Hanna
"Good" Design - A Universal Competitive Advantage?
Srinivasan, Raji
AMA Educators' Proceedings
In: Marketing Theory and Applications : proceedings of a meeting held 17-19 February 2012, St. Petersburg, Florida, USA
Red Hook, NY
Homburg, Christian ; Kühnl, Christina ; Wieseke, Jan
Firm-Internal Drivers of New Product Performance: The Neglected Role of Internal Adoption and Perceived New Product Uncertainty.
Srinivasan, Raji
AMA Educators' Proceedings
In: Marketing Theory and Applications : proceedings of a meeting held 17-19 February 2012, St. Petersburg, Florida, USA
Chicago, IL ; Red Hook, NY
AMA Winter Educators' Conference
(St. Petersburg, FL)
Krönung, Julia ; Eckhardt, Andreas
Three classes of attitude and their implications for IS research.
Galletta, Dennis F.
Paper 6
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2011, Shanghai, China, December 4-7, 2011
Atlanta, Ga. [u.a.]
ICIS 2011
(Shanghai, China)
Homburg, Christian ; Kühnl, Christina
Apples and apples or apples and oranges? A comparative analysis of success drivers in new product and new service development.
Iyer, Easwar
AMA Educators' Proceedings
In: AMA Summer Educators Conference 2010 : Enhancing knowledge development in marketing, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 13-16 August, 2010
Chicago, IL ; Red Hook, NY
AMA Summer Educators Conference 2010
(Boston, Mass.)
Gholami, Behnaz ; Safavi, Roshanak
Harnessing collective intelligence : Wiki and social network from end-user perspective.
Zhou, Jian H.
IEEE International Conference on e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning (IC4E 2010)
In: 2010 International Conference on e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning (IC4E 2010) : Sanya, Hainan, China, 22 - 24 January 2010
Piscataway, NJ
IC4E 2010
(Sanya, China)
Skorna, Alexander C. H. ; Bode, Christoph ORCID: 0000-0001-5006-5804 ; Baecker, Oliver ; Brocke, Jan vom ; Fleisch, Elgar
Design for business innovation: Linking the value chains of logistics service and cargo insurance companies by designing a collaborative service infrastructure.
Winter, Robert
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
In: Global Perspectives on Design Science Research : 5th International Conference, DESRIST 2010, St. Gallen, Switzerland, June 4 - 5, 2010; proceedings
Berlin [u.a.]
(St. Gallen, Switzerland)
Bernius, Steffen ; Krönung, Julia
From traditional research to Science 2.0.
Brown, Irwin
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Management and Evaluation : University of Cape Town, South Africa, 25 - 26 March 2010
ICIME 2010, 1st nternational Conference on Information Management and Evaluation
(Cape Town, South Africa)
Gholami, Behnaz ; Kaviani, Fatemeh ; Zabihi, Eman
Web 2.0, a Boost in IT Infrastructure Flexibility and Team Collaboration.
Jusoff, Kamaruzaman
IEEE 2nd International Conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering
In: 2009 Second International Conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering : ICCEE 2009 ; Dubai, UAE, 28 - 30 December 2009
Piscataway, NJ
ICCEE 2009
(Dubai, United Arab Emirates)
Schön, Cornelia
Market-oriented airline service design.
Waldmann, Karl-Heinz
In: Operations Research Proceedings 2006 : selected papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), jointly organized with the Austrian Society of Operations Research and the Swiss Society of Operations Research
Berlin [u.a.]
Milling, Peter
Testing and Training Innovation Management in Virtual Realities.
Pessa, Eliano
Troisiéme Congrés Europèen de Systèmique : Rome, 1-4 Oct. 1996 / Third European Congress on Systems Science
In: Troisiéme Congrés Europèen de Systèmique : Rome, 1-4 Oct. 1996 / Third European Congress on Systems Science
Präsentation auf Konferenz
Harhoff, Dietmar ; Hoisl, Karin ; Steinle, Christian
Network structure and inventive performance.
Academy of Management Proceedings
1, August 2018
Chicago, Ill.
78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
(Chicago, IL)
[Präsentation auf Konferenz]
Platz, Michaela ; Helmig, Bernd
The Conceptualization of the Nonprofit Climate.
45th Annual Conference of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA)
(Washington, DC)
[Präsentation auf Konferenz]
Friedrich-Schieback, Marina ; Helmig, Bernd ; Ingerfurth, Stefan
Efficiency evaluation in sports clubs.
EASM - Association for Sports Management
(Coventry, UK)
[Präsentation auf Konferenz]
Helmig, Bernd ; Scholz, Hellen
The Nonprofit Brand Value Chain.
9th International Conference of the International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR)
(Istanbul, Türkei)
[Präsentation auf Konferenz]
Helmig, Bernd ; Hinz, Vera ; Haas, Alexander ; Leeflang, Peter
Towards a model of strategic corporate giving.
9th International Conference of the International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR)
(Istanbul, Turkey)
[Präsentation auf Konferenz]
Perlitz, Manfred
Internationales Management.
Bitz, Michael
Vahlens Kompendium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre
Homburg, Christian ; Kiedaisch, Ingo
Schulte, Christof
Lexikon des Controlling
München [u.a.]
Zeitschrift / Schriftenreihe
Helmig, Bernd ; Jegers, Marc ; Lapsley, Irvine
Third Sector Challenges.
Public Management Review
[Zeitschrift / Schriftenreihe]
Helmig, Bernd ; Jegers, Marc ; Lapsley, Irvine ; Taylor, Rupert
Managing Nonprofit Organizations.
Voluntas : International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations
Berlin [u.a.]
[Zeitschrift / Schriftenreihe]
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